Single-Beam Bathymetry Sounding Data of Lemon Bay, Florida (2011) in XYZ format

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Description Lemon Bay is a long narrow body of water on the west central Florida coast, straddling both Sarasota and Charlotte counties. It encompasses nearly 7700 acres and ranges in depth from 7 meters (m) at Stump Pass to less than 10 centimeters (cm) on the many emergent shoals throughout the bay. The bay is home to a sizeable manatee population where they feed in the very shallow waters on sea grass. Manatees have been satellite tracked and found their daily routine includes moving to and from grass flats including crossing the Intercoastal Water Way (ICWW). Unfortunately, due to the configuration of the main ICWW, there is a high incident of manatee deaths due to boat collisions. In an effort reduce fatalities, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and the Wildlife Foundation of Florida (WFF) has developed a program entitled Manatee Response to Boats.  This report serves as an archive of processed single-beam bathymetry data that were collected in Lemon Bay, Florida in 2011. Geographic information system data products include a XYZ data, bathymetric contours, and USGS quadrangle map. Additional files include formal Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata. [More]
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Field activities 11CBS02

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