USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Field Activity Details for field activity 2017-033-FA

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Other ID: none

Status: Completed

Organization(s): USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center

Funding Program(s): Remote Sensing Coastal Change (ZP00GJA)

Principal Investigator(s): Christopher Sherwood

Affiliate Investigator(s): Karen Morgan

Information Specialist(s): Ellyn Montgomery

Data Type(s): Imagery: Photo, Location-Elevation: Navigation

Scientific Purpose/Goals: Fixed-wing aircraft surveys as part of Duck "fly-in"


Start Port/Location: Duck, NC

End Port/Location: Duck, NC

Start Date: 2017-06-12

End Date: 2017-06-15

Equipment Used: Digital camera, Spectra Precision SP80

Information to be Derived: survey elevations and photogrametry

Summary of Activity and Data Gathered: many aerial images were obtained, along with surveyed GCPs and transects.

Staff: Sandra Brosnahan, Christopher Sherwood

Affiliate Staff:

Notes: U-033
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2017-014-FA


Duck, NC, United States, Atlantic Ocean, Outer Banks

North: 36.25 South: 36 West: -75.85 East: -75.7


photo of Airplane
photo of on foot
on foot


Morgan, K.L.M., Sherwood, C.R., Brosnahan, S.M., 2018, Baseline coastal oblique aerial photographs collected at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility, Duck, North Carolina, June 9, 2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Data Acquired

Survey EquipmentSurvey InfoData Type(s)Data Collected
Digital camera --- Photo
2017-033-FA_0609_173000 (Images for Area 2)
2017-033-FA_0609_163500 (Images for Area 1)
2017-033-FA_0609_164000 (Images for Area 1)
2017-033-FA_0609_173500 (Images for Area 2)
2017-033-FA_0609_175000 (Images for Area 2)
2017-033-FA_0609_164500 (Images for Area 1)
2017-033-FA_0609_165000 (Images for Area 1)
2017-033-FA_0609_165500 (Images for Area 1)
2017-033-FA_0609_175500 (Images for Area 2)
2017-033-FA_0609_170000 (Images for Area 1)
2017-033-FA_0609_170500 (Images for Area 1)
2017-033-FA_0609_171000 (Images for Area 1)
2017-033-FA_0609_171500 (Images for Area 1)
2017-033-FA_0609_172000 (Images for Area 2)
2017-033-FA_0609_174000 (Images for Area 2)
2017-033-FA_0609_174500 (Images for Area 2)
2017-033-FA_0609_163000 (Images for Area 1)
2017-033-FA_0609_172500 (Images for Area 2)
Spectra Precision SP80 --- Navigation
2017-033-FA-ProcessedNav (Processed navigation files, includes flightpath and photo locations (.csv))
2017-033-FA-LocationMaps (Maps showing the division of the flight into areas and the flight path in each area in 5-minute segments)

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U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
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