Topobathy grid representing the backshore to the nearshore environment at Head of the Meadow Beach, Truro from data collected during field activity 2021-014-FA on February 4 and 11, 2021

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Description These data map the beach and nearshore environment at Head of the Meadow Beach in Truro, MA, providing updated regional context for the 2019 CoastCam installation. CoastCam CACO-01 are two video cameras aimed at the beach that view the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. These data were collected as part of field activity 2021-014-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region. In February 2021, U.S. Geological Survey and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) scientists conducted field surveys to re-map the field of view of the CoastCam. Aerial images of the beach for use in Structure from motion were taken with a camera (Ricoh GRII) and a post-processed kinematic (PPK) system attached to a helium powered balloon-kite (Helikite). High-precision GPS targets (AeroPoints) were used as ground control points. Bathymetry was collected in the nearshore using a single-beam echosounder mounted on a surf capable self-righting electric autonomous Small Surf Vehicle (SSV). Agisoft Metashape (v. 1.7.2) was used to create a digital elevation model with the collected imagery and this was merged with the bathymetry in MATLAB (v. 2020) to create a continuous topobathy product. [More]
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