Field Activity 10BIM05

Identifier 10BIM05
Purpose Geomorphology, Geology, Island Evolution
Location Mississippi Barrier Islands, Gulf of America (Gulf of Mexico)
Info derived Single beam bathymetry (X, Y, Z) data. Geologic framework to determine the island geomorphology, stratigraphy and geologic history.
22' Whaler
Start Pass Christian, MS or Gulfport, MS 2010-09-15
End Pass Christian, MS or Gulfport, MS 2010-09-22
West -89.4493
East -88.51539931
North 30.3683334
South 30.15900458
Topic 6
Marine operations Yes


600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Principal investigators Jack L KindingerJennifer L Miselis
Crew members
Billy J Reynolds
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Billy J Reynolds
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Imagery, Location-Elevation, Sonar
Data type: Photo, Navigation, Profiles, Transects, Single Beam

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Choke Ring Antenna Benchmarks, Navigation (no data expected)
Marimatech Echosounder Single Beam 3
TSS DMS-05 Motion Sensor Interferometric, Single Beam (no data expected)
Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS Benchmarks, Navigation 1
Camera, Digital, Hand Held Photo (no data reported)


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
10BIM05-BA-pd-2 Marimatech Echosounder Single-beam bathymetry grid in ascii format Arnell S Forde
CatIsland_2010_Bathy_NAVD88_grid Marimatech Echosounder Single-beam bathymetry grid as GeoTiff Arnell S Forde
CatIsland_2010_GIS_Bathy_DataSeries_2012_739 Marimatech Echosounder Data Series 739 GIS dataset Arnell S Forde
10BIM05-BA-pd-4 Ashtech Z-Xtreme DGPS Single-beam bathymetry trackline shapefile Arnell S Forde


Samples collected during this field activity