Levinson, Sabrina C.

About the author

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collected in May 2023 From Seven Mile Island, New Jersey

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) covering the nearshore extent of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey (NJ), from May 18-27, 2023. The download file, 7Mile_2023_MBES_xyz.zip, includes processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid. The download file, 7Mile_2023_MBES ...
