Identifier | 08CGS02 | ||||||||
Purpose | To collect cores from 3 species of living coral heads to be used as proxies for retrospective studies of Sea Surface Temperature and paleoenvironmental conditions. And to core into the Holocene rock cap in the Dry Tortugas to be used in reconstruction of sea level history and in the understanding of geological environmental changes in the Dry Tortugas. | ||||||||
Location | Dry Tortugas National Park, FL | ||||||||
Summary | Collected 9 coral head cores from 3 species (Siderastrea siderea, Montastraea faveolata, and Diploria strigosa) within the Dry Tortugas Naitonal Park, primarily in the northeastern quadrant of the park. Holocene cores were collected at 3 sites. Depths drilled ranged from 10 to 18 meters below seafloor. Elevation was collected for the Holocene coring sites by using a dual-frequencey GPS system with Thales choke-ring setup. A basestation was established on a known benchmark, located on top of the fort on garden key, was used to increase the precision of the horizontal and vertical position/elevation at the coring sites. | ||||||||
Info derived | Coral cores will be used as proxies for sea surface temperature (strontium-to-calcium rations in skeletal material) and coral growth rates over time. Holocene cores will be used in the determination of sea level positioning during the past 10,000 years. | ||||||||
Comments | Equipment Used: Batteries | ||||||||
Platform |
Itinerary |
Bounds |
Topic | 17 | ||||||||
Marine operations | Yes |
Organization |
600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Principal investigators | Richard Z Poore | ||||||||
Crew members |
Information specialist(s) |
Data category: | Imagery, Location-Elevation, Sampling, Time Series |
Data type: | Photo, Navigation, Geology, Mooring (physical oceanography) |
Equipment | Usage description | Data types | Datasets |
Tripods | Mooring (physical oceanography), Benchmarks, Navigation | (no data expected) | |
Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS | Benchmarks, Navigation | 2 | |
Camera, Digital, Hand Held | Photo | 1 | |
Choke Ring Antenna | Benchmarks, Navigation | (no data expected) | |
Core Barrels | Geology | 6 | |
Hydraulic Coring Drill | Geology | 10 |
Dataset name | Equipment | Description | Dataset contact |
08CGS02-NL-rd-1 | Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS | GPS points | Christopher D Reich |
08CGS02-PV-rd-1 | Camera, Digital, Hand Held | field photos | Christopher D Reich |
08CGS02-SA-pd-3 | Core Barrels | evaluation of coral DRTO 2008 | Jennifer A. Flannery |
08CGS02-SA-pd-4 | Core Barrels | core description sheets (lithologic descriptions) | Christopher D Reich |
08CGS02-SA-pd-5 | Core Barrels | core photographs | Christopher D Reich |
08CGS02-SA-pd-6 | Core Barrels | Sr/Ca analysis | Jennifer A. Flannery |
08CGS02-SA-rd-1 | Core Barrels | Coral and Holocene Rock Cores from DRTO | Christopher D Reich |
Dataset name | Equipment | Description | Dataset contact |
FKRT_Core_Locations | Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS | Geospatial, site, and acquisition details for each core | Lauren T Toth |
DryTortugas_Sr_Ca_SeaSurfaceTemps_1837_2012 | Core Barrels | Sub annual and mean annual Sr/Ca values, annual linear extension rates, and composite SST data for coral cores CG2 (Siderastrea siderea) and B3 (Orbicella faveolata) from the Dry Tortugas National Park | Jennifer A. Flannery |
FKRT_Radiometric_Ages | Hydraulic Coring Drill | Radiocarbon and U-series ages of Holocene reef cores from the FKRT | Lauren T Toth |
FKRT_Core_Data | Hydraulic Coring Drill | Core locations and other metadata and estimates of Holocene reef thickness, average accretion rates, and ages of reef initiation and senescence | Lauren T Toth |
FKRT_Accretion_500yr_Bins | Hydraulic Coring Drill | Average reef accretion for each subregion within 500-yr bins during the Holocene | Lauren T Toth |
FKRT_Temporal_Core_Data | Hydraulic Coring Drill | Estimates of relative sea level, paleodepth, accretion rates, and rates of relative sea level change for dated intervals within the cores | Lauren T Toth |
FKRT_Core_Photographs | Hydraulic Coring Drill | High-resolution photographs of Holocene reef cores from the FKRT | Lauren T Toth |
FKRT_Descriptive_Core_Logs | Hydraulic Coring Drill | Descriptive core logs for Holocene reef cores from the FKRT | Lauren T Toth |
FKRT_Absolute_Composition | Hydraulic Coring Drill | The absolute percent composition of corals and carbonate reef rock in Holocene-aged intervals of reef cores from the FKRT | Lauren T Toth |
FKRT_Relative_Coral_Composition | Hydraulic Coring Drill | The percent composition of corals and carbonate reef rock in Holocene-aged intervals of reef cores from the FKRT | Lauren T Toth |
FKRT_Age_Estimates | Hydraulic Coring Drill | Estimated ages of specific depths within the cores | Lauren T Toth |
FKRT_Paleodepth_Estimates | Hydraulic Coring Drill | Estimated paleodepths of specific depths within the cores | Lauren T Toth |