USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 2016-322-FA

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Other ID: none

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s): Hurricane Sandy - Impacts to and Vulnerability of Coastal Beaches (AE03FBQ)

Principal Investigator(s): Jennifer Miselis

Affiliate Investigator(s):

Information Specialist(s): Arnell Forde, Julie Bernier, Owen Brenner

Data Type(s): Electro-Magnetic: Ground Penetrating Radar, Location-Elevation: Benchmarks, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Location-Elevation: Profiles, Sampling: Geology

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Ongoing post-Sandy beach recovery assessment; GPR survey and vibracore collection to characterize alongshore geologic variability and integrate onshore geology with surf zone and nearshore datasets

Vehicle(s): White Dodge Pickup - White, Chevy Suburban Silver

Start Port/Location: Fire Island, NY

End Port/Location: Fire Island, NY

Start Date: 2016-04-04

End Date: 2016-04-15

Equipment Used: Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), GPS Pole, Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS, Push Corer, Vibracorer

Information to be Derived: Beach elevation, subsurface profiles, sediment thickness

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: Collected repeat beach profiles and shorelines; 16 vibracores and 9 sand auger push cores from shoreface and beach environments; and 90 GPR profiles from beach and back-barrier settings.

Staff: Julie Bernier, Owen Brenner, Kyle Kelso, Jennifer Miselis

Affiliate Staff:

Notes: Entries for this field activity were modified from entries from Field Activity 2016-304-FA


Fire Island, NY

North: 40.70497728 South: 40.61224853 West: -73.3461 East: -72.85967407


photo of on foot
on foot


Bernier, J.C., Buster, N.A., Brenner, O.T., Kelso, K.W., Tuten, T.M., Miselis, J.L., 2018, Archive of sediment data from vibracores collected in 2016 from Fire Island, New York: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Brenner, O.T., Henderson, R.E., Hapke, C.J., Reynolds, B.J., 2018, Hurricane Sandy beach response and recovery at Fire Island, New YorkâShoreline, beach profile data, and breach shoreline data, October 2012 to October 2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Buster, N.A., Bernier, J.C., Brenner, O.T., Kelso, K.W., Tuten, T.M., Miselis, J.L., 2018, Sediment data from vibracores collected in 2016 from Fire Island, New York: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1100,

Ciarletta, D.J., Miselis, J.L., Bernier, J.C., Forde, A.S., 2024, Implications for the resilience of modern coastal systems derived from mesoscale barrier dynamics at Fire Island, New York: Earth Surf. Dynam., ESurf, v. 12 no. 2, pp. 449–475, doi: 10.5194/esurf-12-449-2024.

Forde, A.S., Bernier, J.C., Miselis, J.L., 2018, Archive of ground penetrating radar and differential global positioning system data collected in April 2016 from Fire Island, New York: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Forde, A.S., Bernier, J.C., Miselis, J.L., 2018, Ground penetrating radar and differential global positioning system data collected in April 2016 from Fire Island, New York: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1078,

Hapke, C.J., Nelson, T.R., Henderson, R.E., Brenner, O.T., Miselis, J.L., 2017, Morphologic evolution of the wilderness area breach at Fire Island, New York, 2012-15: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017-1116, 24 p.,

Henderson, R.E., Hapke, C.J., Brenner, O.T., Reynolds, B.J., 2017, Hurricane Sandy beach response and recovery at Fire Island, New York: Shoreline, beach profile data, and breach shoreline data: October 2012 to June 2016: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

van Ormondt, M., Nelson, T.R., Hapke, C.J., Roelvink, D., 2020, Morphodynamic modelling of the wilderness breach, Fire Island, New York. Part I: Model set-up and validation: Coastal Engineering, Coastal Engineering, v. 157, 103621 p., doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.103621.

Wilson, K., Lentz, E.E., Miselis, J.L., Safak, I., Brenner, O.T., 2019, A Bayesian Approach to Predict Sub-Annual Beach Change and Recovery: Estuaries and Coasts, Estuaries and Coasts, v. 42 no. 1, pp. 112–131, doi: 10.1007/s12237-018-0444-1.

Lentz, E., Miselis, J, 2016, Days Untethered: Excerpts from the Field as the U.S. Geological Survey Studies Fire Island: , Fire Island Tide Newsletter.


Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) --- Ground Penetrating Radar (Unprocessed digital GPR trace data) (Processed, elevation-corrected subsurface profile images) (Individual GPR profile parameters) (GPR trackline locations)
GPS Pole --- Navigation
Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS --- Benchmarks
Navigation (Post-processed DGPS data)
Push Corer --- Geology
Vibracorer --- Geology (Sample locations) (Grain-size summary statistics)
2016-322-FA_CoreLogs.pdf (Core logs with grain-size plots) (Core photographs)

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