Field Activity 2015-004-FA

Identifier 2015-004-FA
Purpose Acquire high-resolution seismics from shelf-break to base of upper slope or deeper through the part of the mid-Atlantic margin where we have identified over 250 upper slope seeps
Location mid-Atlantic US margin
Summary 30 72-channel profiles of varying lengths between north of Wilmington and south of Norfolk canyons, including dip and strike lines and profiles over deepwater seeps; continuous EK60 *raw files for most of the cruise;
Info derived seismic profiles
Comments Will also deploy EK60 38 kHz transducer on this cruise. 6 kJ sparker, full 72-channel MCS streamer
Length 185 feet; beam 33 feet/ draft 18 feet 6 inches (aft).
Start Narragansett, RI 2015-04-16
End Narragansett, RI 2015-04-25
Days in the field 7
West -75.7178
East -71.74023438
North 39.88234258
South 36.32064415


384 Woods Hole Road
Quissett Campus
Woods Hole, MA02543-1598
(508) 548-8700
Principal investigators Carolyn Ruppel
Crew members
Eric Moore
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Carolyn Ruppel
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Geochemical, Location-Elevation, Seismics, Sonar
Data type: Surveys (geochemical), Navigation, Multichannel, Sparker, Single Beam

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
DGPS Navigation (no data reported)
Multichannel seismics Multichannel (no data reported)
Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) CO2, Methane, Experiments (geochemical), Surveys (geochemical), Chemistry (no data reported)
Other Unknown, Multichannel, Boomer, Sub Bottom Profiler, Sparker, Bubble Gun, Air Gun / Water Gun, Ocean Bottom Seismometer, Sonobuoy (no data reported)
Sparker Sparker (no data reported)
SIMRAD EK60 Surveys (biological), Surveys (geochemical), Multibeam, Water column reflectivity (no data reported)
Raytheon 731 echo sounder not Single Beam (no data expected)


Samples collected during this field activity