Near-surface wind fields for San Francisco Bay--historical and 21st century projected time series

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Description To support Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) in the San Francisco Bay (v2.1), time series of historical and 21st-century near-surface wind fields (eastward and northward wind arrays) were simulated throughout the Bay. While global climate models (GCMs) provide useful projections of near-surface wind vectors into the 21st century, resolution is not sufficient enough for use in regional wave modeling projects, such as CoSMoS. Short-duration high wind speeds, on the order of hours, are of key importance in wave and subsequent coastal flood modeling. Here we present temporally-downscaled wind data for historical (1975-2004) and projected (2010-2100) time periods, developed using a method similar to constructed analogues (CA), suitable for use in local wave models. [More]
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