Identify and document seafloor disruption due to trawling for fish.
Chief Scientists: Mike Marlow, Robert McConnaughey. Geophysical and Sampling and Video data (sidescansonar, 3dot5khz, GPS, underwatertelevision, boxcore, VanVeengrab, integratednavigation) of field activity G-1-97-BS in Bristol Bay, Bering Sea, Alaska from 07/31/1997 to 08/14/1997
Sidescan-sonar data collected in 3 areas (EXP1, BB, and COD), and video collected in 2 areas (EXP1 and BB). Robert McConnaughey directed the collection of numerous sediment samples for examination by National Marine Fisheries Service biologists.
Info derived
Maps of surface morphology derived from sidescan mosaics.
This was a cooperative cruise with NMFS. The USGS has the sidescan data and video, NMFS has the sediment samples.
Staff information imported from InfoBank
Mike Marlow (Facs Curator, USGS Western Region) - Chief Scientist
Robert McConnaughey (National Marine Fisheries Service) - Chief Scientist
Terry Sample (National Marine Fisheries Service) - Biologist
Lyle Britt (National Marine Fisheries Service) - Biologist
Larry Kooker (USGS Western Region) - Electronics Technician
Andy Stevenson (USGS Western Region) - Geologist
Hank Chezar (USGS Western Region) - Photographer
Gary Hanson (Golden Dawn) - Ship Captain
Manuel Domingos (Golden Dawn) - Chief Engineer
James Hovden (Golden Dawn) - Chief Mate