Field Activity 00SCC01

Identifier 00SCC01
Alternate names G-2-00-LA
Purpose Characterization of the Geological Framework, Mapping sediment distribution, and locating offshore sand resources.
Location Barataria Basin, Northern Gulf of America (Gulf of Mexico) - Louisiana, Louisiana
Summary A total of 227 vibracores were collected during this project. Cruise 00SCC01 contains vibracore samples BSS00-01 through BSS00-64.
Info derived Vibracores used to derive high-resolution sedimentation distribution and thickness; to locate sand deposits to be used in Louisiana beach renourishment projects.
Comments These FACS logs were generated by Chandra Dreher in June of 2003, using the handwritten logbooks and personal accounts of the scientist and crewmembers. These data can be accessed using the Louisiana Sedimentary and Environmental Database Internet Map Server (LASED IMS) located on line at:
G.K. Gilbert
Start Grand Isle, Louisiana -Sand Dollar Marina 2000-05-03
End Grand Isle, Louisiana -Sand Dollar Marina 2000-05-11
West -90.22731185
East -89.70122337
North 29.49077752
South 29.06012737


600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Principal investigators Jack L Kindinger
Crew members

Data types and categories

Data category: Sampling
Data type: Geology

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Vibracorer Geology 1


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
Core descriptions Vibracorer James G Flocks


Samples collected during this field activity