Contracted data 2024-318-CNT

Identifier 2024-318-CNT
Data provider Cailin Brugger, WY-MT WSC
Purpose To analyze test water samples for radium-226 to determine if the activity is within detectable limits of SPCSMC radiochemistry lab
Location Bighorn River, Boysen State Park, Fremont County, Wyoming
Summary To analyze test water samples for radium-226 to determine if the activity is within detectable limits of SPCSMC radiochemistry lab
Info derived Radium-226
Start (port not specified) 2024-06-17
End (port not specified) 2024-06-17
West -108.1789858
East -108.1789858
North 43.4249575
South 43.4249575


600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Crew members
Information specialist(s)
Marci E Marot
Specialist, Information
Christopher G Smith
Specialist, Information
Cheyenne S Everhart
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Sampling
Data type: Geology


Samples collected during this field activity