Water level and velocity measurements from the 2012 University of Western Australia Fringing Reef Experiment (UWAFRE)
This data release contains water level and velocity measurements from wave runup experiments performed in a laboratory flume setting. Wave-driven water level variability (and runup at the shoreline) is a significant cause of coastal flooding induced by storms. Wave runup is challenging to predict, particularly along tropical coral reef-fringed coastlines due to the steep bathymetric profiles and large bottom roughness generated by reef organisms. The 2012 University of Western Australia Fringing Reef ... |
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Time-series measurements of pressure, conductivity, temperature, and water level collected in Puget Sound and Bellingham Bay, Washington, USA, 2018 to 2021
Pressure, conductivity, temperature, and water level relative the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) were measured at seven locations in Puget Sound and Bellingham Bay, Washington, USA, from November 2, 2018 to June 4, 2021. These data were collected using submersible pressure-conductivity-temperature sensors mounted on piers to support studies of extreme water levels and flooding hazards in the region. |
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Water-level, wind-wave, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Little Holland Tract (station HWA), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2015
Water depth and turbidity time-series data were collected in Little Holland Tract (LHT) in 2015. Depth (from pressure) was measured in high-frequency (6 or 8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage, and burst data can be used to determine wave height and period. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all of the turbidity sensors used in the study are tabulated and provided with the ... |
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Water-level, wind-wave, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Little Holland Tract (station HWC), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2015-2017
Water depth and turbidity time-series data were collected in Little Holland Tract (LHT) from 2015 to 2017. Depth (from pressure) was measured in high-frequency (6 or 8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage, and burst data can be used to determine wave height and period. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all of the turbidity sensors used in the study are tabulated and provided ... |
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Continuous Water Level, Salinity, and Temperature Data from Monitoring Wells in Wetlands on the South Shore of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2020
Environmental parameters affecting plant productivity and microbial respiration, such as water level, salinity, and groundwater temperature included in these datasets, are key components of wetland carbon cycling, carbon storage, and capacity to maintain elevation. Data were collected to (1) provide background data to evaluate potential differences in water level and carbon flux between wetland sites with differing elevation and tidal inundation and (2) facilitate applications of Blue Carbon projects in ... |
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Salish Sea water level hindcast simulations: 1985-2015
Simulatations of water levels in the Salish Sea for a continuous hindcast of the period October 1, 1985, to September 30, 2015 were conducted to evaluate the utility and skill of a sea-level anomaly predictor and to develop extreme water level estimates accounting for decadal climate variability. The model accounts for sea level position, tides, remote sea-level anomalies, local winds and storm surge and stream flows as they affect water density. Comparison of modeled and measured water levels showed the ... |
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Salish Sea water level simulation projections: 2016-2099
Simulations of the period 2016-2099 were conducted using the Salish Sea hydrodynamic model to evaluate extreme water levels associated with anticipated changes in sea level and climate forcing. The model projections accounting for sea level position, tides, remote sea-level anomalies, local winds and storm surge and stream flows as they affect water density. Dynamically downscaled Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) CMIP5 GFDL wind and atmospheric pressure fields were prescribed over the model open ... |
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Salish Sea water level validation simulations: 2017-2020
Simulations of water levels in the Salish Sea over the period October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2020 were conducted to validate the Salish Sea hydrodynamic model. The model accounts for sea level position, tides, remote sea-level anomalies, local winds and storm surge and stream flows as they affect water density. Comparison of modeled and measured water levels showed the model predicts extreme water levels at NOAA and USGS tide gage stations within 0.15 m. Model inputs and outputs of time-series forcing and ... |
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Ofu, American Samoa, wave and water level data, 2020
Time series data of wave height and water surface elevation were acquired for 399 days at four locations on the southern reef of Ofu, American Samoa, in support of a study on submarine groundwater dynamics on this reef within the National Park of American Samoa’s Ofu Unit. The relative placement of sensors on the reef were as follows: OFU20E03 – mid reef at East site; OFU20E04 – inner reef at East site; OFU20W03 – mid reef at West site; OFU20W04 – inner reef at West site. |
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Continuous Water Level, Salinity, and Temperature Data from Monitoring Wells in Herring River Wetlands, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2020-2021
Environmental parameters affecting plant productivity and microbial respiration, such as water level, salinity, and groundwater temperature included in these datasets, are key components of wetland carbon cycling, carbon storage, and capacity to maintain elevation. Data were collected to (1) provide background data to evaluate potential differences in water level and carbon flux between wetland sites with differing elevation and tidal inundation and (2) facilitate applications of Blue Carbon projects in ... |
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Continuous Water Level, Salinity, and Temperature Data from Creeks and Monitoring Wells in Natural and Restored Wetlands on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2019
Environmental parameters affecting plant productivity and microbial respiration, such as water level, salinity, and groundwater temperature included in these datasets, are key components of wetland carbon cycling, carbon storage, and capacity to maintain elevation. Data were collected to (1) provide background data to evaluate potential differences in water level and carbon flux between wetland sites with differing elevation and tidal inundation and (2) facilitate applications of Blue Carbon projects in ... |
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Water-level, wind-wave, velocity, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Liberty Island Conservation Bank (station WVA), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2017
Water depth, turbidity, and current velocity time-series data were collected in Liberty Island Conservation Bank (WVA) in 2017. The turbidity sensors were not calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration at this location. Typically, each zip folder for a deployment period contains two data files from a velocimeter and one data file from a CTD, each of which include data from an optical backscatter sensor. |
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Water-level, wind-wave, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Liberty Island (station LWA), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2015-2017
Water depth and turbidity time-series data were collected in Little Holland Tract (LHT) from 2015 to 2017. Depth (from pressure) was measured in high-frequency (6 or 8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage, and burst data can be used to determine wave height and period. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all of the turbidity sensors used in the study are tabulated and provided ... |
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Water-level, wind-wave, velocity, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Liberty Island (station LVB), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2015-2017
Water depth, turbidity, and current velocity time-series data were collected in Liberty Island from 2015 to 2017. Depth (from pressure) and velocity were measured in high-frequency (8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage and currents, and burst data can be used to determine wave height, period, and direction, and wave-orbital velocity. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all of ... |
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Water-level, wind-wave, velocity, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Little Holland Tract (station HVD), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2016
Water depth, turbidity, and current velocity time-series data were collected in Little Holland Tract in 2016. Depth (from pressure) and velocity were measured in high-frequency (8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage and currents, and burst data can be used to determine wave height, period, and direction, and wave-orbital velocity. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all of the ... |
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Water-level, wind-wave, velocity, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Little Holland Tract (station HVB), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2015-2017
Water depth, turbidity, and current velocity time-series data were collected in Little Holland Tract from 2015 to 2017. Depth (from pressure) and velocity were measured in high-frequency (8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage and currents, and burst data can be used to determine wave height, period, direction, and wave-orbital velocity. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all ... |
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Water-level, wind-wave, velocity, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Little Holland Tract (station HVE), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2016
Water depth, turbidity, and current velocity time-series data were collected in Little Holland Tract in 2016. Depth (from pressure) and velocity were measured in high-frequency (8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage and currents, and burst data can be used to determine wave height, period, direction, and wave-orbital velocity. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all of the ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from SPD15 Bay shallows stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water depth time-series data collected in 2009 offshore of Wainwright, Alaska
A time-series of varying water depths were collected offshore of Wainwright, Alaska, from August 23 to October 02, 2009 (UTC). Measurements were collected with a built-in pressure transducer from a 1 MHz NortekTM AWAC acoustic Doppler current profiler mounted on a frame in approximately 10 m of water. The instrument was mounted to the frame at 0.55 m off the bottom of the seafloor. Reported depth values include the 0.55 m offset, and thus are depths relative to the seabed. These data are available in a ... |
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Oceanographic time-series measurements collected in Bellingham Bay, Washington, USA, 2019 to 2021
Bottom-landing and floating platforms with instrumentation to measure currents, waves, water level, optical turbidity, water temperature, and conductivity were deployed at four locations in Bellingham Bay, Washington, USA. Platforms were deployed in three separate periods: July 30, 2019–November 14, 2019, November 19, 2019–February 5, 2020, and January 22, 2021–April 13, 2021. These data were collected to support studies of sediment delivery, transport, deposition, and resuspension in this Pacific ... |
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Time-series data of water surface elevation, waves, currents, temperature, and turbidity collected between November 2017 and March 2018 off the west coast of Maui, Hawaii, USA
Time-series data of water surface elevation, waves, currents, temperature, and turbidity collected between November 2017 and March 2018 off the west coast of Maui, Hawaii, USA. The data are available in NetCDF format, grouped together in zip files by instrument site location. These data support a modeling study on the effects of potential watershed restoration on decreasing sediment loads to adjacent reefs (Storlazzi and others, 2023). |
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Water pressure/depth and turbidity time-series data from CHC13 Marsh and mudflat stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC13 Bay shallows stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC14 Bay channel station in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC14 Tidal creek stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth and turbidity time-series data from CHC14 Marsh and mudflat stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC14 Bay shallows stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC16 Bay channel stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC16 Tidal creek stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth and turbidity time-series data from CHC16 Marsh and mudflat stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC16 Bay shallows stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from SPA14 Bay shallows stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from SPB14 Bay shallows stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from SPC14 Bay shallows stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Oceanographic time-series measurements collected in the Stillaguamish River Delta, Port Susan, Washington, USA from March 2014 to July 2015
Water level, flow velocity, temperature, salinity, and turbidity were measured in a breach constructed in a flood-protection levee surrounding a restored former agricultural area in Port Susan, Washington, USA, near the mouth of the Stillaguamish River. Data were collected in a breach known as PSB1 at 15-minute intervals from March 21, 2014 to July 1, 2015 using a SonTek Argonaut-SW current meter, an In-Situ Aqua TROLL 200 pressure, conductivity, and temperature sensor, and an FTS DTS-12 turbidity sensor. |
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Near-bed velocity measurements in Monterey Bay during arrival of the 2010 Chile Tsunami
On February 27, 2010, a tsunami originating near Chile arrived in Monterey Bay, California. This data release comprises two hours of pressure and near-bed velocity data spanning the largest tsunami waves. At the time, the U.S. Geological Survey Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center had a remotely-controlled instrumented platform deployed adjacent to the Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf (mean depth 9 m) for collecting hydrodynamic and sediment transport data. In anticipation of the arrival of the tsunami, ... |
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Oceanographic measurements obtained offshore of the Elwha River delta in coordination with the Elwha River Restoration Project, Washington, USA, 2010-2014
Time-series data of velocity, pressure, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature were collected near the mouth of the Elwha River, Washington, USA, from December 2010 through October 2014, for the Department of Interior’s Elwha River Restoration project. As part of this project, the U.S. Geological Survey studied the effects of renewed sediment supplies on the coastal ecosystems before, during, and following the removal of two dams, Elwha and Glines Canyon, from the Elwha River. Removal of the dams ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC13 Bay channel station in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC13 Tidal creek stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Time-series data on currents, waves, and turbidity off Santa Cruz, CA, 2014-2015
Time series data of water surface elevation, wave height, currents, and turbidity were acquired during the winters of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 in support of a study on the morphological change of rippled scour depressions off Santa Cruz, CA. One set of instruments (SCW) was mounted at the end of Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf during both winters. Another set of instruments (M1T) was deployed offshore in Monterey Bay each winter; the two offshore winter locations were different, but each were about 0.5 km ... |
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Hydrodynamic time-series data from two marshes and adjacent shallows in Northern San Francisco Bay, California, 2022-2023
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport time-series data, including water depth, velocity, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature, were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center at shallow subtidal and intertidal sites in Corte Madera Bay and San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge (SPNWF) in San Francisco Bay, CA, as well as on the marsh plain of SPNWF marsh and in a tidal creek and on the marsh plain of Corte Madera Marsh, in 2022 and 2023. Data files are ... |
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Continuous Monitoring Data From Natural and Restored Salt Marshes on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2016-17
Continuous monitoring data reported are a portion of data from a larger study investigating changes in soil properties, carbon accumulation, and greenhouse gas fluxes in four recently restored salt marsh sites and nearby natural salt marshes. For several decades, local towns, conservation groups, and government organizations have worked to identify, replace, repair, and enlarge culverts to restore tidal flow upstream from historical tidal restrictions in an effort to restore salt marsh ecosystems on Cape ... |
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Time series data of oceanographic conditions from La Parguera, Puerto Rico, 2017-2018 Coral Reef Circulation and Sediment Dynamics Experiment
Time-series data of water surface elevation, waves, currents, temperature, and salinity collected between 17 May 2017 and 17 Jan 2018 off the southwest coast of Puerto Rico in support of a study on circulation and sediment transport dynamics over coral reefs. The data are available in NetCDF format, grouped together in zip files by instrument site location. A README.txt file details the files contained within each zip, including the file names, type of data collected, instrument that collected the data, ... |
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Time-series oceanographic data from the Monterey Canyon, CA October 2015 - March 2017
Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were acquired between 5 October 2015 and 21 March 2017 within the Monterey Canyon off of Monterey, CA, USA. In order to better understand the triggering, progression and evolution of turbidity currents in Monterey Submarine Canyon, an experiment was designed to directly measure velocity, suspended sediment and physical water properties (temperature, salinity and density) along the canyon axis during an 18-month period. Three moorings in ... |
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Hydrodynamic time-series data from San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay, California, 2020
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport time-series data, including water depth, velocity, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature, were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center within two embayments of San Francisco Bay. Data were collected in San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay from January to June 2020 at seven locations. Data files are grouped by area (shallows of San Pablo Bay, channel of San Pablo Bay, and shallows of Grizzly Bay). Each shallow site contained a ... |
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Hydrodynamic time-series data from San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay , California, 2019
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport time-series data, including water depth, velocity, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature, were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center within two embayments of San Francisco Bay. Data were collected in San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay from June to August 2019 at seven unique stations. Data files are grouped by area (shallows of San Pablo Bay, channel of San Pablo Bay, and shallows of Grizzly Bay). Each shallow site ... |
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Continuous Monitoring Data From Great Barnstable Marsh on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2017-19
Salt marshes are environmental ecosystems that contribute to coastal landscape resiliency to storms and rising sea level. Ninety percent of mid-Atlantic and New England salt marshes have been impacted by parallel grid ditching that began in the 1920s–40s to control mosquito populations and to provide employment opportunities during the Great Depression (James-Pirri and others, 2009; Kennish, 2001). Continued alteration of salt marsh hydrology has had unintended consequences for salt marsh sustainability ... |
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Hydrodynamic time-series data from Whale's Tail South marsh in Eden Landing Ecological Reserve in Alameda County, CA in 2021 and 2022
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport time-series data, including water depth, velocity, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature, were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center in South San Francisco Bay and in the Whale's Tail South marsh in Eden Landing Ecological Reserve in Alameda County, CA in 2021 and 2022. Data files are grouped by data type and season (summer and winter). At Bay sites, instruments were deployed on small quadpods. In the tidal creek, ... |
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Continuous Monitoring Data From Herring River Wetlands, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2015 to January 2020
The Herring River estuary (Wellfleet, Cape Cod, Massachusetts) has been tidally restricted for over a century by a dike constructed near the mouth of the river. Behind the dike, the tidal restriction has caused the conversion of salt marsh wetlands to various other ecosystems including impounded freshwater marshes, flooded shrub land, drained forested upland, and wetlands dominated by Phragmites australis. This estuary is now managed by the National Park Service, which has plans to replace the dike and ... |
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Time-series oceanographic data from the National Park of American Samoa, Tutuila, American Samoa, 2015
Time-series data of water surface elevation, wave height, and water column currents, temperature, and salinity were acquired for 150 days between 13 April and 14 July 2015 off the north coast of the island of Tutuila, American Samoa in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns within and in the vicinity of the National Park of American Samoa. |
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Hydrodynamic and sediment transport data from San Pablo Bay (northern San Francisco Bay), 2011-2012
The U.S. Geological Survey Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center collected data to investigate sediment dynamics in the shallows of San Pablo Bay in two deployments: February to March 2011 (ITX11) and May to June 2012 (ITX12). This data release includes time-series data and grain-size distributions from sediment grabs collected during the deployments. During each deployment, time series of current velocity, water depth, and turbidity were collected at several stations in the shallows, and one station in ... |
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Hydrodynamic time-series data from three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2017 to 2018
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport time-series data, including water depth, velocity, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature, were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center at three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Data were collected in Lindsey Slough in April 2017, and Middle River and the Mokelumne River in March 2018. Data files are grouped by location. At each of the three sites, data were collected at stations outside and within patches ... |
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Suspended particle size distribution data from three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2017 to 2018
These data present suspended particle size distributions collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center at three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Data were collected in Lindsey Slough on April 4 and April 18, 2017, and near the mouth of the Mokelumne River and in Middle River on March 14, 2018 by deploying a Sequoia Scientific Laser In-situ Scattering and Transmissometry instrument (LISST 100x) from a small vessel during the deployment of the ... |
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Hydrodynamic timeseries data from south San Francisco Bay, California, summer 2020
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport time-series data, including water depth, velocity, turbidity, suspended particle size, conductivity, and temperature, were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center at two locations in south San Francisco Bay. Data were collected in the channel (one platform) and in the shallows (three co-located platforms) for 2 weeks in July 2020. Data files are grouped by site (channel or shallows). Each site contained instrumentation to ... |
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