Determine coupling rates on offshore faults in the Cascadia subduction zone using seafloor geodesy
Cascadia margin
Four seafloor GPS-A sites were visited and equipment was recovered/checked. At the Newport and Grays Harbor sites, 3 seafloor transponders were recovered; status of 2 transponders were checked at the Cape Lookout site; status of 2 transponders at Coos Bay site were checked; Wave glider was recovered at Newport site.
Info derived
seafloor GPS-A
This work is being done in collaboration with Ben Brooks (USGS-EHP), David Chadwell (SIO), and David Schmidt (UW). David Chadwell is the cruise PI and all equipment will be provided by USGS-Menlo Park, SIO, and UW. PCMSC's Rob Wyland will be trained in seafloor GPS-A and provide ET support.