Seafloor features

This category is also used for arrugados, banks (seafloor), benches (seafloor), holes (seafloor), moats (seafloor), ocean floor features, ramps (seafloor), rises (seafloor), seachannels (seafloor), shelf valleys (seafloor), subsea features, tongues (seafloor), and underwater features.
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1 results listed alphabetically [list by similarity]
Polygons of global undersea features for geographic searches

A shapefile of 311 undersea features from all major oceans and seas has been created as an aid for retrieving georeferenced information resources. Version 1.1 of the data set also includes a linked data representation of 299 of these features and their spatial extents. The geographic extent of the data set is 0 degrees E to 0 degrees W longitude and 75 degrees S to 90 degrees N latitude. Many of the undersea features (UF) in the shapefile were selected from a list assembled by Weatherall and Cramer (2008) ...
