High resolution sea floor mapping was conducted in Tampa Bay between 2001 and 2004 as part of the CMGP Tampa Bay Study. Data were collected throughout the entire bay including all small, peripheral embayments and channels. Before models could be accurately applied, updated sea floor elevation mapping data was needed for the entire bay. Baseline maps provide the physical context, background and baseline information for other project research, monitoring, and modeling activities. Sea floor elevation mapping provides critical information for development of circulation, hydrologic, sediment transport, water quality, and urbanization integrated modeling.
Tampa Bay, FL
Number of soundings: 1,125,599 in comma-delimited and Esri point shapefile formats.
Info derived
Single beam bathymetry (X,Y,Z) data. Products are ASCII text files of the sounding data and point shapefiles representing seafloor elevations.
This dataset includes bathymetric data for Tampa Bay from the mouth of Hillsborough River to Egmont Key in the Gulf of Mexico. All data were processed relative to the WGS84 (G1150) ellipsoid.
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2001-301-FA