Dataset description: Marine sparker source SEG-Y seismic data

Seismic data were recorded aboard the R/V Parke Snavely (RVPS, source vessel) during USGS field activity 2021-619-FA. Data were recorded with a broadband spherical reference Reson TC4034 hydrophone positioned directly below the SIG ELP790 or the Applied Acoustics Delta sparker source which were towed from the stern of the vessel. Source data were recorded as the R/V Parke Snavely made several passes along 7 different water depth transects and are presented in SEG-Y format. Shot point navigation are provided in an accompanying comma-delimited text file, as well as in a shapefile for visualization purposes.
Keywordsgeospatial datasets, marine geophysics
Data typesSparker
Amount426.8 MB


Alicia F Balster-gee

Activities and equipment

2021-619-FACalibrated single channel phones
Calibrated single channel seismic receiver phones