Map and measure groundwater flux through coastal zone using CTD mapping, Ra isotope and nutrient analyses. Recover/re-deploy instrumentation to measure nearshore circulation.
United States Geological Survey, Pacific Science Center,National Park Service. Chief Scientist: Eric Grossman, Chief Scientist. Submarine and Nearshore Water data (CTD, OBS, ADCP, watersamples) of field activity W-1-06-HW in Kona, Hawaii from 02/23/2006 to 03/05/2006
Info derived
Temperature, salinity, turbidity, photosynthetic available radiation, dissolved oxygen, nearshore current velocities, wave heights
This is related to a recovery of instruments deployed under W-1-05-HW. Seabird Profiling 19+CTD/OBS/PAR/DO, ADCP, Seabird SBE-37 Microcat CT, water samplers Data exists on Makai/ots/Hawaii/Hawaii
Staff information imported from InfoBank
Eric Grossman (USGS) - Chief Scientist
Curt Storlazzi (Chief Scientist, USGS) - Co
Josh Logan (USGS) - Information Specialist
Kathy Presto (USGS) - Physical Scientist
Rebecca Most (NPS) - Physical Scientist
Krysti Wong (NPS) - Physical Scientist