Collect bathymetry in the nearshore, surf zone, and around Hewes Point. Collect sub-bottom data around Hewes Point
Northern Chandeleur Islands, LA
Geophysics in the surf zone and nearshore and around Hewes Point . Colletcted interferometric swath bathymetry (37 lines) and swath backscatter(37 lines), chirp sub-bottom (32 lines), sound velocity profile casts (10), and recovery of the seabird water level gauges.
Info derived
Swath bathymetry and backscatter data, sub-bottom data; water level data from recovery of Seabird Gauges
This FAN is linked with several other FAN numbers working together yet gathering different portions of data. 1) Geophysics in the surf zone and nearshore and around Hewes Point (bathymetry & sub-bottom) 2) Sediment Sampling 3) Lidar Ground Control Surveys 4) Recovery of Water Level Sensors (Seabird Gauges), and 6) Back-barrier coring. Direct questions to Jennifer Miselis. Additional Vehicles: Green Suburban and Ford Excursion. There are several activities that will be part of the larger geophysical effort. FANs are assigned by platform: R/V Sallenger = 13BIM02 collecting interfermometric swath bathy (37 lines) and backscatter (37 lines); chirp sub-bottom (32 lines), and sound velocity profile casts (10). The R/V Twin Vee = 13BIM03 collecting single beam bathy; R/V Shark jet ski= 13BIM04 collecting single beam bathy; and the 14' skiff 13BIM05 and 13BIM06 collecting sediment cores and lidar ground control.
22-ft Twin Vee
This boat has a carrying capacity of up to 1500 pounds and up to 7 people and a shallow draft (9 inches empty). This boat's cat hull design results in a smoother ride in choppy water, at the expense of a slightly deeper draft. This boat is powered by two Yamaha 70hp motors.