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This spreadsheet consists of Fire Island, NY pre- and post- storm cross-shore profiles collected from November 2012 to October 2014. This dataset contains a set of cross-shore profiles covering 14 dates from November 04 2012 to October 07 2014. As part of the assessment of beach and dune morphologic change associated with Hurricane Sandy and the series of winter storms that followed, DGPS elevation data were collected along ten shore-perpendicular profiles extending from just inland of the crest of the dune to the low-tide swash zone. Profile elevations were surveyed one day prior to landfall* (October 28, 2012), three and four days immediately after the storm* (November 01/02 2012), and at monthly and bi-monthly intervals for 24 months (to October 2014) in order to capture both the initial impact of the event and the ongoing recovery of the beach system. Monitoring is ongoing, and this data series will be updated as future surveys are completed. *Data were not able to be collected at this location (P10) for October 28 2012, and Nov 01 2012. [More]