Dataset description: Stellwagen_sedimentsamples

Geographic locations of seabed sediment samples from the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region. Includes sediment analyses.
Keywordssea-floor characteristics, grab sampling, navigational data, geospatial datasets, grain-size analysis, marine geology
Data typesGeology
Amount1 MB


Activities and equipment

1993-030-FAGrab sampler
Sampling device consisting of a set of jaws and a deployment mechanism designed to collect sediments or loose substrate from the surface of the sea floor.
1994-004-FAVan Veen grab sampler
Grab sampler with jaws levered shut by long bars and deployed by the action of pulling the sampler off the bottom of the sea floor.
1994-014-FAVan Veen grab sampler
Grab sampler with jaws levered shut by long bars and deployed by the action of pulling the sampler off the bottom of the sea floor.
Grab sampler with video and still cameras mounted on the frame.
1996-025-FAGrab sampler
Sampling device consisting of a set of jaws and a deployment mechanism designed to collect sediments or loose substrate from the surface of the sea floor.
1996-038-FAGrab sampler
Sampling device consisting of a set of jaws and a deployment mechanism designed to collect sediments or loose substrate from the surface of the sea floor.
1997-020-FAVan Veen grab sampler
Grab sampler with jaws levered shut by long bars and deployed by the action of pulling the sampler off the bottom of the sea floor.
Grab sampler with video and still cameras mounted on the frame.
Grab sampler with video and still cameras mounted on the frame.
Grab sampler with video and still cameras mounted on the frame.
Grab sampler with video and still cameras mounted on the frame.
Grab sampler with video and still cameras mounted on the frame.
Grab sampler with video and still cameras mounted on the frame.
Grab sampler with video and still cameras mounted on the frame.
Grab sampler with video and still cameras mounted on the frame.
Grab sampler with video and still cameras mounted on the frame.
Grab sampler with video and still cameras mounted on the frame.
Grab sampler with video and still cameras mounted on the frame.
Grab sampler with video and still cameras mounted on the frame.

Geometries linked to this dataset

MapStellwagen_sedsamps_footprintFootprint of sediment sample locations in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary.