USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 2016-347-FA

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Other ID: 16BIM04 - RV Sallenger; 16BIM05 - RV Jabba Jaw; 16BIM06 - RV Mako

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s): Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program - MsCIP (Flocks) (GR.19.MN00.D8U16.00)

Principal Investigator(s): James Flocks

Affiliate Investigator(s):

Information Specialist(s): Nancy DeWitt

Data Type(s): Location-Elevation: Benchmarks, Location-Elevation: Navigation, Sonar: Interferometric, Sonar: Single Beam, Sonar: Sound Velocity

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Investigate nearshore morphology, compare bathymetry with previous datasets

Vehicle(s): Chevy Suburban Silver, Ford F-350 Dually - Silver (GSA), Rental Vehicle

Start Port/Location: Biloxi, MS

End Port/Location: Biloxi, MS

Start Date: 2016-07-11

End Date: 2016-07-25

Equipment Used: Ashtech ProFlex 800 GNSS Receiver, Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS, Choke Ring Antenna, Collapsible Tripod, F190 DGPS/IMU, ODOM-Echotrac CV-100, Single-beam Acoustic Sounder, TSS DMS-05 Motion Sensor, Interferometric Bathymetry System, Castaway-CTD, Valeport SVP

Information to be Derived: XYZ bathymetric data points and a digital elevation model of the survey area.

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: Collected 773 kilometers of single-beam bathymetric lines (333 lines); 627 kilometers of interferometric swath Bathymetry (166 lines); 110 sound velocity profiles; GPS data from four base stations in Rinex format.

Staff: Nancy DeWitt, Andrew Farmer, James Flocks, Joseph Fredericks, Kyle Kelso, Chelsea Stalk, Thomas Tuten

Affiliate Staff:



Ship Island, Horn Island, Mississippi, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Biloxi

North: 30.26403424 South: 30.19037858 West: -89.0071 East: -88.52068481


photo of Mako (SP)
Mako (SP)
photo of Sallenger
photo of Twin Vee (Jabba Jaw)
Twin Vee (Jabba Jaw)


Buster, N.A., Brenner, O.T., Flocks, J.G., 2017, Historical and recent coastal bathymetry data nearshore Ship, Horn, and Petit Bois Islands, Mississippi: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

DeWitt, N.T., Stalk, C.A., Fredericks, J.J., Flocks, J.G., Kelso, K.W., Farmer, A.S., Tuten, T.M., Buster, N.A., 2017, Coastal bathymetry data collected in 2016 nearshore from West Ship Island to Horn Island, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

DeWitt, N.T., Stalk, C.A., Fredericks, J.J., Flocks, J.G., Kelso, K.W., Farmer, A.S., Tuten, T.M., Buster, N.A., 2018, Nearshore coastal bathymetry data collected in 2016 from West Ship Island to Horn Island, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1081,

Flocks, J.G., Buster, N.A., Brenner, O.T., 2020, Seafloor change around the Mississippi barrier islands, 1920 to 2016-The influence of storm effects on inlet and island morphodynamics: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2019-1140, 30 p.,


Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
Ashtech ProFlex 800 GNSS Receiver --- Benchmarks
Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS --- Benchmarks
Choke Ring Antenna --- Benchmarks
Collapsible Tripod --- Benchmarks
F190 DGPS/IMU --- Navigation
ODOM-Echotrac CV-100 --- Single Beam
Single-beam Acoustic Sounder --- Single Beam
Ship_Horn_Island_2016_IFB_SBB_NAD83_NAVD88_GEOID12B_50_DEM (Bathymetry DEM, 50-m cell size, in NAD83 and NAVD88 with respect to the GEOID12B model.)
Ship_Horn_Island_2016_SBB_ITRF00_tracklines (Single-beam tracklines in ITRF00.)
Ship_Horn_Island_2016_SBB_ITRF00_xyz (Single-beam soundings (xyz) in ITRF00 and ellipsoid height.)
Ship_Horn_Island_2016_SBB_NAD83_MLLW_xyz (Single-beam soundings (xyz) in NAD83 and MLLW.)
Ship_Horn_Island_2016_SBB_NAD83_tracklines (Single-beam bathymetry trackline shapefile in NAD83.)
Ship_Horn_Island_2016_SBB_NAD83_NAVD88_GEOID12B_xyz (Single-beam soundings in (xyz) in NAD83 and NAVD88-GEOID12B.)
TSS DMS-05 Motion Sensor --- Interferometric
Single Beam
Interferometric Bathymetry System --- Interferometric
Ship_Horn_Island_2016_IFB_ITRF00_5m_xyz (Interferometric bathymetry soundings (xyz) in ITRF00 and ellipsoid height.)
Ship_Horn_Island_2016_IFB_ITRF00_tracklines (Interferometric bathymetry trackline shapefile in ITRF00.)
Ship_Horn_Island_2016_IFB_NAD83_NAVD88_GEOID12B_5m_xyz (Interferometric bathymetry soundings (xyz) in NAD83 and NAVD88-GEO12B.)
Ship_Horn_Island_2016_IFB_NAD83_tracklines (Interferometric bathymetry trackline shapefile in NAD83.)
Ship_Horn_Island_2016_IFB_NAD83_MLLW_5m_xyz (Interferometric bathymetry soundings (xyz) in NAD83 and MLLW.)
2016minus1916to1920_MS_ (Elevation change as a DEM ) (Interpolated DEM)
2016minus2008to2009_MS_ (Elevation change as a DEM ) (50-meter snap grid for interpolated DEMs )
Castaway-CTD --- Sound Velocity
Valeport SVP --- Sound Velocity

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