Brothers, Daniel S.

About the author

Sub-bottom chirp data acquired in the Salton Sea, California, between 2006 and 2008

More than 1,000 line-km of sub-bottom chirp data were collected with an Edgetech 0.5-16 kHz subscan system by Scripps Institution of Oceanography between 2006 and 2008 in the Salton Sea, California, with assistance from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Data were subsequently donated by Scripps to the USGS for public release (USGS field activity identifier 2006-603-DD).

Chirp seismic-reflection data of field activity 2015-651-FA; Chatham Strait and Cross Sound, southeastern Alaska from 2015-08-03 to 2015-08-21

This data release contains high-resolution seismic reflection data collected in August of 2015 to explore marine geologic hazards of inland waterways of southeastern Alaska. Sub-bottom profiles were acquired in the inland waters between Glacier Bay and Juneau, including Cross Sound and Chatham Strait. High-resolution seismic-reflection profiles were acquired to assess evidence for active seabed faulting and submarine landslide hazards. The data were collected aboard the US Geological Survey R/V Alaskan Gyre ...

Multichannel minisparker seismic-reflection data of field activity 2015-651-FA; Chatham Strait and Cross Sound, southeastern Alaska from 2015-08-03 to 2015-08-21

This data release contains high-resolution multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection data collected in August of 2015 to explore marine geologic hazards of inland waterways of southeastern Alaska. Sub-bottom profiles were acquired in the inland waters between Glacier Bay and Juneau, including Cross Sound and Chatham Strait. High-resolution seismic-reflection profiles were acquired to assess evidence for active seabed faulting and submarine landslide hazards. The data were collected aboard the US Geological ...

Multichannel sparker seismic-reflection data of field activity 2016-656-FA; between Icy Point and Dixon Entrance, Gulf of Alaska from 2016-08-07 to 2016-08-26

This data release contains high-resolution multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection data collected in August of 2016 along the southeast Alaska continental margin. Structure perpendicular MCS profiles were collected along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault. The data were collected aboard the R/V Norseman using a Delta sparker sound source and recorded on a 64-channel digital streamer. Subbottom acoustic penetration spans up to several hundreds of meters, and is variable by location.

Reprocessed 3D seismic-reflection data and neural-network fault cube, offshore of Point Sal, central California, from 2012-08-12 to 2012-10-05 (USGS field activity P-04-11-CC)

This dataset includes reprocessed boomer 3D seismic data collected by the Fugro Consultants Inc. in 2012, offshore Point Sal, central California.

Reprocessed boomer 3D seismic-reflection data collected in Estero Bay, offshore of Morro Bay, central California, from 2012-08-12 to 2012-10-05 (USGS field activity P-04-11-CC)

This dataset includes reprocessed boomer 3D seismic data collected by the Fugro Consultants Inc. in 2012, in Estero Bay, offshore of Morro Bay, central California.

Reprocessed boomer 3D seismic-reflection data collected in San Luis Obispo Bay, offshore of Pismo Beach, central California, from 2011-12-06 to 2012-10-05 (USGS field activity P-04-11-CC)

This dataset includes reprocessed boomer 3D seismic data collected by the Fugro Consultants Inc. in 2012, in San Luis Obispo Bay, offshore of Pismo Beach, central California.

High-resolution acoustic backscatter data collected southwest of Chenega Island, Alaska during field activity 2014-622-FA

High-resolution acoustic backscatter data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in May of 2014 southwest of Chenega Island, Alaska. Data were collected aboard the Alaska Department of Fish and Game vessel, R/V Solstice, during USGS field activity 2014-622-FA, using a pole mounted 100-kHz Reson 7111 multibeam echosounder.

High-resolution acoustic backscatter data collected southwest of Montague Island, Alaska during field activity 2014-622-FA

High-resolution acoustic backscatter data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in May of 2014 southwest of Montague Island, Alaska. Data were collected aboard the Alaska Department of Fish and Game vessel, R/V Solstice, during USGS field activity 2014-622-FA, using a pole mounted 100-kHz Reson 7111 multibeam echosounder.

High-resolution multibeam bathymetry data collected southwest of Chenega Island, Alaska during field activity 2014-622-FA

High-resolution multibeam data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in May of 2014 southwest of Chenega Island, Alaska. Data were collected aboard the Alaska Department of Fish and Game vessel, R/V Solstice, during USGS field activity 2014-622-FA, using a pole mounted 100-kHz Reson 7111 multibeam echosounder.

High-resolution multibeam bathymetry data collected southwest of Montague Island, Alaska during field activity 2014-622-FA

High-resolution multibeam data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in May of 2014 southwest of Montague Island, Alaska. Data were collected aboard the Alaska Department of Fish and Game vessel, R/V Solstice, during USGS field activity 2014-622-FA, using a pole mounted 100-kHz Reson 7111 multibeam echosounder.

Minisparker seismic-reflection data collected southwest of Montague Island and southwest of Chenega, Alaska during field activity 2014-622-FA

High-resolution single channel minisparker seismic-reflection data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in May 2014 in southern Prince William Sound southwest of Chenega and from southwest of Montague Island, Alaska. Data were collected aboard the Alaska Department of Fish and Game vessel, R/V Solstice, during field activity 2014-622-FA, using a 500 Joule SIG 2-mille minisparker sound source and a single channel streamer and recorded with a Triton SB-Logger ...

Chirp seismic-reflection data of USGS field activity 2016-616-FA collected in the Catalina Basin offshore southern California in February 2016

This data release contains 41 chirp sub-bottom profiles that were collected in February of 2016 from the Catalina Basin offshore southern California by the U.S. Geological Survey Pacific and Coastal Marine Science Center in cooperation with the University of Washington. Data were collected aboard the University of Washington’s R/V Thomas G. Thompson on USGS cruise 2016-616-FA. Chirp profiles were collected to image the Catalina and San Clemente fault systems as well as the San Gabriel Canyon system.

Multichannel minisparker seismic-reflection data of USGS field activity 2016-616-FA collected in the Catalina Basin offshore southern California in February 2016

This data release contains 25 multichannel minisparker seismic reflection (MCS) profiles that were collected in February of 2016 from the Catalina Basin offshore southern California by the U.S. Geological Survey Pacific and Coastal Marine Science Center in cooperation with the University of Washington. Data were collected aboard the University of Washington’s R/V Thomas G. Thompson on USGS cruise 2016-616-FA. MCS profiles were collected to image the Catalina and San Clemente fault systems as well as the ...

Reprocessed multichannel seismic-reflection (MCS) data from USGS field activity T-1-96-SC collected in San Diego Bay, California in 1996

This data release presents reprocessed multichannel seismic-reflection (MCS) data that was originally collected in 1996 in partnership with the California Division of Mines and Geology and Caltrans as part of a seismic hazard assessment of the Coronado Bridge in San Diego Bay, California. The original survey collected 130 km of data with a 14-cubic inch sleeve-gun (airgun) source, a 24-channel streamer, and 3.125 m shot spacing. Reprocessed profiles show increased data resolution, with data recorded to 750 ...

Chirp sub-bottom data collected in 2019 in Whiskeytown Lake, California during USGS field activity 2018-686-FA

These metadata describe high-resolution chirp sub-bottom data collected in May 2019 in Whiskeytown Lake, California. Data were collected and processed by the the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity number 2018-686-FA. The chirp sub-bottom data are provided in SEG-Y format.

Multibeam acoustic-backscatter data collected in 2015 near Cross Sound, southeast Alaska, during field activity 2015-629-FA

These metadata describe acoustic-backscatter collected during a 2015 multibeam echosounder survey near Cross Sound, southeast Alaska. Data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) aboard the ADFG R/V Solstice during USGS field activity 2015-629-FA. The acoustic-backscatter data are provided as a GeoTIFF.

Multibeam acoustic-backscatter data collected in 2017 and 2018 of Noyes Submarine Canyon and vicinity, southeast Alaska

These metadata describe acoustic-backscatter data collected during 2017 and 2018 multibeam echosounder surveys of Noyes Submarine Canyon and vicinity, southeast Alaska. Data were collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) aboard the NOAA survey vessel Fairweather and the data were post-processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) for PCMSC research projects. The acoustic-backscatter data are provided as a GeoTIFF image.

Multibeam bathymetry data collected in 2015 near Cross Sound, southeast Alaska, during field activity 2015-629-FA

These metadata describe bathymetry collected during a 2015 multibeam echosounder survey near Cross Sound, southeast Alaska. Data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) aboard the ADFG R/V Solstice during USGS field activity 2015-629-FA. The bathymetry data are published here as a 32-bit GeoTIFF image.

Multibeam bathymetry data collected in 2017 and 2018 of Noyes Submarine Canyon and vicinity, southeast Alaska

These metadata describe bathymetry data collected during 2017 and 2018 multibeam echosounder surveys of Noyes Submarine Canyon and vicinity, southeast Alaska. Data were collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) aboard the NOAA survey vessel Fairweather and the data were post-processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) for PCMSC research projects.

Navigation tracklines from a 2015 multibeam survey near Cross Sound, southeast Alaska, during field activity 2015-629-FA

These metadata describe navigation tracklines from a 2015 multibeam echosounder survey near Cross Sound, southeast Alaska. Data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) aboard the ADFG R/V Solstice during USGS field activity 2015-629-FA. The trackline data are provided as a GIS shapefile.

Ship navigation tracklines from a 2017 multibeam survey near Noyes Submarine Canyon, southeast Alaska

These metadata describe ship navigation tracklines from a 2017 multibeam echosounder survey near Noyo Submarine Canyon and Dixon Entrance, southeast Alaska. Data were collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) aboard the NOAA survey vessel Fairweather and the data were post-processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) for PCMSC research projects. The tracklines are provided as a GIS shapefile.

Ship navigation tracklines from a 2018 multibeam survey near Noyes Submarine Canyon, southeast Alaska

These metadata describe ship navigation tracklines from a 2018 multibeam echosounder survey near Noyo Submarine Canyon and vicinity, southeast Alaska. Data were collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) aboard the NOAA survey vessel Fairweather and the data were post-processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) for PCMSC research projects. The tracklines are provided as a GIS shapefile.

Chirp sub-bottom data collected in the Yakobi Sea Valley during USGS Field Activity 2017-621-FA

Chirp sub-bottom data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in July and August 2017 to expand data coverage along the Queen Charlotte Fault system in the Yakobi Sea Valley of southeast Alaska.

Multichannel sparker seismic reflection data collected offshore southeast Alaska during USGS Field Activity 2017-621-FA

High-resolution multichannel seismic reflection data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in July and August 2017 offshore southeast Alaska to expand data coverage along the Queen Charlotte Fault system.

Multichannel minisparker seismic-reflection data collected offshore Glacier Bay National Park during USGS field activity 2015-629-FA

Multichannel seismic reflection data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in May of 2015 outside of Palma Bay, Alaska. Seismic data were acquired coincidentally with high resolution bathymetry (Dartnell and others, 2022).

Cesium-137 concentration data of percussion driven gravity cores collected in Alaskan lakes and fjords following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake

This dataset includes Cesium-137 concentration data from sediment cores collected from lacustrine and fjord basins in southcentral Alaska following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake. The cores were collected with a percussion driven gravity corer for use in regional hazard assessments relating to Alaska’s seismic hazard.

Chirp seismic-reflection and navigation data collected in Alaskan lakes and fjords following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake

Chirp seismic-reflection data and associated navigation files were collected from lacustrine and fjord basins in southcentral Alaska following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake. These data were collected from a 25-foot Boston Whaler (R/V Moose Dancer),18-foot cataraft (R/V Enterprise), and the R/V Alaskan Gyre in the summers of 2020 and 2021 for use in regional hazard assessments relating to Alaska’s seismic hazards.

Computed tomography (CT) scans of percussion driven gravity cores collected in Alaskan lakes and fjords following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake

This dataset includes computed tomography (CT) scans of sediment cores collected from lacustrine and fjord basins in southcentral Alaska following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake. The cores were collected with a percussion driven gravity corer for use in regional hazard assessments relating to Alaska’s seismic hazard.

Coordinates of percussion driven gravity cores collected in Alaskan lakes and fjords following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake

This dataset includes coordinate information for sediment cores collected from lacustrine and fjord basins in southcentral Alaska following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake. The cores were collected with a percussion driven gravity corer for use in regional hazard assessments relating to Alaska’s seismic hazard.

Grain-size data of percussion driven gravity cores collected in Alaskan lakes and fjords following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake

This dataset includes grain-size data from sediment cores collected from lacustrine and fjord basins in southcentral Alaska following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake. The cores were collected with a percussion driven gravity corer for use in regional hazard assessments relating to Alaska’s seismic hazard.

Multi-sensor core logger (MSCL) data of percussion driven gravity cores collected in Alaskan lakes and fjords following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake

This dataset includes multi-sensor core logger (MSCL) data from sediment cores collected from lacustrine and fjord basins in southcentral Alaska following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake. The cores were collected with a percussion driven gravity corer for use in regional hazard assessments relating to Alaska’s seismic hazard.

Photographs of percussion driven gravity cores collected in Alaskan lakes and fjords following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake

This dataset includes photographs of sediment cores collected from lacustrine and fjord basins in southcentral Alaska following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake. The cores were collected with a percussion driven gravity corer for use in regional hazard assessments relating to Alaska’s seismic hazard.

Event deposit characteristics from percussion driven gravity cores collected in Alaskan lakes and fjords following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake

This dataset includes deposit thickness and grain size measurements from sediment cores collected from lacustrine and fjord basins in southcentral Alaska following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake. The cores were collected with a percussion driven gravity corer for use in regional hazard assessments relating to Alaska’s seismic hazard.

Summary of event deposit characteristics from percussion driven gravity cores collected in Alaskan lakes and fjords following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake

This dataset includes qualitative interpretations of event deposits from sediment cores collected from lacustrine and fjord basins in southcentral Alaska following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake. The cores were collected with a percussion driven gravity corer for use in regional hazard assessments relating to Alaska’s seismic hazard.

Chirp sub-bottom data collected in Lake Crescent, Washington during USGS field activity 2019-622-FA

Chirp sub-bottom data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in August of 2019 in Lake Crescent, Washington.

Acoustic-backscatter data for Ozette Lake, Washington collected during USGS field activity 2019-622-FA

2-m resolution acoustic-backscatter data were collected during a July 2019 SWATHPlus survey of Ozette Lake, Washington. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity number 2019-622-FA. The 2-m acoustic-backscatter data are provided as a GeoTIFF image.

Bathymetry data for Ozette Lake, Washington collected during USGS field activity 2019-622-FA

Bathymetry data were collected during a July 2019 SWATHPlus survey of Ozette Lake, Washington. Data were collected and processed by the the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity number 2019-622-FA. The 2-m bathymetry data are provided as a GeoTIFF image.

PNG format images of EdgeTech SB-512i chirp seismic-reflection data collected in May 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey within the Baltimore Canyon, mid-Atlantic margin

A large number of high-resolution geophysical surveys between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank have been conducted by federal, state, and academic institutions since the turn of the century. A major goal of these surveys is providing a continuous view of bathymetry and shallow stratigraphy at the shelf edge in order to assess levels of geological activity during the current sea level highstand. In 2012, chirp seismic-reflection data was collected by the U.S. Geologial Survey aboard the motor vessel Tiki XIV ...

PNG format images of EdgeTech SB-512i chirp seismic-reflection data collected in May 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey within the Norfolk Canyon, mid-Atlantic margin

A large number of high-resolution geophysical surveys between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank have been conducted by federal, state, and academic institutions since the turn of the century. A major goal of these surveys is providing a continuous view of bathymetry and shallow stratigraphy at the shelf edge in order to assess levels of geological activity during the current sea level highstand. In 2012, chirp seismic-reflection data was collected by the U.S. Geologial Survey aboard the motor vessel Tiki XIV ...

PNG format images of EdgeTech SB-512i chirp seismic-reflection data collected in May 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey within the Washington Canyon, mid-Atlantic Margin

A large number of high-resolution geophysical surveys between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank have been conducted by federal, state, and academic institutions since the turn of the century. A major goal of these surveys is providing a continuous view of bathymetry and shallow stratigraphy at the shelf edge in order to assess levels of geological activity during the current sea level highstand. In 2012, chirp seismic-reflection data was collected by the U.S. Geologial Survey aboard the motor vessel Tiki XIV ...

Ship's log recorded during U.S. Geological Survey field activity 2012-005-FA conducted in Baltimore, Washington, and Norfolk Canyons in a Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet format

A large number of high-resolution geophysical surveys between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank have been conducted by federal, state, and academic institutions since the turn of the century. A major goal of these surveys is providing a continuous view of bathymetry and shallow stratigraphy at the shelf edge in order to assess levels of geological activity during the current sea level highstand. In 2012, chirp seismic-reflection data was collected by the U.S. Geologial Survey aboard the motor vessel Tiki XIV ...

Shot point navigation at 100 shot intervals for EdgeTech SB-512i chirp seismic-reflection data collected in May 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey within the Baltimore Canyon, mid-Atlantic margin (Esri point shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84, BC_all100shot.shp)

A large number of high-resolution geophysical surveys between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank have been conducted by federal, state, and academic institutions since the turn of the century. A major goal of these surveys is providing a continuous view of bathymetry and shallow stratigraphy at the shelf edge in order to assess levels of geological activity during the current sea level highstand. In 2012, chirp seismic-reflection data was collected by the U.S. Geologial Survey aboard the motor vessel Tiki XIV ...

Shot point navigation at 100 shot intervals for EdgeTech SB-512i chirp seismic-reflection data collected in May 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey within the Norfolk Canyon, mid-Atlantic margin (Esri point shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84, NC_all100shot.shp)

A large number of high-resolution geophysical surveys between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank have been conducted by federal, state, and academic institutions since the turn of the century. A major goal of these surveys is providing a continuous view of bathymetry and shallow stratigraphy at the shelf edge in order to assess levels of geological activity during the current sea level highstand. In 2012, chirp seismic-reflection data was collected by the U.S. Geologial Survey aboard the motor vessel Tiki XIV ...

Shot point navigation at 100 shot intervals for EdgeTech SB-512i chirp seismic-reflection data collected in May 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey within the Washington Canyon, mid-Atlantic margin (Esri point shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84, WC_all100shot.shp)

A large number of high-resolution geophysical surveys between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank have been conducted by federal, state, and academic institutions since the turn of the century. A major goal of these surveys is providing a continuous view of bathymetry and shallow stratigraphy at the shelf edge in order to assess levels of geological activity during the current sea level highstand. In 2012, chirp seismic-reflection data was collected by the U.S. Geologial Survey aboard the motor vessel Tiki XIV ...

Text files of the navigation logged with HYPACK Software during survey 2012-005-FA conducted in Baltimore, Washington, and Norfolk Canyons by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2012

A large number of high-resolution geophysical surveys between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank have been conducted by federal, state, and academic institutions since the turn of the century. A major goal of these surveys is providing a continuous view of bathymetry and shallow stratigraphy at the shelf edge in order to assess levels of geological activity during the current sea level highstand. In 2012, chirp seismic-reflection data was collected by the U.S. Geologial Survey aboard the motor vessel Tiki XIV ...

Trackline navigation for EdgeTech SB-512i chirp seismic-reflection data collected in May 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey within the Baltimore Canyon, mid-Atlantic margin (Esri polyline shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84, BC_tracklines.shp)

A large number of high-resolution geophysical surveys between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank have been conducted by federal, state, and academic institutions since the turn of the century. A major goal of these surveys is providing a continuous view of bathymetry and shallow stratigraphy at the shelf edge in order to assess levels of geological activity during the current sea level highstand. In 2012, chirp seismic-reflection data was collected by the U.S. Geologial Survey aboard the motor vessel Tiki XIV ...

Trackline navigation for EdgeTech SB-512i chirp seismic-reflection data collected in May 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey within the Norfolk Canyon, mid-Atlantic margin (Esri polyline shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84, NC_tracklines.shp)

A large number of high-resolution geophysical surveys between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank have been conducted by federal, state, and academic institutions since the turn of the century. A major goal of these surveys is providing a continuous view of bathymetry and shallow stratigraphy at the shelf edge in order to assess levels of geological activity during the current sea level highstand. In 2012, chirp seismic-reflection data was collected by the U.S. Geologial Survey aboard the motor vessel Tiki XIV ...

Trackline navigation for EdgeTech SB-512i chirp seismic-reflection data collected in May 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey within the Washington Canyon, mid-Atlantic margin (Esri polyline shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84, WC_tracklines.shp)

A large number of high-resolution geophysical surveys between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank have been conducted by federal, state, and academic institutions since the turn of the century. A major goal of these surveys is providing a continuous view of bathymetry and shallow stratigraphy at the shelf edge in order to assess levels of geological activity during the current sea level highstand. In 2012, chirp seismic-reflection data was collected by the U.S. Geologial Survey aboard the motor vessel Tiki XIV ...

Merged multibeam bathymetry--Catalina Basin and northern Gulf of Santa Catalina, southern California

This part of the data release includes 10-m resolution merged multibeam-bathymetry data of Catalina Basin and northern Gulf of Santa Catalina. The data are presented as a TIFF file. In February 2016 the University of Washington in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS, PCMSC) collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Catalina Basin aboard the University of Washington's Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson. Data were collected using ...

Multibeam acoustic-backscatter data collected in 2016 in Catalina Basin, southern California

This part of the data release includes 10-m resolution multibeam acoustic-backscatter data collected in 2016 in Catalina Basin, southern California. The data are presented as a TIFF file. In February 2016 the University of Washington in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS, PCMSC) collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Catalina Basin aboard the University of Washington's Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson. Data were collected ...

Multibeam bathymetry data between Cross Sound and Dixon Entrance, offshore southeastern Alaska, collected from 2016-05-17 to 2016-06-12 during field activity 2016-625-FA

Multibeam bathymetry data were collected along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault between Icy Point and Dixon Entrance, offshore southeastern Alaska from 2016-05-17 to 2016-06-12. Data were collected aboard the Alaska Department of Fish and Game R/V Medeia using a Reson SeaBat 7160 multibeam echosounder, Reson 7k Control Center, and HYPACK. This data release contains approximately 4,600 square kilometers of multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data, organized into zip files for each Julian Day of the ...

Multibeam bathymetry data collected in 2016 in Catalina Basin, southern California

This part of the data release includes 10-m resolution multibeam-bathymetry data collected in 2016 in Catalina Basin, southern California. The data are presented as a TIFF image. In February 2016 the University of Washington in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS, PCMSC) collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Catalina Basin aboard the University of Washington's Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson. Data were collected using a ...

Multichannel sparker seismic-reflection data between Cross Sound and Dixon Entrance, offshore southeastern Alaska, collected from 2016-05-17 to 2016-06-12 during field activity 2016-625-FA

Multichannel sparker (MCS) seismic-reflection data were collected along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault between Cross Sound and Dixon Entrance, offshore southeastern Alaska from 2016-05-17 to 2016-06-12. Data were collected aboard the Alaska Department of Fish and Game R/V Medeia, and recorded using a 32 channel GeoEel digital streamer, an Applied Acoustics power supply, and a SIG SLP 790 Sparker Electrode. MCS profiles were collected coincident with multibeam data collected at higher survey speeds (5 ...

Chirp seismic-reflection data of USGS field activity 2014-645-FA collected in the outer Santa Barbara Channel, California, between 2014-11-12 to 2014-11-25 (ver. 2.0, March 2020)

This data release contains 43 chirp sub-bottom profiles that were collected in November of 2014 from the Catalina and Santa Cruz Basins offshore southern California by the U.S. Geological Survey Pacific and Coastal Marine Science Center. Data were collected aboard the University of California’s R/V Robert Gordon Sproul on USGS cruise 2014-645-FA. Chirp profiles were collected to assess earthquake and submarine landslide hazards offshore southern California.

Multichannel sparker and minisparker seismic-reflection data of USGS field activity 2014-645-FA collected in the outer Santa Barbara Channel, California, between 2014-11-12 to 2014-11-25 (ver. 2.0, March 2020)

This data release contains 35 multichannel sparker and 24 multichannel minisparker seismic reflection (MCS) profiles that were collected in November of 2014 from the Catalina and Santa Cruz Basins offshore southern California by the U.S. Geological Survey Pacific and Coastal Marine Science Center. Data were collected aboard the University of California’s R/V Robert Gordon Sproul on USGS cruise 2014-645-FA. MCS profiles were collected to assess earthquake and submarine landslide hazards offshore southern ...

Multichannel minisparker seismic-reflection data of field activity 2015-617-FA; Monterey Bay, offshore central California from 2015-02-23 to 2015-03-06

This data release contains approximately 190 line-kilometers of processed, high-resolution multichannel seismic-reflection (MCS) profiles that were collected aboard the R/V Snavely in 2015 on U.S. Geological Survey cruise 2015-617-FA in Monterey Bay, offshore central California. The majority of MCS profiles collected are oriented north-south across the Monterey Canyon head to address marine geohazards and submarine canyon evolution. The MCS profiles were acquired using a 700-Joule minisparker source and a ...

Multichannel minisparker seismic-reflection data of USGS field activity 2016-666-FA collected in the Santa Barbara Basin in September and October of 2016

High-resolution multichannel minkisparker seismic-reflection (MCS) profiles were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in September and October of 2016 from the northern portion of the Santa Barbara Basin offshore southern California. Data were collected aboard the USGS R/V Parke Snavely and NOAA R/V Shearwater during field activity 2016-666-FA using a SIG 2-mille minisparker and recorded using 48- or 24-channel Geometrics digital hydrophone streamer. Sub-bottom acoustic penetration spans several hundreds ...

Chirp sub-bottom data of USGS field activity 2018-645-FA collected in the Santa Barbara Channel in July of 2018

High-resolution chirp sub-bottom data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in July of 2018 between Point Conception and Coal Oil Point in the Santa Barbara Channel, California. Data were collected aboard the USGS R/V Parke Snavely during field activity 2018-645-FA, using an EdgeTech SB-512i sub-bottom profiler. Sub-bottom acoustic penetration spans several tens of meters and is variable by location.

Multichannel minisparker seismic-reflection data of USGS field activity 2018-645-FA collected in the Santa Barbara Channel in July of 2018

High-resolution multichannel minisparker seismic-reflection data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in July of 2018 between Point Conception and Coal Oil Point in the Santa Barbara Channel, California. Data were collected aboard the USGS R/V Parke Snavely during field activity 2018-645-FA, using SIG 2-mille minisparker and recorded using an 8-channel Geometrics digital hydrophone streamer. Sub-bottom acoustic penetration spans several hundreds of meters and is variable by location.

A bathymetric terrain model of multibeam sonar data collected between 2005 and 2018 along the Queen Charlotte Fault System in the eastern Gulf of Alaska from Cross Sound, Alaska to Queen Charlotte Sound, Canada. (30-meter resolution, 32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 8 WGS 84, WGS 84 Ellipsoid)

This data publication is a compilation of six different multibeam surveys covering the previously unmapped Queen Charlotte Fault offshore southeast Alaska and Haida Gwaii, Canada. These data were collected between 2005 and 2018 under a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Geological Survey, Natural Resources Canada, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The six source surveys from different multibeam sonars are combined into one terrain model with a 30-meter resolution. A complementary ...

Multibeam backscatter data collected in the eastern Gulf of Alaska during USGS Field Activity 2016-625-FA using a Reson 7160 multibeam echosounder (10 meter resolution, 8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 8 WGS 84, WGS 84 Ellipsoid)

Marine geophysical mapping of the Queen Charlotte Fault in the eastern Gulf of Alaska was conducted in 2016 as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to understand the morphology and subsurface geology of the entire Queen Charlotte system. The Queen Charlotte fault is the offshore portion of the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault: a major structural feature that extends more than 1,200 kilometers from the Fairweather Range of southern ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected in the eastern Gulf of Alaska during USGS Field Activity 2016-625-FA using a Reson 7160 multibeam echosounder (10 meter resolution, 32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 8 WGS 84, WGS 84 Ellipsoid)

Marine geophysical mapping of the Queen Charlotte Fault in the eastern Gulf of Alaska was conducted in 2016 as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to understand the morphology and subsurface geology of the entire Queen Charlotte system. The Queen Charlotte fault is the offshore portion of the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault: a major structural feature that extends more than 1,200 kilometers from the Fairweather Range of southern ...

Polygon shapefile of data sources used to create a bathymetric terrain model of multibeam sonar data collected between 2005 and 2018 along the Queen Charlotte Fault System in the eastern Gulf of Alaska from Cross Sound, Alaska to Queen Charlotte Sound, Canada. (Esri polygon shapefile, UTM 8 WGS 84)

This data publication is a compilation of six different multibeam surveys covering the previously unmapped Queen Charlotte Fault offshore southeast Alaska and Haida Gwaii, Canada. These data were collected between 2005 and 2018 under a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Geological Survey, Natural Resources Canada, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The six source surveys from different multibeam sonars are combined into one terrain model with a 30-meter resolution. A complementary ...

Trackline navigation collected with a Reson 7160 Multibeam echosounder in the eastern Gulf of Alaska during USGS Field Activity 2016-625-FA (Esri polyline shapefile, UTM 8 WGS 84)

Marine geophysical mapping of the Queen Charlotte Fault in the eastern Gulf of Alaska was conducted in 2016 as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to understand the morphology and subsurface geology of the entire Queen Charlotte system. The Queen Charlotte fault is the offshore portion of the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault: a major structural feature that extends more than 1,200 kilometers from the Fairweather Range of southern ...

Boomer seismic-reflection and navigation data collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019.

Boomer seismic-reflection data and associated navigation files were collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019 for use in regional earthquake hazard assessments relating the Cascadia Subduction Zone.

Chirp sub-bottom data collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019

Chirp seismic reflection data and associated navigation files were collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019 for use in regional earthquake hazard assessments relating the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Dataset includes both raw and processed chirp data.

Computed tomography (CT) scans of cored collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, between 2019 and 2021

Sediment cores were collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, from 2019 to 2021. Cores were scanned using Computed Tomography (CT). These data were used to investigate submarine landslide deposits triggered by large Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes.

Coordinates of sediment cores collected in Ozette Lake Washington, from 2019 to 2021.

Sediment cores and sub-bottom profiles were collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, from 2019 to 2021. These data were used to investigate submarine landslide deposits triggered by large Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes.

Grainsize data from vibracores collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019

Grainsize data were collected from select sediment cores from Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019. These data were used to investigate submarine landslide deposits triggered by large Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes.

Multi-sensor core logger (MSCL) data of vibracores and bob-cores collected in Lake Ozette, from 2019 to 2021

This dataset includes multi-sensor core logger (MSCL) data from sediment cores collected in Lake Ozette, Washington. The sediment cores were collected during USGS field activities 2019-622-FA and 2021-641-FA for investigating submarine landslide deposits triggered by large Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes.

Photoscans of cores collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, between 2019 and 2021

Seismic-reflection data and cores were collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, from 2019 to 2021. These data were used to investigate submarine landslide deposits triggered by large Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes.

Radiocarbon age data from vibracores collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019

Seismic reflection data and cores were collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019. Radiocarbon samples were taken from cores in select locations. These data were used to investigate submarine landslide deposits triggered by large Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes.

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) scans of vibracores collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019.

Sediment cores were collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019, and cores were scanned using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). These data were used to investigate submarine landslide deposits triggered by large Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes.

Acoustic-backscatter data of USGS field activity 2016-666-FA collected in the Santa Barbara Basin in September and October of 2016

These metadata describe acoustic-backscatter data collected during an October 2016 multibeam-echosounder survey of the northern portion of the Santa Barbara Channel, California. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity number 2016-666-FA. The acoustic-backscatter data are provided as a GeoTIFF image.

Multibeam bathymetry data of USGS field activity 2016-666-FA collected in the Santa Barbara Basin in September and October of 2016

These metadata describe bathymetry data collected during an October 2016 multibeam-echosounder survey of the northern portion of the Santa Barbara Channel, California. Data were collected and processed by the the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity number 2016-666-FA. The bathymetry data are provided as a GeoTIFF image.

Chirp sub-bottom data collected offshore Northern California during USGS field activity 2019-643-FA

Chirp sub-bottom data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2019 offshore Humboldt County of northern California to expand data coverage along the southern Cascadia Margin.

Multichannel minisparker seismic-reflection data collected offshore Northern California during USGS field activity 2019-643-FA

High-resolution multichannel seismic (MCS) data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2019 offshore Humboldt County of northern California to expand data coverage along the southern Cascadia Margin.

Landslide debris aprons offshore of southern California, 2023

Landslide debris aprons have been mapped offshore of Southern California. Polygons were mapped from visual interpretation of high-resolution multibeam echosounder data (MBES), single-beam echosounder data, and seismic reflection data.

Landslide evacuation zones offshore of Southern California, 2023

Landslide evacuation zones, which represent the areas from which material is removed by landslide processes, have been mapped offshore of Southern California. Polygons were mapped from visual interpretation of high-resolution multibeam echosounder data (MBES) and single-beam echosounder data.

Landslide mass-wasting zones offshore of Southern California, 2023

Landslide mass-wasting zones have been mapped offshore of Southern California. Polygons were mapped from visual interpretation of high-resolution multibeam echosounder data (MBES) and single-beam echosounder data.

Landslide scarps offshore of Southern California, 2023

Landslide scarp features have been mapped offshore of Southern California. Polygons were mapped from visual interpretation of high-resolution multibeam echosounder data (MBES) and single-beam echosounder data.

Landslides offshore of southern California, 2023

Landslides have been mapped offshore of Southern California. Polygons were mapped from visual interpretation of high-resolution multibeam echosounder data (MBES), single-beam echosounder data, and seismic reflection data.

Bathymetric Terrain Model of the U.S. Atlantic Margin (100-meter resolution) compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey (32-bit GeoTIFF, MERCATOR Projection, WGS 84)

Bathymetric terrain models of seafloor morphology are an important component of marine geological investigations. Advances in acquisition and processing technologies of bathymetric data have facilitated the creation of high-resolution bathymetric surfaces that approach the resolution of similar surfaces available for onshore investigations. These bathymetric terrain models provide a detailed representation of the Earth's subaqueous surface and, when combined with other geophysical and geological datasets, ...

Polygon boundary describing the source surveys used to build the Bathymetric Terrain Model of the U.S. Atlantic Margin of 100-meter resolution compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey (Esri Shapefile, Geographic WGS 84 Coordinate System)

Bathymetric Terrain Models (BTMs) of seafloor morphology are an important component of marine geological investigations. Advances in acquisition and processing technologies of bathymetry data have facilitated the creation of high-resolution bathymetric surfaces that approach the resolution of those available for onshore investigations. These BTMs provide a detailed representation of the Earth's subaqueous surface and when combined with other geophysical and geologic datasets, allow for interpretation of ...

Multichannel sparker seismic reflection data of USGS field activity 2018-658-FA collected between Cape Blanco and Cape Mendocino from 2018-10-04 to 2018-10-18

This data release contains processed high-resolution multichannel sparker seismic-reflection (MCS) data that were collected aboard Humboldt State University’s R/V Coral Sea in October of 2018 on U.S. Geological Survey cruise 2018-658-FA on the shelf and slope between Cape Blanco, Oregon, and Cape Mendocino, California. MCS data were collected to characterize quaternary deformation and sediment dynamics along the southern Cascadia margin.

Quaternary faults offshore of California

A comprehensive map of Quaternary faults has been generated for offshore of California. The Quaternary fault map includes mapped geometries and attribute information for offshore fault systems located in California State and Federal waters. The polyline shapefile has been compiled from previously published mapping where relatively dense, high-resolution marine geophysical data exist. The data are also available in kml format and are accompanied by a pdf containing citations for the compiled source data. In ...

Chirp sub-bottom data of USGS field activity 2017-612-FA collected in Puget Sound and Lake Washington, Washington in February of 2017

High-resolution chirp sub-bottom data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Washington in February of 2017 west of Seattle in Puget Sound and in Lake Washington, Washington. Data were collected aboard the University of Washington’s R/V Clifford A. Barnes during USGS field activity 2017-612-FA using an Edgetech SB-512i sub-bottom profiler. Sub-bottom acoustic penetration spans several tens of meters and is variable by location.

Multichannel boomer data of USGS field activity 2017-612-FA collected in Lake Washington, Washington in February of 2017

High-resolution multichannel boomer seismic-reflection data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Washington in February of 2017 east of Seattle in Lake Washington, Washington. Data were collected aboard University of Washington’s R/V Clifford A. Barnes during USGS field activity 2017-612-FA using an Applied Acoustics triple plate S-Boom sound source and recorded on a 24 channel Geometrics digital hydrophone streamer. Sub-bottom acoustic penetration spans several hundreds of ...

Multichannel minisparker data of USGS field activity 2017-612-FA collected in Puget Sound, Washington in February of 2017

High-resolution multichannel minisparker seismic-reflection data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Washington in February of 2017 west of Seattle in Puget Sound and in Lake Washington, Washington. Data were collected aboard University of Washington’s R/V Clifford A. Barnes during USGS field activity 2017-612-FA using a 500 Joule SIG 2-mille minisparker sound source and recorded on a 48 channel Geometrics digital hydrophone streamer. Sub-bottom acoustic penetration spans ...

Chirp sub-bottom data collected during USGS field activity 2018-658-FA between Cape Blanco and Cape Mendocino in October of 2018

This data release contains processed chirp sub-bottom data that were collected aboard Humboldt State University’s R/V Coral Sea in October of 2018 on U.S. Geological Survey cruise 2018-658-FA on the shelf and slope between Cape Blanco, Oregon, and Cape Mendocino, California. MCS data were collected to characterize quaternary deformation and sediment dynamics along the southern Cascadia margin. Chirp sub-bottom data were collected coincident with sparker MCS data.

Multichannel sparker seismic reflection data collected during USGS field activity 2018-658-FA between Cape Blanco and Cape Mendocino in October of 2018

This data release contains processed high-resolution multichannel sparker seismic-reflection (MCS) data that were collected aboard Humboldt State University’s R/V Coral Sea in October of 2018 on U.S. Geological Survey cruise 2018-658-FA on the shelf and slope between Cape Blanco, Oregon, and Cape Mendocino, California. MCS data were collected to characterize quaternary deformation and sediment dynamics along the southern Cascadia margin. MCS data were collected coincidentally with chirp sub-bottom data.

Information on sediment cores collected offshore southern Cascadia, during field activity 2019-643-FA

This dataset presents core information such as core IDs, section numbers, lengths, depth intervals, and locations from sediment cores collected in southern Cascadia (offshore northern California) aboard the M/V Bold Horizon in September-October 2019. An inventory of core section CT, MSCL, and photograph scan files available in this data release are listed here.

Computed tomography (CT) scans of sediment cores collected offshore southern Cascadia, during field activity 2019-643-FA

This dataset includes computed tomography (CT) scan imagery of sediment cores collected in southern Cascadia (offshore northern California) aboard the M/V Bold Horizon in September-October 2019.

Multi-sensor core logger (MSCL) scans of sediment cores collected offshore southern Cascadia, during field activity 2019-643-FA

This dataset includes multi-sensor core logger (MSCL) data of sediment cores collected in southern Cascadia (offshore northern California) aboard the M/V Bold Horizon in September-October 2019.

Photographs of sediment cores collected offshore southern Cascadia, during field activity 2019-643-FA

This dataset includes photographs (linescan images) of sediment cores collected in southern Cascadia (offshore northern California) aboard the MV Bold Horizon in September-October 2019.

Radiocarbon age data from sediment cores collected offshore southern Cascadia, during field activity 2019-643-FA

This dataset presents radiocarbon data from 87 samples from sediment cores collected in southern Cascadia (offshore northern California) aboard the M/V Bold Horizon in September-October 2019. Sample ages were determined by the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (NOSAMS) facility and the W.M. Keck Carbon Cycle Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (KCCAMS) facility at the University of California, Irvine (UCI).

Chirp sub-bottom data collected during USGS field activity 2021-614-FA along the Palos Verdes Fault Zone

Chirp sub-bottom data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in May of 2021 along the Palos Verdes Fault Zone in San Pedro Bay and San Pedro Channel. MCS data were acquired coincident with chirp sub-bottom data.

Multichannel minisparker seismic reflection data collected during USGS field activity 2021-614-FA along the Palos Verdes Fault Zone

High-resolution multichannel minisparker seismic reflection (MCS) data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in May of 2021 along the Palos Verdes Fault Zone in San Pedro Bay and San Pedro Channel. MCS data were acquired coincident with chirp sub-bottom data.

Radiocarbon age dating of biological material from cores collected off British Columbia, Canada and southeastern Alaska, U.S. along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault zone

Results of radiocarbon age dating of planktic foraminifera, benthic foraminifera, and pelecypod shell fragments collected from piston cores, trigger weight cores, and IKU grab samples obtained in 2015 and 2017 offshore British Columbia, Canada and southeastern Alaska, U.S. along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault zone.

Continuous core photographs of sediment cores collected in 2014 from the northern flank of Monterey Canyon, offshore California

This part of the data release includes continuous core photographs in bmp format of sediment cores collected in 2014 from the northern flank of Monterey Canyon, offshore California. It is one of five files in this U.S. Geological Survey data release that include data from a set of sediment cores acquired from the continental slope, north of Monterey Canyon, offshore central California. Vibracores and push cores were collected with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s (MBARI’s) remotely ...

Graphical representations of data from sediment cores collected in 2014 from the northern flank of Monterey Canyon, offshore California

This part of the data release includes graphical representation (figures) of data of sediment cores collected in 2014 in Monterey Canyon. It is one of five files included in this U.S. Geological Survey data release that include data from a set of sediment cores acquired from the continental slope, north of Monterey Canyon, offshore central California. Vibracores and push cores were collected with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s (MBARI’s) remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Doc Ricketts in ...

Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) P-wave velocity and gamma-ray density whole-core logs of sediment cores collected in 2014 from the northern flank of Monterey Canyon, offshore California

This part of the data release includes Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) P-wave velocity and gamma-ray density whole-core logs of sediment cores collected in 2014 from the northern flank of Monterey Canyon, offshore California. It is one of five files in this U.S. Geological Survey data release that include data from a set of sediment cores acquired from the continental slope, north of Monterey Canyon, offshore central California. Vibracores and push cores were collected with the Monterey Bay Aquarium ...

Name, location, and length of sediment cores collected in 2014 from the northern flank of Monterey Canyon, offshore California

This part of the data release is a spreadsheet including the name, location, and length of sediment cores collected in 2014 in Monterey Canyon. It is one of five files in this U.S. Geological Survey data release that include data from a set of sediment cores acquired from the continental slope, north of Monterey Canyon, offshore central California. Vibracores and push cores were collected with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s (MBARI’s) remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Doc Ricketts in 2014 ...

Radiocarbon sample data and calibrated ages of sediment cores collected in 2014 from the northern flank of Monterey Canyon, offshore California

This part of the data release is a spreadsheet including radiocarbon sample information and calibrated ages of sediment cores collected in 2014 from the northern flank of Monterey Canyon, offshore California. It is one of five files in this U.S. Geological Survey data release that include data from a set of sediment cores acquired from the continental slope, north of Monterey Canyon, offshore central California. Vibracores and push cores were collected with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute’s ...

Merged multibeam bathymetry - northern portion of the Southern California Continental Borderland

This part of the data release includes 25-m resolution merged multibeam-bathymetry data of the northern portion of the Southern California Continental Borderland. The data are presented as a TIFF file. In February 2016 the University of Washington in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS, PCMSC) collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Catalina Basin aboard the University of Washington's Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson. Data ...
