Field Activity 2024-327-FA

Identifier 2024-327-FA
Alternate names Breton Is. Lidar GCP Survey
Purpose To collect Ground Control Points (GCP's) used to groundtruth a Lidar flight of Breton Is., LA.
Location Venice, LA - Breton Is. LA
Info derived GPS points will be collected around the Island ensuring ample coverage in the various ground cover types found on the Island.
Mako (SP)
17' Mako
Twin Vee (Jabba Jaw)
22-ft Twin Vee This boat has a carrying capacity of up to 1500 pounds and up to 7 people and a shallow draft (9 inches empty). This boat's cat hull design results in a smoother ride in choppy water, at the expense of a slightly deeper draft. This boat is powered by two Yamaha 70hp motors.
Ford Expedition Green
Ford F-250 Stone Grey
Start Biloxi, MS 2024-10-07
End Venice, LA 2024-10-15
Days in the field 5-6
West -89.36279297
East -89.04968262
North 29.55434513
South 29.09697706
Marine operations Yes


600 Fourth Street South
St. Petersburg, FL33701-4846
(727) 502-8000
Principal investigators James G Flocks
Crew members
Information specialist(s)
Billy J Reynolds
Specialist, Information
Nancy T DeWitt
Specialist, Information
Chelsea A Stalk
Specialist, Information
Andrew S Farmer
Specialist, Information
Benjamin A Galbraith
Specialist, Information
Christopher C Bemelmans
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation
Data type: Profiles, LIDAR

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
Collapsible Tripod Benchmarks, Navigation, Profiles, Transects (no data reported)
GPS Backpack Navigation, Profiles, Transects (no data reported)
Trimble SPS751 Benchmarks, Navigation, Profiles, Transects (no data reported)
Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) DGPS Benchmarks, Navigation, Profiles (no data reported)
GPS Tablet Navigation, Profiles, Transects (no data reported)
GPS Pole Navigation, Profiles, Transects (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity