Marine sparker source SEG-Y seismic data recorded aboard the R/V Parke Snavely during USGS field activity 2021-619-FA offshore Santa Cruz, California in April of 2021
Seismic data were recorded aboard the R/V Parke Snavely (RVPS; source vessel) during USGS field activity 2021-619-FA. Data were recorded with a broadband spherical reference Reson TC4034 hydrophone positioned directly below the SIG ELP790 or the Applied Acoustics Delta sparker source which were towed from the stern of the vessel. Source data were recorded as the R/V Parke Snavely made several passes along 7 different water depth transects and are presented in SEG-Y format. Shot point navigation are provided ... |
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Marine sparker SEG-Y seismic data recorded aboard the R/V San Lorenzo using receive hydrophones during USGS field activity 2021-619-FA offshore Santa Cruz, California in April of 2021
Seismic data were recorded from the R/V San Lorenzo (RVSL; receive vessel) of a two-vessel marine sparker seismic survey conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in April of 2021 off the coast of Santa Cruz, California (USGS field activity 2021-619-FA). The R/V Parke Snavely (RVPS; source vessel) towed a marine sparker sound source along seven depth site transects ranging between 25 and 600 meters. The RVSL maintained a nearly stationary position at the midpoint of each transect and recorded sound ... |
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Peak marine sparker amplitude data from calibrated source and receive hydrophones collected in April 2021 offshore Santa Cruz, California (USGS field activity 2021-619-FA), and pressure vs. offset plots
Peak amplitude values recorded at source and receive hydrophones during a two-vessel marine sparker seismic survey conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in April of 2021 off the coast of Santa Cruz, California (USGS field activity 2021-619-FA) are presented. On the source vessel (R/V Parke Snavely; RVPS), near-field data were recorded using a broadband spherical reference Reson TC4034 hydrophone positioned 1-meter below the sparker source (either a SIG ELP790 or an Applied Acoustics Delta sparker) ... |
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Reprocessed multichannel seismic reflection data acquired offshore Southern California during USGS field activity O-1-99-SC
Multichannel seismic (MCS) data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in June of 1999 in the coastal zone and continental shelf between Los Angeles and San Diego, offshore California (USGS field activity O199SC). In 2021 these data were reprocessed to improve accuracy and resolvability of geologic structures and fault systems of California’s continental margin. |
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Multichannel seismic-reflection and navigation data collected offshore central California, during field activity 2019-651-FA
Multichannel seismic-reflection data and associated navigation files were collected offshore central California in the vicinity of Morro Bay. These data were collected aboard the M/V Bold Horizon in October 2019 for use in regional hazard assessments relating to the Hosgri Fault. |
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Chirp sub-bottom data collected in the Yakobi Sea Valley during USGS Field Activity 2017-621-FA
Chirp sub-bottom data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in July and August 2017 to expand data coverage along the Queen Charlotte Fault system in the Yakobi Sea Valley of southeast Alaska. |
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Multichannel sparker seismic reflection data collected offshore southeast Alaska during USGS Field Activity 2017-621-FA
High-resolution multichannel seismic reflection data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in July and August 2017 offshore southeast Alaska to expand data coverage along the Queen Charlotte Fault system. |
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Multichannel minisparker seismic-reflection data collected offshore Glacier Bay National Park during USGS field activity 2015-629-FA
Multichannel seismic reflection data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in May of 2015 outside of Palma Bay, Alaska. Seismic data were acquired coincidentally with high resolution bathymetry (Dartnell and others, 2022). |
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Sound velocity vs. depth plots and CTD cast data collected in April 2021 offshore Santa Cruz, California during USGS field activity 2021-619-FA
Sound velocity and CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) cast data were collected at 9 sites offshore Santa Cruz, CA during USGS field activity 2021-619-FA in April of 2021. Aboard the R/V Parke Snavely (RVPS), a SonTek CastAway-CTD was used to collect these data at in the upper 67 meters of the water column. these data is provided in csv format, a shapefile of cast locations, as well as PNG plots of the speed of sound as a function of depth for each cast location. |
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Chirp seismic-reflection and navigation data collected in Alaskan lakes and fjords following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake
Chirp seismic-reflection data and associated navigation files were collected from lacustrine and fjord basins in southcentral Alaska following the 2018 Anchorage earthquake. These data were collected from a 25-foot Boston Whaler (R/V Moose Dancer),18-foot cataraft (R/V Enterprise), and the R/V Alaskan Gyre in the summers of 2020 and 2021 for use in regional hazard assessments relating to Alaska’s seismic hazards. |
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Chirp sub-bottom data collected offshore Northern California during USGS field activity 2019-643-FA
Chirp sub-bottom data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2019 offshore Humboldt County of northern California to expand data coverage along the southern Cascadia Margin. |
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Multichannel minisparker seismic-reflection data collected offshore Northern California during USGS field activity 2019-643-FA
High-resolution multichannel seismic (MCS) data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2019 offshore Humboldt County of northern California to expand data coverage along the southern Cascadia Margin. |
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Chirp sub-bottom data acquired along the Cascadia margin during USGS field activity 2019-024-FA
Chirp sub-bottom data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in collaboration with the University of Washington (UW) in the summer of 2019 along the Cascadia submarine forearc offshore Oregon and Washington. |
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High-resolution multichannel sparker seismic-reflection data acquired along the Cascadia margin during USGS field activity 2019-024-FA
High-resolution multichannel sparker seismic (MCS) data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in collaboration with the University of Washington (UW) in the summer of 2019 along the Cascadia submarine forearc offshore Oregon and Washington. |
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Reprocessed multichannel seismic reflection data acquired offshore Southern California during USGS field activity L-4-90-SC
Multichannel seismic (MCS) data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 1990 in the California Continental Borderland (USGS field activity L490SC). In 2021 these data were reprocessed to improve accuracy and resolvability of geologic structures and fault systems of California’s continental margin. |
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CHIRP seismic-reflection and navigation data collected offshore central California, during field activity 2019-651-FA (ver 2.0, August 2023)
CHIRP seismic-reflection data and associated navigation files were collected offshore central California in the vicinity of Morro Bay. These data were collected aboard the M/V Bold Horizon in October 2019 for use in regional hazard assessments relating to the Hosgri Fault. |
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Boomer seismic-reflection and navigation data collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019.
Boomer seismic-reflection data and associated navigation files were collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019 for use in regional earthquake hazard assessments relating the Cascadia Subduction Zone. |
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Chirp sub-bottom data collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019
Chirp seismic reflection data and associated navigation files were collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019 for use in regional earthquake hazard assessments relating the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Dataset includes both raw and processed chirp data. |
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Grainsize data from vibracores collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019
Grainsize data were collected from select sediment cores from Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019. These data were used to investigate submarine landslide deposits triggered by large Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes. |
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Radiocarbon age data from vibracores collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019
Seismic reflection data and cores were collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019. Radiocarbon samples were taken from cores in select locations. These data were used to investigate submarine landslide deposits triggered by large Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes. |
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Reprocessed single channel sparker seismic reflection data offshore central California from USGS field activities S-6-08-SC and S-6-09-SC
The U.S. Geological Survey collected high-resolution single channel minisparker data between Point Sal and Piedras Blancas in 2008 and 2009 with support from the Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) CRADA and the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology program. Reprocessing of this data in 2018 improved vertical resolution of the stratigraphy and structural deformation of the original data and was funded by an additional CRADA with PG&E. |
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Chirp sub-bottom data collected during USGS field activity 2021-614-FA along the Palos Verdes Fault Zone
Chirp sub-bottom data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in May of 2021 along the Palos Verdes Fault Zone in San Pedro Bay and San Pedro Channel. MCS data were acquired coincident with chirp sub-bottom data. |
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Multichannel minisparker seismic reflection data collected during USGS field activity 2021-614-FA along the Palos Verdes Fault Zone
High-resolution multichannel minisparker seismic reflection (MCS) data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in May of 2021 along the Palos Verdes Fault Zone in San Pedro Bay and San Pedro Channel. MCS data were acquired coincident with chirp sub-bottom data. |
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X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) scans of vibracores collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019.
Sediment cores were collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, in 2019, and cores were scanned using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). These data were used to investigate submarine landslide deposits triggered by large Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes. |
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Computed tomography (CT) scans of cored collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, between 2019 and 2021
Sediment cores were collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, from 2019 to 2021. Cores were scanned using Computed Tomography (CT). These data were used to investigate submarine landslide deposits triggered by large Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes. |
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Structure-from-Motion (SfM) surface models derived from seafloor video from the Channel Islands, California
Structure-from-Motion (SfM) surface models were created using seafloor video collected over a visible fault scarp in the Channel Islands, California, during a 2016 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) field activity. Four SfM surface models were created, each with a different combination of locating, scaling, and optimizing methods. Video imagery was collected using the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center's BOBSled, equipped with high-definition (720p) video cameras (video published in Coastal and ... |
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Coordinates of sediment cores collected in Ozette Lake Washington, from 2019 to 2021.
Sediment cores and sub-bottom profiles were collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, from 2019 to 2021. These data were used to investigate submarine landslide deposits triggered by large Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes. |
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Photoscans of cores collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, between 2019 and 2021
Seismic-reflection data and cores were collected in Ozette Lake, Washington, from 2019 to 2021. These data were used to investigate submarine landslide deposits triggered by large Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes. |
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Structure-from-Motion point clouds from the Florida Keys, 2019
Structure-from-Motion (SfM) point clouds were created from seafloor images collected using the new 5-camera system SfM Quantitative Underwater Imaging Device with Five Cameras (SQUID-5). Images were collected in July 2019 by towing the SQUID-5 in 3 to 4 meters of water off of Islamorada in the Florida Keys during 3 days. The five cameras were synchronized together and with a survey-grade Global Positioning System (GPS). Images were collected over diverse benthic settings, including living and senile reefs, ... |
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