Torres-Garcia, Legna M.

About the author

UFK14RBR77750p-trm_metadata: 2014–2015 Ocean Current and Pressure Time Series Data from the Upper Florida Keys: Crocker Reef, FL

Three Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP), a current meter and a pressure logger were deployed at Crocker Reef, a senile (dead) barrier reef located in the northern portion of the Florida Reef Tract from December 12, 2014 to January 30, 2015 to quantify flow characteristics in various sub-regions. A RBR pressure logger was deployed on the fore reef and configured to measure pressure at a rate of 2 hertz (Hz). The logger was positioned at a water depth of 14 meters, the deepest part of the fore reef) ...

UFK14RDI3734wh-trm_metadata: 2014–2015 Ocean Current and Pressure Time Series Data from the Upper Florida Keys: Crocker Reef, FL

Three Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP), a current meter and a pressure logger were deployed at Crocker Reef, a senile (dead) barrier reef located in the northern portion of the Florida Reef Tract from December 12, 2014 to January 30, 2015 to quantify flow characteristics in various sub-regions. A RDI Workhorse Monitor current profiler was deployed on the reef flat and configured to measure three-dimensional flow velocities throughout the water column. Current measurements were taken at a rate of 1 ...

UFK14Aqua1571aqc-trm_metadata: 2014–2015 Ocean Current and Pressure Time Series Data from the Upper Florida Keys: Crocker Reef, FL

Three Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP), a current meter and a pressure logger were deployed at Crocker Reef, a senile (dead) barrier reef located in the northern portion of the Florida Reef Tract from December 12, 2014 to January 30, 2015 to quantify flow characteristics in various sub-regions. A Nortek Aquadopp current meter was deployed on the reef flat and configured to measure three-dimensional flow velocities at the middle of the water column. Current measurements were taken at a rate of 1 ...

UFK14ArgE306E1495aqd-trm_metadata: 2014–2015 Ocean Current and Pressure Time Series Data from the Upper Florida Keys: Crocker Reef, FL

Three Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP), a current meter and a pressure logger were deployed at Crocker Reef, a senile (dead) barrier reef located in the northern portion of the Florida Reef Tract from December 12, 2014 to January 30, 2015 to quantify flow characteristics in various sub-regions. Two SonTek Argonaut-XR current profilers were deployed on the reef flat and configured to measure three-dimensional flow velocities throughout the water column. Both current profilers sampled at a rate of ...

Grain-Size and Data Analysis Results from Sediment Samples Collected at Crocker Reef, Florida, Between 2017 and 2019

Sediment samples were collected from undisturbed sections of the seafloor around Crocker Reef, Florida. Crocker Reef is a barrier reef located in the northern portion of the Florida Reef Tract that has been classified by Kellogg and others (2015) as a senile or dead reef consisting of areas of sand and rubble with only scattered stony coral colonies. Samples were collected from November 2017 to April 2019 to help ground truth coincident instrumentation deployed during the same time interval, which was used ...

National Assessment of Hurricane-Induced Coastal Erosion Hazards: Puerto Rico

This dataset contains information on the probabilities of hurricane-induced erosion (collision, inundation and overwash) for each 100-meter (m) section of the Puerto Rico coast for category 1-5 hurricanes. The analysis is based on a storm-impact scaling model that uses observations of beach morphology combined with sophisticated hydrodynamic models to predict how the coast will respond to the direct landfall of category 1-5 hurricanes. Hurricane-induced water levels, due to both surge and waves, are ...

Listening Session Questions and Answers For Participatory Engagement in Puerto Rico

Underserved communities, especially those in coastal areas in Puerto Rico, face significant threats from natural hazards such as hurricanes and rising sea levels. Limited funding hinders the investment in costly mitigation measures, increasing exposure to natural disasters. Providing coastal resources and data products through effective communication mechanisms is fundamental to improving the well-being of these underserved coastal communities. The overall objectives of the pilot effort to engage and ...

Puerto Rico Natural Hazards Webpage Visits

Underserved communities, especially those in coastal areas in Puerto Rico, face significant threats from natural hazards such as hurricanes and rising sea levels. Limited funding hinders the investment in costly mitigation measures, increasing exposure to natural disasters. Providing coastal resources and data products through effective communication mechanisms is fundamental to improving the well-being of these underserved coastal communities. The overall objectives of the pilot effort to engage and ...

Puerto Rico Research Topics Discussed at the USGS Natural Hazards Internal Meeting

Underserved communities, especially those in coastal areas in Puerto Rico, face significant threats from natural hazards such as hurricanes and rising sea levels. Limited funding hinders the investment in costly mitigation measures, increasing exposure to natural disasters. Providing coastal resources and data products through effective communication mechanisms is fundamental to improving the well-being of these underserved coastal communities. The overall objectives of the pilot effort to engage and ...
