Dataset description: MassBay_10m

Massachusetts Bay and adjacent land: continuous bathymetry and topography terrain model of the Massachusetts coastal zone and continental shelf, (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 19 NAD 83, NAVD 88 vertical datum) (version2)
Keywordssea-floor characteristics, digital elevation models, bathymetry
Amount250 MB

Version 1.0 of this GeoTIFF was replaced by version 2.0 in March, 2018 because version. 1.0 of the GeoTIFF did not reflect the current "build" of the terrain model. Version 2.0: Although the 2 issues [discussed in processing step 7 of metadata] were corrected prior to publication of ver. 1.0, the uncorrected terrain model was erroneously released. External sources.


Geometries linked to this dataset

MapMassBay_footprintFootprint of the Massachusetts Bay terrain model and source information.