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This is a set of 4599 vertical aerial photogrammetric images and their derivatives, collected from Lonoak vicinity with a fixed-lens digital camera from a crewed light aircraft, for processing using structure-from-motion photogrammetry and machine learning to study coastal geomorphic processes at high temporal and spatial resolution. JPG files in each folder follow the following naming convention: {CAM###}_{YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss}.jpg, where {CAM###} is the last 3 digits of the camera serial number, preceded by the letters "cam", and where {YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_ss} is the image acquisition time in {YearMonthDayHourMinuteSecond_hundredths} expressed in 24-hour time, as recorded by the camera's internal clock and written to the SubSecondDateTime field in the image EXIF data (for example CAM001_202009182311_50 would be the timestamp for an image with a SubSecondDateTime EXIF time/date stamp of September 18th, 2020 at 11:11.50 pm. [More]