Bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM) of Lake Tahoe near Dollar Point |
Underwater images collected near Dollar Point in Lake Tahoe, California, were processed using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques into a classified 3D point cloud. The DEM was derived in Metashape (ver. 1.6.4) from the point cloud, but it excludes the 'high noise' class. The DEM data were output as a geoTIFF raster at 25-mm resolution. |
Jonathan Warrick |
GNSS locations of lakebed images collected near Dollar Point, Lake Tahoe, CA, March 10 and 11, 2021 |
This text file (2021-607-FA_Image_Locations.txt) provides the GNSS antenna location for underwater images collected near Dollar Point, Lake Tahoe, CA, using a recently developed towed-surface vehicle with multiple downward-looking underwater cameras. The GNSS antenna location for the time of each image capture is presented with greater precision than is stored in the individual image's EXIF header due to decimal place limitations of the EXIF format. |
Gerald Hatcher |
Orthoimagery of Lake Tahoe near Dollar Point |
Lakebed orthoimagery was developed from underwater images collected near Dollar Point in Lake Tahoe, California, and processed using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques. The orthoimages were developed using both image-mosaic and image-averaging methods, which were then output as 5-mm resolution rasters. In general, the "Mosaic" product is somewhat sharper in resolution but will include some distinct seam lines and noticeable differences in image quality across the image. The "Average" product, in contrast, is more uniform in color and quality but blurrier overall. |
Jonathan Warrick |
Overlapping lakebed images collected near Dollar Point, Lake Tahoe, CA, March 10 and 11, 2021 |
Underwater images were collected near Dollar Point, Lake Tahoe, CA, using a recently developed towed-surface vehicle with multiple downward-looking underwater cameras. The images are organized in zipped files grouped by survey line. The SQUID-5 system records images as TIFF (.tif) format to maintain the highest resolution and bit depth. Each image includes EXIF metadata, containing GNSS date, time, and latitude and longitude of the GNSS antenna mounted on the towed surface vehicle, copyright, keywords, and other fields. |
Gerald Hatcher |
Point cloud data of Lake Tahoe near Dollar Point |
Three-dimensional point clouds (LAZ format) were developed from underwater images collected near Dollar Point in Lake Tahoe, California, and processed using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques. Point cloud data include x,y,z positions, RGB colors, Metashape-computed confidence values, and a two-class classification ('unclassified' and 'high noise') derived from the confidence values. |
Jonathan Warrick |