Field Activity 2018-620-FA

Identifier 2018-620-FA
Also known as PCMSC Base/BM survey
Purpose Establish network of survey control points using GNSS. Network will be used to establish coordinates of new GNSS CORS Base Station, and for testing of survey equipment and techniques.
Location PCMSC, Santa Cruz, CA
Summary Raw GPS observations were collected on existing PCMSC parking lot control points in anticipation of a WCMG base-station antenna reconfiguration (to allow for re-establishing base station coordinates relative to control point network). In the end, the WCMG base station antenna was not moved, so the raw observations on the control points was not needed. The control points have now been disturbed/covered by parking lot re-surfacing. The control points are most likely no longer recoverable.
Info derived Control point coordinates.
on foot
survey conducted on foot
Start Santa Cruz, CA 2018-03-07
End Santa Cruz, CA 2018-03-08
Days in the field 0
West -122.05790294
East -122.05433824
North 36.96072222
South 36.95869125


2885 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA95060
(831) 460-7401
Principal investigators Joshua Logan
Crew members
Joshua Logan
Scientist, Staff
Thomas E Reiss
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Joshua Logan
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation
Data type: Benchmarks

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Trimble R7 GPS (AS) Benchmarks, Navigation, Profiles, Transects (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity