Identifier | 2020-014-FA | ||||||||
Purpose | To identify the location and geometry of the fault(s) that ruptured to produce the M 6.4 mainshock, and the foreshocks and aftershocks using a sparker source and a high-resolution multichannel seismic streamer. | ||||||||
Location | Southwest Puerto Rico, La Parguera, Guanica, Guayanilla, Ponce, Caribbean Sea, Guayanilla Canyon | ||||||||
Summary | Approximately 250 kilometers of multichannel seismic-reflection profile data were collected between March 7 and 13, 2020 offshore of Southwest Puerto Rico between La Parguera and Ponce. The seismic data were acquired across portions of the insular shelf and the Caribbean Sea in the vicinity of Guayanilla Canyon using sparker sources and a digital 32-channel hydrophone streamer. | ||||||||
Info derived | Seismic data to identify location and geometry of faults that reuptured to produce the M 6.4 mainshock, and the foreshocks and aftershocks. | ||||||||
Comments | According to Wayne, equipment used: Geometrics GeoEel 32-channel streamer (1.5625 m groups); Applied Acoustics Delta sparker; SIG ELC minisparker; RBR Solo-D pressure depth loggers. | ||||||||
Projects | |||||||||
Platform |
Itinerary |
Bounds |
Organization |
384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators | Uri Ten BrinkJason Chaytor | ||||||||||
Crew members |
Information specialist(s) |
Data category: | Location-Elevation, Seismics, Environmental Data |
Data type: | Navigation, Depth, Sparker |
Equipment | Usage description | Data types | Datasets |
WAAS/DGPS | Hemisphere R131 Differential and WAAS (Wide Angle Augmentation System) enabled GPS receiver, with the navigational reference point antenna mounted on the mast atop the wheelhouse of the R/V Sultana. | Navigation | (no data reported) |
Sparker | The data associated with this system is attached to the GeoEel streamer. Multichannel seismic-reflection data were shot using multi-electrode sparker arrays (SIG ELC1200 in water depths < 100 m and Applied Acoustics Delta in water depths > 100 m) powered by an Applied Acoustics CPS-D power supply that was set to output between 200 and 2400 Joules. | Sparker | (no data reported) |
GeoEel digital streamer | Geometrics GeoEel digital streamer connected to a Geometrics Streamer Power Supply Unit (SPSU). Four 12.5 m solid state sections (1.5625 m group spacing) composed an active section of 50 m and 32 channels. | Boomer, Multichannel, Sparker, Air Gun / Water Gun, Bubble Gun | 6 |
RBRsolo-D depth logger | 4 RBR solo depth loggers were spaced along the length of the active seismic streamer sections to log streamer depths during acquisition | Depth | (no data reported) |
Dataset name | Equipment | Description | Dataset contact |
2020-014-FA_MCS_cmp500 | GeoEel digital streamer | Shapefile containing multichannel seismic common mid-points (500 CMP reference interval). | Wayne E Baldwin |
2020-014-FA_MCS_cmpnav.csv | GeoEel digital streamer | Comma-separated formatted text file containing all multichannel seismic common mid-point navigation. | Wayne E Baldwin |
2020-014-FA_MCS_cmpTracklines | GeoEel digital streamer | Shapefile containing multichannel seismic common mid-point tracklines. | Wayne E Baldwin | | GeoEel digital streamer | Compressed zip archive of processed multichannel seismic profile images in PNG format. | Wayne E Baldwin | | GeoEel digital streamer | Compressed zip archive of processed multichannel seismic profiles in SEG-Y format. | Wayne E Baldwin |
2020-014-FA_MCS_shtnav.csv | GeoEel digital streamer | Comma-separated formatted text file containing all multichannel seismic shot points. | Wayne E Baldwin |