Donated data 2017-311-DD

Identifier 2017-311-DD
Data provider NOAA NGS Topobathy Lidar: DeSoto to Boca Grande, FL 2017
Location Florida West Coast
Summary NOAA NGS Topobathy Lidar: DeSoto to Boca Grande, FL 2017; collected by NOAA National Geodetic Survey Remote Sensing Division from 2017-10-10 to 2017-10-27
Comments 2017 NOAA NGS Topobathy Lidar: DeSoto to Boca Grande, FL
Start (port not specified) 2017-10-10
End (port not specified) 2017-10-27
West -82.854
East -82.107
North 27.7
South 26.66


Crew members
Information specialist(s)
Kara S Doran
Specialist, Information
Justin J Birchler
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation
Data type: LIDAR

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) LIDAR 2


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
2017-311-DD_morphology Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Dune crest, dune toe, shoreline, beach width and beach slope for a lidar survey collected 20171010- 20171027 post-Irma in Florida Kara S Doran

Datasets compiled from multiple sources

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
US_erosion_hazards_2021 Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Probabilities of hurricane-induced erosion (collision, inundation and overwash) for each 1-km section of the US sandy open-ocean coast for category 1–5 hurricanes Kara S Doran


Samples collected during this field activity