United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. Chief Scientists: Steve Eittriem, Andy Stevenson, Norm Maher. Geophysical data (multibeam) of field activity A-4-98-MB in Monterey Bay, CA from 01/01/1998 to 01/01/1998
Associated activities: M-1-93-MB J-1-94-MB J-2-95-MB J-6-95-MB M-2-95-MB P-1-95-MB P-3-95-MB R-1-95-MB M-1-96-MB J-1-97-MB J-3-97-MB A-4-98-MB J-3-98-MB J-4-98-MB
Staff information imported from InfoBank
Steve Eittriem (USGS Western Region) - Chief Scientist
Andy Stevenson (USGS Western Region) - Chief Scientist
Norman Maher (MBARI) - Chief Scientist