
Configuration of the land surface and sea floor.
This category is also used for elevation and relief.

1565 results listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California, September 2016

This part of the data release presents topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in September 2016. Topography data were collected on foot with survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks and with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) using a GNSS receiver mounted at a measured height above the ground.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2012

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in August 2012. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California, September and October 2015

This part of the data release presents topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in September and October 2015. Topography data were collected on foot with survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks and with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) using a GNSS receiver mounted at a measured height above the ground.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, March 2013

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in March 2013. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California, October 2014

This part of the data release presents topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in October 2014. Topography data were collected on foot with survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks and with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) using a GNSS receiver mounted at a measured height above the ground.

Topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California, March 2017

This part of the data release presents topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in March 2017. Topography data were collected on foot with survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks and with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) using a GNSS receiver mounted at a measured height above the ground.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2015

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in July 2015. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2022

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in August 2022. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, September 2013

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in September 2013. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California, March 2016

This part of the data release presents topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in March 2016. Topography data were collected on foot with survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks and with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) using a GNSS receiver mounted at a measured height above the ground.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, January 2015

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in January 2015. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California, September 2017

This part of the data release presents topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in September 2017. Topography data were collected on foot with survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks and with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) using a GNSS receiver mounted at a measured height above the ground.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, February 2016

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in February 2016. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, May 2011

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in May 2011. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, April 2014

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in April 2014. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California, March 2015

This part of the data release presents topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in March 2015. Topography data were collected on foot with survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks and with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) using a GNSS receiver mounted at a measured height above the ground.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, May 2012

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in May 2012. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2017

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in July 2017. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data collected in the Liberty Island Conservation Bank portion of the Cache Slough Complex, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, during USGS field activity 2017-649-FA

This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data acquired in the Liberty Island Conservation Wildlands restoration site in 2017 (USGS Field Activity Number 2017-649-FA). Topographic data were collected on June 26 and 27, 2017 by walking with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks. Hand-held data collectors were used to log raw data and display navigational information as the surveyors traversed the landscape. The final point data are provided in a comma ...

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, September 2010

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in September 2010. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2011

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in August 2011. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2019

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in August 2019. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2016

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in July 2016. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2018

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in July 2018. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, September 2014

This part of the data release presents topography data from the Elwha River delta collected in September 2014. Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks.

CRKR2014_EAARLB_z17_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Submerged Topography—Crocker Reef, Florida, 2014

A submerged topography digital elevation model (DEM) mosaic for a portion of the submerged environs of Crocker Reef, Florida, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on April 13 and 22, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation ...

ds765_General_metadata: Coastal Topography--Northeast Atlantic Coast, Post-Hurricane Sandy, 2012

Derived products of a portion of the New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina coastlines, post-Hurricane Sandy (Sandy was an October 2012 hurricane that made landfall as an extratropical cyclone on the 29th), were produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Photo Science, Inc. (Delaware, Maryland, Virgina, and North Carolina) and Woolpert, Inc. (Fire Island, New York) using airborne lidar sensors. Post ...

ds765_metadata: Coastal Topography--Northeast Atlantic Coast, Post-Hurricane Sandy, 2012

Dune features (dune crest and toe elevations) and mean-high-water shoreline data for a portion of the New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina coastlines, post-Hurricane Sandy (Sandy was an October 2012 hurricane that made landfall as an extratropical cyclone on the 29th), were produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Photo Science and Woolpert using using airborne lidar sensors. Binary point-cloud ...

DS888-metadata: EAARL-B Coastal Topography—Fire Island, New York, pre-Hurricane Sandy, 2012: Seamless (Bare Earth and Submerged)

American Standard Code Information Interchange XYZ and binary point-cloud data, as well as a seamless (bare-earth and submerged) digital elevation model for part of Fire Island, New York, pre-Hurricane Sandy (October 2012 hurricane), were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar, a pulsed laser ranging system ...

Beach topography of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2014

This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, in 2014 (USGS Field Activity Number 2014-631-FA). Topographic profiles were collected by walking along survey lines with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks. Prior to data collection, vertical distances between the GNSS antennas and the ground were measured using a tape measure. Hand-held data collectors were used ...

DS888_PRSF_tile_extents: EAARL-B Coastal Topography—Fire Island, New York, pre-Hurricane Sandy, 2012: Seamless (Bare Earth and Submerged)

This shapefile was produced from 53 2-kilometer by 2-kilometer tile extents of remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar, a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency laser beams directed at the Earth's surface ...

FIIS2002_EAARLA_BE_z18_n88g99_metadata: Lidar-Derived Bare-Earth XYZ for EAARL Coastal Topography—Fire Island, New York, 2002

ASCII XYZ data for Fire Island, New York, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected October 25 and November 8, 2002 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service (NPS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the first-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-A), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to ...

Beach topography of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2015

This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, in 2015 (USGS Field Activity Number 2015-647-FA). Topographic profiles were collected by walking along survey lines with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks. Prior to data collection, vertical distances between the GNSS antennas and the ground were measured using a tape measure. Hand-held data collectors were used ...

Beach topography of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2016

This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, in 2016 (USGS Field Activity Number 2016-663-FA). Topographic profiles were collected by walking along survey lines with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks. Prior to data collection, vertical distances between the GNSS antennas and the ground were measured using a tape measure. Hand-held data collectors were used ...

30-m Topography and bathymetry grid produced from swath interferometric, multibeam, and lidar datasets (navd_bath_30m Esri binary grid, UTM Zone 19N, WGS84)

These data are qualitatively derived interpretive polygon shapefiles and selected source raster data defining surficial geology, sediment type and distribution, and physiographic zones of the sea floor from Nahant to Northern Cape Cod Bay. Much of the geophysical data used to create the interpretive layers were collected under a cooperative agreement among the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, the National Oceanic ...

FIIS2002_EAARLA_BE_z18_n88g99_mosaic_metadata: Lidar-Derived Bare-Earth Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Mosaic for EAARL Coastal Topography—Fire Island, New York, 2002

A digital elevation model (DEM) mosaic for Fire Island, New York, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected October 25 and November 8, 2002 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service (NPS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the first-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-A), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted ...

Beach topography of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2017

This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, in 2017 (USGS Field Activity Number 2017-666-FA). Topographic profiles were collected by walking along survey lines with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks. Prior to data collection, vertical distances between the GNSS antennas and the ground were measured using a tape measure. Hand-held data collectors were used ...

Beach topography of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2018

This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, in 2018 (USGS Field Activity Number 2018-652-FA). Topographic profiles were collected by walking along survey lines with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks. Prior to data collection, vertical distances between the GNSS antennas and the ground were measured using a tape measure. Hand-held data collectors were used ...

Beach topography of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2019

This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, in 2019 (USGS Field Activity Number 2019-632-FA). Topographic profiles were collected by walking along survey lines with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks. Prior to data collection, vertical distances between the GNSS antennas and the ground were measured using a tape measure. Hand-held data collectors were used ...

Beach topography of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2020

This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, in 2020 (USGS Field Activity Number 2020-622-FA). Topographic profiles were collected by walking along survey lines with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks. Prior to data collection, vertical distances between the GNSS antennas and the ground were measured using a tape measure. Hand-held data collectors were used ...

08ACH03_first_return_metadata: EAARL Coastal Topography-Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida, June 2008

ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency laser beams directed at the ...

08ACH03_last_return_metadata: EAARL Coastal Topography-Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida, June 2008

ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency laser beams directed at the ...

Terrestrial-Based Lidar Beach Topography of Fire Island, New York, May 2015 - DEM data

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and the USGS Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center (LMG WSC) in Montgomery, Alabama, collected terrestrial-based light detection and ranging (T-lidar) elevation data at Fire Island, New York. The data were collected on May 18, 2015 as part of the ongoing beach monitoring within Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project GS2-2B, and will be used to document and assess the morphological storm response and post-storm ...

Terrestrial-Based Lidar Beach Topography of Fire Island, New York, May 2015 - XYZ Data

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and the USGS Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center (LMG WSC) in Montgomery, Alabama, collected terrestrial-based light detection and ranging (T-lidar) elevation data at Fire Island, New York. The data were collected on May 18, 2015 as part of the ongoing beach monitoring within Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project GS2-2B, and will be used to document and assess the morphological storm response and post-storm ...

ANGD2014_BE_z20_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: Lidar-Derived Bare-Earth Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Mosaic for Coastal Topography—Anegada, British Virgin Islands, 2014

A digital elevation model (DEM) mosaic was produced for Anegada, British Virgin Islands, from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Watershed Sciences, Inc. (WSI)/Quantum Spatial using an Optech Orion M300 (1064-nm wavelength) lidar sensor on January 21, 2014.

ANGD2014_EAARLB_z20_v09g12A_metadata: Lidar-Derived Seamless (Bare Earth and Submerged) Point Cloud for Coastal Topography—Anegada, British Virgin Islands, 2014

ASCII XYZ point cloud data for a portion of the environs of Anegada, British Virgin Islands, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected March 19-20, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The ...

ANGD2014_EAARLB_z20_v09g12A_mosaic_metadata: Lidar-Derived Seamless (Bare Earth and Submerged) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Mosaic for Coastal Topography—Anegada, British Virgin Islands, 2014

A seamless (bare earth and submerged) topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for a portion of the submerged environs of Anegada, British Virgin Islands, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected March 19-20, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ...

ASIS2015_HRJQ_BE_z18_n88g12B_classified_metadata: Lidar-Derived Classified Bare-Earth Point-Cloud for Coastal Topography—Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia, Post-Hurricane Joaquin, 26 November 2015

Binary point-cloud data were produced for Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia, post-Hurricane Joaquin, from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Quantum Spatial using a Leica ALS70 (1064-nm wavelength) lidar sensor.

ASIS2015_HRJQ_BE_z18_n88g12B_mosaic_metadata: Lidar-Derived Bare-Earth Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Mosaic for Coastal Topography—Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia, Post-Hurricane Joaquin, 26 November 2015

A digital elevation model (DEM) mosaic was produced for Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia, post-Hurricane Joaquin, from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Quantum Spatial using a Leica ALS70 (1064-nm wavelength) lidar sensor.

EAARL Topography-Dry Tortugas National Park

Lidar is a remote sensing technique that uses laser light to detect, range, or identify remote objects based on light reflected by the object or emitted through it subsequent fluorescence. Airborne ranging lidar is now being applied in coastal environments to produce accurate, cost-efficient elevation datasets with high data density. The USGS in cooperation with NASA and NPS is using airborne lidar to measure the submerged topography of the Dry Tortugas reef tract and Subaerail topography of land features ...

EAARL Bare Earth Topography-Fire Island National Seashore

A bare earth elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model or DEM) of Fire Island National Seashore was produced from remotely-sensed, geographically-referenced elevation measurements in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Air and Space Administration (NASA), and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft ...

EAARL Topography-Fire Island National Seaashore

A first return elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model or DEM) of Fire Island National Seashore was produced from remotely-sensed, geographically-referenced elevation measurements in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Air and Space Administration (NASA), and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft ...

EAARL Topography-Assateague Island National Seashore-Lidar GeoTIFF

LiDAR is a remote sensing technique that uses laser light to detect, range, or identify remote objects based on light reflected by the object or emitted through it subsequent fluorescence. Airborne ranging LiDAR is now being applied in coastal environments to produce accurate, cost-efficient elevation datasets with high data density. The USGS in cooperation with NASA and NPS is using airborne LiDAR to measure the topography of Assateague Island National Seashore land features. Elevation measurements were ...

EAARL Topography-Thomas Stone National Historic Site

A first surface elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model or DEM) of Thomas Stone National Historic Site was produced from remotely-sensed, geographically-referenced elevation measurements in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Air and Space Administration (NASA), and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an ...

EAARL Topography - Gateway National Recreation Area

A bare earth elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model or DEM) of Gateway National Recreation Area was produced from remotely-sensed, geographically-referenced elevation measurements in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Air and Space Administration (NASA), and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an ...

EAARL Topography George Washington Birthplace National Monument

A bare earth elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model or DEM) of George Washington Birthplace National Monument was produced from remotely-sensed, geographically-referenced elevation measurements in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Air and Space Administration (NASA), and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted ...

EAARL Topography-Cape Cod National Seashore

Elevation maps (also known as Digital Elevation Models or DEMs) of Cape Cod National Seashore were produced from remotely-sensed, geographically-referenced elevation measurements in cooperation with NASA and NPS. Point data in ascii text files were interpolated in a GIS to create a grid or digital elevation model (DEM) of each beach surface. Elevation measurements were collected in Massachusetts, over Cape Cod National Seashore using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LiDAR (EAARL), a pulsed ...

EAARL Topography-Gulf Islands National Seashore-Mississippi

Abstract: Elevation maps (also known as Digital Elevation Models or DEMs) of Gulf Islands National Seashore were produced from remotely-sensed, geographically-referenced elevation measurements in cooperation with NASA and NPS. Point data in ascii text files were interpolated in a GIS to create a grid or digital elevation model (DEM) of each beach surface. Elevation measurements were collected in Florida, Mississippi and Texas, over Gulf Islands National Seashore, using the NASA Experimental Advanced ...

EAARL Topography-Sagamore Hill National Historic Site

Elevation maps (also known as Digital Elevation Models or DEMs) of the Sagamore Hill National Historic Site were produced from remotely-sensed, geographically-referenced elevation measurements in cooperation with NASA and NPS. Point data in ascii text files were interpolated in a GIS to create a grid or digital elevation model (DEM) of each beach surface. Elevation measurements were collected in New York, over the Sagamore Hill National Historic Site using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research ...

EAARL Submarine Topography-Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

Lidar is a remote sensing technique that uses laser light to detect, range, or identify remote objects based on light reflected by the object or emitted through its subsequent fluorescence. Airborne ranging Lidar is now being applied in coastal environments to produce accurate, cost-efficient elevation datasets with high spatial density. The USGS in cooperation with NASA, NOAA, and NPS is using airborne Lidar to measure the submerged topography of the northern Florida reef tract; secondarily, the data will ...

EAARL Topography-Gulf Islands National Seashore-Florida

Elevation maps (also known as Digital Elevation Models or DEMs) of Gulf Islands National Seashore were produced from remotely-sensed, geographically-referenced elevation measurements in cooperation with NASA and NPS. Point data in ascii text files were interpolated in a GIS to create a grid or digital elevation model (DEM) of each beach surface. Elevation measurements were collected in Florida, Mississippi and Texas, over Gulf Islands National Seashore, using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research ...

EAARL Topography-Padre Island National Seashore

Elevation maps (also known as Digital Elevation Models or DEMs) of Padre Island National Seashore were produced from remotely-sensed, geographically-referenced elevation measurements in cooperation with NASA and NPS. Point data in ascii text files were interpolated in a GIS to create a grid or digital elevation model (DEM) of each beach surface. Elevation measurements were collected in Texas, over Padre Island National Seashore, using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed ...

EAARL Submarine Topography-Northern Florida Keys Reef Tract

Lidar is a remote sensing technique that uses laser light to detect, range, or identify remote objects based on light reflected by the object or emitted through its subsequent fluorescence. Airborne ranging lidar is now being applied in coastal environments to produce accurate, cost-efficient elevation datasets with high spatial density. The USGS, in cooperation with NASA and NPS, is using airborne lidar to measure the submerged topography of the Northern Florida Keys Reef Tract (NFKRT); secondarily, the ...

EAARL Bare Earth Topography-Colonial National Historical Park

Elevation maps (also known as Digital Elevation Models or DEMs) of Colonial National Historical Park were produced from remotely-sensed, geographically-referenced elevation measurements in cooperation with NASA and NPS. Point data in ASCII text files were interpolated in a GIS to create a grid or digital elevation model (DEM) of each surface. Elevation measurements were collected in Virginia, over Colonial National Historical Park, using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a ...

BITH2014_BeaumontLNRUnits_EAARLB_BE_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Beaumont and Lower Neches River Units, Texas, 2014

A bare-earth topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Beaumont and Lower Neches River Units of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 11, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, and 29, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced ...

BITH2014_BeaumontLNRUnits_EAARLB_FS_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Beaumont and Lower Neches River Units, Texas, 2014

A first-surface topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Beaumont and Lower Neches River Units of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 11, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, and 29, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental ...

BITH2014_BigSandyCreekCorridorUnit_EAARLB_BE_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Big Sandy Creek Corridor Unit, Texas, 2014

A bare-earth topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Big Sandy Creek Corridor Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 19, 21, 22, 29, and 30, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland and Virginia, 2002: Bare Earth

ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements acquired cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over Assateague Island National Seashore using the first-generation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland and Virginia, 2002: First Surface

ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements acquired cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over Assateague Island National Seashore using the first-generation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Dauphin Island, Alabama, 2010: Bare Earth

ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over Dauphin Island, post-Tropical Storm Bonnie (July 2010 tropical storm), using the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Dauphin Island, Alabama, 2010: First Surface

ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over Dauphin Island, post-Tropical Storm Bonnie (July 2010 tropical storm), using the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. ...

Lidar-Derived Bare-Earth XYZ for EAARL Coastal Topography—Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, Post-Hurricane Isabel, 2003

ASCII XYZ data for Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected post-Hurricane Isabel on September 21, 2003 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the first-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-A), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground ...

Beach topography of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2021

This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, in 2021 (USGS Field Activity Number 2021-632-FA). Topographic profiles were collected by walking along survey lines with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks. Prior to data collection, vertical distances between the GNSS antennas and the ground were measured using a tape measure. Hand-held data collectors were used ...

Lidar-Derived Bare-Earth XYZ for EAARL Coastal Topography—Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, Pre-Hurricane Isabel, 2003

ASCII XYZ data for Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected pre-Hurricane Isabel on September 16, 2003 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the first-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-A), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground ...

EAARL Coastal Topography—Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, 4-5 September 2010: Seamless (Bare Earth and Submerged)

ASCII XYZ point-cloud data for the Chandeleur Islands in Louisiana were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on September 4 and 5, 2010 by the U.S. Geological Survey. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the first-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-A), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high ...

EAARL Coastal Topography—Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, 12-13 February 2011: Seamless (Bare Earth and Submerged)

ASCII XYZ point-cloud data for the Chandeleur Islands in Louisiana were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on February 12 and 13, 2011 by the U.S. Geological Survey. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the first-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-A), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high ...

Lidar-Derived Classified Point-Cloud for Coastal Topography—Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, 23-25 June 2016

Binary point-cloud data were produced for the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Leading Edge Geomatics (LEG) using a Leica Chiroptera II Bathymetric and Topographic Sensor. Dewberry reports that the nominal pulse spacing for this project was 1 point every 0.7 meters. Dewberry used proprietary procedures to classify the LAS according to project specifications: 0-Never Classified, 1-Unclassified, 2-Ground (includes model key ...

Lidar-Derived Seamless Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Mosaic for Coastal Topography—Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, 23-25 June 2016

A digital elevation model (DEM) mosaic was produced for the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Leading Edge Geomatics (LEG) using a Leica Chiroptera II Bathymetric and Topographic Sensor. Dewberry reports that the nominal pulse spacing for this project was 1 point every 0.7 meters. Dewberry used proprietary procedures to classify the LAS according to project specifications: 0-Never Classified, 1-Unclassified, 2-Ground (includes ...

Beach topography of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2023

This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, in 2023 (USGS Field Activity Number 2023-644-FA). Topographic profiles were collected by walking along survey lines with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks. Prior to data collection, vertical distances between the GNSS antennas and the ground were measured using a tape measure. Hand-held data collectors were used ...

BITH2014_BigSandyCreekCorridorUnit_EAARLB_FS_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Big Sandy Creek Corridor Unit, Texas, 2014

A first-surface topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Big Sandy Creek Corridor Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 19, 21, 22, 29, and 30, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B) ...

BITH2014_BigSandyCreekUnit_EAARLB_BE_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Big Sandy Creek Unit, Texas, 2014

A bare-earth topography digital elevation model (DEM) mosaic for the Big Sandy Creek Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 19, 21, 22, and 30, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar, a pulsed laser ranging ...

BITH2014_BigSandyCreekUnit_EAARLB_FS_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Big Sandy Creek Unit, Texas, 2014

A first-surface topography digital elevation model (DEM) mosaic for the Big Sandy Creek Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 19, 21, 22, and 30, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar, a pulsed laser ...

EAARL Coastal Topography-Northern Gulf of Mexico

ASCII xyz point cloud data were produced from remotely-sensed, geographically-referenced elevation measurements in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and National Air and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency laser beams ...

EAARL Topography-Vicksburg National Millitary Park 2007: First Surface

A first surface elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the Vicksburg National Military Park in Mississippi was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Park Service (NPS), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed-laser ranging system ...

EAARL Topography-Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve 2006

A first surface/bare earth elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve in Louisiana was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service (NPS), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL ...

EAARL Topography-Vicksburg National Millitary Park 2008: Bare Earth

A bare earth elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the Vicksburg National Military Park in Mississippi was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Park Service (NPS), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed-laser ranging system ...

EAARL Coastal Topography-Fire Island National Seashore 2007

A bare earth/first surface elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the Fire Island National Seashore in New York was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service (NPS), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed-laser ...

EAARL Topography-Natchez Trace Parkway 2007: First Surface

A first surface elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DSM) of a portion of the Natchez Trace Parkway in Mississippi was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Park Service (NPS), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed-laser ranging system ...

EAARL Coastal Topography-Sandy Hook 2007

A first surface/bare earth elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the Gateway National Recreation Area's Sandy Hook Unit in New Jersey was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service (NPS), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar ...

EAARL Submerged Topography-U.S. Virgin Islands 2003

A submerged topography elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of a portion of the U.S. Virgin Islands was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed-laser ranging system mounted ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Northeast Barrier Islands 2007: First Surface

A first surface elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the northeast coastal barrier islands in New York and New Jersey was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed-laser ranging system mounted onboard ...

KEYS2016_SM_z17_n88g12B_classified_metadata: Coastal Topography-Upper Florida Keys Reef Tract, Florida, 26-30 June 2016

Binary point-cloud data were produced for a portion of the upper Florida Keys reef tract, Florida, from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Leading Edge Geomatics (LEG) using a Leica Chiroptera II Bathymetric and Topographic Sensor. Dewberry reports that the nominal pulse spacing for this project was 1 point every 0.7 meters. Dewberry used proprietary procedures to classify the LAS according to project specifications: 0-Never Classified, 1-Unclassified, 2-Ground ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Northeast Barrier Islands 2007: Bare Earth

A bare earth elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the northeast coastal barrier islands in New York and New Jersey was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed-laser ranging system mounted onboard an ...

EAARL-B Topography—Suncook River, New Hampshire, 5-6 November 2013: Seamless (Bare Earth and Submerged)

Binary point-cloud data for part of the Suncook River in New Hampshire were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the New Hampshire Geological Survey. Elevation measurements were collected over the area on November 5 and 6, 2013 using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar, a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and ...

EAARL Coastal Topography - Northern Gulf of Mexico, 2007: First surface

A first surface elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the northern Gulf of Mexico barrier islands and Naval Live Oaks was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service (NPS), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed ...

EAARL Coastal Topography - Northern Gulf of Mexico, 2007: Bare earth

A bare earth elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the northern Gulf of Mexico barrier islands and Naval Live Oaks was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service (NPS), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed-laser ...

EAARL Topography--George Washington Birthplace National Monument 2008

A first surface/bare earth elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the George Washington Birthplace National Monument in Virginia was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service (NPS), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a ...

EAARL Coastal Topography-St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands 2003: First Surface

A first surface elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of a portion of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed-laser ranging system mounted ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Pearl River Delta 2008: Bare Earth

A bare earth elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the Pearl River Delta in Louisiana and Mississippi was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the University of New Orleans (UNO), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed-laser ranging ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Pearl River Delta 2008: First Surface

A first surface elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the Pearl River Delta in Louisiana and Mississippi was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the University of New Orleans (UNO), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed-laser ...

ATM Coastal Topography--Alabama 2001

A first surface elevation map was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM), a scanning Lidar system that measures high-resolution topography of the land surface. The ATM system is deployed on a twin-otter or P3 aircraft and incorporates a green-wavelength laser ...

ATM Coastal Topography--Florida 2001: Western Panhandle

A first surface elevation map was produced cooperatively from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM), a scanning Lidar system that measures high-resolution topography of the land surface. The ATM system is deployed on a Twin Otter or P-3 Orion aircraft and incorporates a green-wavelength ...

ATM Coastal Topography--Florida 2001: Eastern Panhandle

A first surface elevation map was produced cooperatively from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM), a scanning Lidar system that measures high-resolution topography of the land surface. The ATM system is deployed on a Twin Otter or P-3 Orion aircraft and incorporates a green-wavelength ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Assateague Island National Seashore, 2008: First Surface

A first-surface elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the Assateague Island National Seashore in Virginia and Maryland was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service (NPS), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Assateague Island National Seashore, 2008: Bare Earth

A bare-earth elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the Assateague Island National Seashore in Virginia and Maryland was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service (NPS), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ...

ATM Coastal Topography--Texas, 2001: UTM Zone 14

A first-surface elevation map was produced cooperatively from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM), a scanning lidar system that measures high-resolution topography of the land surface. The ATM system is deployed on a Twin Otter or P-3 Orion aircraft and incorporates a green-wavelength ...

ATM Coastal Topography--Texas, 2001: UTM Zone 15

A first-surface elevation map was produced cooperatively from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM), a scanning lidar system that measures high-resolution topography of the land surface. The ATM system is deployed on a Twin Otter or P-3 Orion aircraft and incorporates a green-wavelength ...

ATM Coastal Topography--Mississippi, 2001

A first-surface elevation map was produced cooperatively from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM), a scanning lidar system that measures high-resolution topography of the land surface. The ATM system is deployed on a Twin Otter or P-3 Orion aircraft and incorporates a green-wavelength ...

ATM Coastal Topography--Louisiana, 2001: UTM Zone 15 (Part 1 of 2)

A first-surface elevation map was produced cooperatively from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM), a scanning lidar system that measures high-resolution topography of the land surface. The ATM system is deployed on a Twin Otter or P-3 Orion aircraft and incorporates a green-wavelength ...

ATM Coastal Topography--Louisiana, 2001: UTM Zone 16 (Part 2 of 2)

A first-surface elevation map was produced cooperatively from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM), a scanning lidar system that measures high-resolution topography of the land surface. The ATM system is deployed on a Twin Otter or P-3 Orion aircraft and incorporates a green-wavelength ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Western Florida, Post-Hurricane Charley, 2004: First Surface

A first-surface elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of a portion of western Florida, post-Hurricane Charley, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an ...

EAARL Coastal Topography and Imagery--Naval Live Oaks Area, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida, 2007

A digital elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of the Naval Live Oaks Area in Florida's Gulf Islands National Seashore was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service (NPS), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Western Florida, Post-Hurricane Charley, 2004: Seamless (Bare Earth and Submerged)

A seamless (bare-earth and submerged) elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of a portion of western Florida, post-Hurricane Charley, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, 2010: Bare Earth

A bare-earth digital elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of a portion of the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Gateway National Recreation Area, New Jersey and New York, 2009

A digital elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of a portion of the Gateway National Recreation Area in New Jersey and New York was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service (NPS), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a ...

Sea floor maps showing topography, sun-illuminated topographic imagery, and backscatter intensity of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region off Boston, Massachusetts

This data set contains the sea floor topographic contours, sun-illuminated topographic imagery, and backscatter intensity generated from a multibeam sonar survey of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts, an area of approximately 1100 square nautical miles. The Stellwagen Bank NMS Mapping Project is designed to provide detailed maps of the Stellwagen Bank region's environments and habitats and the first complete multibeam topographic and sea floor characterization ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Eastern Florida, Post-Hurricane Frances, 2004: First Surface

A digital elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of a portion of the eastern Florida coastline was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Eastern Florida, Post-Hurricane Frances, 2004: Bare Earth

A bare-earth digital elevation map (also known as a Digital Elevation Model, or DEM) of a portion of the eastern Florida coastline was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Mississippi and Alabama Barrier Islands, Post-Hurricane Gustav, 2008

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the Mississippi and Alabama barrier islands, post-Hurricane Gustav (September 2008 hurricane), was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service (NPS), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ...

Lidar-Derived Point Cloud for EAARL-B Submerged Topography–—Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, 2014

ASCII XYZ point cloud data for a portion of the submerged environs of Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on March 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, and 24, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coral Reef Conservation Program. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne ...

Lidar-Derived Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Mosaic for EAARL-B Submerged Topography-Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, 2014

A submerged topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for a portion of the submerged environs of Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on March 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, and 24, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coral Reef Conservation Program. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Sandy Hook Unit, Gateway National Recreation Area, New Jersey, Post-Nor'Ida, 2009

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the Sandy Hook Unit of the Gateway National Recreation Area in New Jersey, post-Nor'Ida (November 2009 nor'easter) was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to ...

River-channel topography on the Elwha River, Washington, 2006 to 2017

This portion of the data release presents topographic data collected at 5 study sites along Elwha River, Washington between 2006 and 2017. Elevations along channel-perpendicular transects were surveyed using a total station and prism rod. Initial geodetic control was established using static global positioning system (GPS) occupations. A total station was subsequently used to expand and maintain the survey control network at each site. All survey data were referenced to the NAD83 datum, using the UTM, zone ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Fire Island National Seashore, New York, Post-Nor'Ida, 2009

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the Fire Island National Seashore in New York, post-Nor'Ida (November 2009 nor'easter), was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, ...

EAARL Coastal Topography and Imagery--Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland and Virginia, Post-Nor'Ida, 2009

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the Assateague Island National Seashore in Maryland and Virginia, post-Nor'Ida (November 2009 nor'easter), was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ...

KEYS2016_SM_z17_n88g12B_mosaic_metadata: Coastal Topography-Upper Florida Keys Reef Tract, Florida, 26-30 June 2016

A digital elevation model (DEM) mosaic was produced for a portion of the upper Florida Keys reef tract, Florida, from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Leading Edge Geomatics (LEG) using a Leica Chiroptera II Bathymetric and Topographic Sensor. Dewberry reports that the nominal pulse spacing for this project was 1 point every 0.7 meters. Dewberry used proprietary procedures to classify the LAS according to project specifications: 0-Never Classified, 1 ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Eastern Louisiana Barrier Islands, Post-Hurricane Gustav, 2008: First Surface

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the eastern Louisiana barrier islands, post-Hurricane Gustav (September 2008 hurricane), was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to ...

Bathymetry and topography data offshore of Burien, Washington

This part of USGS Data Series 935 (Cochrane, 2014) presents bathymetry and topography data for the Offshore of Burien, California, map area, a part of the Southern Salish Sea Habitat Map Series. The data for this map area are a combination of topography extracted from a pre-existing Digital Elevation Model (DEM) merged with bathymetry data that were collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) using multibeam sonar systems. The merged data are available for download in a single ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Eastern Florida, Post-Hurricane Jeanne, 2004: First Surface

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the eastern Florida coastline, post-Hurricane Jeanne (September 2004 hurricane), was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ...

LINY2011_HRIR_BE_z18_n88g09_classified_metadata: Coastal Topography—Long Island, New York, Post-Hurricane Irene, 30 August 2011

Binary point-cloud data were produced for Long Island, New York, from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Woolpert, Inc. using an Leica ALS50-II lidar sensor flown on a Cessna 404 aircraft. These data were collected post-Hurricane Irene on August 30, 2011.

EAARL Coastal Topography--Maryland and Delaware, post-Nor'Ida, 2009

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the eastern Maryland and Delaware coastline, post-Nor'Ida (November 2009 nor'easter), was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The ...

LINY2011_HRIR_BE_z18_n88g09_mosaic_metadata: Coastal Topography—Long Island, New York, Post-Hurricane Irene, 30 August 2011

A digital elevation model (DEM) mosaic was produced for Long Island, New York, from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Woolpert, Inc. using an Leica ALS50-II lidar sensor flown on a Cessna 404 aircraft. These data were collected post-Hurricane Irene on August 30, 2011.

EAARL Coastal Topography--Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North Carolina, Post-Nor'Ida, 2009: First Surface

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the National Park Service Southeast Coast Network's Cape Hatteras National Seashore in North Carolina, post-Nor'Ida (November 2009 nor'easter), was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system ...

EAARL Coastal Topography and Imagery--Fire Island National Seashore, New York, 2009

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the Fire Island National Seashore in New York was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Park Service (NPS), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North Carolina, Post-Nor'Ida, 2009: Bare Earth

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore in North Carolina, post-Nor'Ida (November 2009 nor'easter), was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground ...

EAARL Coastal Topography-Cape Canaveral, Florida, 2009: First Surface

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the eastern Florida coastline was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Kennedy Space Center, FL. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Northern Outer Banks, North Carolina, Post-Nor'Ida, 2009

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the northern North Carolina coastline beachface, post-Nor'Ida (November 2009 nor'easter), was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The ...

EAARL Topography--Potato Creek Watershed, Georgia, 2010

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the Potato Creek watershed in Georgia was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area on February 27, 2010, using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency ...

EAARL Topography--Three Mile Creek and Mobile-Tensaw Delta, Alabama, 2010

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the Mobile-Tensaw Delta region and Three Mile Creek in Alabama was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area (bathymetry was irresolvable) using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Eastern Florida, Post-Hurricane Jeanne, 2004: Bare Earth

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the eastern Florida coastline, post-Hurricane Jeanne (September 2004 hurricane), was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland and Virginia, 2010

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the Assateague Island National Seashore in Maryland and Virginia was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area on March 19 and 24, 2010, using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Virginia, Post-Nor'Ida, 2009

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the Virginia coastline beachface, post-Nor'Ida (November 2009 nor'easter), was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The EAARL sensor ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Alligator Point, Louisiana, 2010

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of Alligator Point, Louisiana, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency laser beams directed at the Earth's ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Central Wetlands, Louisiana, 2010

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the Central Wetlands, Louisiana was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area on March 4 and 5, 2010, using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency laser ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--North Shore, Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, 2010

A digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area on February 28, March 1, and March 5, 2010, using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. ...

EAARL Coastal Topography and Imagery--Western Louisiana, Post-Hurricane Rita, 2005: First Surface

ASCII xyz and binary point-cloud data, as well as a digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the Louisiana coastline, post-Hurricane Rita (September 2005 hurricane), was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging ...

Coastal Topography--Northeast Atlantic Coast, Post-Hurricane Sandy, 2012: Digital elevation model (DEM)

A DEM was produced for a portion of the New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina coastlines, post-Hurricane Sandy (Sandy was an October 2012 hurricane that made landfall as an extratropical cyclone on the 29th), from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Photo Science, Inc. (Delaware, Maryland, Virgina, and North Carolina) and Woolpert, Inc. (Fire Island, New York) using airborne lidar sensors.

Coastal Topography--Northeast Atlantic Coast, Post-Hurricane Sandy, 2012: Lidar-extracted dune features

Dune crest and toe positions along a portion of the New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina coastlines, post-Hurricane Sandy (Sandy was an October 2012 hurricane that made landfall as an extratropical cyclone on the 29th), were produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Photo Science, Inc. (Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina) and Woolpert, Inc. (Fire Island, New York)using using airborne ...

Coastal Topography--Northeast Atlantic Coast, Post-Hurricane Sandy, 2012: Lidar point-cloud data (LAS)

Binary point-cloud data were produced for a portion of the New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina coastlines, post-Hurricane Sandy (Sandy was an October 2012 hurricane that made landfall as an extratropical cyclone on the 29th), from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Photo Science, Inc. (Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina) and Woolpert, Inc. (Fire Island, New York) using airborne lidar sensors.

Coastal Topography--Northeast Atlantic Coast, Post-Hurricane Sandy, 2012: Lidar and digital elevation model (DEM) tile index

This data represents the tile index for lidar data collected for the U.S. Geological Survey in November 2012 following Hurricane Sandy, which made landfall in the eastern United States on October 29th, 2012. The lidar LAS and derived-digital elevation model (DEM) data are divided into these tiles and filenames match the tile number. The index shows the extent of data collection (portions of the coastline of New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina) and provides tile names to aid in ...

Coastal Topography--Northeast Atlantic Coast, Post-Hurricane Sandy, 2012: Mean-high-water shoreline

Mean-high-water (MHW) shoreline for a portion of the New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina coastlines were derived from lidar data collected following Hurricane Sandy (Sandy was an October 2012 hurricane that made landfall as an extratropical cyclone on the 29th). Data were produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from remotely sensed, geographically-referenced elevation measurements collected by Photo Science, Inc. (Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina) and Woolpert, ...

EAARL-B Coastal Topography--Eastern New Jersey, Hurricane Sandy, 2012: First Surface

ASCII xyz and binary point-cloud data, as well as a digital elevation model (DEM) of a portion of the New Jersey coastline, pre- and post-Hurricane Sandy (October 2012 hurricane), were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ...

EAARL-B Submerged Topography—Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, pre-Hurricane Sandy, 2012

American Standard Code for Information Interchange XYZ and binary point-cloud data, as well as a digital elevation model for part of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, pre-Hurricane Sandy (October 2012 hurricane), were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar, a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to ...

EAARL-B Submerged Topography—Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, post-Hurricane Sandy, 2012–2013

American Standard Code Information Interchange XYZ and binary point-cloud data, as well as a digital elevation model for part of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, post-Hurricane Sandy (October 2012 hurricane), were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar, a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to ...

EAARL-B Coastal Topography--Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, 2012: Seamless (Bare Earth and Submerged) (.shp file)

This shapefile was produced from 52 2-kilometer by 2-kilometer tile extents of remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency laser beams directed at the ...

USGS CoastCam at Isla Verde, Puerto Rico: 2018-2019 GNSS Topography Survey Data

This data release presents the post-processed Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ground-survey data acquired during the installation of the Argus camera at Isla Verde, Puerto Rico. The data contains topographic survey data collected during the installation of the camera. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a GNSS antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ). The GNSS measurements were made using Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) corrections ...

Beach Topography— Terrestrial-Based Lidar Beach Topography of Fire Island, New York, June 2014

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) in Florida and the USGS Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center (LMG WSC) in Montgomery, Alabama, collaborated to gather alongshore terrestrial-based lidar beach elevation data at Fire Island, New York. This high-resolution elevation dataset was collected on June 11, 2014, to characterize beach topography and document ongoing beach evolution and recovery, and is part of the ongoing beach monitoring within the ...

STCR2014_EAARLB_v09g12B_metadata: EAARL-B Submerged Topography–Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, 2014

ASCII XYZ point cloud data for a portion of the submerged environs of Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on March 11, 19, and 21, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coral Reef Conservation Program. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a ...

STCR2014_EAARLB_v09g12B_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Submerged Topography–Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, 2014

A submerged topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for a portion of the submerged environs of Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on March 11, 19, and 21, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coral Reef Conservation Program. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced ...

Bathymetry, topography, and sediment grain-size data from the Elwha River delta, Washington

This data release contains bathymetry and topography data from surveys performed on the Elwha River delta between 2010 and 2017. Sediment grain-size data are available for selected surveys performed after May 2012. This data release will be updated as additional bathymetry, topography, and surface-sediment grain-size data from future surveys become available.

EAARL Coastal Topography-Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, March 2006: First Return

ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency laser beams directed at the ...

EAARL Coastal Topography-Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, March 2006: Last Return

ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency laser beams directed at the ...

Bathymetry and topography data offshore of Tacoma, Washington

This part of USGS Data Series 935 (Cochrane, 2014) presents bathymetry and topography data for the Offshore of Tacoma, California, map area, a part of the Southern Salish Sea Habitat Map Series. The data for this map area are a combination of topography extracted from a pre-existing Digital Elevation Model (DEM) merged with bathymetry data that were collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) using multibeam sonar systems. The merged data are available for download in a single ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama September 2006: First Return

ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency laser beams directed at the ...

Terrestrial-Based Lidar Beach Topography of Fire Island, New York, June 2014

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) in Florida and the USGS Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center (LMG WSC) in Montgomery, Alabama, collaborated to gather alongshore terrestrial-based lidar beach elevation data at Fire Island, New York. This high-resolution elevation dataset was collected on June 11, 2014, to characterize beach topography and document ongoing beach evolution and recovery, and is part of the ongoing beach monitoring within the ...

BITH2014_CanyonlandsUNRCorridorUnits_EAARLB_BE_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: Lidar-Derived Bare-Earth Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Mosaic for EAARL-B Topography—Big Thicket National Preserve: Canyonlands and Upper Neches River Corridor Units, Texas, 2014

A bare-earth topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Canyonlands and Upper Neches River Corridor Units of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 11, 15, 17, 18, 21, 23, 25, and 29, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced ...

BITH2014_CanyonlandsUNRCorridorUnits_EAARLB_FS_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: Lidar-derived First-Surface Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Mosaic for EAARL-B Topography—Big Thicket National Preserve: Canyonlands and Upper Neches River Corridor Units, Texas, 2014

A first-surface topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Canyonlands and Upper Neches River Corridor Units of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 11, 15, 17, 18, 21, 23, 25, and 29, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced ...

BITH2014_LanceRosierUnit_EAARLB_BE_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Lance Rosier Unit, Texas, 2014

A bare-earth topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Lance Rosier Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 15, 21, 22, 25, 26, and 30, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a pulsed ...

BITH2014_LanceRosierUnit_EAARLB_FS_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Lance Rosier Unit, Texas, 2014

A first-surface topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Lance Rosier Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 15, 21, 22, 25, 26, and 30, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a ...

BITH2014_LittlePineIslandBayouCorridorUnit_EAARLB_BE_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: Lidar-Derived Bare-Earth Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Mosaic for EAARL-B Topography—Big Thicket National Preserve: Little Pine Island Bayou Corridor Unit, Texas, 2014

A bare-earth topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Little Pine Island Bayou Corridor Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 15, 21, 22, 26, and 30, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar ...

Beach Topography—Fire Island, New York, Post-Hurricane Sandy, April 2013: Ground Based Lidar (1-Meter Digital Elevation Model)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in Florida and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility in Duck, North Carolina, collaborated to gather alongshore ground-based lidar beach elevation data at Fire Island, New York. This high-resolution elevation dataset was collected on April 10, 2013, to characterize beach topography following substantial erosion that occurred during Hurricane Sandy, which made landfall on October 29, 2012, and multiple, ...

Beach Topography—Fire Island, New York, Post-Hurricane Sandy, April 2013: Ground Based Lidar (ASCII XYZ Point Data)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in Florida and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility in Duck, North Carolina, collaborated to gather alongshore ground-based lidar beach elevation data at Fire Island, New York. This high-resolution elevation dataset was collected on April 10, 2013, to characterize beach topography following substantial erosion that occurred during Hurricane Sandy, which made landfall on October 29, 2012, and multiple, ...

Lidar-Derived Classified Bare-Earth Point-Cloud for Coastal Topography—Fire Island, New York, 07 May 2012

Binary point-cloud data were produced for Fire Island, New York, from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Photo Science, Inc. using an Optech Gemini lidar sensor flown on a Cessna 206 aircraft.

Lidar-Derived Bare-Earth Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Mosaic for Coastal Topography—Fire Island, New York, 07 May 2012

A digital elevation model (DEM) mosaic was produced for Fire Island, New York, from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected by Photo Science, Inc. using an Optech Gemini lidar sensor flown on a Cessna 206 aircraft

BITH2014_LittlePineIslandBayouCorridorUnit_EAARLB_FS_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: Lidar-Derived First-Surface Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Mosaic for EAARL-B Topography—Big Thicket National Preserve: Little Pine Island Bayou Corridor Unit, Texas, 2014

A first-surface topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Little Pine Island Bayou Corridor Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 15, 21, 22, 26, and 30, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama September 2006: Last Return

ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency laser beams directed at the ...

BITH2014_LowerNechesRiverCorridorUnit_EAARLB_BE_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Lower Neches River Corridor Unit, Texas, 2014

A bare-earth topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Lower Neches River Corridor Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 11, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, and 29, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne ...

BITH2014_LowerNechesRiverCorridorUnit_EAARLB_FS_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Lower Neches River Corridor Unit, Texas, 2014

A first-surface topography Digital Surface Model (DSM) mosaic for the Lower Neches River Corridor Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 11, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, and 29, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne ...

Beach Topography—Fire Island, New York, Pre-Hurricane Sandy, January 2012: Ground Based Lidar (1-Meter Digital Elevation Model)

The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility (USACE-FRF) of Duck, North Carolina collaborated to gather alongshore ground-based lidar beach topography at Fire Island, New York. This high-resolution, elevation dataset was collected on January 30, 2012, and was funded by SPCMSC. The USGS data release containing the aforementioned dataset includes the resulting, processed elevation point data (XYZ) and ...

Calibrated EAARL-B Submerged Topography--Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 2014 (GEOID12A)

Binary point-cloud data of a portion of the submerged environs of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency ...

Calibrated EAARL-B Submerged Topography--Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 2014 (WGS84)

Binary point-cloud data of a portion of the submerged environs of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency ...

Beach Topography—Fire Island, New York, Pre-Hurricane Sandy, January 2012: Ground Based Lidar (ASCII XYZ Point Data)

The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility (USACE-FRF) of Duck, North Carolina collaborated to gather alongshore ground-based lidar beach topography at Fire Island, New York. This high-resolution, elevation dataset was collected on January 30, 2012, and was funded by SPCMSC. The USGS data release containing the aforementioned dataset includes the resulting, processed elevation point data (XYZ) and an ...

Uncalibrated EAARL-B Submerged Topography--Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 2014 (GEOID12A)

Binary point-cloud data of a portion of the submerged environs of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency ...

Uncalibrated EAARL-B Submerged Topography--Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 2014 (WGS84)

Binary point-cloud data of a portion of the submerged environs of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The system uses high-frequency ...

BITH2014_MenardCreekCorridorUnit_EAARLB_BE_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Menard Creek Corridor Unit, Texas, 2014

A bare-earth topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Menard Corridor Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 21 and 22, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a pulsed laser ranging ...

BITH2014_MenardCreekCorridorUnit_EAARLB_FS_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Menard Creek Corridor Unit, Texas, 2014

A first-surface topography Digital Surface Model (DSM) mosaic for the Menard Corridor Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 21 and 22, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a pulsed laser ranging ...

Beach Topography—Fire Island, New York, Post-Hurricane Sandy, April 2014: Ground Based Lidar (1-Meter Digital Elevation Model)

The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility (USACE-FRF) of Duck, NC collaborated to gather alongshore ground-based lidar beach topography at Fire Island, NY. This high-resolution elevation dataset was collected on April 1, 2014, and is part of the USGS's ongoing beach monitoring effort under Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project GS2-2B. This USGS Data Release includes the resulting processed elevation ...

BITH2014_NBJGBUnit_EAARLB_BE_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Neches Bottom and Jack Lore Baygall Unit, Texas, 2014

A bare-earth topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Neches Bottom and Jack Lore Baygall Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 11, 15, 17, 18, 21, 23, 25, and 29, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne ...

Idealized Antecedent Topography Sensitivity Study: Initial Baseline and Modified Profiles Modeled with XBeach

Antecedent topography is an important aspect of coastal morphology when studying and forecasting coastal change hazards. The uncertainty in morphologic response of storm-impact models and their use in short-term hazard forecasting and decadal forecasting is important to account for when considering a coupled model framework. Mickey and others (2020) provided a methodology to investigate uncertainty of profile response within the storm impact model, XBeach, related to varying antecedent topographies. A ...

Storm-Impact Scenario XBeach Model Inputs – Initial Bathymetry and Topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Grid

The numerical model XBeach (version 4937) was used to investigate how different storm scenarios impact the sediment berm constructed offshore of the Chandeleur Islands and adjacent areas. The XBeach model solves coupled 2-dimensional, horizontal wave propagation equations to predict flow, sediment transport, and bottom changes for varying spectral wave and flow boundary conditions (Roelvink and others, 2009 ). The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric DEM, and inputs ...

BITH2014_NBJGBUnit_EAARLB_FS_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Neches Bottom and Jack Lore Baygall Unit, Texas, 2014

A first-surface topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Neches Bottom and Jack Lore Baygall Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 11, 15, 17, 18, 21, 23, 25, and 29, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne ...

Beach Topography—Fire Island, New York, Post-Hurricane Sandy, April 2014: Ground Based Lidar (ASCII XYZ Point Data)

The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility (USACE-FRF) of Duck, NC collaborated to gather alongshore ground-based lidar beach topography at Fire Island, NY. This high-resolution elevation dataset was collected on April 1, 2014, and is part of the USGS's ongoing beach monitoring effort under Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project GS2-2B. This USGS Data Release includes the resulting processed elevation ...

BITH2014_TurkeyCreekUnit_EAARLB_BE_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Turkey Creek Unit, Texas, 2014

A bare-earth topography digital elevation model (DEM) mosaic for the Turkey Creek Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, and 29, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a pulsed ...

BITH2014_TurkeyCreekUnit_EAARLB_FS_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Turkey Creek Unit, Texas, 2014

A first-surface topography digital elevation model (DEM) mosaic for the Turkey Creek Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas, was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, and 29, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a ...

GNSS Topography Survey Data Collected from Tres Palmas, Rincón, Puerto Rico

This data release presents the post-processed Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ground-survey data acquired during the installation of a camera system at Tres Palmas, Rincón, Puerto Rico (PR). The data contains topographic survey data collected during the installation of the camera. Data were collected on foot, by a person equipped with a GNSS antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ). The GNSS measurements were made using Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) ...

Beach topography of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2022

This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, in 2022 (USGS Field Activity Number 2022-641-FA). Topographic profiles were collected by walking along survey lines with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks. Prior to data collection, vertical distances between the GNSS antennas and the ground were measured using a tape measure. Hand-held data collectors were used ...

USGS CoastCam at Waiakāne, Moloka'i, Hawai'i: 2018 GNSS Topography Survey Data

This data release presents the post-processed global navigation satellite system (GNSS) ground-survey data acquired during the installation of the Argus camera at Waiakāne, Moloka'i, Hawai'i. The data contains topographic survey data collected during the installation of the camera. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a GNSS antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ). The GNSS measurements were made using Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) ...

High resolution topography for two pools on the Carmel River, central California, 2014 to 2019

High-resolution topographic surveys were conducted at two pools on the Carmel River between 2014 and 2019 using a survey-grade total station. The Dam Reach pool (DMPOOL) is located within the Dam Reach, approximately 450 meters downstream of the former site of the San Clemente Dam. The Sleepy Hollow pool (SHPOOL) is located within the Sleepy Hollow reach, approximately 2.25 kilometers downstream of the former site of the San Clemente Dam. Both pools were surveyed in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2019 using a ...

BITH2014_VillageCreekCorridorUnit_EAARLB_BE_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography-Big Thicket National Preserve: Village Creek Corridor Unit, Texas, 2014

A bare-earth topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Village Creek Corridor Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, and 29, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL ...

BITH2014_VillageCreekCorridorUnit_EAARLB_FS_z15_n88g12A_mosaic_metadata: EAARL-B Topography—Big Thicket National Preserve: Village Creek Corridor Unit, Texas, 2014

A first-surface topography Digital Surface Model (DSM) mosaic for the Village Creek Corridor Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on January 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, and 29, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service - Gulf Coast Network. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar ...

Bathymetry and topography data offshore of Seattle, Washington

This part of USGS Data Series 935 (Cochrane, 2014) presents bathymetry and topography data for the Offshore of Seattle, California, map area, a part of the Southern Salish Sea Habitat Map Series. The data for this map area are a combination of topography extracted from a pre-existing Digital Elevation Model (DEM) merged with bathymetry data that were collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) using multibeam sonar systems. The merged data are available for download in a single ...

CACO2002_EAARLA_BE_z19_n88g12B_metadata: EAARL Coastal Topography--Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts, 2002: Bare Earth

ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements acquired cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over Cape Cod National Seashore using the first-generation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation ...

CACO2002_EAARLA_BE_z19_n88g12B_mosaic_metadata: EAARL Coastal Topography--Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts, 2002: Bare Earth

A bare-earth topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Cape Cod National Seashore was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements acquired cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over Cape Cod National Seashore using the first-generation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system ...

CACO2002_EAARLA_FS_z19_n88g12B_metadata: EAARL Coastal Topography--Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts, 2002: First Surface

ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements acquired cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over Cape Cod National Seashore using the first-generation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation ...

CACO2002_EAARLA_FS_z19_n88g12B_mosaic_metadata: EAARL Coastal Topography--Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts, 2002: First Surface

A first-surface topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic for the Cape Cod National Seashore was produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements acquired cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Park Service (NPS). Elevation measurements were collected over Cape Cod National Seashore using the first-generation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Dauphin Island, Alabama, Post-Hurricane Katrina, 2005: Bare Earth

ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over Dauphin Island, post-Hurricane Katrina (August 2005 hurricane), using the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The ...

EAARL Coastal Topography--Dauphin Island, Alabama, Post-Hurricane Katrina, 2005: First Surface

ASCII XYZ point cloud data were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Elevation measurements were collected over Dauphin Island, post-Hurricane Katrina (August 2005 hurricane), using the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. The ...

CRKR2014_EAARLB_z17_n88g12A_metadata: EAARL-B Submerged Topography—Crocker Reef, Florida, 2014

ASCII XYZ point cloud data for a portion of the submerged environs of Crocker Reef, Florida, were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected on April 13 and 22, 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey. Elevation measurements were collected over the area using the second-generation Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL-B), a pulsed laser ranging system mounted onboard an aircraft to measure ground elevation, vegetation canopy, and coastal topography. ...

Buzzards Bay: continuous bathymetry and topography terrain model of the Massachusetts coastal zone and continental shelf, (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 19 NAD 83, NAVD 88 vertical datum).

Integrated terrain models covering 16,357 square kilometers of the Massachusetts coastal zone and offshore waters were built to provide a continuous elevation and bathymetry terrain model for ocean planning purposes. The area is divided into the following four geographical areas to reduce file size and facilitate publishing: Massachusetts Bay from the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border south to Provincetown and Scituate and east to Stellwagen Bank; Cape Cod Bay from Provincetown to Scituate and south to ...

Buzzards Bay: Polygon boundaries for source data of a continuous bathymetry and topography terrain model of the Massachusetts coastal zone and continental shelf: (Esri polygon shapefile, Geographic, NAD 83).

Integrated terrain models covering 16,357 square kilometers of the Massachusetts coastal zone and offshore waters were built to provide a continuous elevation and bathymetry terrain model for ocean planning purposes. The area is divided into the following four geographical areas to reduce file size and facilitate publishing: Massachusetts Bay from the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border south to Provincetown and Scituate and east to Stellwagen Bank; Cape Cod Bay from Provincetown to Scituate and south to ...

Cape Cod Bay: continuous bathymetry and topography terrain model of the Massachusetts coastal zone and continental shelf, (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 19 NAD 83, NAVD 88 vertical datum).

Integrated terrain models covering 16,357 square kilometers of the Massachusetts coastal zone and offshore waters were built to provide a continuous elevation and bathymetry terrain model for ocean planning purposes. The area is divided into the following four geographical areas to reduce file size and facilitate publishing: Massachusetts Bay from the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border south to Provincetown and Scituate and east to Stellwagen Bank; Cape Cod Bay from Provincetown to Scituate and south to ...

Cape Cod Bay: Polygon boundaries for source data of a continuous bathymetry and topography terrain model of the Massachusetts coastal zone and continental shelf: (Esri polygon shapefile, Geographic, NAD 83).

Integrated terrain models covering 16,357 square kilometers of the Massachusetts coastal zone and offshore waters were built to provide a continuous elevation and bathymetry terrain model for ocean planning purposes. The area is divided into the following four geographical areas to reduce file size and facilitate publishing: Massachusetts Bay from the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border south to Provincetown and Scituate and east to Stellwagen Bank; Cape Cod Bay from Provincetown to Scituate and south to ...

Massachusetts Bay and adjacent land: continuous bathymetry and topography terrain model of the Massachusetts coastal zone and continental shelf, (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 19 NAD 83, NAVD 88 vertical datum).

Integrated terrain models covering 16,357 square kilometers of the Massachusetts coastal zone and offshore waters were built to provide a continuous elevation and bathymetry terrain model for ocean planning purposes. The area is divided into the following four geographical areas to reduce file size and facilitate publishing: Massachusetts Bay from the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border south to Provincetown and Scituate and east to Stellwagen Bank; Cape Cod Bay from Provincetown to Scituate and south to ...

Massachusetts Bay and adjacent land: Polygon boundaries for source data of a continuous bathymetry and topography terrain model of the Massachusetts coastal zone and continental shelf: (Esri polygon shapefile, Geographic, NAD 83).

Integrated terrain models covering 16,357 square kilometers of the Massachusetts coastal zone and offshore waters were built to provide a continuous elevation and bathymetry terrain model for ocean planning purposes. The area is divided into the following four geographical areas to reduce file size and facilitate publishing: Massachusetts Bay from the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border south to Provincetown and Scituate and east to Stellwagen Bank; Cape Cod Bay from Provincetown to Scituate and south to ...

Vineyard and Nantucket Sounds, southern coast of Cape Cod including Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket: continuous bathymetry and topography terrain model of the Massachusetts coastal zone and continental shelf, (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 19 NAD 83, NAVD 88 vertical datum).

Integrated terrain models covering 16,357 square kilometers of the Massachusetts coastal zone and offshore waters were built to provide a continuous elevation and bathymetry terrain model for ocean planning purposes. The area is divided into the following four geographical areas to reduce file size and facilitate publishing: Massachusetts Bay from the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border south to Provincetown and Scituate and east to Stellwagen Bank; Cape Cod Bay from Provincetown to Scituate and south to ...

Vineyard and Nantucket Sounds, Southern coast of Cape Cod including Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket: Polygon boundaries for source data of a continuous bathymetry and topography terrain model of the Massachusetts coastal zone and continental shelf: (Esri polygon shapefile, Geographic, NAD 83).

Integrated terrain models covering 16,357 square kilometers of the Massachusetts coastal zone and offshore waters were built to provide a continuous elevation and bathymetry terrain model for ocean planning purposes. The area is divided into the following four geographical areas to reduce file size and facilitate publishing: Massachusetts Bay from the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border south to Provincetown and Scituate and east to Stellwagen Bank; Cape Cod Bay from Provincetown to Scituate and south to ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2012

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

A seamless, high-resolution, coastal digital elevation model (DEM) for Southern California

A seamless, three-meter digital elevation model (DEM) was constructed for the entire Southern California coastal zone, extending 473 km from Point Conception to the Mexican border. The goal was to integrate the most recent, high-resolution datasets available (for example, Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) topography, multibeam and single beam sonar bathymetry, and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IfSAR) topography) into a continuous surface from at least the 20-m isobath to the +20-m elevation ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Fire Island, NY, 2010

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

Hydro-flattened Elevation Area Outlines for DEMs of the North-Central California Coast (Hydro_flattened_water.shp)

A GIS polygon shapefile outlining the extent of small lakes or ponds within the terrain that were assigned a hydo-flattened elevation during lidar post-processing. DEM elevations within these small areas reflect water surface elevations, not bathymetric elevations.

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Fire Island, NY, 2012

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Fire Island, NY, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Rockaway Peninsula, NY, 2010

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Rockaway Peninsula, NY, 2012

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Rockaway Peninsula, NY, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2019

This portion of the USGS data release presents digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from bathymetric and topographic surveys conducted on the Elwha River delta in August 2019 (USGS Field Activity Number 2019-633-FA). Nearshore bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) receivers. Topographic data were collected on foot with survey-grade GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks. Positions ...

Surveyed ground control and elevation checkpoints acquired at Barter Island, Alaska, 2014-2016

Ground control points and checkpoints were collected during Global Positioning System (GPS) surveys conducted between September 6, 2014 and September 18, 2016 along the northern coast of Barter Island, Alaska. Data were acquired and post-processed using precise positioning and used to co-register and assess accuracy of photogrammetric data sets.

Elevation point clouds of the north coast of Barter Island, Alaska acquired July 01 2014, September 07 2014, and July 05 2015 (LAZ file)

Six elevation point cloud files in LAZ format (compressed LAS binary data) are included in this data release: 3 raw point clouds of unclassified and unedited points and 3 modified point clouds that were spatially shifted and edited to remove outliers and spurious elevation values associated with moving water surfaces. An XYZ coordinate shift was applied to each data set in order to register the data sets to an earth-based datum established from surveyed ground control points. Points are unclassified and ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2017

This portion of the USGS data release presents digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from bathymetric and topographic surveys conducted on the Elwha River delta in July 2017 (USGS Field Activity Number 2017-638-FA). Nearshore bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs) and a kayak equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) receivers. Topographic data were collected on foot with survey-grade GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks. ...

Digital elevation model (DEM) of the Cache Slough Complex, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California

This metadata describes a digital elevation model (DEM) created from bathymetric and topographic data collected between 2004 and 2019 in the Cache Slough Complex (CSC), northern Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California. We merged the newly collected bathymetric and topographic data presented in this data release (DOI:10.5066/P9AQSRVH) with 2019 surveys by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), 2017 USGS Sacramento Delta Lidar, and 2004 bathymetry data from the Army Corp of Engineers. Small gaps ...

Digital elevation model (DEM) of the Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel (DWSC), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California

This metadata describes a digital elevation model (DEM) created from bathymetric and topographic data collected between 2017 and 2019 in the Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel (DWSC), northern Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California. We merged the newly collected bathymetric and topographic data presented in this data release (DOI:10.5066/P9AQSRVH) with 2019 surveys by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and 2017 USGS Sacramento Delta Lidar, to produce a seamless digital elevation ...

Digital Elevation Model of Oxbow Reservoir, Placer County, California, October 2022

This portion of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) of portions of Oxbow Reservoir in Placer County, California. The DEM was created using topographic survey data collected on 26 October 2022, when the reservoir was partially de-watered to allow repairs to the dam infrastructure following the Mosquito Fire. Although the gates of the dam were open during this time, significant portions of the reservoir site remained inaccessible to surveyors due to the continued flow of the Middle Fork ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the beach and nearshore in Santa Cruz, California

Digital elevation models (DEMs) were produced from bathymetric and topographic measurements collected offshore of Santa Cruz, CA, from 2014 to 2024. Bathymetric data were collected using personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam echosounders and dual frequency global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. Topographic data were collected on foot with GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks. Bathymetric and topographic data were collected primarily along a series of cross-shore transects at 50-m ...

Elevation data collected in 2009 on the beach and foreshore in the vicinity of Wainwright, Alaska

Beach and foreshore elevation data were collected in the vicinity of Wainwright, Alaska. The area from the mouth of the Kuk River to about 8 km to the northeast was measured in August 2009. The area from the mouth of the Kuk River to about 5 km to the northeast was measured in October 2009. The elevation data were collected with Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Global Positioning System (GPS) systems mounted on all-terrain vehicles. The GPS sampling rate was 1 Hz with vehicle speeds maintained at less than 15 km ...

2-meter bathymetric data collected in 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Connecticut River during field activity 2012-024-FA (bathymetry and depth-colored hillshade relief GeoTIFFs)

A geophysical and geological survey was conducted at the mouth of the Connecticut River from Old Saybrook to Essex, Connecticut, in September 2012. Approximately 230 linear kilometers of digital Chirp subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, riverbed photographs, and (or) video at 88 sites within the geophysical survey area. Sediment grab samples were collected at 72 of the 88 sampling sites, video ...

3D bathymetric surfaces of low- and high-relief sites from the coral reef flat off Waiakane, Molokai

3D bathymetric surfaces of low- and high-relief sites from the coral reef flat off Waiakane, Molokai, were created using structure-from-motion (SfM) techniques. The two study sites are located approximately 640 m from shore and approximately 20 m apart in the alongshore direction. At each site, an approximate 12-meter diameter area was imaged in three passes by a swimmer using a handheld digital camera. These images were fed into Structure-from-Motion (SfM) software to produce high-resolution (fine-scale), ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Assateague Island, MD & VA, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Assawoman Island, VA, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Cape Hatteras, NC, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Cape Lookout, NC, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Coast Guard Beach, MA, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Cobb Island, VA, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

Seamless topo-bathy digital elevation model (DEM) of Arey Lagoon, Alaska

A seamless topographic-bathymetric digital elevation model for an area around Arey Lagoon, Alaska created from a combination of lidar elevation data collected in 2009, single-beam bathymetric data collected in 2011, and NOS sounding data collected in 1948.

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Fisherman Island, VA, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Metompkin Island, VA, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Monomoy Island, MA, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Myrtle Island, VA, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Parramore Island, VA, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Parker River, MA, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuge, RI, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Ship Shoal Island, VA, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

Digital elevation model (DEM) of central San Francisco Bay, California, created using bathymetry data collected between 2009 and 2020 (MLLW)

A 1-m resolution, continuous surface, bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM) of the central portion of San Francisco Bay, was constructed from bathymetric surveys collected from 2005 to 2020. In 2014 and 2015 the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) contracted the collection of bathymetric surveys of large portions of San Francisco Bay. A total of 93 surveys were collected using a combination of multibeam and interferometric side-scan sonar systems. Of those 93 surveys, 75 consist of swaths of data ...

Digital elevation model (DEM) of central San Francisco Bay, California, created using bathymetry data collected between 2009 and 2020 (NAVD88)

A 1-m resolution, continuous surface, bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM) of the central portion of San Francisco Bay, was constructed from bathymetric surveys collected from 2005 to 2020. In 2014 and 2015 the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) contracted the collection of bathymetric surveys of large portions of San Francisco Bay. A total of 93 surveys were collected using a combination of multibeam and interferometric side-scan sonar systems. Of those 93 surveys, 75 consist of swaths of data ...

Digital elevation model (DEM) of northern San Francisco Bay, California, created using bathymetry data collected between 1999 and 2016 (MLLW)

A 1-m resolution, continuous surface, bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM) of the northern portion of San Francisco Bay, which includes San Pablo Bay, Carquinez Strait, and portions of Suisun Bay, was constructed from bathymetric surveys collected from 1999 to 2016. In 2014 and 2015 the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) contracted the collection of bathymetric surveys of large portions of San Francisco Bay. A total of 93 surveys were collected using a combination of multibeam and ...

Digital elevation model (DEM) of northern San Francisco Bay, California, created using bathymetry data collected between 1999 and 2016 (NAVD88)

A 1-m resolution, continuous surface, bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM) of the northern portion of San Francisco Bay, which includes San Pablo Bay, Carquinez Strait, and portions of Suisun Bay, was constructed from bathymetric surveys collected from 1999 to 2016. In 2014 and 2015 the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) contracted the collection of bathymetric surveys of large portions of San Francisco Bay. A total of 93 surveys were collected using a combination of multibeam and ...

Digital elevation model (DEM) of south San Francisco Bay, California, created using bathymetry data collected between 2005 and 2020 (MLLW)

A 1-m resolution, continuous surface, bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM) of the southern portion of San Francisco Bay, was constructed from bathymetric surveys collected from 2005 to 2020. In 2014 and 2015 the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) contracted the collection of bathymetric surveys of large portions of San Francisco Bay. A total of 93 surveys were collected using a combination of multibeam and interferometric side-scan sonar systems. Of those 93 surveys, 75 consist of swaths of data ...

Digital elevation model (DEM) of south San Francisco Bay, California, created using bathymetry data collected between 2005 and 2020 (NAVD88)

A 1-m resolution, continuous surface, bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM) of the southern portion of San Francisco Bay, was constructed from bathymetric surveys collected from 2005 to 2020. In 2014 and 2015 the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) contracted the collection of bathymetric surveys of large portions of San Francisco Bay. A total of 93 surveys were collected using a combination of multibeam and interferometric side-scan sonar systems. Of those 93 surveys, 75 consist of swaths of data ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Smith Island, VA, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Wreck Island, VA, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

Chimney Bluffs digital elevation model (DEM) from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Chimney Bluffs, New York in July 2017 (32-bit floating point GeoTIFF image)

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), in three locations along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinity of Chimney Bluffs State Park, New York. This data release includes images tagged with locations determined from ...

Charles Point digital elevation model (DEM) from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York in July 2017 (32-bit floating point GeoTIFF image)

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York. This data release includes images tagged with locations determined from the UAS GPS; tables with updated ...

Greig Street digital elevation model (DEM) from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York in July 2017 (32-bit floating point GeoTIFF image)

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York. This data release includes images tagged with locations determined from the UAS GPS; tables with updated ...

Lake Bluffs digital elevation model (DEM) from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York in July 2017 (32-bit floating point GeoTIFF image)

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York. This data release includes images tagged with locations determined from the UAS GPS; tables with updated ...

Sodus North digital elevation model (DEM) from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York in July 2017 (32-bit floating point GeoTIFF image)

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York. This data release includes images tagged with locations determined from the UAS GPS; tables with updated ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2022

This portion of the USGS data release presents digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from bathymetric and topographic surveys conducted on the Elwha River delta in August 2022 (USGS Field Activity Number 2022-638-FA). Nearshore bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs) and a kayak equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) receivers. Topographic data were collected on foot with survey-grade GNSS receivers mounted on ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2018

This portion of the USGS data release presents digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from bathymetric and topographic surveys conducted on the Elwha River delta in July 2018 (USGS Field Activity Number 2018-648-FA). Nearshore bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs) and a kayak equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) receivers. Topographic data were collected on foot with survey-grade GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks. ...

Color shaded relief TIFF image of the area surrounding Lake Mohave: Geographic Coordinates

Lake Mohave is one of several multi-purpose reservoirs that have been constructed on the Colorado River. The lake was formed upon completion of the Davis Dam in 1953. No mapping of the floor of the lake had been conducted since completion of the Davis Dam. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with researchers from the University of Nevada Las Vegas, completed a geophysical survey of this lake in April 2002. The survey included collection of sidescan sonar imagery of nearly the entire lake floor, and ...

Color-hillshade relief GeoTIFF image of the Potomac River/Chesapeake Bay Area (CLRHSHD_POTO_GEO.TIF, Geographic, NAD83)

In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into Chesapeake Bay, geophysical surveys were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists on Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac River Estuary in September 2006. Chesapeake Bay resource managers are concerned about nutrients that are entering the estuary via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication. The USGS has performed many related studies in recent years to provide managers with information necessary to ...

Color-hillshade relief GeoTIFF image of the Potomac River/Chesapeake Bay Area (CLRHSHD_POTO.TIF, UTM, Zone 18, NAD83)

In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into Chesapeake Bay, geophysical surveys were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists on Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac River Estuary in September 2006. Chesapeake Bay resource managers are concerned about nutrients that are entering the estuary via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication. The USGS has performed many related studies in recent years to provide managers with information necessary to ...

ESRI Format Binary Grid of the Merged Bathymetry and Elevation Data from the Potomac River/Chesapeake Bay Area For Use With USGS Cruise 06018 (POTO_AREA)

In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into Chesapeake Bay, geophysical surveys were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists on Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac River Estuary in September 2006. Chesapeake Bay resource managers are concerned about nutrients that are entering the estuary via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication. The USGS has performed many related studies in recent years to provide managers with information necessary to ...

Esri Format Binary Grid of the Merged Bathymetry and Elevation Data from the Corsica River Estuary, Maryland For Use with USGS Cruise 07005 (COMBELEV)

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) into Maryland's Corsica River Estuary was investigated as part of a larger study to determine the importance of nutrient delivery to Chesapeake Bay via this pathway. Resource managers are concerned about nutrients that are entering the estuary via submarine groundwater discharge from this primarily agricultural watershed that may be contributing to eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, and fish kills. An interdisciplinary U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) science team ...

Braddock East digital elevation model (DEM) from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Braddock Bay, New York in July 2017 (32-bit floating point GeoTIFF image).

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), in three locations along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinities of Braddock Bay, Sodus Bay, and Chimney Bluffs State Park, New York. This data release includes images tagged ...

Braddock West digital elevation model (DEM) from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Braddock Bay, New York in July 2017 (32-bit floating point GeoTIFF image).

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), in three locations along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinities of Braddock Bay, Sodus Bay, and Chimney Bluffs State Park, New York. This data release includes images tagged ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Initial_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Digital surface model (DSM) and digital elevation model (DEM) of the Los Padres Reservoir delta, Carmel River valley, CA, 2017-11-01

This portion of the data release presents a digital surface model (DSM) and digital elevation model (DEM) of the exposed Los Padres Reservoir delta where the Carmel River enters the reservoir. The DSM and DEM have a resolution of 10 centimeters per pixel and were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unoccupied aerial system (UAS) on 2017-11-01. The DSM represents the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell, including vegetation, woody ...

Comma separated value (CSV) text files of navigation and elevation data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey during field activity 2016-030-FA offshore Sandwich Beach, MA in June 2016

The objectives of the survey were to provide bathymetric and sidescan sonar data for sediment transport studies and coastal change model development for ongoing studies of nearshore coastal dynamics along Sandwich Town Neck Beach, MA. Data collection equipment used for this investigation are mounted on an unmanned surface vehicle (USV) uniquely adapted from a commercially sold gas-powered kayak and termed the "jetyak". The jetyak design is the result of a collaborative effort between USGS and Woods Hole ...

Time Series of Structure-from-Motion Products - Digital Elevation Models: Little Dauphin Island and Pelican Island, Alabama, September 2018 to April 2019

Aerial imagery acquired with a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS), in conjunction with surveyed ground control points (GCP) visible in the imagery, can be processed with structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques to produce high-resolution orthomosaics, three-dimensional (3D) point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs). This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides UAS survey data products consisting of DEMs ...

Color Shaded-relief TIFF Image of High-resolution Bathymetry, North Carolina, Pamlico Sound Area

The Neuse River Estuary in North Carolina is a broad, V-shaped water body located on the southwestern end of Pamlico Sound. This estuary suffers from severe eutrophication for which several water quality models have recently been developed to aid in the management of nutrient loading to the estuary. In an effort to help constrain model estimates of the fraction of nutrients delivered by direct ground-water discharge, continuous resistivity profile (CRP) measurements were made during the spring of 2004 and ...

Bathymetric data, stored as elevations relative to IGLD85, collected by the U.S. Geological Survey within the St. Clair River between Michigan and Ontario, Canada, 2008 (ESRI GRID, BATHY_05M)

In 2008, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducted a geophysical and sampling survey of the riverbed of the Upper St. Clair River between Port Huron, MI, and Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. The objectives were to define the Quaternary geologic framework of the St. Clair River to evaluate the relationship between morphologic change of the riverbed and underlying stratigraphy. This report presents the ...

Bathymetric data, stored as elevation above IGLD85, collected by the U.S. Geological Survey within the St. Clair River offshore of Marysville, Michigan, 2008 (ESRI GRID, MVILLE_05M)

In 2008, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducted a geophysical and sampling survey of the riverbed of the Upper St. Clair River between Port Huron, MI, and Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. The objectives were to define the Quaternary geologic framework of the St. Clair River to evaluate the relationship between morphologic change of the riverbed and underlying stratigraphy. This report presents the ...

Interpolated digital elevation model (DEM) of the nearshore around Ship, Horn, and Petit Bois Islands, Mississippi: 1916 to 1920

To characterize coastal change, historical maps and complementary records were compiled including: topographic sheets (T-sheets), hydrographic sheets (H-sheets, smooth sheets), shorelines, and bathymetric soundings surrounding the Mississippi (MS) barrier islands over several time periods (1916-1920, 2008-2009 and 2016). One goal of this work was to create a time-series of bathymetric change maps around the islands. Datasets include 1916 through 1920 soundings collected by the United States Coast and ...

Bathymetric data, stored as elevations above IGLD85, collected by the U.S. Geological Survey within the St. Clair River offshore of Port Lambton, Ontario, 2008 (ESRI GRID, PORTL_05M)

In 2008, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducted a geophysical and sampling survey of the riverbed of the Upper St. Clair River between Port Huron, MI, and Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. The objectives were to define the Quaternary geologic framework of the St. Clair River to evaluate the relationship between morphologic change of the riverbed and underlying stratigraphy. This report presents the ...

Interpolated digital elevation model (DEM) of the nearshore around Ship, Horn, and Petit Bois Islands, Mississippi: 2008 to 2009

To characterize coastal change, historical maps and complementary records were compiled including: topographic sheets (T-sheets), hydrographic sheets (H-sheets, smooth sheets), shorelines, and bathymetric soundings surrounding the Mississippi (MS) barrier islands over several time periods (1916-1920, 2008-2009 and 2016). One goal of this work was to create a time-series of bathymetric change maps around the islands. Datasets include 1916 through 1920 soundings collected by the United States Coast and ...

Coastal bathymetry data collected between 2008 and 2009 offshore of the Mississippi and Alabama barrier islands: Processed elevation point data

During the summers of 2008 and 2009 the United States Geological Survey (USGS) conducted bathymetric surveys from West Ship Island, Mississippi, to Dauphin Island, Alabama, as part of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) Ecosystem Change and Hazard Susceptibility project. The survey area extended from the shoreline out to approximately two kilometers and included the adjacent passes. These findings were originally published in Dewitt and others (2012). This USGS data release includes updated elevation point ...

Digital Elevation Model from Single Beam Bathymetry XYZ Data Collected in June 2015 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

As part of the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program (BICM), scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a single-beam bathymetry survey around the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana in June 2015. The goal of the program is to provide long-term data on Louisiana’s barrier islands and use this data to plan, design, evaluate, and maintain current and future barrier island ...

Digital Elevation Model from Single-Beam Bathymetry XYZ Data Collected in 2015 from Raccoon Point to Point Au Fer, Louisiana

As part of the Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program (BICM), scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a nearshore single-beam bathymetry survey along the south-central coast of Louisiana, from Raccoon Point to Point Au Fer Island, in July 2015. The goal of the BICM program is to provide long-term data on Louisiana’s coastline and use this data to plan, design, evaluate, and maintain current and future barrier island restoration ...

3 arc second digital elevation model of the Gulf of Maine

A gap-free, region-wide combined topographic/bathymetric grid at a fixed resolution is useful for describing the topography of the seafloor and for a wide variety of oceanographic studies. Generating a bathymetric grid of this type consists of (1) locating and retrieving digital datasets from a variety of sources, (2) correcting errors and determining the dataset that best represents the topography in specific regions, (3) converting the depth data to common horizontal and vertical datums, and (4) selecting ...

Interpolated digital elevation model (DEM) of the nearshore around Ship, Horn, and Petit Bois Islands, Mississippi: 2016

To characterize coastal change, historical maps and complementary records were compiled including: topographic sheets (T-sheets), hydrographic sheets (H-sheets, smooth sheets), shorelines, and bathymetric soundings surrounding the Mississippi (MS) barrier islands over several time periods (1916-1920, 2008-2009 and 2016). One goal of this work was to create a time-series of bathymetric change maps around the islands. Datasets include 1916 through 1920 soundings collected by the United States Coast and ...

Cape Canaveral, Florida, multibeam bathymetry collected in 2016 by Coastal Carolina University: Processed elevation point data (XYZ)

A geophysical survey was conducted offshore Cape Canaveral, Florida by Coastal Carolina University offshore of Cape Canaveral, Florida using high-resolution chirp sub-bottom, multibeam bathymetry and side scan sonar (SSS) systems on June 13, 14, 16, and 17 of 2016. This USGS data release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz), an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM), with processed backscatter, side scan sonar, and seismic chirp data.

Effects of Late Holocene Climate and Coastal Change in Mobile Bay, Alabama: ADCIRC Model Input and Results (Initial_Elevations_RS)

Using version 52.30 of the ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) numerical model (Luettich and others, 1992), astronomic tides were simulated at Mobile Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of Holocene geomorphic configurations representing the period of 3500 to 2300 years before present including a breach in the Morgan Peninsula and a land bridge at Pass aux Herons, as described in Smith and others (2020). The two-dimensional ADCIRC model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent ...

Effects of Late Holocene Climate and Coastal Change in Mobile Bay, Alabama: ADCIRC Model Input and Results (Initial_Elevations_RS_MP)

Using version 52.30 of the ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) numerical model (Luettich and others, 1992), astronomic tides were simulated at Mobile Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of Holocene geomorphic configurations representing the period of 3500 to 2300 years before present including a breach in the Morgan Peninsula and a land bridge at Pass aux Herons, as described in Smith and others (2020). The two-dimensional ADCIRC model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent ...

Effects of Late Holocene Climate and Coastal Change in Mobile Bay, Alabama: ADCIRC Model Input and Results (Initial_Elevations_RS_MP_PH)

Using version 52.30 of the ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) numerical model (Luettich and others, 1992), astronomic tides were simulated at Mobile Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of Holocene geomorphic configurations representing the period of 3500 to 2300 years before present including a breach in the Morgan Peninsula and a land bridge at Pass aux Herons, as described in Smith and others (2020). The two-dimensional ADCIRC model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent ...

Effects of Late Holocene Climate and Coastal Change in Mobile Bay, Alabama: ADCIRC Model Input and Results (Initial_Elevations_RS_PH)

Using version 52.30 of the ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) numerical model (Luettich and others, 1992), astronomic tides were simulated at Mobile Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of Holocene geomorphic configurations representing the period of 3500 to 2300 years before present including a breach in the Morgan Peninsula and a land bridge at Pass aux Herons, as described in Smith and others (2020). The two-dimensional ADCIRC model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent ...

Coastal Bathymetry Data Collected in 2016 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana–Interpolated Digital Elevation Model

The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC), collected single beam and swath bathymetry data from the northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, in June of 2016. This USGS data release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz) and an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM). This USGS data release provides 437-line kilometers (km) of processed single beam bathymetry (SBB) and interferometric bathymetry (IFB) data collected under Field Activity ...

GeoTIFF image of the shaded-relief bathymetry, pseudo-colored by backscatter intensity, of the sea floor of the Hudson Canyon region (100-m resolution, Mercator, WGS 84)

The Hudson Canyon begins on the outer continental shelf off the east coast of the United States at about 100-meters (m) water depth and extends offshore southeastward across the continental slope and rise. A multibeam survey was carried out in 2002 to map the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor of the Hudson Canyon and adjacent slope and rise. The survey covered an area approximately 205 kilometers (km) in the offshore direction, extending from about 500 m to about 4,000 m water depth, and ...

GeoTIFF image of shaded-relief bathymetry, illuminated from 315 degrees, of the sea floor of the Hudson Canyon region (100-m resolution, Mercator, WGS 84)

The Hudson Canyon begins on the outer continental shelf off the east coast of the United States at about 100-meters (m) water depth and extends offshore southeastward across the continental slope and rise. A multibeam survey was carried out in 2002 to map the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor of the Hudson Canyon and adjacent slope and rise. The survey covered an area approximately 205 kilometers (km) in the offshore direction, extending from about 500 m to about 4,000 m water depth, and ...

GeoTIFF image of the shaded-relief bathymetry, pseudocolored by backscatter intensity, of the sea floor of the Sandy Hook artificial reef (2-m resolution, Mercator, WGS 84)

The Sandy Hook artificial reef, located on the sea floor offshore of Sandy Hook, New Jersey was built to create habitat for marine life. The reef was created by the placement of heavy materials on the sea floor; ninety-five percent of the material in the Sandy Hook reef is rock. In 2000, the U.S. Geological Survey surveyed the area using a Simrad EM1000 multibeam echosounder mounted on the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) ship Frederick G. Creed. The purpose of this multibeam survey, done in cooperation with the ...

GeoTIFF image of the shaded-relief bathymetry of the sea floor of the Sandy Hook artificial reef (2-m resolution, Mercator, WGS 84)

The Sandy Hook artificial reef, located on the sea floor offshore of Sandy Hook, New Jersey was built to create habitat for marine life. The reef was created by the placement of heavy materials on the sea floor; ninety-five percent of the material in the Sandy Hook reef is rock. In 2000, the U.S. Geological Survey surveyed the area using a Simrad EM1000 multibeam echosounder mounted on the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) ship Frederick G. Creed. The purpose of this multibeam survey, done in cooperation with the ...

GeoTIFF image the shaded-relief bathymetry, pseudocolored by backscatter intensity, of the sea floor of the Atlantic Beach artificial reef (2-m resolution, Mercator, WGS 84)

The Atlantic Beach artificial reef, located on the sea floor 3 nautical miles south of Atlantic Beach, New York in about 20 meters water depth, was built to create habitat for marine life. The reef was originally created by placing heavy materials such as tires, automobile bodies and other vehicles, barges, and rock from a dredging project on the sea floor. In 2000, the U.S. Geological Survey surveyed the area using a Simrad EM1000 multibeam echosounder mounted on the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) ship ...

GeoTIFF image of shaded-relief bathymetry of the sea floor of the Atlantic Beach artificial reef (2-m resolution, Mercator, WGS 84)

The Atlantic Beach artificial reef, located on the sea floor 3 nautical miles south of Atlantic Beach, New York in about 20 meters water depth, was built to create habitat for marine life. The reef was originally created by placing heavy materials such as tires, automobile bodies and other vehicles, barges, and rock from a dredging project on the sea floor. In 2000, the U.S. Geological Survey surveyed the area using a Simrad EM1000 multibeam echosounder mounted on the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) ship ...

Time Series of Structure-from-Motion Products - Digital Elevation Models: Madeira Beach, Florida, July 2017 to June 2018

Aerial imagery acquired with a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS), in conjunction with surveyed ground control points (GCP) visible in the imagery, can be processed with structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques to produce high-resolution orthomosaics, three-dimensional (3D) point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs). This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides UAS survey data products consisting of DEMs ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Initial_Elevations_N.txt)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

XBeach Bottom Friction Scenarios: Model Inputs and Results for Hurricane Ivan Initial Elevations

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), various bottom friction scenarios were simulated for hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) at Dauphin Island, Alabama as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) time series. Model inputs ...

Topographic Lidar Survey of Dauphin Island, Alabama and Chandeleur, Stake, Grand Gosier and Breton Islands, Louisiana, July 12-14, 2013 -- Bare Earth Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)

A topographic lidar survey was conducted on July 12-14, 2013 over Dauphin Island, Alabama and Chandeleur, Stake, Grand Gosier and Breton Islands, Louisiana. The data were collected at a nominal pulse space of 1 meter (m) and processed to identify bare earth elevations. Bare earth Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) were generated based on these data. Photo Science, Inc., was contracted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to collect and process the lidar data. The bare earth DEMs are 32-bit floating point ERDAS ...

XBeach Bottom Friction Scenarios: Model Inputs and Results for Hurricane Katrina Initial Elevations

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), various bottom friction scenarios were simulated for hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) at Dauphin Island, Alabama as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) time series. Model inputs ...

Topographic Lidar Survey of the Alabama, Mississippi, and Southeast Louisiana Barrier Islands, from September 5 to October 11, 2012 -- Bare Earth Digital Elevation Models

A topographic lidar survey was conducted from September 5 to October 11, 2012, for the barrier islands of Alabama, Mississippi and southeast Louisiana, including the coast near Port Fourchon. Most of the data were collected September 5-10, 2012, with a reflight conducted on October 11, 2012, to increase point density in some areas. The data were collected at a nominal pulse space of 1-meter (m) and processed to identify bare earth elevations. Bare earth Digital Elevation Models(DEMs) were generated based ...

5year_R0_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using the Delft3D 4 Suite (Lesser and others, 2004), sediment transport and morphologic change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) for 5-year simulations of restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional Delft3D model can be applied to coastal systems to solve for time-dependent bed level elevations. The Delft3D model setup requires the input of bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. Model inputs and outputs in the form of elevation at each grid ...

5year_R1_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using the Delft3D 4 Suite (Lesser and others, 2004), sediment transport and morphologic change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) for 5-year simulations of restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional Delft3D model can be applied to coastal systems to solve for time-dependent bed level elevations. The Delft3D model setup requires the input of bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. Model inputs and outputs in the form of elevation at each grid ...

5year_R2_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using the Delft3D 4 Suite (Lesser and others, 2004), sediment transport and morphologic change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) for 5-year simulations of restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional Delft3D model can be applied to coastal systems to solve for time-dependent bed level elevations. The Delft3D model setup requires the input of bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. Model inputs and outputs in the form of elevation at each grid ...

5year_R3_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using the Delft3D 4 Suite (Lesser and others, 2004), sediment transport and morphologic change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) for 5-year simulations of restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional Delft3D model can be applied to coastal systems to solve for time-dependent bed level elevations. The Delft3D model setup requires the input of bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. Model inputs and outputs in the form of elevation at each grid ...

5year_R4_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using the Delft3D 4 Suite (Lesser and others, 2004), sediment transport and morphologic change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) for 5-year simulations of restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional Delft3D model can be applied to coastal systems to solve for time-dependent bed level elevations. The Delft3D model setup requires the input of bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. Model inputs and outputs in the form of elevation at each grid ...

Ivan_R0_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Ivan_R1_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Ivan_R2_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Ivan_R3_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Ivan_R4_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Katrina_R0_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Katrina_R1_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Katrina_R3_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2016 from Grand Bay Alabama/Mississippi: Adjusted processed elevation point data (x,y,z)

A reconnaissance multibeam bathymetry survey was conducted by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) in Grand Bay Alabama/Mississippi on May 12, 2016 as an assessment of the shallow water capabilities of the Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounder, and as an attempt to map the eroding marsh edges at locations of interest around the bay. This dataset,, includes the resulting processed elevation point data (x,y,z ...

Katrina_R4_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2016 from Grand Bay Alabama/Mississippi: Unadjusted processed elevation point data (x,y,z)

A reconnaissance multibeam bathymetry survey was conducted by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) in Grand Bay Alabama/Mississippi (AL/MS) on May 12, 2016 as an assessment of the shallow water capabilities of the Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounder, and as an attempt to map the eroding marsh edges at locations of interest around the bay. This dataset,, includes the resulting [unadjusted] processed ...

Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2018 from Grand Bay and Point Aux Chenes Bay Alabama/Mississippi: Processed elevation point data (x,y,z)

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) in Grand Bay Alabama/Mississippi (AL/MS) October 22-23, 2018. This dataset,, includes the processed point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid.

Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2019 from Grand Bay and Point Aux Chenes Bay Alabama/Mississippi: Processed Elevation Point Data (x,y,z)

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using a Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounder was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) in Grand Bay Alabama/Mississippi (AL/MS) May 7-10, 2019. This dataset,, includes the processed point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid from two separate sensor configurations, which were acquired independently. One configuration utilized a tilted ...

Sally_R0_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Sally_R1_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Sally_R2_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Sally_R3_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Snap Raster used to create interpolated digital elevation models (DEMs) in the nearshore around Ship, Horn, and Petit Bois Islands, Mississippi: 1916 to 1920, 2008 to 2009 and 2016

To characterize coastal change, historical maps and complementary records were compiled including: topographic sheets (T-sheets), hydrographic sheets (H-sheets, smooth sheets), shorelines, and bathymetric soundings surrounding the Mississippi (MS) barrier islands over several time periods (1916-1920, 2008-2009 and 2016). One goal of this work was to create a time-series of bathymetric change maps around the islands. This USGS data release includes three digital elevation models (DEMs) for 1916 to 1920, 2008 ...

Sally_R4_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Katrina_R2_elevation: Modeling the impacts of sand placement strategies on barrier island evolution in a semi-enclosed bay system: model input and results

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Little Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL) under different storm scenarios and restoration alternatives as described in Passeri and others (2025). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent elevations (topography and bathymetry). The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic and bathymetric elevations at each grid cell. ...

Storm-Impact Scenario XBeach Model Results – Scenario 11 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Grid

The numerical model XBeach (version 4937) was used to investigate how different storm scenarios impact the sediment berm constructed offshore of the Chandeleur Islands and adjacent areas. The XBeach model solves coupled 2-dimensional, horizontal wave propagation equations to predict flow, sediment transport, and bottom changes for varying spectral wave and flow boundary conditions (Roelvink and others, 2009 ). The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric DEM, and inputs ...

Storm-Impact Scenario XBeach Model Results – Scenario 12 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Grid

The numerical model XBeach (version 4937) was used to investigate how different storm scenarios impact the sediment berm constructed offshore of the Chandeleur Islands and adjacent areas. The XBeach model solves coupled 2-dimensional, horizontal wave propagation equations to predict flow, sediment transport, and bottom changes for varying spectral wave and flow boundary conditions (Roelvink and others, 2009 ). The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric DEM, and inputs ...

Storm-Impact Scenario XBeach Model Results – Scenario 1 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Grid

The numerical model XBeach (version 4937) was used to investigate how different storm scenarios impact the sediment berm constructed offshore of the Chandeleur Islands and adjacent areas. The XBeach model solves coupled 2-dimensional, horizontal wave propagation equations to predict flow, sediment transport, and bottom changes for varying spectral wave and flow boundary conditions (Roelvink and others, 2009 ). The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric DEM, and inputs ...

Storm-Impact Scenario XBeach Model Results – Scenario 20 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Grid

The numerical model XBeach (version 4937) was used to investigate how different storm scenarios impact the sediment berm constructed offshore of the Chandeleur Islands and adjacent areas. The XBeach model solves coupled 2-dimensional, horizontal wave propagation equations to predict flow, sediment transport, and bottom changes for varying spectral wave and flow boundary conditions (Roelvink and others, 2009 ). The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric DEM, and inputs ...

Storm-Impact Scenario XBeach Model Results – Scenario 2 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Grid

The numerical model XBeach (version 4937) was used to investigate how different storm scenarios impact the sediment berm constructed offshore of the Chandeleur Islands and adjacent areas. The XBeach model solves coupled 2-dimensional, horizontal wave propagation equations to predict flow, sediment transport, and bottom changes for varying spectral wave and flow boundary conditions (Roelvink and others, 2009 ). The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric DEM, and inputs ...

Storm-Impact Scenario XBeach Model Results – Scenario 3 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Grid

The numerical model XBeach (version 4937) was used to investigate how different storm scenarios impact the sediment berm constructed offshore of the Chandeleur Islands and adjacent areas. The XBeach model solves coupled 2-dimensional, horizontal wave propagation equations to predict flow, sediment transport, and bottom changes for varying spectral wave and flow boundary conditions (Roelvink and others, 2009 ). The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric DEM, and inputs ...

Storm-Impact Scenario XBeach Model Results – Scenario 6 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Grid

The numerical model XBeach (version 4937) was used to investigate how different storm scenarios impact the sediment berm constructed offshore of the Chandeleur Islands and adjacent areas. The XBeach model solves coupled 2-dimensional, horizontal wave propagation equations to predict flow, sediment transport, and bottom changes for varying spectral wave and flow boundary conditions (Roelvink and others, 2009 ). The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric DEM, and inputs ...

Storm-Impact Scenario XBeach Model Results – Scenario 7 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Grid

The numerical model XBeach (version 4937) was used to investigate how different storm scenarios impact the sediment berm constructed offshore of the Chandeleur Islands and adjacent areas. The XBeach model solves coupled 2-dimensional, horizontal wave propagation equations to predict flow, sediment transport, and bottom changes for varying spectral wave and flow boundary conditions (Roelvink and others, 2009 ). The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric DEM, and inputs ...

Storm-Impact Scenario XBeach Model Results – Scenario 8 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Grid

The numerical model XBeach (version 4937) was used to investigate how different storm scenarios impact the sediment berm constructed offshore of the Chandeleur Islands and adjacent areas. The XBeach model solves coupled 2-dimensional, horizontal wave propagation equations to predict flow, sediment transport, and bottom changes for varying spectral wave and flow boundary conditions (Roelvink and others, 2009 ). The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric DEM, and inputs ...

Ship_Horn_Island_2016_IFB_SBB_DEM_metadata: Bathymetric Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the 2016 nearshore coastal bathymetry from West Ship Island to Horn Island, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi.

The United States Geological Survey Saint Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC), in cooperation with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) conducted bathymetric surveys of the nearshore waters surrounding Ship and Horn Islands, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi (GUIS). Camille Cut separates Ship Island into East Ship Island and West Ship Island. The objective of this study was to establish base-level elevation conditions around West Ship Island, East Ship Island, ...

Ship_Horn_Island_2016_SBB_xyz_metadata: Bathymetric Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the 2016 nearshore coastal bathymetry from West Ship Island to Horn Island, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi.

The United States Geological Survey Saint Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC), in cooperation with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) conducted bathymetric surveys of the nearshore waters surrounding Ship and Horn Islands, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi (GUIS). Camille Cut separates Ship Island into East Ship Island and West Ship Island. The objective of this study was to establish base-level elevation conditions around West Ship Island, East Ship Island, ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, May 2011

This part of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from bathymetry and topography data of the Elwha River delta collected in May 2011. Two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the river's coastal delta. The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams between 2011 and 2014 induced massive increases in river sediment supply and provided an unprecedented opportunity ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_114_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_114_Elevations_N)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_134_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_134_Elevations_N)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

500m Bathy Contours Derived from ETOPO2 Global 2' Elevations (bathy_500m)

This bathymetry contour data is in ESRI shapefile format and was derived from a National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) ETOPO2 data set. An ESRI ArcView extension, Spatial Analyst, was used to create 500m intervals from a database of grid files (2-minute latitude - longitude resolution).

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_152_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_152_Elevations_N)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_155_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_155_Elevations_N)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_158_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_158_Elevations_N)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_186_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_186_Elevations_N)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_191_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_191_Elevations_N)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_23_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_23_Elevations_N)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_257_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_257_Elevations_N)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_4_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_4_Elevations_N)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_71_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_71_Elevations_N)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_95_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Storm_95_Elevations_N)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2011

This part of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from bathymetry and topography data of the Elwha River delta collected in August 2011. Two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the river's coastal delta. The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams between 2011 and 2014 induced massive increases in river sediment supply and provided an unprecedented ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of northern Monterey Bay, California, October 2014

This part of the data release presents digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from bathymetry and topography data of northern Monterey Bay, California collected in October 2014. Bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs), each equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. Topography data were collected on foot with GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks and with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) using a GNSS receiver mounted at ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of northern Monterey Bay, California, March 2015

This part of the data release presents digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from bathymetry and topography data of northern Monterey Bay, California collected in March 2015. Bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs), each equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. Topography data were collected on foot with GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks and with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) using a GNSS receiver mounted at a ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Year_30_Elevations_NA)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Nourishment in Decadal Barrier Island Morphological Resilience: Model Inputs and Outputs (Year_30_Elevations_N)

Using version 5527 of the XBeach numerical model (Roelvink and others, 2009), barrier island morphological change was simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama (AL), for a 30-year forecast of multiple storms and sea level rise, considering scenarios of no-action and beach and dune nourishment as described in Passeri and others (2021). The two-dimensional XBeach model can be applied to barrier islands to solve for time-dependent topography and bathymetry. The XBeach model setup requires the input of topographic ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of northern Monterey Bay, California, September and October 2015

This part of the data release presents digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from bathymetry and topography data of northern Monterey Bay, California collected in September and October 2015. Bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs), each equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. Topography data were collected on foot with GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks and with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) using a GNSS ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of northern Monterey Bay, California, March 2016

This part of the data release presents digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from bathymetry and topography data of northern Monterey Bay, California collected in March 2016. Bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs), each equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. Topography data were collected on foot with GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks and with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) using a GNSS receiver mounted at a ...

Color Shaded-Relief GeoTIFF Image Showing the 25-m Bathymetry Generated from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11346 in the vicinity of Edgartown Harbor, MA (H11346_MB25M_GEO.TIF, Geographic, WGS84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of the Massachusetts coastline, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment ...

GeoTIFF image of shaded-relief bathymetry, illuminated from 45 degrees, of the sea floor of the Hudson Canyon region (100-m resolution, Mercator, WGS 84)

The Hudson Canyon begins on the outer continental shelf off the east coast of the United States at about 100-meters (m) water depth and extends offshore southeastward across the continental slope and rise. A multibeam survey was carried out in 2002 to map the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor of the Hudson Canyon and adjacent slope and rise. The survey covered an area approximately 205 kilometers (km) in the offshore direction, extending from about 500 m to about 4,000 m water depth, and ...

Color Shaded-Relief GeoTIFF Image Showing the Combined 4-m Multibeam and LIDAR Bathymetry Generated from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Surveys H11442, H11441, H11224, and H11225 Offshore of New London and Niantic, CT (NLNB_MBLIDAR_GEO.TIF, Geographic, WGS84)

Nearshore areas within Long Island Sound are of great interest to the Connecticut and New York research and management communities because of their ecological, recreational, and commercial importance. However, although advances in multibeam echosounder technology permit the construction of detailed digital terrain models of seafloor topography within deeper waters, limitations inherent with collecting multibeam data make using this technology in shallower waters (<10-m deep) more difficult and expensive. ...

30 meter Esri binary grids of predicted elevation with respect to projected sea levels for the Northeastern U.S. from Maine to Virginia for the 2020s, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s (Albers, NAD 83)

The U.S. Geological Survey has been forecasting sea-level rise impacts on the landscape to evaluate where coastal land will be available for future use. The purpose of this project is to develop a spatially explicit, probabilistic model of coastal response for the Northeastern U.S. to a variety of sea-level scenarios that take into account the variable nature of the coast and provides outputs at spatial and temporal scales suitable for decision support. Model results provide predictions of adjusted land ...

30 meter Esri binary grids of probability of predicted elevation with respect to projected sea levels for the Northeastern U.S. from Maine to Virginia for the 2020s, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s (Albers, NAD 83)

The U.S. Geological Survey has been forecasting sea-level rise impacts on the landscape to evaluate where coastal land will be available for future use. The purpose of this project is to develop a spatially explicit, probabilistic model of coastal response for the Northeastern U.S. to a variety of sea-level scenarios that take into account the variable nature of the coast and provides outputs at spatial and temporal scales suitable for decision support. Model results provide predictions of adjusted land ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of northern Monterey Bay, California, September and October 2016

This part of the data release presents digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from bathymetry and topography data of northern Monterey Bay, California collected in September and October 2016. Bathymetry data were collected using a personal watercraft (PWC) and small boat, each equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. Topography data were collected on foot with GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks and with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) using ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of northern Monterey Bay, California, March 2017

This part of the data release presents digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from bathymetry and topography data of northern Monterey Bay, California collected in March 2017. Bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs), each equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. Topography data were collected on foot with GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks and with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) using a GNSS receiver mounted at a ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Cedar Island, VA, 2010

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of northern Monterey Bay, California, September 2017

This part of the data release presents digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from bathymetry and topography data of northern Monterey Bay, California collected in September 2017. Bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs), each equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. Topography data were collected on foot with GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks and with an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) using a GNSS receiver mounted ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Cedar Island, VA, 2012

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, April 2014

This part of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from bathymetry and topography data of the Elwha River delta collected in April 2014. Two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the river's coastal delta. The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams between 2011 and 2014 induced massive increases in river sediment supply and provided an unprecedented opportunity ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, May 2012

This part of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from bathymetry and topography data of the Elwha River delta collected in May 2012. Two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the river's coastal delta. The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams between 2011 and 2014 induced massive increases in river sediment supply and provided an unprecedented opportunity ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, September 2010

This part of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from bathymetry and topography data of the Elwha River delta collected in September 2010. Two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the river's coastal delta. The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams between 2011 and 2014 induced massive increases in river sediment supply and provided an unprecedented ...

San Francisco Bay-Delta bathymetric/topographic digital elevation model(DEM)

A high-resolution (10-meter per pixel) digital elevation model (DEM) was created for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using both bathymetry and topography data. This DEM is the result of collaborative efforts of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). The base of the DEM is from a 10-m DEM released in 2004 and updated in 2005 (Foxgrover and others, 2005) that used Environmental Systems Research Institute(ESRI), ArcGIS Topo to Raster module to interpolate ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2016

This part of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from bathymetry and topography data of the Elwha River delta collected in July 2016. Two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the river's coastal delta. The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams between 2011 and 2014 induced massive increases in river sediment supply and provided an unprecedented opportunity ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, September 2014

This part of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from bathymetry and topography data of the Elwha River delta collected in September 2014. Two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the river's coastal delta. The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams between 2011 and 2014 induced massive increases in river sediment supply and provided an unprecedented ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2012

This part of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from bathymetry and topography data of the Elwha River delta collected in August 2012. Two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the river's coastal delta. The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams between 2011 and 2014 induced massive increases in river sediment supply and provided an unprecedented ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, March 2013

This part of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from bathymetry and topography data of the Elwha River delta collected in March 2013. Two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the river's coastal delta. The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams between 2011 and 2014 induced massive increases in river sediment supply and provided an unprecedented opportunity ...

Digital elevation model of Little Holland Tract, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2015

This product is a digital elevation model (DEM) for the Little Holland Tract in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California based on U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)-collected elevation data, merged with existing topographic and bathymetric elevation data. The USGS collected topographic and bathymetric elevation data in 2015, using a combination of methods. Topographic and shallow-water bathymetric data were collected on foot using a global positioning system (GPS) backpack platform that consisted of ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2015

This part of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from bathymetry and topography data of the Elwha River delta collected in July 2015. Two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the river's coastal delta. The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams between 2011 and 2014 induced massive increases in river sediment supply and provided an unprecedented opportunity ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, September 2013

This part of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from bathymetry and topography data of the Elwha River delta collected in September 2013. Two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the river's coastal delta. The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams between 2011 and 2014 induced massive increases in river sediment supply and provided an unprecedented ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, January 2015

This part of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from bathymetry and topography data of the Elwha River delta collected in January 2015. Two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the river's coastal delta. The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams between 2011 and 2014 induced massive increases in river sediment supply and provided an unprecedented ...

Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, February 2016

This part of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from bathymetry and topography data of the Elwha River delta collected in February 2016. Two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA trapped over 20 million m3 of sediment, reducing downstream sediment fluxes and contributing to erosion of the river's coastal delta. The removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams between 2011 and 2014 induced massive increases in river sediment supply and provided an unprecedented ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Cedar Island, VA, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2010

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

ElevMHW: Elevation adjusted to local mean high water: Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2014

Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ...

September 2010 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in September 2010 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. Portions of the main channel and western shallows/intertidal mudflats were surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of ...

Bathymetry from multibeam echosounder data collected offshore of Arcata, California

This 2-m-resolution bathymetry data for the Offshore of Arcata, California, map area is part of USGS Data Series 781 (Golden and Cochrane, 2019). Bathymetry data were collected by Fugro Pelagos in 2007 using a combination of 400-kHz Reson 7125, 240-kHz Reson 8101, and 100-kHz Reson 8111 multibeam echosounder systems. The data were processed by the California State University Monterey Bay Seafloor Mapping Lab. The bathymetry data are available as a georeferenced TIFF image.

Multibeam bathymetry data collected in four surveys offshore of south-central California in support of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Cal DIG I offshore alternative energy project

Multibeam acoustic-bathymetry data were collected offshore of Morro Bay, California, from 2016 to 2019. The data were collected during five separate multi-agency surveys for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)/Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) California Deepwater Investigations and Groundtruthing I (Cal DIG I) project, under a collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), using Simrad 700 series hull-mounted multibeam echosounders. Data in 2017 and 2018 were acquired ...

Bathymetry from multibeam echosounder data collected offshore of Point Buchon, California

This part of USGS Data Series 781 (Golden, 2019) presents 2-m-resolution bathymetry data for the Offshore of Point Buchon, California, map area. Bathymetry data were collected by Fugro Pelagos in 2008 using a combination of 400-kHz Reson 7125, 240-kHz Reson 8101, and 100-kHz Reson 8111 multibeam echosounder systems. The data were post-processed by the California State University Monterey Bay Seafloor Mapping Lab and the University of California Santa Cruz Center for Integrated Spatial Research. The ...

Multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data from the Alaskan region, Extended Continental Shelf Project, 2011 field season: Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea

This publication releases swath bathymetry and backscatter datasets derived from multibeam bathymetric data acquired by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) on the R/V Marcus G. Langseth legs MGL1108 (transit) and MGL1109 in the Gulf of Alaska, and MGL1111 in the Bering Sea. These data were acquired with a Kongsberg Simrad EM-122 multibeam echosounder and Seafloor Information System (SIS) acquisition software. The MGL1108 data were combined with the MGL1109 data during processing and are presented as MGL1109 ...

MGL1109bathygeo.asc: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in Esri gridascii format, geographic coordinates.

This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects.

Info Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in Fledermaus digital terrain format, geographic coordinates

This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects.

MGL1109bathygeo.tif: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in GeoTIFF format, geographic coordinates

This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects.

Info Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in longitude, latitude, depth format, geographic coordinates

This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects.

MGL1109bathyutm.asc: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in Esri gridascii, UTM 6 coordinates

This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects.

MGL1109bathyutm.bag: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in Esri bathymetric attributed grid, UTM 6 coordinates

This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects.

Info Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in Fledermaus digital terrain format, UTM 6 coordinates

This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects.

MGL1109bathyutm.tif: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in GeoTIFF format, UTM 6 coordinates

This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects.

MGL1109centerdepth.shp: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, along-track center-beam depths extracted from 100-meter gridded data in shapefile format, geographic coordinates

This shapefile contains center-beam depths for approximately 5804 trackline kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The depth values were extracted from gridded data which were reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects.

MGL1109centerdepth.txt: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, along-track center-beam depths extracted from 100-meter gridded data in plain text format, geographic coordinates

This text file contains center-beam depths for approximately 5804 trackline kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The depth values were extracted from gridded data which were reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects.

Bathymetry of the Aleutian and Bowers Basin, Bering Sea

This coverage contains bathymetric contours for Aleutian Basin and Bowers Basin east of the 1867 Convention Line in the southwestern Bering Sea. Geographic extent of this file is: 51.7 : 62.0 N / -165.1 W : 170.0 E. Bathymetric contours range from 50 m to 6400 m. This coverage was used to display the bathymetry for the Atlas of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone, Bering Sea, U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Investigations Series I-2053, 1991 (also known as the GLORIA survey). The map was published separately by ...

Geological Society of America Gulf of Andyr Bathymetry

Bathymetric contours were generated from soundings collected during surveys and cruises by the Hydrographic Office, National Ocean Survey, and Coast and Geodetic Survey. The region covered by the map is the Bering Sea Shelf from Bristol Bay, Alaska to the Gulf of Anadyr, Russia. Bathymetry is in meters at 10 m intervals, with 5 m supplemental contours. The digitized portion includes the Anadyr Gulf and Bering Strait in Russian waters (west of the Exclusive Economic Zone), to supplement digitized National ...

Bathymetric Map of the Bering/Chukchi Sea

Two bathymetric maps were developed by the U.S. Geological Survey, one for the Chukchi Sea and Arctic Ocean, and one for the Aleutian Trench and Bering Sea. The 2 maps overlap near the Bering Strait. Bathymetric contours were generated from several published sources. It is unclear whether new soundings were collected for these maps. The northern map extends from Wrangel Island, Russia to MacKenzie Bay, Canada, and north to 76 N latitude. The southern map extends from Shelikof Bay, Russia, to the western tip ...

Bathymetry of the Bering Strait: Chukotka to Diomede Island

The bathymetric map of the northern Bering Sea region, plate 1 of USGS Professional Paper 759-B, 1976, was generated using published National Ocean Service maps and an unpublished map from Univ. of Washington. The region covered by the map includes the eastern tip of the Chukotka Peninsula, Russia, east to the Seward Peninsula and northern Yukon Delta, Alaska, and south to St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The portion digitized was west of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ, or Convention Line of 1867). Only the ...

Chukchi Sea Bathymetry

Bathymetric contours were generated from soundings collected during geophysical surveys conducted by the USGS from 1969 to 1982, and supplemented by data from other sources. The region covered by the map is the Chukchi Sea from the Bering Strait north to the Arctic Ocean, and Point Barrow, Alaska west to Herald Island, Russia. The map stops just east of Wrangel Island, Russia. Bathymetry is in meters, including 10 meter contour intervals from 10 to 100 meters, and 100 meter contour intervals at depths ...

Coastal Bathymetry of the Bering, Chuckhi, and Beaufort Seas

Bathymetric contours were generated from soundings collected by National Ocean Service vessels from ~1900 to ~1971. The 1:250,000 maps are available for U.S. coastal waters. Bathymetric contours are in meters, with 10 meter intervals out to 200 m, supplemented by 2 m contours. Beyond 200 m, contours are at 50 m intervals to maximum depth. The GIS database derived from these maps includes the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas in western and northern Alaska (~100 maps).

Donated AUV bathymetry data collected during Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) cruise in April 2018 offshore of south-central California

This dataset consists of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) bathymetry data collected in April 2018 aboard the R/V Rachel Carson, which is owned and operated by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). During the cruise, bathymetry data were collected across six AUV dives, all six of which collected coincident bathymetry and Chirp seismic-reflection data. A seventh bathymetric survey, 201804_LuciaChica2m, consists of MBARI data from several AUV dives that were conducted pre-2018 but were ...

Donated AUV bathymetry data collected during Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) cruise in March 2019 offshore of south-central California

This dataset consists of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) bathymetry data collected in March 2019 aboard the R/V Rachel Carson, which is owned and operated by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). During the cruise, bathymetry data were collected across eight AUV dives, all eight of which collected coincident bathymetry and Chirp seismic-reflection data. The collection of these data was funded entirely by MBARI, and the data have been donated to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The data ...

Donated AUV bathymetry data collected during Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) cruise in May 2019 offshore of south-central California

This dataset consists of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) bathymetry data collected in May 2019 aboard the R/V Rachel Carson, which is owned and operated by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). During the cruise, bathymetry data were collected across four AUV dives, all four of which collected coincident bathymetry and Chirp and seismic-reflection data. The collection of these data was funded entirely by MBARI, and the data have been donated to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The data ...

MGL1111bathygeo.asc: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in Esri gridascii format, geographic (latitude, longitude) coordinates

This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions.

Info Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in Fledermaus digital terrain format, geographic (latitude, longitude) coordinates

This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions.

MGL1111bathygeo.tif: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in GeoTIFF format, geographic (latitude, longitude) coordinates

This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions.

Info Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in longitude, latitude, depth (meters) format, geographic (latitude, longitude) coordinates

This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions.

MGL1111bathyutm.asc: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in Esri gridascii export format, UTM coordinate system

This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions.

MGL1111bathyutm.bag: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in bathymetric attributed grid format, UTM coordinate system

This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions.

Info Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in Fledermaus digital terrain format, UTM coordinate system

This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions.

MGL1111bathyutm.tif: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in GeoTIFF format, UTM coordinate system

This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions.

MGL1111centerdepth.shp: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, along-track center-beam depths extracted from 100-meter gridded data in shapefile format, geographic coordinates

This shapefile contains center-beam depths for approximately 5727 trackline kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The depth values were extracted from gridded data which were reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects.

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Bodega Head, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry and shaded-relief maps of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. Raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from The bathymetry and shaded-relief maps of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California, were generated from bathymetry data collected by California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB), and by ...

Bathymetry--Offshore of Bodega Head, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry and shaded-relief maps of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. Raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, ...

Contours-Offshore of Bodega Head, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A ...

Seafloor character--Offshore of Bodega Head, California

This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Bodega Head, California (raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., ...

Bathymetric data and grid of offshore Head of the Meadow Beach, Truro, on March 18, 2022

These data map the beach and nearshore environment at Head of the Meadow Beach in Truro, MA, providing updated regional context for the 2019 CoastCam installation. CoastCam CACO-01 are two video cameras aimed at the beach that view the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. These data were collected as part of field activity 2022-015-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region. In March 2022, U.S. Geological Survey and Woods ...

Multibeam bathymetry data collected in 2015 near Cross Sound, southeast Alaska, during field activity 2015-629-FA

These metadata describe bathymetry collected during a 2015 multibeam echosounder survey near Cross Sound, southeast Alaska. Data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) aboard the ADFG R/V Solstice during USGS field activity 2015-629-FA. The bathymetry data are published here as a 32-bit GeoTIFF image.

Multibeam bathymetry data collected in 2017 and 2018 of Noyes Submarine Canyon and vicinity, southeast Alaska

These metadata describe bathymetry data collected during 2017 and 2018 multibeam echosounder surveys of Noyes Submarine Canyon and vicinity, southeast Alaska. Data were collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) aboard the NOAA survey vessel Fairweather and the data were post-processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) for PCMSC research projects.

Bathymetric data and grid representing single-beam data offshore Marconi Beach, Wellfleet, MA on March 16, 2022

The data in this release map the beach and nearshore environment at Marconi Beach in Wellfleet, MA and provide updated environmental context for the 2021 CoastCam installation that looks out at the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. This is related to the field activity 2022-014-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region that falls within the field of view of CoastCam CACO-02, which are two video cameras aimed at the ...

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collected in May 2023 from Rockaway Peninsula, New York

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) covering the nearshore, seaward side of Rockaway Peninsula, New York (NY), from May 6-16, 2023. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid and the dataset Rockaway_2023_MBES ...

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collected in May 2023 From Seven Mile Island, New Jersey

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) covering the nearshore extent of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey (NJ), from May 18-27, 2023. The download file,, includes processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid. The download file, 7Mile_2023_MBES ...

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collected in May 2021 From Seven Mile Island, New Jersey

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) covering the nearshore extent of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey, from May 19-23, 2021. The download file,, includes processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid. The download file, 7Mile_2021_MBES ...

Single-beam bathymetry data collected in 2009 in the vicinity of Wainwright, Alaska

Bathymetry data were collected in the Wainwright Inlet, the mouth of the Kuk River, and in the nearshore region off Wainwright, Alaska, in August of 2009. Bathymetry was measured with a single-beam echo-sounder (10 Hz 144 ODOM Echotrac CV-100) mounted on the stern of a small vessel and synchronized to a 145 Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Global Positioning Systems (GPS). The depth is measured relative to approximate Mean Sea Level (see attribute accuracy report in this file for further details on the MSL), and ...

MONT95C - Bathymetry contours of the southern Monterey Bay area between Moss Landing and Monterey, California

Derived contours at 10-m intervals are from data collected by the USGS with a multibeam (Simrad EM1000) sidescan sonar system in the southern Monterey Bay between Moss Landing and Monterey, California in 1995 (USGS Field Activity P1-95-MB). This is one of a collection of digital files of a geographic information system of spatially referenced data related to the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Project (see this and other older Monterey Bay USGS works archived ...

Bathymetry data from repeated surveys of a submerged nearshore berm at the mouth of the Columbia River, Washington, 2020-2021

This portion of the USGS data release presents gridded bathymetry data derived from repeated bathymetric surveys conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Portland District on the Pacific Ocean, Washington. Repeated surveys were performed between September 9, 2020, and March 10, 2021, from a vessel equipped with a multi-beam bathymetry system to characterize the morphology and dispersal of a nearshore berm composed of sediment dredged from the navigational channel at the mouth of the Columbia River. ...

Bathymetry data from Floras Lake, Oregon, June 2018

This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in Floras Lake, Oregon in June 2018 (USGS Field Activity Number 2018-636-FA). Floras Lake is a coastal lake in southern Oregon that is separated from the Pacific Ocean by sand dunes. It is not influenced by tides, although water levels fluctuate seasonally. Lake bed bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system ...

Contours--Offshore of Bolinas, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Bolinas map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, ...

1-meter swath bathymetric grid collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in Moultonborough Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire in 2005 (UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84, Esri Binary Grid, WINNI_BATHY)

In freshwater bodies of New Hampshire, the most problematic aquatic invasive plant species is Myriophyllum heterophyllum or variable leaf water-milfoil. Once established, variable leaf water-milfoil forms dense beds that can alter the limnologic characteristics of a waterbody, impacting natural lacustrine communities and their habitats. Variable leaf water-milfoil infestations also disrupt recreational uses of waterbodies and have negatively affected swimming, boating, fishing, and property values in and ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of San Francisco, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of San Francisco, California, map area. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W ...

Contours--Offshore of San Francisco, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of San Francisco map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W. ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore Pacifica, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the hillshaded bathymetry map of Offshore Pacifica, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., ...

Bathymetry--Offshore Pacifica, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of Offshore Pacifica, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., Golden, N.E., Watt ...

5-meter swath bathymetric grid collected by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Fire Island, NY in 2011 (UTM Zone 18N, WGS 84, Esri Binary Grid)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) mapped approximately 336 square kilometers of the lower shoreface and inner-continental shelf offshore of Fire Island, New York in 2011 using interferometric sonar and high-resolution chirp seismic-reflection systems. These spatial data support research on the Quaternary evolution of the Fire Island coastal system and provide baseline information for research on coastal processes along southern Long Island. For more information about the WHCMSC Field Activity, see https:/ ...

Seafloor character--Offshore of Pacifica, California

This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Pacifica, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., Golden, N.E., Watt, J.T., ...

St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center Geoscience Data Viewer Metadata

This web mapping application is a compilation of geoscientific data collected and published by the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC). This application does not serve as a complete archive of all the geoscientific data collected by the center, but highlights frequently published data types. Data within this web application include: seismic data extents, seismic survey tracklines (boomer, chirp, and minisparker), bathymetric footprints, bathymetric ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore Bolinas, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Bolinas, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Ross, S.L., ...

Bathymetry--Offshore Bolinas, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Bolinas, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Ross, S.L., Kvitek, R.G., ...

Seafloor character--Offshore of Bolinas, California

This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Bolinas, California (raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Ross, S.L., Kvitek, R.G., Phillips, ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Fort Ross, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. Raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, ...

Bathymetry--Offshore of Fort Ross, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. Raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, J.T., Krigsman ...

Contours--Offshore of Fort Ross, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., ...

Text files of the navigation logged with HYPACK Software during field activity 2012-024-FA in 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Connecticut River

A geophysical and geological survey was conducted at the mouth of the Connecticut River from Old Saybrook to Essex, Connecticut, in September 2012. Approximately 230 linear kilometers of digital Chirp subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, riverbed photographs, and (or) video at 88 sites within the geophysical survey area. Sediment grab samples were collected at 72 of the 88 sampling sites, video ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore Half Moon Bay, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the hillshaded bathymetry map of the Offshore Half Moon Bay map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Johnson, S.Y., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Dieter, B.E., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., Watt, J ...

Bathymetry--Offshore Half Moon Bay, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore Half Moon Bay, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Johnson, S.Y., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Dieter, B.E., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., Watt, J.T., Endris, C.A., ...

Contours--Offshore of Half Moon Bay, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Half Moon map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Johnson, S.Y., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Dieter, B.E., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Ross ...

Seafloor character--Offshore of Half Moon Bay, California

This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Half Moon Bay map area, California. The raster data file is included in "", which is accessible from This raster-format seafloor-character map shows four substrate classes of Offshore of Half Moon Bay, California. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G. ...

Contours--Offshore of Pacifica, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E. ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B ...

Bathymetry--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, J.T., ...

Contours--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C ...

Seafloor character--Offshore of Salt Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Salt Point, California (raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., ...

Bathymetry--Offshore of San Francisco, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of San Francisco, California, map area. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Kvitek, R.G., ...

Seafloor character--Offshore of San Francisco, California

This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map (see sheet 5) Offshore of San Francisco, California (raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Kvitek, R.G., Watt, J.T., ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore San Gregorio, California

This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Kvitek, R.G., ...

Bathymetry--Offshore San Gregorio, California

This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Kvitek, R.G., Erdey, M.D., ...

Contours--Offshore of San Gregorio, California

This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., ...

Seafloor character--Offshore of San Gregorio, California

This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Kvitek, R.G., ...

Habitat--Offshore of Aptos, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Offshore of Aptos map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, r.G., Maier, K.L., Endris, C.A., Davenport, C.W., Watt, J.T., Sliter, R.W., ...

Habitat--Offshore Santa Cruz, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Offshore of Santa Cruz map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Dieter, B.E., Hartwell, S.R., Ritchie, A.C., Finlayson, D.P., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Davenport, C.W., Sliter, R.W., Maier ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected in Nantucket Sound Massachusetts in the vicinity of Horseshoe Shoal, during USGS Field Activity 2022-001-FA using a Teledyne SeaBat Integrated Dual-Head (IDH) T20-P multibeam echosounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 19N, NAD 83, MLLW Datum, 2-m resolution)

In June 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, collected high-resolution geophysical data, in Nantucket Sound to understand the regional geology in the vicinity of Horseshoe Shoal. This effort is part of a long-term collaboration between the USGS and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to map the State’s waters, support research on the Quaternary evolution of coastal Massachusetts, resolve the influence of sea-level change and sediment ...

Survey lines along which swath sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected in 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Connecticut River during field activity 2012-024-FA (Polyline Shapefile)

A geophysical and geological survey was conducted at the mouth of the Connecticut River from Old Saybrook to Essex, Connecticut, in September 2012. Approximately 230 linear kilometers of digital Chirp subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, riverbed photographs, and (or) video at 88 sites within the geophysical survey area. Sediment grab samples were collected at 72 of the 88 sampling sites, video ...

Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, along-track center-beam depths extracted from 100-meter gridded data in plain text format, geographic coordinates.

This shapefile contains center-beam depths for approximately 5727 trackline kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The depth values were extracted from gridded data which were reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects.

Seafloor character--Offshore of Fort Ross, California

This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Fort Ross, California (raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., ...

Bathymetry Hillshade Offshore of Point Reyes Map Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. Raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, ...

Bathymetry Offshore of Point Reyes Map Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry and shaded-relief maps of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. Raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., ...

Contours Offshore of Point Reyes Map Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C ...

Seafloor character--Offshore of Point Reyes Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Point Reyes, California (raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., Krigsman, L.M., Lowe, E.N ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Refugio Beach Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The raster data file for the shaded-relief map is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B ...

Bathymetry--Offshore of Refugio Beach Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The raster data file for the bathymetry map is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., ...

5-meter bathymetric data collected in 2014 by the U.S. Geological Survey along the Delmarva Peninsula, MD and VA (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 18N, WGS 84)

The Delmarva Peninsula is a 220-kilometer-long headland, spit, and barrier island complex that was significantly affected by Hurricane Sandy. A U.S. Geological Survey cruise was conducted in the summer of 2014 to map the inner continental shelf of the Delmarva Peninsula using geophysical and sampling techniques to define the geologic framework that governs coastal system evolution at storm-event and longer timescales. Data collected during the 2014 cruise include swath bathymetry, sidescan sonar, chirp and ...

Bathymetry Hillsahde--Offshore of Tomales Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. Raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., ...

Contours Offshore of Tomales Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., ...

Seafloor character--Offshore of Tomales Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Carpinteria, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The raster data file for the shaded-relief map is included in "" Both are accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., ...

Bathymetry--Offshore of Carpinteria, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The raster data file for the bathymetry map is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G ...

Contours--Offshore of Carpinteria, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., ...

Seafloor character--Offshore of Carpinteria, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "" The raster data file for the shaded-relief map is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G ...

Bathymetry--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Lorenson, T.D., Krigsman, ...

Contours--Offshore Coal Oil Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of Offshore Coal Oil Point, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Lorenson, T.D., Krigsman ...

Seafloor character, 2-m grid--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents 2-m resolution data for the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad ...

Seafloor character, 5-m grid--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents 5-m resolution data for the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad ...

Seafloor character--Drakes Bay and Vicinity, California

This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map of the Drakes Bay and Vicinity map area, California (raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., ...

Contours--Offshore Refugio Beach, California

This part of DS 781 presents bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Refugio Beach, California, map area. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.ov/ds/781/OffshoreRefugioBeach/data_catalog_OffshoreRefugioBeach.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Greene, ...

Seafloor character--Offshore of Refugio Beach, California

This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from https ://pubs.usgs.ov/ds/781/OffshoreRefugioBeach/data_catalog_OffshoreRefugioBeach.html). These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Greene, H.G., ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The raster data file for the hillshaded bathymetry map is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., ...

Bathymetry--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Endris, C ...

Contours--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, ...

Seafloor character--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B ...

Bathymetry--Offshore of Tomales Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. Raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Ventura, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The raster data file for the shaded-relief map is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., ...

Bathymetry--Offshore of Ventura, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The raster data file is included in ", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Gutierrez, C.I., ...

Contours--Offshore of Ventura, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours of the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Gutierrez, C.I ...

Seafloor character--Offshore of Ventura, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., ...

Bathymetry data for Santa Cruz Harbor, California collected during USGS field activity 2022-609-FA

1-m resolution bathymetry data were collected during a January 2022 SWATHPlus survey in and near the Santa Cruz harbor, California. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity number 2022-609-FA. The 1-m bathymetry data are provided as a GeoTIFF file.

Bathymetry data collected from ASV operations on North Core Banks, NC in October 2022

These data map in high detail surficial cross-sections of North Core Banks, a barrier island in Cape Lookout National Seashore, NC, in October 2022. U.S. Geological Survey field efforts are part of an interagency agreement with the National Park Service to monitor the recovery of the island from Hurricanes Florence (2018) and Dorian (2019). Three sites of outwash, overwash, and pond formation were targeted for extensive vegetation ground-truthing, sediment samples, bathymetric mapping with a remote ...

Digital vector bathymetric/topographic contours of the sea floor in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region (bathy.shp)

This data set contains the sea floor topographic contours generated from a multibeam sonar survey of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts, an area of approximately 1100 square nautical miles. The Stellwagen Bank NMS Mapping Project is designed to provide detailed maps of the Stellwagen Bank region's environments and habitats and the first complete multibeam topographic and sea floor characterization maps of a significant region of the shallow EEZ. Data were ...

Sea floor ruggedness analysis for the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region (rugged)

The Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) calculates the average difference in elevation between a small area (a center pixel of 13 x 13 m) and its surrounding area (neighboring pixels). The TRI was applied to the digital bathymetric grids of the seafloor of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region off Boston, Massachusetts to create an analysis of sea floor ruggedness.

5-meter swath bathymetric grid collected by Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc., offshore of Fire Island, NY in 2014, as part of a collaborative U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and U.S. Geological Survey mapping effort (UTM zone 18N, WGS 84, Esri binary grid file format)

Hurricane Sandy, the largest storm of historical record in the Atlantic basin, severely impacted southern Long Island, New York in October 2012. In 2014, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted a high-resolution multibeam echosounder survey with Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc., offshore of Fire Island and western Long Island, New York to document the post-storm conditions of the inner continental shelf. The objectives of the survey were ...

5-meter swath bathymetric grid collected by Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc., offshore of The Rockaways to Jones Inlet, NY in 2014, as part of a collaborative U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and U.S. Geological Survey mapping effort (UTM zone 18N, WGS 84, Esri binary grid file format)

Hurricane Sandy, the largest storm of historical record in the Atlantic basin, severely impacted southern Long Island, New York in October 2012. In 2014, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted a high-resolution multibeam echosounder survey with Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc., offshore of Fire Island and western Long Island, New York to document the post-storm conditions of the inner continental shelf. The objectives of the survey were ...

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2022

This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetric data collected during surveys performed on the Elwha River delta, Washington in 2022 (USGS Field Activity Number 2022-638-FA). Bathymetric data were collected using personal watercraft (PWCs) and a kayak equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Bathymetric data and grid of offshore Marconi Beach, Wellfleet, MA on March 20, 2023

The data in this release re-map the beach and nearshore environment at Marconi Beach in Wellfleet, MA and provide updated environmental context for the 2021 CoastCam installation that looks out at the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. This is related to the field activity 2022-014-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region that falls within the field of view of CoastCam CACO-02, which are two video cameras aimed at the ...

Bathymetric data and grid of offshore Head of the Meadow Beach, Truro, MA on April 7, 2023

The data in this release re-map the beach and nearshore environment at Head of the Meadow Beach in Truro, MA and provide updated environmental context for the 2020 CoastCam installation that looks out at the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. This is related to the field activity 2022-015-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region that falls within the field of view of CoastCam CACO-01, which are two video cameras aimed ...

Bathymetry and seafloor acoustic backscatter of mobile subaqueous sand dunes in the lower Columbia River, Washington and Oregon, 2021

Bathymetry and seafloor acoustic backscatter data were collected at four sites (SKM, SLG, LDB, WLW) using a SWATHPlus interferometric sonar (234 kHz) pole mounted to the R/V Parke Snavely during a June 2021 survey of the lower Columbia River, Washington and Oregon. Each site was surveyed repeatedly between June 5 and June 9, 2021 to quantify bathymetric changes resulting from migration of subaqueous sand dunes. The bathymetry and seafloor acoustic backscatter data from each site are provided as GeoTIFF ...

Time-series measurements of oceanographic and water quality data collected in the Herring River, Wellfleet, Massachusetts, USA, November 2018 to November 2019

Restoration in the tidally restricted Herring River Estuary in Wellfleet, MA benefits from understanding pre-restoration sediment transport conditions. Submerged sensors were deployed at four sites landward and seaward of the Herring River restriction to measure water velocity, water quality, water level, waves, and seabed elevation. These data will be used to evaluate sediment dynamics and geomorphic change and inform marsh modeling efforts over tidal and seasonal timescales.

Bathymetric grid representing single beam data during field activity 2020-015-FA offshore Head of the Meadow Beach, Truro MA on March 10, 2020

The data in this release map the beach and nearshore environment at Head of the Meadow Beach in Truro, MA and provide environmental context for the camera calibration information for the 2019 CoastCam installation that looks out at the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. This is related to the field activity 2020-015-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region that falls within the field of view of the CoastCam, which are ...

Bathymetric data during field activity 2021-014-FA offshore Head of the Meadow Beach, Truro MA on February 11, 2021

These data map the beach and nearshore environment at Head of the Meadow Beach in Truro, MA, providing updated regional context for the 2019 CoastCam installation. CoastCam CACO-01 are two video cameras aimed at the beach that view the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. These data were collected as part of field activity 2021-014-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region. In February 2021, U.S. Geological Survey and ...

Bathymetry from multibeam echosounder data collected offshore of the Eel River, California

This part of USGS Data Series 781 (Golden, 2019) presents 2-m-resolution bathymetry data for the Offshore of the Eel River, California, map area. Bathymetry data were collected by Fugro Pelagos in 2007 using a combination of 400-kHz Reson 7125, 240-kHz Reson 8101, and 100-kHz Reson 8111 multibeam echosounder systems. The data were processed by the California State University Monterey Bay Seafloor Mapping Lab. The bathymetry data are available as a georeferenced TIFF image.

Bathymetric grid during field activity 2021-022-FA offshore Marconi Beach, Wellfleet MA on March 10, 2021

The data in this publication map the beach and nearshore environment at Marconi Beach in Wellfleet, MA and provide regional context for the 2021 CoastCam installation that looks out at the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. These data were collected as part of field activity 2021-022-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region that falls within the field of view of CoastCam CACO-02, which are two video cameras aimed at the ...

Coastal Single-beam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2022 off Seven Mile Island, New Jersey

To determine continued change to the shoreface morphology and evolution at Seven Mile Island, New Jersey, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a single-beam bathymetric survey of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey, from April 29 - May 2, 2022. During this study, single-beam bathymetry data were collected using a personal watercraft (PWC) and a floating-towed-seismic sled. Both the PWC and the seismic sled ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected during USGS field activity 2021-004-FA, using a dual-head Teledyne SeaBat T20-P multibeam echo sounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 19N, NAD 83, NAVD88 Vertical Datum, 2-m resolution)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) completed a bathymetric and shallow seismic-reflection survey during the period of June 9, 2021 to June 24, 2021 in water depths from 2 m to 30 m for a portion of the outer Cape Cod nearshore environment between Marconi and Nauset Beaches. The products from this survey will help to support white shark research on their shallow-water behavior in the dynamic nearshore environment at Cape Cod National Seashore (CACO). CACO ...

BocaChica_2022_MBES: High-resolution Geophysical and Imagery Data Collected in November 2022 Offshore of Boca Chica Key, FL

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) nearshore Boca Chica Key, the Florida Keys, from November 8-13, 2022. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid, and the dataset ...

Tyndall_2022_MBES: High-resolution Geophysical Data Collected in June 2022 Near Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, Florida

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) nearshore Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, Florida, from June 20-30, 2022. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid, and the dataset ...

Polygon shapefile of data sources used to create a composite multibeam bathymetry surface of the central Cascadia Margin offshore Oregon

Data from various sources, including 2018 and 2019 multibeam bathymetry data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) were combined to create a composite 30-m resolution multibeam bathymetry surface of central Cascadia Margin offshore Oregon. These metadata describe the polygon shapefile that outlines and identifies each publicly available bathymetric dataset. The data are available as a polygon shapefile.

Composite multibeam bathymetry surface of the central Cascadia Margin offshore Oregon

Data from various sources, including 2018 and 2019 multibeam bathymetry data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) were combined to create a composite 30-m resolution multibeam bathymetry surface of central Cascadia Margin offshore Oregon. The data are available as a geoTIFF file.

Bathymetry from multibeam echosounder data collected offshore of Cape Mendocino, California

This part of USGS Data Series 781 (Golden, 2019) presents 2-m-resolution bathymetry data for the Offshore of Cape Mendocino, California, map area. Bathymetry data were collected by Fugro Pelagos in 2007 using a combination of 400-kHz Reson 7125, 240-kHz Reson 8101, and 100-kHz Reson 8111 multibeam echosounder systems. The data were processed by the California State University Monterey Bay Seafloor Mapping Lab. The bathymetry data are available as a georeferenced TIFF image.

Swath bathymetry data collected in 2013 off the islands of Maui and Kaho`olawe, Hawaii, during field activity A-01-13-HW

1-m resolution bathymetry data were collected during a February 2013 SWATHPlus survey offshore of the Hawaiian Islands of Maui and Kaho`olawe. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC), with fieldwork activity number A-01-13-HW. The 1-m bathymetry data are provided as a GeoTIFF file.

Nearshore Single-Beam Bathymetry Data: Madeira Beach, Florida, February 2017

In February 2017, the United States Geological Survey Saint Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) conducted multibeam and single-beam bathymetric surveys of the nearshore waters off Madeira Beach, Florida. These data were collected as part of a regional study designed to better understand coastal processes on barrier islands and sandy beaches. Results from this study will be incorporated with observations from other regional studies in order to validate operational water level and ...

Nearshore bathymetry of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2022

This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell and mouth of the Columbia River, Washington and Oregon, in 2022 (USGS Field Activity Number 2022-641-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using four personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The sonar systems consisted of either an Odom Echotrac CV-100 or CEE Hydrosystems Ceescope single-beam ...

Nearshore bathymetry of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2023

This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell and mouth of the Columbia River, Washington and Oregon, in 2023 (USGS Field Activity Number 2023-644-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using four personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The sonar systems consisted of either an Odom Echotrac CV-100 or CEE Hydrosystems Ceescope single-beam ...

Nearshore Multibeam Bathymetry Data: Madeira Beach, Florida, February 2017

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) nearshore Madeira Beach, Florida February 13-17, 2017. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid.

CoconutIsland_2023_MBES: High-resolution Geophysical and Imagery Data Collected in May 2023 Near Fort Hase, Marine Corps Base Hawaii

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using a Norbit Winghead multibeam echosounder, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) nearshore Coconut Island, on the island of Oahu, May 7, 2023. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 0.25 meter (m) bathymetric grid and the dataset includes the acoustic backscatter intensity ...

FtHase_2023_MBES: High-resolution Geophysical and Imagery Data Collected in May 2023 Near Fort Hase, Marine Corps Base Hawaii

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using a Norbit Winghead multibeam echosounder, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) nearshore Fort Hase Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH), on the island of Oahu, May 4-12, 2023. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid and the dataset includes the acoustic backscatter ...

2 meter Arc Raster grid of bathymetry acquired using a SEA Ltd. SWATHplus-H interferometric sonar within Barnegat Bay New Jersey by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2011, 2012, and 2013 (Esri binary grid, UTM 18N, WGS 84)

Water quality in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary along the New Jersey coast is the focus of a multidisciplinary research project begun in 2011 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. This narrow estuary is the drainage for the Barnegat Watershed and flushed by just three inlets connecting it to the Atlantic Ocean, is experiencing degraded water quality, algal blooms, loss of seagrass, and increases in oxygen -depletion events ...

10 meter bathymetric grid of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey produced from trackline bathymetry collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2011, 2012, and 2013 (Esri binary grid, UTM 18N, WGS 84)

Water quality in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary along the New Jersey coast is the focus of a multidisciplinary research project begun in 2011 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. This narrow estuary is the drainage for the Barnegat Watershed and flushed by just three inlets connecting it to the Atlantic Ocean, is experiencing degraded water quality, algal blooms, loss of seagrass, and increases in oxygen -depletion events, ...

2 meter Arc Raster grid of bathymetry acquired along cross lines using a SEA Ltd. SWATHplus-H interferometric sonar within Barnegat Bay New Jersey by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2011, 2012, and 2013 (Esri binary grid, UTM 18N, WGS 84)

Water quality in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary along the New Jersey coast is the focus of a multidisciplinary research project begun in 2011 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. This narrow estuary is the drainage for the Barnegat Watershed and flushed by just three inlets connecting it to the Atlantic Ocean, is experiencing degraded water quality, algal blooms, loss of seagrass, and increases in oxygen -depletion events ...

10-m interval contours of smoothed multibeam bathymetry of Massachusetts Bay (MB_10MCTR9X9.SHP, Geographic, NAD83)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

5-m interval contours of smoothed multibeam bathymetry of Massachusetts Bay (MB_5MCTR9X9.SHP, Geographic, NAD83)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

10-m resolution grid of multibeam bathymetry in Massachusetts Bay (MB_BATHY10M)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

1-m interval contours of smoothed multibeam bathymetry in western Massachusetts Bay map Quadrangle 1 (Q1_1MCTR.SHP)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

5-m interval contours of smoothed multibeam bathymetry in western Massachusetts Bay map Quadrangle 1 (Q1_5MCTR.SHP)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

6-m resolution grid of multibeam bathymetry in western Massachusetts Bay map Quadrangle 1 (Q1_BATHY6M)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

1-m interval contours of smoothed multibeam bathymetry in western Massachusetts Bay map Quadrangle 2 (Q2_1MCTR.SHP)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

5-m interval contours of smoothed multibeam bathymetry in western Massachusetts Bay map Quadrangle 2 (Q2_5MCTR.SHP)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

6-m resolution grid of multibeam bathymetry in western Massachusetts Bay map Quadrangle 2 (Q2_BATHY6M)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

1-m interval contours of smoothed multibeam bathymetry in western Massachusetts Bay map Quadrangle 3 (Q3_1MCTR.SHP)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

5-m interval contours of smoothed multibeam bathymetry in western Massachusetts Bay map Quadrangle 3 (Q3_5MCTR.SHP)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

6-m resolution grid of multibeam bathymetry in western Massachusetts Bay map Quadrangle 3 (Q3_BATHY6M)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

1-m interval contours of smoothed multibeam bathymetry in western Massachusetts Bay map Quadrangles 1-3 (WMB_1MCTR.SHP)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

6-m resolution grid of multibeam bathymetry of western Massachusetts Bay map Quadrangles 1-3 (WMB_BATHY6M)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

10 m bathymetric contours for the Southwest Washington Study area (BATHY)

Two 21-day field operations were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in the estuaries and on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast. These cruises aboard the R/V Corliss were run in order to generate reconnaissance maps of the seafloor geology and the shallow subsurface stratigraphy using sidescan-sonar and seismic-reflection mapping techniques. The 1998 cruise also collected sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, and video images to verify the sidescan-sonar imagery ...

Grid Representing the Present Day Bathymetry of a Portion of the Columbia River

Two 21-day field operations were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in the estuaries and on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast. These cruises aboard the R/V Corliss were run in order to generate reconnaissance maps of the seafloor geology and the shallow subsurface stratigraphy using sidescan sonar and seismic-reflection mapping techniques. The 1998 cruise also collected sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, and video images to verify the sidescan-sonar imagery ...

Grid Representing the Present Day Surface off the Coast of Washington and Oregon

Two 21-day field operations were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in the estuaries and on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast. These cruises aboard the R/V Corliss were run in order to generate reconnaissance maps of the seafloor geology and the shallow subsurface stratigraphy using sidescan sonar and seismic-reflection mapping techniques. The 1998 cruise also collected sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, and video images to verify the sidescan-sonar imagery ...

1-m bathymetric contours derived from single-beam echosounder data collected within the New York Bight by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1995 - 1998 (Esri polyline shapefile, Geographic, WGS84, Esri binary grid UTM Zone 18N)

These data represent single beam echo sounder (trackline) bathymetry collected in May 1995, May 1996, September 1996, May 1997, and October 1998 during five USGS cruises within the New York Bight region. Trackline spacing during these cruises was 300 meters. These data have been corrected for tidal fluctuations and distance of the transducer below the water line. All values are stored in meters. These data are referenced to Mean Lower Low Water.

10-meter bathymetric contours from multibeam bathymetry in the East and West Flower Garden regions, northwestern Gulf of Mexico outer shelf (polyline shapefile)

This shapefile shows the 10 meter contour interval based on the 5-meter multibeam bathymetry (Dartnell and Gardner, 1999) from the Flower Garden Banks region.

5 meter bathymetric contours derived from data collected during U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Surveys of Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho, September, 2002 cruise 02031(02031_BATHY_5M)

Bear Lake is a tectonic lake that has existed for at least several hundred thousand years. The lake basin is a relatively simple half graben, a spoon-shaped depression tilted toward the main fault on the east side of the lake. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with researchers from several universities, has been studying the sediments of Bear Lake since 1996. The general purpose of this effort is to reconstruct past limnological conditions and regional climate on a range of timescales, from ...

Geophysical Surveys of Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho, September 2002 - Bathymetric Grid (BATHYGRD.TIF)

Bear Lake is a tectonic lake that has existed for at least several hundred thousand years. The lake basin is a relatively simple half graben, a spoon-shaped depression tilted toward the main fault on the east side of the lake. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with researchers from several universities, has been studying the sediments of Bear Lake since 1996. The general purpose of this effort is to reconstruct past limnological conditions and regional climate on a range of timescales, from ...

Nahant to Gloucester, Massachusetts Swath Bathymetry of the South Essex Survey Area (se_5mbath)

These data are high-resolution bathymetric soundings of the seafloor offshore of Massachusetts, from Nahant to Gloucester. Approximately 127 km² of the inner shelf were mapped in the nearshore region between the 10m and 40-m isobath.

Bathymetric Contours within the inner shelf of Long Bay, South Carolina (CON_1M, 1 meter interval: Polyline shapefile)

In 1999, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in partnership with the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium, began a study to investigate processes affecting shoreline change along the northern coast of South Carolina, focusing on the Grand Strand region. Previous work along the U.S. Atlantic coast shows that the structure and composition of older geologic strata located seaward of the coast heavily influences the coastal behavior of areas with limited sediment supply, such as the Grand Strand. By defining this ...

Multibeam Bathymetry 2 meter/pixel of Boston Harbor and Approaches (bh_2mmbbath)

These data are high-resolution bathymetric measurements of the seafloor from Boston Harbor and the harbor approaches, Massachusetts. Approximately 170 km² of sidescan sonar and bathymetric data were collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ship Whiting in 2000 and 2001 and reprocessed and gridded by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

ArcInfo Grid of the 30 meter pixel Composite Bathymetry of Boston Harbor and Approaches (BH_30MBATH, UTM 19, WGS84)

These data are high-resolution bathymetric measurements of the seafloor from Boston Harbor and the harbor approaches, Massachusetts. Approximately 170 km square of sidescan sonar and bathymetric data were collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ship Whiting in 2000 and 2001 and reprocessed and gridded by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

2 meter ArcRaster grid of the Swath Bathymetry of Apalachicola Bay, Florida (APBAY2MBATH)

These data were collected under a cooperative mapping program between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Coastal Services Center (NOAA\CSC), and the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR). The primary objectives of this program were to collect marine geophysical data to develop a suite of seafloor maps to better define the extent of oyster habitats, the overall seafloor geology of the bay and provide updated information for management of ...

2m GeoTIFF of Swath Bathymetry of Apalachicola Bay, Florida (APBAY2M_BATH.tif)

These data were collected under a cooperative mapping program between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Coastal Services Center (NOAA\CSC), and the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR). The primary objectives of this program were to collect marine geophysical data to develop a suite of seafloor maps to better define the extent of oyster habitats, the overall seafloor geology of the bay and provide updated information for management of ...

25m Bathymetric ArcRaster Grid of Apalachicola Bay and St. George Sound, Florida (APBAYBATH25M)

These data were collected under a cooperative mapping program between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Coastal Services Center (NOAA\CSC), and the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR). The primary objectives of this program were to collect marine geophysical data to develop a suite of seafloor maps to better define the extent of oyster habitats, the overall seafloor geology of the bay and provide updated information for management of ...

2 meter ArcRaster Grid of Swath Bathymetry of St. George Sound, Florida (STG2MBath)

These data were collected under a cooperative mapping program between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Coastal Services Center (NOAA\CSC), and the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR). The primary objectives of this program were to collect marine geophysical data to develop a suite of seafloor maps to better define the extent of oyster habitats, the overall seafloor geology of the bay and provide updated information for management of ...

2m GeoTIFF image of Swath Bathymetry of St. George Sound, Florida (STGSND2M_BATH.TIF)

These data were collected under a cooperative mapping program between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Coastal Services Center (NOAA\CSC), and the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR). The primary objectives of this program are to collect marine geophysical data and develop a suite of seafloor maps to better define the extent of oyster habitats and the overall seafloor geology of the bay to provide updated information for management of ...

10 meter bathymetric contours of the Cape Ann - Salisbury Beach MA Survey Area (BATHCNTR_10M, geographic, WGS84)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine reserves, and ...

5 meter ArcRaster grid of swath bathymetry of inshore area of Cape Ann - Salisbury Beach Massachusetts survey area (BATH_IS5m, UTM Zone 19, WGS84)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine reserves, and ...

5 meter ArcRaster grid of multibeam bathymetry of the offshore area of Cape Ann - Salisbury Beach Massachusetts Survey Area (BATH_OS5m, UTM Zone 19, WGS84)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine reserves, and ...

5 meter ArcRaster Bathymetric grid of both the inshore and offshore area of Cape Ann - Salisbury Beach Survey Area (CABATH5M, UTM Zone 19, WGS84)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine reserves, and ...

Bathymetric data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of the Chandeleur Islands, LA, 2006-2007 (BATHY_GRD.ASC, ESRI ASCII GRID)

In 2006 and 2007, the U.S. Geological Survey, in partnership with Louisiana Department of Natural Resources and the University of New Orleans, conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor and shallow subsurface stratigraphy offshore of the Chandeleur Islands in Eastern Louisiana. The mapping was carried out during two cruises on the R/V Acadiana. Data were acquired with the following equipment: an SEA Ltd SwathPlus interferometric sonar (234 kHz), Klein 3000 dual frequency sidescan sonar, and an ...

1-meter contours produced from bathymetric data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of the Chandeleur Islands, LA, 2006-2007 (cont_1m, polyline)

In 2006 and 2007, the U.S. Geological Survey, in partnership with Louisiana Department of Natural Resources and the University of New Orleans, conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor and shallow subsurface stratigraphy offshore of the Chandeleur Islands in Eastern Louisiana. The mapping was carried out during two cruises on the R/V Acadiana. Data were acquired with the following equipment: an SEA Ltd SwathPlus interferometric sonar (234 kHz), Klein 3000 dual frequency sidescan sonar, and an ...

Bathymetric data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey off the southern shore of Martha's Vineyard, MA, 2007 (ESRI BINARY GRID, BATHY_2M)

The USGS Woods Hole Science Center conducted a nearshore geophysical survey offshore of the southern coast of Martha's Vineyard, in the vicinity of the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO) in August 2007. This mapping program was part of a larger research effort supporting the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Ripples Directed-Research Initiative (DRI) studies at MVCO by providing data collection and modeling. The geophysical data will be used to provide initial conditions for wave and circulation ...

5-meter contours produced from bathymetric data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey off the southern shore of Martha's Vineyard, MA, 2007 (ESRI POLYLINE SHAPEFILE, CON_5M)

The USGS Woods Hole Science Center conducted a nearshore geophysical survey offshore of the southern coast of Martha's Vineyard, in the vicinity of the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO) in August 2007. This mapping program was part of a larger research effort supporting the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Ripples Directed-Research Initiative (DRI) studies at MVCO by providing data collection and modeling. The geophysical data will be used to provide initial conditions for wave and circulation ...

10 meter bathymetric contours of the Duxbury-Hull MA Survey Area (DH_BATHCNTR_10m shapefile, Geographic, WGS84)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center (WHSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine ...

Bathymetric data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration offshore of Massachusetts between Duxbury and Hull (DH_bathy5m, Esri binary grid, UTM Zone 19, WGS84)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center (WHSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine ...

ASCII grid of bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration offshore of Massachusetts between Duxbury and Hull with data gaps (DH_bathy_wgaps.asc, ARC/INFO ASCII GRID, UTM Zone 19, WGS84)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center (WHSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine ...

Navigation and Bathymetry Points of Ship Position During Continuous Resistivity Profile Data Collection in the Potomac River/Chesapeake Bay on Sept. 6, 2006 on USGS Cruise 06018 (RESGPSPNTS_JD249.SHP)

In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into Chesapeake Bay, geophysical surveys were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists on Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac River Estuary in September 2006. Chesapeake Bay resource managers are concerned about nutrients that are entering the estuary via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication. The USGS has performed many related studies in recent years to provide managers with information necessary to ...

Navigation, Bathymetry and Temperature Points at the Ship Position During Continuous Resistivity Profile Data Collection in the Potomac River/Chesapeake Bay on Sept. 7, 2006 on USGS Cruise 06018 (RESGPSPNTS_JD250.SHP)

In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into Chesapeake Bay, geophysical surveys were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists on Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac River Estuary in September 2006. Chesapeake Bay resource managers are concerned about nutrients that are entering the estuary via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication. The USGS has performed many related studies in recent years to provide managers with information necessary to ...

Navigation, Bathymetry and Temperature Point at the Ship Position During Continuous Resistivity Profile Data Collection in the Potomac River/Chesapeake Bay on Sept. 8, 2006 on USGS Cruise 06018 (RESGPSPNTS_JD251.SHP)

In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into Chesapeake Bay, geophysical surveys were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists on Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac River Estuary in September 2006. Chesapeake Bay resource managers are concerned about nutrients that are entering the estuary via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication. The USGS has performed many related studies in recent years to provide managers with information necessary to ...

Bathymetric depth contours at 5 meter intervals of interferometric sonar data collected offshore of Massachusetts within northern Cape Cod Bay (CCB_5MCNTR Esri Shapefile, Geographic, WGS84).

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat ...

5 meter ArcRaster grid of bathymetry acquired using a SEA Ltd. SWATHplus interferometric sonar offshore of Massachusetts within northern Cape Cod Bay (CCB_BATH_5m Esri BINARY GRID, UTM 19N).

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat ...

5 meter ArcRaster grid (gaps filled) of bathymetry acquired using a SEA Ltd. SWATHplus interferometric sonar offshore of Massachusetts within northern Cape Cod Bay (CCB_BATH_F Esri BINARY GRID, UTM Zone 19N).

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat ...

5-meter bathymetric contours generated from swath bathymetric data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey within the St. Clair River between Michigan and Ontario, Canada, 2008 (ESRI VECTOR SHAPEFILE, CON_5M)

In 2008, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducted a geophysical and sampling survey of the riverbed of the Upper St. Clair River between Port Huron, MI, and Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. The objectives were to define the Quaternary geologic framework of the St. Clair River to evaluate the relationship between morphologic change of the riverbed and underlying stratigraphy. This report presents the ...

Navigation and Bathymetry Points of Ship Position During Continuous Resistivity Profile Data Collection in the Corsica River Estuary, Maryland on May 15, 2007 on USGS Cruise 07005 (RESGPSPNTS_JD135.SHP)

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) into Maryland's Corsica River Estuary was investigated as part of a larger study to determine the importance of nutrient delivery to Chesapeake Bay via this pathway. Resource managers are concerned about nutrients that are entering the estuary via submarine groundwater discharge from this primarily agricultural watershed that may be contributing to eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, and fish kills. An interdisciplinary U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) science team ...

Navigation and Bathymetry Points of Ship Position During Continuous Resistivity Profile Data Collection in the Corsica River Estuary, Maryland on May 16, 2007 on USGS Cruise 07005 (RESGPSPNTS_JD136.SHP)

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) into Maryland's Corsica River Estuary was investigated as part of a larger study to determine the importance of nutrient delivery to Chesapeake Bay via this pathway. Resource managers are concerned about nutrients that are entering the estuary via submarine groundwater discharge from this primarily agricultural watershed that may be contributing to eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, and fish kills. An interdisciplinary U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) science team ...

Navigation and Bathymetry Points of Ship Position During Continuous Resistivity Profile Data Collection in the Corsica River Estuary, Maryland on May 17, 2007 on USGS Cruise 07005 f(RESGPSPNTS_JD137.SHP)

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) into Maryland's Corsica River Estuary was investigated as part of a larger study to determine the importance of nutrient delivery to Chesapeake Bay via this pathway. Resource managers are concerned about nutrients that are entering the estuary via submarine groundwater discharge from this primarily agricultural watershed that may be contributing to eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, and fish kills. An interdisciplinary U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) science team ...

1-meter contours produced from swath bathymetry collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in Woods Hole, MA and St. Petersburg, FL offshore of the Gulf Islands, MS, 2010 (ESRI polyline shapefile, tmunro_1m_bathycontours_MLLW.shp)

In 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey in Woods Hole, MA and St. Petersburg, FL, in partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District conducted geologic mapping to characterize the seafloor and shallow subsurface stratigraphy offshore of the Gulf Islands of Mississippi. The mapping was carried out during two cruises in March, 2010 on the R/V Tommy Munro of Biloxi, MS. Data were acquired with the following equipment: an SEA Ltd SwathPlus interferometric sonar (both 234 kHz and 468 kHz systems), ...

Swath bathymetry collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in Woods Hole, MA and St. Petersburg, FL offshore of the Gulf Islands, MS, 2010 (ESRI binary grid, tmunro_50m)

In 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey in Woods Hole, MA and St. Petersburg, FL, in partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District conducted geologic mapping to characterize the seafloor and shallow subsurface stratigraphy offshore of the Gulf Islands of Mississippi. The mapping was carried out during two cruises in March, 2010 on the R/V Tommy Munro of Biloxi, MS. Data were acquired with the following equipment: an SEA Ltd SwathPlus interferometric sonar (both 234 kHz and 468 kHz systems), ...

Composite multibeam bathymetry surface of the southern Cascadia Margin offshore Oregon and northern California

Data from various sources, including 2018 and 2019 multibeam bathymetry data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) were combined to create a composite 30-m resolution multibeam bathymetry surface of southern Cascadia Margin offshore Oregon and northern California. The data are available as a geoTIFF file.

Polygon shapefile of data sources used to create a composite multibeam bathymetry surface of the southern Cascadia Margin offshore Oregon and northern California

This polygon shapefile describes the data sources used to create a composite 30-m resolution multibeam bathymetry surface of southern Cascadia Margin offshore Oregon and northern California.

40 meter ESRI binary grid of single beam and swath bathymetry of inner continental shelf north of Cape Hatteras, NC to Virginia border (nhatt, UTM Zone 18N, WGS 84)

The northeastern North Carolina coastal system, from False Cape, Virginia, to Cape Lookout, North Carolina, has been studied by a cooperative research program that mapped the Quaternary geologic framework of the estuaries, barrier islands, and inner continental shelf. This information provides a basis to understand the linkage between geologic framework, physical processes, and coastal evolution at time scales from storm events to millennia. The study area attracts significant tourism to its parks and ...

40 meter ESRI binary grid of swath bathymetry of inner continental shelf south of Cape Hatteras, NC to Cape Lookout, NC (shatt, UTM Zone 18N, WGS84)

The northeastern North Carolina coastal system, from False Cape, Virginia, to Cape Lookout, North Carolina, has been studied by a cooperative research program that mapped the Quaternary geologic framework of the estuaries, barrier islands, and inner continental shelf. This information provides a basis to understand the linkage between geologic framework, physical processes, and coastal evolution at time scales from storm events to millennia. The study area attracts significant tourism to its parks and ...

Esri Binary grid of the bathymetry of Indian River Bay, Delaware, generated from fathometer data acquired in April 2010 during U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2010-006-FA (IRB_BATHY, UTM, Zone 18, WGS 84)

A geophysical survey to delineate the fresh-saline groundwater interface and associated sub-bottom sedimentary structures beneath Indian River Bay, Delaware, was carried out in April 2010. This included surveying at higher spatial resolution in the vicinity of a study site at Holts Landing, where intensive onshore and offshore studies were subsequently completed. The total length of continuous resistivity profiling (CRP) survey lines was 145 kilometers (km), with 36 km of chirp seismic lines surveyed around ...

Point shapefile of navigation and best depth values at ship positions during continuous resistivity profiling data collection in the Indian River Bay, Delaware, on April 13, 2010, on U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2010-006-FA (JD103GPS_BESTDEPTH.SHP, Geographic, WGS 84)

A geophysical survey to delineate the fresh-saline groundwater interface and associated sub-bottom sedimentary structures beneath Indian River Bay, Delaware, was carried out in April 2010. This included surveying at higher spatial resolution in the vicinity of a study site at Holts Landing, where intensive onshore and offshore studies were subsequently completed. The total length of continuous resistivity profiling (CRP) survey lines was 145 kilometers (km), with 36 km of chirp seismic lines surveyed around ...

Point shapefile of navigation and best depth values at ship positions during continuous resistivity profiling data collection in the Indian River Bay, Delaware, on April 14, 2010, on U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2010-006-FA (JD104GPS_BESTDEPTH.SHP, Geographic, WGS 84)

A geophysical survey to delineate the fresh-saline groundwater interface and associated sub-bottom sedimentary structures beneath Indian River Bay, Delaware, was carried out in April 2010. This included surveying at higher spatial resolution in the vicinity of a study site at Holts Landing, where intensive onshore and offshore studies were subsequently completed. The total length of continuous resistivity profiling (CRP) survey lines was 145 kilometers (km), with 36 km of chirp seismic lines surveyed around ...

Navigation, bathymetry, and water temperature points of ship position during continuous resistivity profile data collection by the U.S. Geological Survey in Great South Bay on Long Island, New York, in May and September 2008 (RESGPSPNTS_GSBAY.SHP)

An investigation of submarine aquifers adjacent to the Fire Island National Seashore and Long Island, New York, was conducted to assess the importance of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) as a potential nonpoint source of nitrogen delivery to Great South Bay. More than 200 kilometers (km) of continuous resistivity profiling (CRP) data were collected to image the fresh-saline groundwater interface in sediments beneath the bay. In addition, groundwater sampling was performed at sites (1) along the ...

Navigation, bathymetry, and water temperature points of ship position during continuous resistivity profile data collection in Manhasset Bay on Long Island, New York in May, 2008 (RESGPSPNTS_MANHASSET.SHP)

An investigation of coastal groundwater systems was performed along the north shore of Long Island, New York during May 2008 to constrain nutrient delivery to Northport Harbor and Manhasset Bay by delineating locations of likely groundwater discharge. The embayments are bounded by steep moraines and are underlain by thick fine-grained sediments deposited in proglacial lakes during the last ice age. Beach sand and gravel overlie the glacial deposits along the coast. The continuous resistivity profiling (CRP) ...

Navigation, bathymetry, and water temperature points of ship position during continuous resistivity profile data collection in Northport Harbor on Long Island, New York in May, 2008 (RESGPSPNTS_NORTHPORT.SHP)

An investigation of coastal groundwater systems was performed along the North Shore of Long Island, New York during May 2008 to constrain nutrient delivery to Northport Harbor and Manhasset Bay by delineating locations of likely groundwater discharge. The embayments are bounded by steep moraines and are underlain by thick fine-grained sediments deposited in proglacial lakes during the last ice age. Beach sand and gravel overlie the glacial deposits along the coast. The continuous resistivity profiling (CRP) ...

Interpolated swath bathymetry collected by the U.S. Geological Survey - Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center surrounding the nearshore of the Elizabeth Islands, MA, 2010 (ei_2hm_fill, ESRI grd)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement between the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of seafloor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish ...

Uninterpolated swath bathymetry collected by the U.S. Geological Survey - Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center surrounding the nearshore of the Elizabeth Islands, MA, 2010 (ei_2hm_nofill, ESRI grd)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement between the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of seafloor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish ...

Interpolated swath bathymetry contours collected by the U.S. Geological Survey - Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center surrounding the nearshore of the Elizabeth Islands, MA, 2010 (ei_contours_1m_dd, ESRI polyline shapefile)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement between the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of seafloor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish ...

Depth contours derived from swath bathymetry data collected in Buzzards Bay by the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration offshore of Massachusetts in 2004, 2009, 2010, and 2011 (BB_5mCntr Esri Polyline Shapefile, Geographic, WGS84).

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement between the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of seafloor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat ...

5 meter ArcRaster grid of bathymetry data collected in Buzzards Bay by the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration offshore of Massachusetts in 2004, 2009, 2010, and 2011 (BB_bathy5m, UTM Zone 19N, Esri BINARY GRID)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement between the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of seafloor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat ...

ESRI Binary 75-m Grid of the Sea floor of Apalachicola Bay Excluding Manmade features based on Swath Bathymetry and Seismic-Reflection Profiles Collected in 2006 from U.S. Geological Survey Cruise 06001 (APALACH_SF, UTM, Zone 16, WGS84)

Apalachicola Bay and St. George Sound contain the largest oyster fishery in Florida, and the growth and distribution of the numerous oyster reefs here are the combined product of modern estuarine conditions and the late Holocene evolution of the bay. A suite of geophysical data and cores were collected during a cooperative study by the U.S. Geological Survey, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Coastal Services Center, and the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve to refine the ...

Bathymetric depth contours at 5 meter intervals derived from interferometric sonar data collected offshore of Massachusetts within Vineyard Sound by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2009, 2010, and 2011 (VS_5MCNTR_V2, Esri Shapefile, Geographic, WGS84).

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, ...

Revised 5 meter ArcRaster grid of bathymetry acquired using a SEA Ltd. SWATHplus-M interferometric sonar offshore of Massachusetts within Vineyard Sound by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2009, 2010, and 2011 (VS_BATH5M_V2, Esri BINARY GRID, UTM 19N, WGS84).

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, ...

Swath bathymetry gridded data (survey 1) collected by the U.S. Geological Survey surrounding Muskeget Channel, MA, October 2010 (Esri grid, UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84, 2-m resolution, survey1_2m)

These data were collected in a collaboration between the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The primary objective of this program was to collect baseline bathymetry for Muskeget Channel, Massachusetts, and identify areas of morphologic change within and around the channel. Repeat surveys in select areas were collected one month apart to monitor change. These data were collected to support an assessment of the effect on sediment transport that a tidal instream energy ...

Swath bathymetry gridded data (survey 2) collected by the U.S. Geological Survey surrounding Muskeget Channel, MA, November 2010 (Esri grid, UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84, 2-m resolution, survey2_2m)

These data were collected in a collaboration between the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The primary objective of this program was to collect baseline bathymetry for Muskeget Channel, Massachusetts, and identify areas of morphologic change within and around the channel. Repeat surveys in select areas were collected one month apart to monitor change. These data were collected to support an assessment of the effect on sediment transport that a tidal instream energy ...

Bathymetric Terrain Model of the U.S. Atlantic Margin (100-meter resolution) compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey (32-bit GeoTIFF, MERCATOR Projection, WGS 84)

Bathymetric terrain models of seafloor morphology are an important component of marine geological investigations. Advances in acquisition and processing technologies of bathymetric data have facilitated the creation of high-resolution bathymetric surfaces that approach the resolution of similar surfaces available for onshore investigations. These bathymetric terrain models provide a detailed representation of the Earth's subaqueous surface and, when combined with other geophysical and geological datasets, ...

Interpolated swath bathymetry contours collected by the U.S. Geological Survey surrounding the nearshore of the Elizabeth Islands and sand shoals of Vineyard Sound, MA, 2007-2011 (Esri polyline shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84, All_contour5m.shp)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement between the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of seafloor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish ...

Composite swath bathymetry gridded data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey surrounding the eastern Elizabeth Islands and northern Martha's Vineyard, MA, 2011 (Esri grid, UTM Zone19 N, WGS 84, 5-m resolution, allswathi_5m)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement between the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of seafloor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish ...

Swath bathymetry gridded data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey surrounding the eastern Elizabeth Islands and northern Martha's Vineyard, MA, 2011 (Esri grid, UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84, 2-m resolution, fa2011013_2m)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement between the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of seafloor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish ...

Swath bathymetry gridded data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey on Middle Ground Shoal, Massachusetts, 2007-2009 (Esri grid, UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84, 2-m resolution, mg-2m)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement between the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of seafloor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish ...

Bathymetric Terrain Model of the Puerto Rico Trench and Northeastern Caribbean Region Compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey From Multibeam Bathymetric Data Collected Between 2002 and 2013 (PRBATHOFR150, Esri Binary Grid, UTM19, WGS 84).

Bathymetric terrain models (BTMs) of seafloor morphology are an important component of marine geological investigations. Advances in technologies of acquiring and processing bathymetric data have facilitated the creation of high-resolution bathymetric surfaces that approach the resolution of those available for onshore investigations. These bathymetric terrain models provide a detailed representation of the Earth's subaqueous surface and when combined with other geophysical and geologic datasets, allow for ...

10-meter swath bathymetric grid collected by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Fire Island, NY in 2011 (UTM Zone 18N, WGS 84, Esri Binary Grid, FI_BATHYGRD)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) mapped approximately 336 square kilometers of the lower shoreface and inner-continental shelf offshore of Fire Island, New York in 2011 using interferometric sonar and high-resolution chirp seismic-reflection systems. This report presents maps of bathymetry, acoustic backscatter, the coastal plain unconformity, the Holocene marine transgressive surface and modern sediment thickness. These spatial data support research on the Quaternary evolution of the Fire Island ...

10-m Bathymetry grid produced from lead-line and single-beam sonar soundings, swath interferometric, multibeam, and lidar datasets (bb_navd88_10m, Esri binary grid, UTM Zone 19N, WGS84)

Geologic, sediment texture, and physiographic zone maps characterize the sea floor of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts. These maps were derived from interpretations of seismic-reflection profiles, high-resolution bathymetry, acoustic-backscatter intensity, bottom photographs, and surficial sediment samples. The interpretation of the seismic stratigraphy and mapping of glacial and Holocene marine units provided a foundation on which the surficial maps were created. This mapping is a result of a collaborative ...

nos_5mint: 5-meter bathymetry grid produced from 23 multibeam hydrographic surveys collected off the Delmarva Peninsula by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Ocean Service between 2006 and 2011 (Esri binary grid, UTM Zone 18N, WGS 84)

Between 2006 and 2011 Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), under contract by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS), collected twenty-three hydrographic surveys totaling over 4100 square-kilometers of Reson multibeam bathymetric and Klein sidescan-sonar data for the purposes of updating nautical charts. Data extended from the entrance of Delaware Bay south to Parramore Island in water depths from about 3 to 35 meters below mean lower low ...

10-m Bathymetry grid of Vineyard and western Nantucket Sounds produced from lead-line and single-beam sonar soundings, swath-interferometric, multibeam, and lidar datasets (Esri binary grid, UTM Zone 19N, WGS84)

Geologic, sediment texture, and physiographic zone maps characterize the sea floor of Vineyard and western Nantucket Sounds, Massachusetts. These maps were derived from interpretations of seismic-reflection profiles, high-resolution bathymetry, acoustic-backscatter intensity, bottom photographs, and surficial sediment samples. The interpretation of the seismic stratigraphy and mapping of glacial and Holocene marine units provided a foundation on which the surficial maps were created. This mapping is a ...

5-meter bathymetric data collected in 2013 by the U.S. Geological Survey south of Martha's Vineyard and north of Nantucket, Massachusetts (32-bit floating-point bathymetry GeoTIFF and depth-colored hillshaded GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement between the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish ...

Swath bathymetry 13-m-cell-size grid of quadrangle 6 on Stellwagen Bank offshore of Boston, Massachusetts collected by the U.S. Geological Survey aboard the Frederick G. Creed from 1994-1996 (custom Mercator projection, NAD 83, Esri binary grid format)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Sanctuary Program, has conducted seabed mapping and related research in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region since 1993. The area is approximately 3,700 square kilometers (km2) and is subdivided into 18 quadrangles. Seven maps, at a scale of 1:25,000, of quadrangle 6 (211 km2) depict seabed topography, backscatter, ruggedness, geology, substrate mobility, mud content, ...

Polyline shapefile of a portion of the 1-meter (m) contours in quadrangle 6 of the Stellwagen Bank Survey Area offshore of Boston, Massachusetts necessary to show small features not displayed by 5-m contours - based on bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey from 1994-1996 (Geographic, NAD 83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Sanctuary Program, has conducted seabed mapping and related research in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region since 1993. The area is approximately 3,700 square kilometers (km2) and is subdivided into 18 quadrangles. Seven maps, at a scale of 1:25,000, of quadrangle 6 (211 km2) depict seabed topography, backscatter, ruggedness, geology, substrate mobility, mud content, ...

Bathymetry data for Ozette Lake, Washington collected during USGS field activity 2019-622-FA

Bathymetry data were collected during a July 2019 SWATHPlus survey of Ozette Lake, Washington. Data were collected and processed by the the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity number 2019-622-FA. The 2-m bathymetry data are provided as a GeoTIFF image.

Bathymetric data and grid of offshore Head of the Meadow Beach, Truro, MA on February 9, 2024

The data in this release re-map the beach and nearshore environment at Head of the Meadow Beach in Truro, MA and provide updated environmental context for the 2020 CoastCam installation that looks out at the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. This is a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region that falls within the field of view of CoastCam CACO-01, which are two video cameras aimed at the beach. In February and March 2024, U.S. ...

Bathymetry of the Historic Area Remediation Site in 1996 (3-m resolution Esri binary grid and 32-bit GeoTIFF, Mercator, WGS 84)

Surveys of the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor of the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS), offshore of New York and New Jersey, were carried out in 1996, 1998, and 2000 using a Simrad EM1000 multibeam echosounder mounted on the Canadian Coast Guard ship Frederick G. Creed. The objective of the multiple echosounder surveys was to map the bathymetry and surficial sediments over time as dredged material was placed in the HARS to remediate contaminated sediments. Maps derived from the ...

Bathymetry of the Historic Area Remediation Site in 1998 (3-m resolution Esri binary grid and 32-bit GeoTIFF, Mercator, WGS 84)

Surveys of the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor of the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS), offshore of New York and New Jersey, were carried out in 1996, 1998, and 2000 using a Simrad EM1000 multibeam echosounder mounted on the Canadian Coast Guard ship Frederick G. Creed. The objective of the multiple echosounder surveys was to map the bathymetry and surficial sediments over time as dredged material was placed in the HARS to remediate contaminated sediments. Maps derived from the ...

Bathymetry of the Historic Area Remediation Site in 2000 (3-m resolution Esri binary grid and 32-bit GeoTIFF, Mercator, WGS 84)

Surveys of the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor of the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS), offshore of New York and New Jersey, were carried out in 1996, 1998, and 2000 using a Simrad EM1000 multibeam echosounder mounted on the Canadian Coast Guard ship Frederick G. Creed. The objective of the multiple echosounder surveys was to map the bathymetry and surficial sediments over time as dredged material was placed in the HARS to remediate contaminated sediments. Maps derived from the ...

Bathymetry of the Sandy Hook artificial reef (2-m resolution Esri binary grid and 32-bit GeoTIFF, Mercator, WGS 84)

The Sandy Hook artificial reef, located on the sea floor offshore of Sandy Hook, New Jersey was built to create habitat for marine life. The reef was created by the placement of heavy materials on the sea floor; ninety-five percent of the material in the Sandy Hook reef is rock. In 2000, the U.S. Geological Survey surveyed the area using a Simrad EM1000 multibeam echosounder mounted on the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) ship Frederick G. Creed. The purpose of this multibeam survey, done in cooperation with the ...

Bathymetry of the Hudson Canyon region (100-m resolution Esri binary grid and 32-bit GeoTIFF, Mercator, WGS 84)

The Hudson Canyon begins on the outer continental shelf off the east coast of the United States at about 100-meters (m) water depth and extends offshore southeastward across the continental slope and rise. A multibeam survey was carried out in 2002 to map the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor of the Hudson Canyon and adjacent slope and rise. The survey covered an area approximately 205 kilometers (km) in the offshore direction, extending from about 500 m to about 4,000 m water depth, and ...

Bathymetry of the Atlantic Beach artificial reef (2-m resolution Esri binary grid and 32-bit GeoTIFF, Mercator, WGS 84)

The Atlantic Beach artificial reef, located on the sea floor 3 nautical miles south of Atlantic Beach, New York in about 20 meters water depth, was built to create habitat for marine life. The reef was originally created by placing heavy materials such as tires, automobile bodies and other vehicles, barges, and rock from a dredging project on the sea floor. In 2000, the U.S. Geological Survey surveyed the area using a Simrad EM1000 multibeam echosounder mounted on the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) ship ...

Continuous terrain model for water circulation studies, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey (10 meter resolution, 32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 18, WGS 84)

Water quality in the Barnegat Bay estuary along the New Jersey coast is the focus of a multidisciplinary research project begun in 2011 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. This narrow estuary is the drainage for the Barnegat Bay watershed and flushed by just three inlets connecting it to the Atlantic Ocean, is experiencing degraded water quality, algal blooms, loss of seagrass, and increases in oxygen-depletion events. The scale of ...

Multibeam Echosounder, Reson T-20P deep site backscatter (4-m), USGS field activity 2017-003-FA, Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana (8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83)

High resolution bathymetric, sea-floor backscatter, and seismic-reflection data were collected offshore of southeastern Louisiana aboard the research vessel Point Sur on May 19-26, 2017, in an effort to characterize mudflow hazards on the Mississippi River Delta front. As the initial field program of a research cooperative between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and other Federal and academic partners, the primary objective of this cruise was to assess the suitability of ...

Multibeam Echosounder, Reson T-20P MC20 site backscatter (2-m), USGS field activity 2017-003-FA, Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana (8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83)

High resolution bathymetric, sea-floor backscatter, and seismic-reflection data were collected offshore of southeastern Louisiana aboard the research vessel Point Sur on May 19-26, 2017, in an effort to characterize mudflow hazards on the Mississippi River Delta front. As the initial field program of a research cooperative between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and other Federal and academic partners, the primary objective of this cruise was to assess the suitability of ...

Multibeam Echosounder, Reson T-20P Southwest Pass site backscatter (4-m), USGS field activity 2017-003-FA, Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana (8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83)

High resolution bathymetric, sea-floor backscatter, and seismic-reflection data were collected offshore of southeastern Louisiana aboard the research vessel Point Sur on May 19-26, 2017, in an effort to characterize mudflow hazards on the Mississippi River Delta front. As the initial field program of a research cooperative between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and other Federal and academic partners, the primary objective of this cruise was to assess the suitability of ...

Multibeam Echosounder, Reson T-20P deep site bathymetry (4-m), USGS field activity 2017-003-FA, Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, NAVD 88 Vertical Datum)

High resolution bathymetric, sea-floor backscatter, and seismic-reflection data were collected offshore of southeastern Louisiana aboard the research vessel Point Sur on May 19-26, 2017, in an effort to characterize mudflow hazards on the Mississippi River Delta front. As the initial field program of a research cooperative between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and other Federal and academic partners, the primary objective of this cruise was to assess the suitability of ...

Multibeam Echosounder, Reson T-20P MC20 site bathymetry (2-m), USGS field activity 2017-003-FA, Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, NAVD 88 Vertical Datum)

High resolution bathymetric, sea-floor backscatter, and seismic-reflection data were collected offshore of southeastern Louisiana aboard the research vessel Point Sur on May 19-26, 2017, in an effort to characterize mudflow hazards on the Mississippi River Delta front. As the initial field program of a research cooperative between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and other Federal and academic partners, the primary objective of this cruise was to assess the suitability of ...

Multibeam Echosounder, Reson T-20P bathymetry overview (10-m), USGS field activity 2017-003-FA, Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, NAVD 88 Vertical Datum)

High resolution bathymetric, sea-floor backscatter, and seismic-reflection data were collected offshore of southeastern Louisiana aboard the research vessel Point Sur on May 19-26, 2017, in an effort to characterize mudflow hazards on the Mississippi River Delta front. As the initial field program of a research cooperative between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and other Federal and academic partners, the primary objective of this cruise was to assess the suitability of ...

Multibeam Echosounder, Reson T-20P Southwest Pass site bathymetry (8-m), USGS field activity 2017-003-FA, Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, NAVD 88 Vertical Datum)

High resolution bathymetric, sea-floor backscatter, and seismic-reflection data were collected offshore of southeastern Louisiana aboard the research vessel Point Sur on May 19-26, 2017, in an effort to characterize mudflow hazards on the Mississippi River Delta front. As the initial field program of a research cooperative between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and other Federal and academic partners, the primary objective of this cruise was to assess the suitability of ...

Multibeam Echosounder, Reson T-20P tracklines, USGS field activity 2017-003-FA, Mississippi River Delta front offshore of southeastern Louisiana (Esri polyline shapefile, GCS WGS 84)

High resolution bathymetric, sea-floor backscatter, and seismic-reflection data were collected offshore of southeastern Louisiana aboard the research vessel Point Sur on May 19-26, 2017, in an effort to characterize mudflow hazards on the Mississippi River Delta front. As the initial field program of a research cooperative between the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and other Federal and academic partners, the primary objective of this cruise was to assess the suitability of ...

Grid of the sea-floor bathymetry offshore of Fire Island Inlet, New York, in 1998 (3-m resolution Esri binary grid, Mercator, WGS 84)

Surveys of the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor south of Long Island, New York, were carried out in November 1998 using a Simrad EM1000 multibeam echosounder mounted on the Canadian Coast Guard ship Frederick G. Creed. The purpose of the multibeam echosounder surveys was to explore the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor in several areas off the southern coast of Long Island along the 20-meter isobath. Survey areas offshore of Fire Island Inlet, Moriches Inlet, ...

Grid of the sea-floor bathymetry southwest of Montauk Point, New York, in 1998 (3-m resolution Esri binary grid, Mercator, WGS 84)

Surveys of the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor south of Long Island, New York, were carried out in November 1998 using a Simrad EM1000 multibeam echosounder mounted on the Canadian Coast Guard ship Frederick G. Creed. The purpose of the multibeam echosounder surveys was to explore the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor in several areas off the southern coast of Long Island along the 20-meter isobath. Survey areas offshore of Fire Island Inlet, Moriches Inlet, ...

Grid of the sea-floor bathymetry offshore of Moriches Inlet, New York, in 1998 (3-m resolution Esri binary grid, Mercator, WGS 84)

Surveys of the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor south of Long Island, New York, were carried out in November 1998 using a Simrad EM1000 multibeam echosounder mounted on the Canadian Coast Guard ship Frederick G. Creed. The purpose of the multibeam echosounder surveys was to explore the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor in several areas off the southern coast of Long Island along the 20-meter isobath. Survey areas offshore of Fire Island Inlet, Moriches Inlet, ...

Grid of the sea-floor bathymetry offshore of Shinnecock Inlet, New York, in 1998 (3-m resolution Esri binary grid, Mercator, WGS 84)

Surveys of the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor south of Long Island, New York, were carried out in November 1998 using a Simrad EM1000 multibeam echosounder mounted on the Canadian Coast Guard ship Frederick G. Creed. The purpose of the multibeam echosounder surveys was to explore the bathymetry and backscatter intensity of the sea floor in several areas off the southern coast of Long Island along the 20-meter isobath. Survey areas offshore of Fire Island Inlet, Moriches Inlet, ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected within Lake Powell, UT-AZ during USGS Field Activity 2017-049-FA using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 12N, NAD 83, NAVD 88 Vertical Datum, 2-m resolution).

High-resolution geophysical mapping of Lake Powell in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Utah and Arizona was conducted between October 8 and November 15, 2017, as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Reclamation to provide high-quality data needed to reassess the area-capacity tables for the Lake Powell reservoir. Seismic data collected during this survey can help to define the rates of deposition within the San Juan and Colorado Rivers, which are the ...

Bathymetric data collected in the Belfast Bay, Maine pockmark field using a SWATHplus-M interferometric sonar in 2006 and 2008, by the U.S. Geological Survey (32-bit floating point raster, UTM 19 WGS 84, MLLW)

The U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center in cooperation with the University of Maine mapped approximately 50 square kilometers of the seafloor within Belfast Bay, Maine. Three geophysical surveys conducted in 2006, 2008 and 2009 collected swath bathymetric (2006 and 2008) and chirp seismic reflection profile data (2006 and 2009). The project characterized the spatial, morphological and subsurface variability of the Belfast Bay, Maine pockmark field. Pockmarks are large ...

Bathymetry tracklines collected in the Belfast Bay, Maine pockmark field using a SWATHplus-M interferometric sonar in 2006 and 2008, by the U.S. Geological Survey (Esri polyline shapefile, WGS 84)

The U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center in cooperation with the University of Maine mapped approximately 50 square kilometers of the seafloor within Belfast Bay, Maine. Three geophysical surveys conducted in 2006, 2008 and 2009 collected swath bathymetric (2006 and 2008) and chirp seismic reflection profile data (2006 and 2009). The project characterized the spatial, morphological and subsurface variability of the Belfast Bay, Maine pockmark field. Pockmarks are large ...

Multibeam backscatter data collected in the eastern Gulf of Alaska during USGS Field Activity 2016-625-FA using a Reson 7160 multibeam echosounder (10 meter resolution, 8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 8 WGS 84, WGS 84 Ellipsoid)

Marine geophysical mapping of the Queen Charlotte Fault in the eastern Gulf of Alaska was conducted in 2016 as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to understand the morphology and subsurface geology of the entire Queen Charlotte system. The Queen Charlotte fault is the offshore portion of the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault: a major structural feature that extends more than 1,200 kilometers from the Fairweather Range of southern ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected in the eastern Gulf of Alaska during USGS Field Activity 2016-625-FA using a Reson 7160 multibeam echosounder (10 meter resolution, 32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 8 WGS 84, WGS 84 Ellipsoid)

Marine geophysical mapping of the Queen Charlotte Fault in the eastern Gulf of Alaska was conducted in 2016 as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to understand the morphology and subsurface geology of the entire Queen Charlotte system. The Queen Charlotte fault is the offshore portion of the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault: a major structural feature that extends more than 1,200 kilometers from the Fairweather Range of southern ...

Trackline navigation collected with a Reson 7160 Multibeam echosounder in the eastern Gulf of Alaska during USGS Field Activity 2016-625-FA (Esri polyline shapefile, UTM 8 WGS 84)

Marine geophysical mapping of the Queen Charlotte Fault in the eastern Gulf of Alaska was conducted in 2016 as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to understand the morphology and subsurface geology of the entire Queen Charlotte system. The Queen Charlotte fault is the offshore portion of the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault: a major structural feature that extends more than 1,200 kilometers from the Fairweather Range of southern ...

Multibeam backscatter data collected in Little Egg Inlet and offshore the southern end of Long Beach Island, NJ, during USGS Field Activity 2018-001-FA, using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echo sounder

The natural resiliency of the New Jersey barrier island system, and the efficacy of management efforts to reduce vulnerability, depends on the ability of the system to recover and maintain equilibrium in response to storms and persistent coastal change. This resiliency is largely dependent on the availability of sand in the beach system. In an effort to better understand the system's sand budget and processes in which this system evolves, high-resolution geophysical mapping of the sea floor in Little Egg ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected in Little Egg Inlet and offshore the southern end of Long Beach Island, NJ, during USGS Field Activity 2018-001-FA, using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echo sounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 18N, NAD 83, NAVD 88 Vertical Datum, 4-m resolution)

The natural resiliency of the New Jersey barrier island system, and the efficacy of management efforts to reduce vulnerability, depends on the ability of the system to recover and maintain equilibrium in response to storms and persistent coastal change. This resiliency is largely dependent on the availability of sand in the beach system. In an effort to better understand the system's sand budget and processes in which this system evolves, high-resolution geophysical mapping of the sea floor in Little Egg ...

Multibeam backscatter data collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS Field Activity 2018-043-FA using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (8-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, 2-m resolution)

In September 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, conducted high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment sampling to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of the town ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS Field Activity 2018-043-FA using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, NAVD 88 Vertical Datum, 2-m resolution)

In September 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, conducted high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment sampling to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of the town ...

Multibeam bathymetric trackline data collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS Field Activity 2018-043-FA using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (Esri polyline shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84).

In September 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, conducted high-resolution geophysical mapping and sediment sampling to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of the town ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS Field Activity 2021-005-FA using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 16N, NAD 83, NAVD 88 Vertical Datum, 1-m resolution)

In August 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, collected high-resolution geophysical data, sediment samples, and bottom imagery to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of ...

Multibeam echo sounder - GeoTIFF images for processed Reson 7160 seafloor backscatter data collected during USGS field activities 2017-001-FA and 2017-002-FA.

In spring and summer 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey’s Gas Hydrates Project conducted two cruises aboard the research vessel Hugh R. Sharp to explore the geology, chemistry, ecology, physics, and oceanography of sea-floor methane seeps and water column gas plumes on the northern U.S. Atlantic margin between the Baltimore and Keller Canyons. Split-beam and multibeam echo sounders and a chirp subbottom profiler were deployed during the cruises to map water column backscatter, sea-floor bathymetry and ...

Multibeam echo sounder - GeoTIFF grids for processed Reson 7160 seafloor bathymetry data collected during USGS field activities 2017-001-FA and 2017-002-FA.

In spring and summer 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey’s Gas Hydrates Project conducted two cruises aboard the research vessel Hugh R. Sharp to explore the geology, chemistry, ecology, physics, and oceanography of sea-floor methane seeps and water column gas plumes on the northern U.S. Atlantic margin between the Baltimore and Keller Canyons. Split-beam and multibeam echo sounders and a chirp subbottom profiler were deployed during the cruises to map water column backscatter, sea-floor bathymetry and ...

Multibeam echo sounder - navigation tracklines for Reson 7160 data collected during USGS field activities 2017-001-FA and 2017-002-FA.

In spring and summer 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey’s Gas Hydrates Project conducted two cruises aboard the research vessel Hugh R. Sharp to explore the geology, chemistry, ecology, physics, and oceanography of sea-floor methane seeps and water column gas plumes on the northern U.S. Atlantic margin between the Baltimore and Keller Canyons. Split-beam and multibeam echo sounders and a chirp subbottom profiler were deployed during the cruises to map water column backscatter, sea-floor bathymetry and ...

A bathymetric terrain model of multibeam sonar data collected between 2005 and 2018 along the Queen Charlotte Fault System in the eastern Gulf of Alaska from Cross Sound, Alaska to Queen Charlotte Sound, Canada. (30-meter resolution, 32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM 8 WGS 84, WGS 84 Ellipsoid)

This data publication is a compilation of six different multibeam surveys covering the previously unmapped Queen Charlotte Fault offshore southeast Alaska and Haida Gwaii, Canada. These data were collected between 2005 and 2018 under a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Geological Survey, Natural Resources Canada, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The six source surveys from different multibeam sonars are combined into one terrain model with a 30-meter resolution. A complementary ...

Polygon shapefile of data sources used to create a bathymetric terrain model of multibeam sonar data collected between 2005 and 2018 along the Queen Charlotte Fault System in the eastern Gulf of Alaska from Cross Sound, Alaska to Queen Charlotte Sound, Canada. (Esri polygon shapefile, UTM 8 WGS 84)

This data publication is a compilation of six different multibeam surveys covering the previously unmapped Queen Charlotte Fault offshore southeast Alaska and Haida Gwaii, Canada. These data were collected between 2005 and 2018 under a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Geological Survey, Natural Resources Canada, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The six source surveys from different multibeam sonars are combined into one terrain model with a 30-meter resolution. A complementary ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts during USGS Field Activity 2019-002-FA, using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echo sounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 19N, NAD 83, MLLW Vertical Datum, 5-m resolution)

Accurate data and maps of sea floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine resources, and assessing environmental changes due to natural or human impacts. To address these concerns the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM), comprehensively mapped the Cape Cod Bay sea floor to characterize the surface and shallow subsurface geologic framework. Geophysical data collected include swath bathymetry, ...

Survey lines along which interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected in 2016 by the U.S. Geological Survey off Town Neck Beach in Sandwich, Massachusetts, during field activity 2016-017-FA (polyline shapefile)

Geophysical and geological survey data were collected off Town Neck Beach in Sandwich, Massachusetts, in May and July 2016. Approximately 130 linear kilometers of subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, sea floor photographs, and (or) video at 26 sites within the geophysical survey area. Sediment grab samples were collected at 19 of the 26 sampling sites and video and (or) photographic imagery of ...

Single-Beam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2022 from Point Aux Chenes Bay, Mississippi

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS – SPCSMC), conducted a single-beam bathymetry survey within Point Aux Chenes Bay, Mississippi (MS), in June 2022 under the USGS Field Activity Number (FAN) 2022-320-FA. The data was collected from two personal watercrafts (PWC): research vessel (R/V) Shark (subFAN 22CCT09, WVR1) and R/V Chum (subFAN 22CCT10, WVR2). A re-survey of just the north and south subtidal reefs occurred in November 2022 (subFANs ...

4-meter resolution bathymetric grid representing single beam data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey during field activity 2016-030-FA offshore Sandwich Beach, MA in June 2016 (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 19N, NAD83-HARN)

The objectives of the survey were to provide bathymetric and sidescan sonar data for sediment transport studies and coastal change model development for ongoing studies of nearshore coastal dynamics along Sandwich Town Neck Beach, MA. Data collection equipment used for this investigation are mounted on an unmanned surface vehicle (USV) uniquely adapted from a commercially sold gas-powered kayak and termed the "jetyak". The jetyak design is the result of a collaborative effort between USGS and Woods Hole ...

Bathymetric data and grid of offshore Marconi Beach, Wellfleet, MA on April 23, 2024

The data in this release re-map the beach and nearshore environment at Marconi Beach in Wellfleet, MA and provide updated environmental context for the 2021 CoastCam installation that looks out at the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. This is related to the field activity 2024-016-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region that falls within the field of view of two video cameras aimed at the beach (CoastCam CACO-02). In ...

Gulf of Mexico Bathymetry Contours

This GIS overlay is a component of the U. S Geological Survey, Woods Hole Field Center's, Gulf of Mexico ArcView GIS database. The Gulf of Mexico GIS database is intended to organize and display USGS held data and provide on-line (WWW) access to the data and/or metadata.

Coastal Single-beam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2022 From Breton Island, Louisiana

As part of the restoration monitoring component of the Deepwater Horizon early restoration project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) conducted single-beam and multibeam bathymetry surveys around Breton Island, Louisiana (LA), from August 3-5, 2022, for Field Activity Number (FAN) 2022-328-FA. The purpose of data collection was to develop a baseline digital elevation model of the seafloor around Breton Island for comparison with both ...

Swath bathymetry 13-m-cell-size grid of quadrangle 5 on Stellwagen Bank offshore of Boston, Massachusetts collected by the U.S. Geological Survey aboard the CCGS Frederick G. Creed from 1994-1996

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Marine Sanctuary Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has conducted seabed mapping and related research in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS) region since 1993. The interpretive datasets and source information presented here are for quadrangle 5, which is one of 18 similarly sized segments of the 3,700 square kilometer (km2) SBNMS region. The seabed of the SBNMS region is a glaciated ...

Bathymetry from multibeam echosounder data collected offshore of Eureka, California

This 2-m-resolution bathymetry data for the Offshore of Eureka, California, map area is part of USGS Data Series 781 (Golden and Cochrane, 2019). Bathymetry data were collected by Fugro Pelagos in 2007 using a combination of 400-kHz Reson 7125, 240-kHz Reson 8101, and 100-kHz Reson 8111 multibeam echosounder systems. The data were processed by the California State University Monterey Bay Seafloor Mapping Lab. The bathymetry data are available as a georeferenced TIFF image.

Bathymetry of Whales Tail Marsh tidal creeks, South San Francisco Bay, California, 2023

Bathymetric data collected in Whales Tail Marsh tidal creeks, South San Francisco Bay, California, in 2023 with a shallow draft vessel equipped with a single-beam sonar system and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver. The bathymetric data are provided in a comma-separated text file.

Acoustic-backscatter data for Jenkinson Lake, California collected during USGS field activity 2022-649-FA

Here August 2022 1-m resolution acoustic-backscatter data are provided for Jenkinson Lake, California. Acoustic-backscatter data were collected during three separate SWATHPlus surveys of Jenkinson Lake. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity numbers 2022-604-FA (January 2022), 2022-649-FA (August 2022), and 2023-634-FA (July 2023). Data are provided as a GeoTIFF image.

Bathymetry data for Jenkinson Lake, California collected during USGS field activity 2022-649-FA

Here August 2022 1-m resolution bathymetry data of Jenkinson Lake, California are provided for the entire lake and 0.5-m resolution bathymetry data are provided for the shallower upper basin. Bathymetry data were collected during three separate SWATHPlus surveys of Jenkinson Lake. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity numbers 2022-604-FA (January 2022), 2022-649-FA (August 2022), and 2023-634-FA (July ...

Acoustic-backscatter data for Jenkinson Lake, California collected during USGS field activity 2022-604-FA

Here January 2022 1-m resolution acoustic-backscatter data are provided for Jenkinson Lake, California. Acoustic-backscatter data were collected during three separate SWATHPlus surveys of Jenkinson Lake. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity numbers 2022-604-FA (January 2022), 2022-649-FA (August 2022), and 2023-634-FA (July 2023). Data are provided as a GeoTIFF image.

Bathymetry data for Jenkinson Lake, California collected during USGS field activity 2022-604-FA

Here January 2022 1-m resolution bathymetry data of Jenkinson Lake, California are provided for the entire lake and 0.5-m resolution bathymetry data are provided for the shallower upper basin. Bathymetry data were collected during three separate SWATHPlus surveys of Jenkinson Lake. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity numbers 2022-604-FA (January 2022), 2022-649-FA (August 2022), and 2023-634-FA ...

Acoustic-backscatter data for Jenkinson Lake, California collected during USGS field activity 2023-634-FA

Here July 2023 1-m resolution acoustic-backscatter data are provided for Jenkinson Lake, California. Acoustic-backscatter data were collected during three separate SWATHPlus surveys of Jenkinson Lake. Data were collected and processed by the the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity numbers 2022-604-FA (January 2022), 2022-649-FA (August 2022), and 2023-634-FA (July 2023). Data are provided as a GeoTIFF image.

Bathymetry data for Jenkinson Lake, California collected during USGS field activity 2023-634-FA

Here July 2023 1-m resolution bathymetry data of Jenkinson Lake, California are provided for the entire lake and 0.5-m resolution bathymetry data are provided for the shallower upper basin. Bathymetry data were collected during three separate SWATHPlus surveys of Jenkinson Lake. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity numbers 2022-604-FA (January 2022), 2022-649-FA (August 2022), and 2023-634-FA (July ...

5 m Bathymetric Contours for Long Island Sound (LIS1992)

This bathymetric contour data set was derived from a gridded data set obtained from URI (B.Tyce, G. Hatcher). They used the "Gridder" program to obtain the grid. This gridded data set was generated from the original NOS soundings from 9 track tape that was cleaned up and edited at URI. This work was done with the intention of producing the color poster called "Long Island Sound Estuary" (Connecticut Dept. of Environmental Protection"), 1993. The accuracy is questionable.

1 m Digital Bathymetric Contours from NOAA Charts as Organized for the LISSGIS Library (LISBATHY)

The Long Island Sound Study (LISS) compiled data from a number of different sources, integrated new data, and assembled a comprehensive spatial database for areas of the States of Connecticut, New York, and portions of Rhode Island which border Long Island Sound.

Chenier_Plain_2017_SBB_200m_DEM_metadata: Nearshore Single-Beam Bathymetry XYZ Data Collected in 2017 from the Chenier Plain, Louisiana

As a part of the Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program (BICM), scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a nearshore single-beam bathymetry survey along the Chenier Plain, Louisiana from Marsh Island to Sabine Pass. The goal of the BICM program is to provide long-term data on Louisiana's coastline and use this data to plan, design, evaluate, and maintain current and future barrier island restoration projects. The data described in ...

Chenier_Plain_2017_SBB_ITRF00_Trackline_metadata: Nearshore Single-Beam Bathymetry XYZ Data Collected in 2017 from the Chenier Plain, Louisiana

As a part of the Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program (BICM), scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a nearshore single-beam bathymetry survey along the Chenier Plain, Louisiana from Marsh Island to Sabine Pass. The goal of the BICM program is to provide long-term data on Louisiana’s coastline and use this data to plan, design, evaluate, and maintain current and future barrier island restoration projects. The data described ...

Chenier_Plain_2017_SBB_XYZ_metadata: Nearshore Single-Beam Bathymetry XYZ Data Collected in 2017 from the Chenier Plain, Louisiana

As a part of the Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program (BICM), scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a nearshore single-beam bathymetry survey along the Chenier Plain, Louisiana from Marsh Island to Sabine Pass. The goal of the BICM program is to provide long-term data on Louisiana's coastline and use this data to plan, design, evaluate, and maintain current and future barrier island restoration projects. The data described in ...

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in August 2022 From Breton Island, Louisiana

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) covering the nearshore, Gulf side of Breton Island, Louisiana (LA), from August 2-5, 2022. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid.

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2019

This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetric data collected during surveys performed on the Elwha River delta, Washington in 2019 (USGS Field Activity Number 2019-633-FA). Bathymetric data were collected using personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Swath bathymetry 13-m-cell-size grid of quadrangle 2 on Stellwagen Bank offshore of Boston, Massachusetts collected by the U.S. Geological Survey aboard the CCGS Frederick G. Creed from 1994-1996

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Marine Sanctuary Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has conducted seabed mapping and related research in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS) region since 1993. The interpretive datasets and source information presented here are for quadrangle 2, which is one of 18 similarly-sized quadrangles that comprise the 3,700 square kilometer (km2) SBNMS region. The seabed of the SBNMS region is a ...

Multibeam bathymetric data collected in the vicinity of Woods Hole, Massachusetts, during USGS Field Activity 2021-037-FA using a dual-head Teledyne Seabat T20-R multibeam echo sounder (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 19N, WGS 84, GEOID 18 (MSL) Vertical Datum, 50cm resolution)

In November 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey collected high-resolution multibeam sonar data in the vicinity of Eel Pond, in Woods Hole, Massachusetts using a dual-head Teledyne Seabat T20-R multibeam echo sounder (MBES). The main objective of this survey was to evaluate new sonar system features prior to their use in future field activities. In addition to bathymetry and relative acoustic backscatter data, normalized acoustic backscatter data were also collected. Unlike relative backscatter data, normalized ...

Bathymetry from multibeam echosounder data collected offshore of Morro Bay, California

This part of USGS Data Series 781 (Golden, 2019) presents 2-m-resolution bathymetry data for the Offshore of Morro Bay, California, map area. Bathymetry data were collected by Fugro Pelagos in 2008 using a combination of 400-kHz Reson 7125, 240-kHz Reson 8101, and 100-kHz Reson 8111 multibeam echosounder systems. The data were post-processed by the California State University Monterey Bay Seafloor Mapping Lab and the University of California Santa Cruz Center for Integrated Spatial Research. The bathymetry ...

Bathymetric change analyses of the Sacramento River near Rio Vista, California, and the junction of Cache and Steamboat sloughs, from 1992 to 2004

Bathymetric change grids covering the periods of time from 1992 to 1998 and from 1994 to 2004 are presented. The grids cover a portion of the Sacramento River near Rio Vista, California, extending partially upstream on Cache and Steamboat sloughs by the Ryer Island Ferry, as well as continuing up the Sacramento River towards Isleton. Positive grid values indicate accretion, or a shallowing of the surface bathymetric surface, and negative grid values indicate erosion, or a deepening of the bathymetric ...

Structure-from-Motion bathymetric maps from the Florida Keys, 2019

Structure-from-Motion (SfM) bathymetric maps were created using seafloor images collected using the new 5-camera system SfM Quantitative Underwater Imaging Device with Five Cameras (SQUID-5). Images were collected during July 2019 by towing the SQUID-5 in 3 to 4 meters of water off of Islamorada in the Florida Keys during 3 days. The five cameras were synchronized together and with a survey-grade Global Positioning System (GPS). Images were collected over diverse benthic settings, including living and ...

Structure-from-Motion orthophotos from the Florida Keys, 2019

Georeferenced orthophotos were created from structure-from-motion (SfM) data using seafloor images collected using the new 5-camera system SfM Quantitative Underwater Imaging Device with Five Cameras (SQUID-5). Images were collected in July 2019 by towing the SQUID-5 in 3 to 4 meters of water off of Islamorada in the Florida Keys during 3 days. The five cameras were synchronized together and with a survey-grade Global Positioning System (GPS). Images were collected over diverse benthic settings, including ...

Structure-from-Motion point clouds from the Florida Keys, 2019

Structure-from-Motion (SfM) point clouds were created from seafloor images collected using the new 5-camera system SfM Quantitative Underwater Imaging Device with Five Cameras (SQUID-5). Images were collected in July 2019 by towing the SQUID-5 in 3 to 4 meters of water off of Islamorada in the Florida Keys during 3 days. The five cameras were synchronized together and with a survey-grade Global Positioning System (GPS). Images were collected over diverse benthic settings, including living and senile reefs, ...

Acoustic backscatter data collected in 2008 offshore Tijuana River Estuary, California, during USGS Field Activity S-5-08-SC

These metadata describe acoustic backscatter data collected during a 2008 SWATHPlus-M survey offshore Tijuana River Estuary, California. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity number S-5-08-SC. The acoustic backscatter data are provided as a GeoTIFF image.

Bathymetry data collected in 2008 offshore Tijuana River Estuary, California during USGS Field Activity S-5-08-SC

These metadata describe bathymetry data collected during a 2008 SWATHPlus-M survey offshore Tijuana River Estuary, California. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity number S-5-08-SC. The bathymetry data are provided as GeoTIFF images in UTM, zone 11, NAD83 coordinates, vertically referenced to both NAVD88 and WGS84. A standard deviation grid is also provided.

Bathymetry data collected in 2016 offshore the Elwha River mouth, Washington, during USGS Field Activity 2016-605-FA

These metadata describe bathymetry data collected during a 2016 SWATHPlus-M survey offshore the Elwha River mouth, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity number 2016-605-FA. The bathymetry data are provided as a GeoTIFF image in UTM, zone 10, NAD83 coordinates, vertically referenced to NAVD88.

Bathymetry from multibeam echosounder data collected offshore of Point Estero, California

This part of USGS Data Series 781 (Golden, 2019) presents 2-m-resolution bathymetry data for the Offshore of Point Estero, California, map area. Bathymetry data were collected by Fugro Pelagos in 2008 using a combination of 400-kHz Reson 7125, 240-kHz Reson 8101, and 100-kHz Reson 8111 multibeam echosounder systems. The data were post-processed by the California State University Monterey Bay Seafloor Mapping Lab and the University of California Santa Cruz Center for Integrated Spatial Research. The ...

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, May 2011, collected from personal watercraft

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in May 2011 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Repeat high-resolution bathymetry datasets collected between 2014 and 2016 of a field of crescent-shaped rippled scour depressions in northern Monterey Bay, California

Between November 2014 and June 2016 the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) conducted eight repeat, high-resolution bathymetry and acoustic-backscatter surveys of a small patch of seafloor offshore Santa Cruz in northern Monterey Bay, California. PCMSC also collected oceanographic time-series data over the same two-year period. This metadata file describes the eight bathymetry datasets.

Acoustic Backscatter of the Sacramento River, from the Feather River to Knights Landing, California in February 2011

This part of the data release presents acoustic backscatter data collected on February 1, 2011, in the Sacramento River from the confluence of the Feather River to Knights Landing. The data were collected by the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) team with collaboration and funding from the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. This project used interferometric sidescan sonar to characterize the riverbed and channel banks along a 12 mile reach of the Sacramento River, California (River Mile 79 ...

Standard deviation of the bathymetric DEM of the Sacramento River, from the Feather River to Knights Landing, California in February 2011

This part of the data release contains a grid of standard deviations of bathymetric soundings within each 0.5 m x 0.5 m grid cell. The bathymetry was collected on February 1, 2011, in the Sacramento River from the confluence of the Feather River to Knights Landing. The standard deviations represent one component of bathymetric uncertainty in the final digital elevation model (DEM), which is also available in this data release. The bathymetry data were collected by the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine ...

Bathymetric DEM of the Sacramento River, from the Feather River to Knights Landing, California in February 2011

This part of the data release presents a digital elevation model (DEM) created from bathymetry data collected on February 1, 2011, in the Sacramento River from the confluence of the Feather River to Knights Landing. The data were collected by the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) team with collaboration and funding from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This project used interferometric sidescan sonar to characterize the riverbed and channel banks along a 12 mile reach of the Sacramento ...

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2011, collected from personal watercraft

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in August 2011 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Nearshore bathymetry data from northern Monterey Bay, California, October 2014

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in October 2014 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Nearshore bathymetry data from northern Monterey Bay, California, March 2015

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in March 2015 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Nearshore bathymetry data from northern Monterey Bay, California, September and October 2015

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in September and October 2015 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Nearshore bathymetry data from northern Monterey Bay, California, March 2016

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in March 2016 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Nearshore bathymetry data from northern Monterey Bay, California, September 2016

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in September 2016 using a personal watercraft (PWC) and small boat. The survey vessels were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Nearshore bathymetry data from northern Monterey Bay, California, March 2017

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in March 2017 using personal watercraft (PWC). The survey vessels were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Nearshore bathymetry data from northern Monterey Bay, California, September 2017

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in September 2017 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, April 2014, collected from personal watercraft

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in April 2014 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Bathymetry data collected in 2007 from the San Miguel Passage in the Channel Islands, California

This portion of the data release presents bathymetry data from the San Miguel Passage, in the Channel Islands, California. Bathymetry data were collected in the San Miguel Passage, Channel Islands, California in August 2007 by the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS, PCMSC). Collection was accomplished using a 234.5 kHz SEA (AP) Ltd. SWATHplus-M phase-differencing sidescan sonar mounted on the NOAA, Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary R/V Shearwater as part of the ...

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, May 2012, collected from personal watercraft

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in May 2012 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, September 2010

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in September 2010 using a personal watercraft (PWC) and a small boat. Both survey vessels were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Multibeam bathymetry data collected in 2016 for Lake Crescent in Olympic National Park, Washington

In February 2016 the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center in cooperation with North Carolina State University and the National Park Service collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic-backscatter data in Lake Crescent located in Olympic National Park, Washington. Data were collected using a Reson 7111 multibeam echosounder pole-mounted to the 36-foot USGS R/V Parke Snavely. These metadata describe the multibeam bathymetry raster data file that is included in "LakeCrescent_bathy ...

Multibeam acoustic-backscatter data collected in 2016 in Catalina Basin, southern California

This part of the data release includes 10-m resolution multibeam acoustic-backscatter data collected in 2016 in Catalina Basin, southern California. The data are presented as a TIFF file. In February 2016 the University of Washington in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS, PCMSC) collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Catalina Basin aboard the University of Washington's Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson. Data were collected ...

Multibeam bathymetry data collected in 2016 in Catalina Basin, southern California

This part of the data release includes 10-m resolution multibeam-bathymetry data collected in 2016 in Catalina Basin, southern California. The data are presented as a TIFF image. In February 2016 the University of Washington in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS, PCMSC) collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Catalina Basin aboard the University of Washington's Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson. Data were collected using a ...

Merged multibeam bathymetry--Catalina Basin and northern Gulf of Santa Catalina, southern California

This part of the data release includes 10-m resolution merged multibeam-bathymetry data of Catalina Basin and northern Gulf of Santa Catalina. The data are presented as a TIFF file. In February 2016 the University of Washington in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS, PCMSC) collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Catalina Basin aboard the University of Washington's Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson. Data were collected using ...

Merged multibeam bathymetry - northern portion of the Southern California Continental Borderland

This part of the data release includes 25-m resolution merged multibeam-bathymetry data of the northern portion of the Southern California Continental Borderland. The data are presented as a TIFF file. In February 2016 the University of Washington in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS, PCMSC) collected multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Catalina Basin aboard the University of Washington's Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson. Data ...

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2016, collected from kayak

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in July 2016 using a kayak. The kayak was equipped with a single-beam echosounder and a survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver.

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2016, collected from personal watercraft

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in July 2016 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

High-resolution bathymetry data collected in 2004 in Skagit Bay, Washington

These metadata describe the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) 2004 bathymetry data collected in Skagit Bay Washington that is provided as a 1-m resolution TIFF image, as well as a 1-m resolution shaded-relief TIFF image. In 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2010 the USGS, PCMSC collected bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Skagit Bay, Washington using an interferometric bathymetric sidescan-sonar system mounded to the USGS R/V Parke Snavely and the USGS R/V Karluk. ...

High-resolution bathymetry data collected in 2005 in Skagit Bay, Washington

These metadata describe the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) 2005 bathymetry data collected in Skagit Bay Washington that is provided as a 1-m resolution TIFF image, as well as a 1-m resolution shaded-relief TIFF image. In 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2010 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) collected bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Skagit Bay, Washington using an interferometric bathymetric sidescan sonar ...

High-resolution bathymetry data collected in 2007 in Skagit Bay, Washington

These metadata describe the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) 2007 bathymetry data collected in Skagit Bay Washington that is provided as a 1-m resolution TIFF image, as well as a 1-m resolution shaded-relief TIFF image. In 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2010 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) collected bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Skagit Bay, Washington using an interferometric bathymetric sidescan sonar ...

High-resolution bathymetry data collected in 2010 in Skagit Bay, Washington

These metadata describe the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) 2010 bathymetry data collected in Skagit Bay Washington that is provided as a 1-m resolution TIFF image, as well as a 1-m resolution shaded-relief TIFF image. In 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2010 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) collected bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Skagit Bay, Washington using an interferometric bathymetric sidescan sonar ...

Merged acoustic-backscactter imagery collected in 2005, 2007, and 2010, Skagit Bay, Washington

These metadata describe the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) merged acoustic-backscatter imagery that was collected in 2005, 2007, and 2010 in Skagit Bay Washington that is provided as a 5-m resolution TIFF image. In 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2010 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) collected bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in Skagit Bay, Washington using an interferometric bathymetric sidescan sonar system ...

Merged 2005, 2007, and 2010 high-resolution bathymetry data collected in Skagit Bay, Washington

These metadata describe the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) merged bathymetry digital terrain model comprised of the 2005, 2007, and 2010 bathymetry data collected in Skagit Bay Washington that is provided as a 1-m resolution TIFF image, as well as a 1-m resolution shaded-relief TIFF image. In 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2010 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) collected bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data in ...

Multibeam bathymetry data between Cross Sound and Dixon Entrance, offshore southeastern Alaska, collected from 2016-05-17 to 2016-06-12 during field activity 2016-625-FA

Multibeam bathymetry data were collected along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault between Icy Point and Dixon Entrance, offshore southeastern Alaska from 2016-05-17 to 2016-06-12. Data were collected aboard the Alaska Department of Fish and Game R/V Medeia using a Reson SeaBat 7160 multibeam echosounder, Reson 7k Control Center, and HYPACK. This data release contains approximately 4,600 square kilometers of multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data, organized into zip files for each Julian Day of the ...

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, September 2014, collected from personal watercraft

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in September 2014 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2012

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in August 2012 using a personal watercraft (PWC) and the R/V Frontier. Both survey vessels were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, March 2013, collected from personal watercraft

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in March 2013 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Bathymetric measurements of Little Holland Tract, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2015, from personal watercraft

Bathymetric data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 2015 for Little Holland Tract in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California. The data were collected using a personal watercraft (PWC) platform that consisted of Trimble R7 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers with Zephyr 2 antennas, combined with Odom Echotrac CV-100 single-beam echosounders and 200 kHz transducers. Data was post-processed to remove spurious data points. Raw depths were converted to ellipsoid ...

High-resolution multibeam backscatter data collected in 2004 for the northern Channel Islands region, southern California

This data release presents data for 5-m resolution acoustic-backscatter data of the northern Channel Islands region, southern California. In 2004 the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center collected multibeam-bathymetry and acoustic-backscatter data in the northern Channel Islands region, southern California. The region was mapped aboard the R/V Ewing using a Kongsberg Simrad EM-1002 multibeam echosounder. These data were previously published on-line at ...

High-resolution multibeam bathymetry data collected in 2004 for the northern Channel Islands region, southern California

This data release presents data for 5-m resolution multibeam-bathymetry data of the northern Channel Islands region, southern California. In 2004 The U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center collected multibeam-bathymetry and acoustic-backscatter data in the northern Channel Islands region, southern California. The region was mapped aboard the R/V Ewing using a Kongsberg Simrad EM-1002 multibeam echosounder. These data were previously published on-line at ...

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2015, collected from personal watercraft

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in July 2015 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) receivers.

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, September 2013, collected from personal watercraft

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in September 2013 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, January 2015, collected from kayak

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in January 2015 using a kayak. The kayak was equipped with a single-beam echosounder and a survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver.

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, January 2015, collected from personal watercraft

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in January 2015 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Acoustic backscatter from 2013 interferometric swath bathymetry systems survey of Columbia River Mouth, Oregon and Washington

This part of the USGS data release presents acoustic backscatter data for the Columbia River Mouth, Oregon and Washington. The acoustic backscatter data of the Columbia River Mouth, Oregon and Washington were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Mapping was completed in 2013, using a 234-kHz SEA SWATHPlus interferometric system. These data are not intended for navigational purposes.

Bathymetry from 2013 interferometric swath bathymetry systems survey of Columbia River Mouth, Oregon and Washington

This part of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data for the Columbia River Mouth, Oregon and Washington. The bathymetry data of the Columbia River Mouth, Oregon and Washington were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Mapping was completed in 2013, using a 234-kHz SEA SWATHPlus interferometric system. These data are not intended for navigational purposes.

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, February 2016, collected from kayak

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in February 2016 using a kayak. The kayak was equipped with a single-beam echosounder and a survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver.

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, February 2016, collected from personal watercraft

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in February 2016 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Acoustic-backscatter data from three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2017 to 2018

This part of the data release contains high-resolution acoustic-backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center at three study locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California. Data were collected in Lindsey Slough in April 2017, Middle River in March 2018, and Mokelumne River in March 2018, using an interferometric bathymetric sidescan sonar systems mounted to the USGS R/V Parke Snavely. Data are provided in 1-m resolution GeoTIFF formats. ...

Swath bathymetric data from three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2017 to 2018

This part of the data release contains high-resolution swath bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center at three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Data were collected in Lindsey Slough in April 2017, Middle River in March 2018, and Mokelumne River in March 2018 using an interferometric bathymetric sidescan sonar systems mounted to the USGS R/V Parke Snavely. Data are provided in 1-m resolution GeoTIFF formats. These data were ...

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Unalakleet River mouth, Alaska, 2019

This data release presents nearshore bathymetry data collected at the mouth of the Unalakleet River in Alaska, near the city of Unalakleet. The data were collected in August 2019 by the U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center. Nearshore bathymetry was measured along survey lines from the shore to a depth of approximately -7.4 m NAVD88 and in a portion of the estuary closest to the mouth. Bathymetry data were collected using small boat equipped with a single-beam sonar system and ...

Structure-from-Motion (SfM) surface models derived from seafloor video from the Channel Islands, California

Structure-from-Motion (SfM) surface models were created using seafloor video collected over a visible fault scarp in the Channel Islands, California, during a 2016 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) field activity. Four SfM surface models were created, each with a different combination of locating, scaling, and optimizing methods. Video imagery was collected using the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center's BOBSled, equipped with high-definition (720p) video cameras (video published in Coastal and ...

Bathymetric change analyses of the southernmost portion of the Mokelumne River, California, from 1934 to 2018

Bathymetric change grids covering the periods of time from 1934 to 2011, from 2011 to 2018, and from 1934 to 2018 are presented. The grids cover a portion of the Mokelumne River, California, starting at its terminus at the San Joaquin River and moving upriver to the confluences of the north and south branches of the Mokelumne. Positive grid values indicate accretion, or a shallowing of the surface bathymetric surface, and negative grid values indicate erosion, or a deepening of the bathymetric surface. ...

Eelgrass distributions and bathymetry of Bellingham Bay, Washington, 2019

This data release presents eelgrass distributions and bathymetry data derived from acoustic surveys of Bellingham Bay, Washington. Survey operations were conducted between February 16 and February 21, 2019 (USGS Field Activity Number 2019-606-FA) by a team of scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center and Washington State Department of Ecology. Eelgrass and bathymetry data were collected from the R/V George Davidson equipped with a single-beam sonar system and ...

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2017, collected from kayak

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in July 2017 using a kayak. The kayak was equipped with a single-beam echosounder and a survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver.

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2017, collected from personal watercraft

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in July 2017 using two personal watercraft (PWCs). The PWCs were equipped with single beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Swath bathymetry data collected in the Cache Slough Complex and the Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel, California, during field activity 2018-684-FA

Bathymetry data were collected during a 2018 swath survey in the Cache Slough Complex and the Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel, California. Data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) during USGS field activity 2018-684-FA, using interferometric bathymetric sidescan sonar systems mounded to the USGS R/V San Lorenzo and the R/V Kelpfly. The bathymetry data and a shaded-relief version are provided as GeoTIFF images.

Single-beam bathymetry data collected in the Cache Slough Complex, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, during USGS field activities 2017-649-FA and 2018-684-FA

This portion of the USGS data release presents single beam bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in the Cache Slough Complex, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California in 2017 and 2018 (USGS Field Activity Numbers 2017-649-FA and 2018-684-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The final point data from the PWCs are provided in a comma-separated text file and are ...

Bathymetric data for Whiskeytown Lake, December 2018

These metadata describe bathymetric data collected during a December 2018 SWATHPlus survey of Whiskeytown Lake, California. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) during fieldwork activity number 2018-686-FA. The bathymetric data are provided as a GeoTIFF image.

Bathymetric data for Whiskeytown Lake, May 2019

These metadata describe bathymetric data collected during a May 2019 SWATHPlus survey of Whiskeytown Lake, California. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) during fieldwork activity number 2018-686-FA. The bathymetric data are provided as a GeoTIFF image.

Bathymetric data for Whiskeytown Lake, September 2020

These metadata describe bathymetric data collected during a September 2021 SWATHPlus survey of Whiskeytown Lake, California. Data were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) during fieldwork activity number 2018-686-FA. The bathymetric data are provided as a GeoTIFF image.

High-resolution multibeam bathymetry data collected southwest of Chenega Island, Alaska during field activity 2014-622-FA

High-resolution multibeam data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in May of 2014 southwest of Chenega Island, Alaska. Data were collected aboard the Alaska Department of Fish and Game vessel, R/V Solstice, during USGS field activity 2014-622-FA, using a pole mounted 100-kHz Reson 7111 multibeam echosounder.

High-resolution multibeam bathymetry data collected southwest of Montague Island, Alaska during field activity 2014-622-FA

High-resolution multibeam data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in May of 2014 southwest of Montague Island, Alaska. Data were collected aboard the Alaska Department of Fish and Game vessel, R/V Solstice, during USGS field activity 2014-622-FA, using a pole mounted 100-kHz Reson 7111 multibeam echosounder.

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2018, collected from kayak

This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in July 2018 (USGS Field Activity Number 2018-648-FA) using a kayak. The kayak was equipped with a single-beam echosounder and a survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver.

Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2018, collected from personal watercraft

This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetric data collected during surveys performed on the Elwha River delta, Washington in 2018 (USGS Field Activity Number 2018-648-FA). Bathymetric data were collected using personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers.

Single-beam bathymetry data collected in 2010 and 2011 in the vicinity of Arey Lagoon and Barter Islands, Alaska

Single-beam bathymetry data were collected in 2010 and 2011 in the nearshore waters around Barter Island, Arey Island, and within Arey Lagoon, Alaska. Measurements were made from a small boat or dinghy using one of three systems: a Humminbird 898 SI Fish Finder with integrated GPS (2010 and 2011), an Ohmex Sonarmite BT integrated with a Trimble GeoHX series GPS (2011), or a Garmin Sounder with integrated GPS (2011). Each system collected single-beam water depth with accuracies better than 4 meters (m) ...

Eelgrass distributions and bathymetry derived from an acoustic survey of the Nisqually River delta, Washington, 2012

This portion of the USGS data release presents eelgrass distribution and bathymetry data derived from acoustic surveys of the Nisqually River delta, Washington in 2012 (USGS Field Activity Number D-01-12-PS). Eelgrass and bathymetry data were collected from the R/V George Davidson equipped with a single-beam sonar system and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver. The sonar system consisted of a Biosonics DT-X single-beam echosounder and 420 kHz transducer with a 6-degree beam angle. Depths from ...

Eelgrass distributions and bathymetry derived from an acoustic survey of the Nisqually River delta, Washington, 2014

This portion of the USGS data release presents eelgrass distribution and bathymetry data derived from acoustic surveys of the Nisqually River delta, Washington in 2014 (USGS Field Activity Number D-01-14-PS). Eelgrass and bathymetry data were collected from the R/V George Davidson equipped with a single-beam sonar system and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver. The sonar system consisted of a Biosonics DT-X single-beam echosounder and 420 kHz transducer with a 6-degree beam angle. Depths from ...

Eelgrass distributions and bathymetry derived from an acoustic survey of the Nisqually River delta, Washington, 2017

This portion of the USGS data release presents eelgrass distribution and bathymetry data derived from acoustic surveys of the Nisqually River delta, Washington in 2017 (USGS Field Activity Number 2017-614-FA). Eelgrass and bathymetry data were collected from the R/V George Davidson equipped with a single-beam sonar system and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver. The sonar system consisted of a Biosonics DT-X single-beam echosounder and 420 kHz transducer with a 6-degree beam angle. Depths ...

Nearshore bathymetry of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2014

This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon in 2014 (USGS Field Activity Number 2014-631-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using four personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The sonar systems consisted of an Odom Echotrac CV-100 single-beam echosounder and 200 kHz transducer with a 9° beam angle. Raw acoustic ...

Nearshore bathymetry of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2015

This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon in 2015 (USGS Field Activity Number 2015-647-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using four personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The sonar systems consisted of an Odom Echotrac CV-100 single-beam echosounder and 200 kHz transducer with a 9 degree beam angle. Raw ...

Nearshore bathymetry of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2016

This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon in 2016 (USGS Field Activity Number 2016-663-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using four personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The sonar systems consisted of an Odom Echotrac CV-100 single-beam echosounder and 200 kHz transducer with a 9 degree beam angle. Raw ...

Nearshore bathymetry of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2017

This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon in 2017 (USGS Field Activity Number 2017-666-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using four personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The sonar systems consisted of an Odom Echotrac CV-100 single-beam echosounder and 200 kHz transducer with a 9 degree beam angle. Raw ...

Nearshore bathymetry of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2018

This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon in 2018 (USGS Field Activity Number 2018-652-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using four personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The sonar systems consisted of an Odom Echotrac CV-100 single-beam echosounder and 200 kHz transducer with a 9 degree beam angle. Raw ...

Nearshore bathymetry of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2019

This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon in 2019 (USGS Field Activity Number 2019-632-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using four personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The sonar systems consisted of an Odom Echotrac CV-100 single-beam echosounder and 200 kHz transducer with a 9-degree beam angle. Raw ...

Nearshore bathymetry of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2020

This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, in 2020 (USGS Field Activity Number 2020-622-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using four personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The sonar systems consisted of an Odom Echotrac CV-100 single-beam echosounder and 200 kHz transducer with a 9-degree beam angle. Raw ...

Nearshore bathymetry of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2021

This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, in 2021 (USGS Field Activity Number 2021-632-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using four personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The sonar systems consisted of an Odom Echotrac CV-100 single-beam echosounder and 200 kHz transducer with a 9-degree beam angle. Raw ...

Multibeam bathymetry data of USGS field activity 2016-666-FA collected in the Santa Barbara Basin in September and October of 2016

These metadata describe bathymetry data collected during an October 2016 multibeam-echosounder survey of the northern portion of the Santa Barbara Channel, California. Data were collected and processed by the the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC) with fieldwork activity number 2016-666-FA. The bathymetry data are provided as a GeoTIFF image.

Coverage Polygons for DEMs of the North-Central California Coast (DEM_coverage_areas.shp)

A GIS polygon shapefile outlining the extent of the 14 individual DEM sections that comprise the seamless, 2-meter resolution DEM for the open-coast region of the San Francisco Bay Area (outside of the Golden Gate Bridge), extending from Half Moon Bay to Bodega Head along the north-central California coastline. The goal was to integrate the most recent high-resolution bathymetric and topographic datasets available (for example, Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) topography, multibeam and single-beam sonar ...

Arc ASCII and GeoTiff DEMs of the North-Central California Coast (DEM_#_ASCII and DEM_#_GeoTIFF)

A seamless, 2 meter resolution digital elevation model (DEM) was constructed for the open-coast region of the San Francisco Bay Area (outside of the Golden Gate Bridge), extending from Half Moon Bay to Bodega Head along the north-central California coastline. The goal was to integrate the most recent high-resolution bathymetric and topographic datasets available (for example, Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) topography, multibeam and single-beam sonar bathymetry) into a seamless surface model extending ...

Input Data Boundary Outlines for DEMs of the North-Central California Coast (DEM_source_data.shp)

A GIS polygon shapefile outlining the boundaries of the native input datasets used to construct a seamless, 2-meter resolution digital elevation model (DEM) was constructed for the open-coast region of the San Francisco Bay Area (outside of the Golden Gate Bridge), extending from Half Moon Bay to Bodega Head along the North-central California coastline. The goal was to integrate the most recent high-resolution bathymetric and topographic datasets available (for example, Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) ...

Bathymetry and acoustic backscatter of Crater Lake, Oregon from Field Activity: S-1-00-OR

ArcInfo GRID format data generated from the 2000 multibeam sonar survey of Crater Lake, Oregon. The data include high-resolution bathymetry and calibrated acoustic backscatter. Data are also available as ASCII xyz format (see data download page of

Bathymetry--Drakes Bay and Vicinity, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of Drakes Bay and Vicinity map area, California. The raster data file for the bathymetry map is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Drakes Bay and Vicinity, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of Drakes Bay and Vicinity, California (raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., Krigsman, ...

Contours--Drakes Bay and Vicinity, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Drakes Bay and Vicinity map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, ...

Bathymetry--Hueneme Canyon and Vicinity, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Hueneme Canyon and Vicinity map area, California. The raster data file for the bathymetry map is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Clahan ...

Seafloor character--Hueneme Canyon and Vicinity, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the seafloor-character map of the Hueneme Canyon and Vicinity map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Clahan, K.B., ...

Bathymetry [2m]--Offshore of Monterey, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Monterey map area, California. Bathymetry data are provided as separate grids depending on resolution. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Hartwell, S.R., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Watt, J.T., Davenport, C.W., Kvitek, R.G., Erdey, M.D., ...

Bathymetry [5m]--Offshore of Monterey, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Monterey map area, California. Bathymetry data are provided as separate grids depending on resolution. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Hartwell, S.R., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Watt, J.T., Davenport, C.W., Kvitek, R.G., Erdey, M.D., ...

Bathymetry Hillshade [2m]--Offshore of Monterey, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Monterey map area, California. Bathymetry data are provided as separate grids depending on resolution. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Hartwell, S.R., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Watt, J.T., Davenport, C.W., Kvitek, R.G., Erdey, M.D., ...

Bathymetry Hillshade [5m]--Offshore of Monterey, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Monterey map area, California. Bathymetry data are provided as separate grids depending on resolution. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Hartwell, S.R., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Watt, J.T., Davenport, C.W., Kvitek, R.G., Erdey, M.D., ...

Contours--Offshore Monterey, California

This part of DS 781 presents bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Monterey map area, California. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Hartwell, S.R., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Watt, J.T., Davenport, C.W., Kvitek, R.G., Erdey, M.D., Krigsman, L.M., Sliter, R.W., and Maier, K.L. (S.Y. Johnson ...

BackscatterA [8101]--Offshore Pigeon Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Pigeon Point map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as three separate grids depending on mapping system. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson, ...

BackscatterB [7125]--Offshore Pigeon Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Pigeon Point map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as three separate grids depending on mapping system. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson, ...

BackscatterC [SWATH]--Offshore Pigeon Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Pigeon Point map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as three separate grids depending on mapping system. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore Pigeon Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of Offshore Pigeon Point, California. The raster data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson, S.Y., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Krigsman, L.M., Ritchie, A.C., Sliter, R.W ...

Bathymetry--Offshore Pigeon Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of Offshore Pigeon Point, California. The raster data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson, S.Y., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Krigsman, L.M., Ritchie, A.C., Sliter, R.W., Finlayson, D.P ...

Contours--Offshore Pigeon Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore Pigeon Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson, S.Y., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Krigsman, L.M., ...

Seafloor character--Offshore Pigeon Point, California

This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Pigeon Point, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson, S.Y., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Krigsman, L.M., Ritchie, A.C., Sliter, R.W., ...

BackscatterA [8101]--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as three separate grids depending on mapping system. The raster data files are included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., ...

BackscatterB [7125]--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as three separate grids depending on mapping system. The raster data files are included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., ...

BackscatterC [SWATH]--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as three separate grids depending on mapping system. The raster data files are included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of Offshore Scott Creek, California. The raster data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., Ritchie, A.C., Sliter, R.W., ...

Bathymetry--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of Offshore Scott Creek, California. The raster data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., Ritchie, A.C., Sliter, R.W., Finlayson, D.P., ...

Contours--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore Scott Creek map area, California. The vector data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., ...

Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., Ritchie, A.C., ...

Seafloor character--Offshore Scott Creek, California

This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Scott Creek map area, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Davenport, C.W., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., Ritchie, A.C., Sliter, ...

BackscatterA [SWATH]--Offshore Aptos, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Aptos map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as two separate grids depending on mapping system and processing method. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., ...

BackscatterB [EM300]--Offshore Aptos, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Aptos map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as two separate grids depending on mapping system and processing method. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., ...

BathymetryA Hillshade [USGS]--Offshore Aptos, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief map of Offshore of Aptos map area, California. Shaded-relief data are provided as two separate grids depending on mapping agency and processing method. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., ...

BathymetryA [USGS]--Offshore Aptos, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of Offshore of Aptos map area, California. Bathymetry data are provided as two separate grids depending on mapping agency and processing method. This metadata file refers to the data included in "" which are accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S ...

BathymetryB [CSUMB]--Offshore Aptos, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of Offshore of Aptos map area, California. Bathymetry data are provided as two separate grids depending on mapping agency and processing method. This metadata file refers to the data included in "" which are accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S ...

BathymetryB Hillshade [CSUMB]--Offshore Aptos, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief map of Offshore of Aptos map area, California. Shaded-relief data are provided as two separate grids depending on mapping agency and processing method. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., ...

Contours--Offshore Aptos, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for the Offshore of Aptos map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, r.G., Maier, K.L., Endris, C.A., Davenport, C.W., Watt, J.T., Sliter, R.W., Finlayson, ...

Seafloor character, 2 m resolution--Offshore of Aptos, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the seafloor-character map Offshore of Aptos, California. Seafloor-character data are provided as two separate grids depending on resolution of the mapping system and processing method. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., ...

Seafloor character, 5 m resolution--Offshore of Aptos, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the seafloor-character map Offshore of Aptos, California. Seafloor-character data are provided as two separate grids depending on resolution of the mapping system and processing method. This metadata file refers to the data included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., ...

Bathymetry hillshade--Offshore of Point Conception Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for bathymetry for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Point Conception Map Area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Hartwell, S.R., Golden, N.E., Kvitek, R.G., and Davenport, C.W. (S.Y. Johnson and S.A. Cochran, eds.), 2018, California State Waters Map Series� ...

Bathymetry--Offshore of Point Conception Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for bathymetry for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Point Conception Map Area, California. The GeoTiff is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Hartwell, S.R., Golden, N.E., Kvitek, R.G., and Davenport, C.W. (S.Y. Johnson and S.A. Cochran, eds.), 2018, California State Waters Map Series—Offshore ...

Contour--Offshore of Point Conception Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Point Conception Map Area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Hartwell, S.R., Golden, N.E., Kvitek, R.G., and Davenport, C.W. (S.Y. Johnson and S.A. Cochran, eds.), 2018, California State Waters Map ...

Bathymetry hillshade--Offshore of Gaviota Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for bathymetry for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Gaviota Map Area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Hartwell, S.R., Golden, N.E., Kvitek, R.G., and Davenport, C.W. (S.Y. Johnson and S.A. Cochran, eds.), 2018, California State Waters Map Series—Offshore of ...

Bathymetry--Offshore of Gaviota Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for bathymetry for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Gaviota Map Area, California. The GeoTiff is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Hartwell, S.R., Golden, N.E., Kvitek, R.G., and Davenport, C.W. (S.Y. Johnson and S.A. Cochran, eds.), 2018, California State Waters Map Series—Offshore of Gaviota, ...

Contour--Offshore of Gaviota Map Area, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Gaviota Map Area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Hartwell, S.R., Golden, N.E., Kvitek, R.G., and Davenport, C.W. (S.Y. Johnson and S.A. Cochran, eds.), 2018, California State Waters Map Series—Offshore ...

Backscatter [SWATH]--Offshore Santa Cruz, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of Offshore of Santa Cruz map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as a raster file included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Dieter, B.E., Hartwell, S.R., Ritchie, A.C., Finlayson, D.P., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Davenport, ...

Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore Santa Cruz, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of Offshore Santa Cruz, California. The raster data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Dieter, B.E., Hartwell, S.R., Ritchie, A.C., Finlayson, D.P., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Davenport, C.W., Sliter, R.W., Maier, K.L., ...

Bathymetry--Offshore Santa Cruz, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of Offshore Santa Cruz, California. The raster data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Dieter, B.E., Hartwell, S.R., Ritchie, A.C., Finlayson, D.P., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Davenport, C.W., Sliter, R.W., Maier, K.L., and Krigsman, L.M. ...

Contours--Offshore Santa Cruz, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore Santa Cruz map area, California. The vector data file is included in "", which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Dieter, B.E., Hartwell, S.R., Ritchie, A.C., Finlayson, D.P., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Davenport, C.W., ...

Seafloor character--Offshore Santa Cruz, California

This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Santa Cruz, California. The raster data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Dieter, B.E., Hartwell, S.R., Ritchie, A.C., Finlayson, D.P., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Davenport, C.W., Sliter, R.W., Maier, K.L., and Krigsman ...

BathymetryA [2m]--Monterey Canyon and Vicinity, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for 2-m and 5-m bathymetry and shaded-relief maps of Monterey Canyon and Vicinity, California. Bathymetry data are provided as separate grids depending on the mapping resolution. Data collected at shallower depths by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) have a spatial resolution of 2 m per pixel, whereas data collected at deeper depths by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) have a spatial resolution of 5-m ...

BathymetryB [5m]--Monterey Canyon and Vicinity, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for 2-m and 5-m bathymetry and shaded-relief maps of Monterey Canyon and Vicinity, California. Bathymetry data are provided as separate grids depending on the mapping resolution. Data collected at shallower depths by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) have a spatial resolution of 2 m per pixel, whereas data collected at deeper depths by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) have a spatial resolution of 5-m ...

Contours--Monterey Canyon and Vicinity, California

This part of DS 781 presents bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Monterey Canyon and Vicinity map area, California. The shapefile is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Dartnell, P., Maier, K.L., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Cochrane, G.R., Ritchie, A.C., Finlayson, D.P., Kvitek, R.G., Sliter, R.W., Greene, H.G., Davenport, C.W. ...

Habitat--Monterey Canyon and Vicinity, California

This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Monterey Canyon and Vicinity map area, California. The vector data file is included in "," which is accessible from These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Dartnell, P., Maier, K.L., Erdey, M.D., Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Cochrane, G.R., Ritchie, A.C., Finlayson, D.P., Kvitek, R.G., Sliter, R.W., Greene, H.G., Davenport, C.W., ...

CCALBATC - bathymetric contours for the central California region between Point Arena and Point Sur.

CCALBATC consists of bathymetric contours at 10-m and 50-m intervals for the area offshore of central California between Point Arena to the north and Point Sur to the south. The lines were digitized from 1:250,000-scale NOAA charts. This is one of a collection of digital files of a geographic information system of spatially referenced data related to the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Project (see this and other older Monterey Bay USGS works archived at https: ...

NOSBATC - bathymetric contour data for the Monterey Bay region from Point Ano Nuevo to Point Sur, California based on NOAA/NOS data (UTM)

This dataset contains bathymetric contours for the greater Monterey Bay area between Point Ano Nuevo to the north and Point Sur to the south. Contours are provided at 10-m intervals to a depth of 200 m and 100-m intervals to maximum depth. The data from which the contours were derived were hydrographic survey points published by NOAA NOS in 1998. This is one of a collection of digital files of a geographic information system of spatially referenced data related to the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program ...

DUBATHG - ArcInfo GRID format of the 2001 multibeam echo-sounder data collected in the Duwamish River Delta, Puget Sound (Seattle), Washington from Field Activity: R-1-01-WA

ArcInfo GRID format bathymetry data generated from the 2001 multibeam sonar survey the major deltas of southern Puget Sound, WA., including Nisqually, Puyallup, and Duwamish Deltas. This is metadata for the Duwamish Delta multibeam bathymetry data.

NIBATHG - ArcInfo GRID format of the 2001 multibeam echo-sounder data collected in the Nisqually Delta, Puget Sound, Washington from Field Activity: R-1-01-WA

ArcInfo GRID format bathymetry data generated from the 2001 multibeam sonar survey the major deltas of southern Puget Sound, WA., including Nisqually, Puyallup, and Duwamish Deltas. This is meatadata for the Nisqually Delta multibeam bathymetry data.

PUBATHG - ArcInfo GRID format of the 2001 multibeam echo-sounder data collected in the Puyallup River delta, Puget Sound (Tacoma), Washington from Field Activity: R-1-01-WA

ArcInfo GRID format bathymetry data generated from the 2001 multibeam sonar survey the major deltas of southern Puget Sound (Tacoma), WA., including Nisqually, Puyallup, and Duwamish Deltas. This is metadata for the Puyallup Delta multibeam bathymetry data.

CNTR10M - 10 meter bathymetric contours of the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and Santa Barbara Bay. (UTM 10N, NAD83)

Data layer containing 10 meter bathymetric contours for the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and Santa Barbara Bay. Data are derived from 1:250,000-scale National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) charts and Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), Santa Barbara Bay Multibeam Data

Bathymetry data from USGS Field Activity S-8-08-SC, northern Santa Barbara Channel, southern California

Bathymetry data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in July 2008 in the northern Santa Barbara Channel in southern California. Data were collected aboard the R/V Parke Snavely, during USGS Field Activity S-9-08-SC, using a bathymetric sidescan system.

April 2015 bathymetry (MLLW) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in April 2015. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = NAD83 (CORS96), Vertical Datum = MLLW, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

April 2015 bathymetry (NAVD88) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in April 2015. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = NAD83 (CORS96), Vertical Datum = NAVD88, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

April 2015 bathymetry (WGS84) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in April 2015. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = WGS84(G1150), Elevations relative to the WGS84 Ellipsoid, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

April 2016 bathymetry (MLLW) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in April 2016. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = NAD83 (CORS96), Vertical Datum = MLLW, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

April 2016 bathymetry (NAVD88) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in April 2016. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = NAD83 (CORS96), Vertical Datum = NAVD88, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

April 2016 bathymetry (WGS84) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in April 2016. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = WGS84(G1150), Elevations relative to the WGS84 Ellipsoid, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

April 2018 bathymetry (MLLW) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in April 2018. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = NAD83 (CORS96), Vertical Datum = MLLW, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

April 2018 bathymetry (NAVD88) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in April 2018. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = NAD83 (CORS96), Vertical Datum = NAVD88, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

April 2018 bathymetry (WGS84) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in April 2018. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = WGS84(G1150), Elevations relative to the WGS84 Ellipsoid, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

April 2019 bathymetry (MLLW) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in April 2019. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = NAD83 (CORS96), Vertical Datum = MLLW, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 9.8 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

April 2019 bathymetry (NAVD88) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in April 2019. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = NAD83 (CORS96), Vertical Datum = NAVD88, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 9.8 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

April 2019 bathymetry (WGS84) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in April 2019. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = WGS84(G1150), Elevations relative to the WGS84 Ellipsoid, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 9.8 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

March 2017 bathymetry (MLLW) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in March 2017. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = NAD83 (CORS96), Vertical Datum = MLLW, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

March 2017 bathymetry (NAVD88) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in March 2017. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = NAD83 (CORS96), Vertical Datum = NAVD88, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

March 2017 bathymetry (WGS84) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in March 2017. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = WGS84(G1150), Elevations relative to the WGS84 Ellipsoid, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

October 2015 bathymetry (MLLW) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in October 2015. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = NAD83 (CORS96), Vertical Datum = MLLW, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

October 2015 bathymetry (NAVD88) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in October 2015. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = NAD83 (CORS96), Vertical Datum = NAVD88, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

October 2015 bathymetry (WGS84) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in October 2015. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = WGS84(G1150), Elevations relative to the WGS84 Ellipsoid, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

October 2016 bathymetry (MLLW) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in October 2016. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = NAD83 (CORS96), Vertical Datum = MLLW, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

October 2016 bathymetry (NAVD88) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in October 2016. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = NAD83 (CORS96), Vertical Datum = NAVD88, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

October 2016 bathymetry (WGS84) of Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California

1-m resolution bathymetry collected in Coyote Creek and Alviso Slough in October 2016. Projection = UTM, zone 10 in meters, Horizontal Datum = WGS84(G1150), Elevations relative to the WGS84 Ellipsoid, all units in meters. The surveys extend east from Calaveras Point along Coyote Creek to the railroad bridge, along Alviso Slough to the town of Alviso (just over 7 km), and along the 3.7 km of Guadalupe Slough closest to the San Francisco Bay, California.

Bathymetric grid (1000 m) of the continental margin offshore of Washington, Oregon, and California based on data available in the late 1980s.

Cowbatg.tif is a 1000-m resolution bathymetric grid of the continental margin offshore of Washington, California, and Oregon. The grid was generated from bathymetric contours (cowbathy.shp, also in this data set) mapped by Chase and others (1992a, b) and by Grim and others (1992) from various sources of bottom topography of the continental margin off the states of Washington, Oregon, and California.

Bathymetric contours of the continental margin offshore of Washington, Oregon, and California based on data available in the late 1980s.

Bathymetric contours (contour interval 100 m) of the continental margin offshore of Washington, Oregon, and California (cowbat) were compiled from various sources available in the late 1980s and used to construct 1:1,000,000-scale maps (Chase and others, 1992a, 1992b; Grim and others, 1992). The contours range from 200 to 5300 m depth.

Geophysical data for field activity 69002 (K-0-69-GM) in Bay of Campeche, Gulf of Mexico from 01/17/1969 to 01/29/1969

Single-beam bathymetry data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity 69002 (K-0-69-GM) in Gulf of Mexico from 01/17/1969 to 01/29/1969, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by the ...

l781wg.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-7-81-WG in Western Gulf of Alaska from 06/11/1981 to 06/30/1981

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-7-81-WG in Western Gulf of Alaska from 06/11/1981 to 06/30/1981, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at http://walrus ...

l782sp.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-7-82-SP in Solomon Islands from 05/19/1982 to 06/11/1982

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-7-82-SP in Solomon Islands from 05/19/1982 to 06/11/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at http://walrus.wr.usgs ...

l783sp.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-7-83-SP in Southern Pacific from 12/28/1983 to 01/03/1984

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-7-83-SP in Southern Pacific from 12/28/1983 to 01/03/1984, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at http://walrus.wr ...

l785nc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity l-7-85-nc in Southern Pacific from 12/28/1983 to 01/03/1984

Single-beam bathymetry data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-7-85-NC in Northern California from 09/23/1985 to 10/04/1985, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by the NOAA ...

l876np.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-8-76-NP in Northern Pacific from 09/29/1976 to 10/21/1976

Single-beam bathymetry, magnetics, and gravity data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-8-76-NP in Northern Pacific from 09/29/1976 to 10/21/1976, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at http://walrus.wr ...

l877bs.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-8-77-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 07/29/1977 to 08/21/1977

Single-beam bathymetry, magnetics, and gravity data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-8-77-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 07/29/1977 to 08/21/1977, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at http://walrus.wr ...

l878np.m77t - MGD77 data file for field activity L-8-78-NP in Northern Pacific from 09/29/1978 to 10/07/1978

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part offield activity L-8-78-NP in Northern Pacific from 09/29/1978 to 10/07/1978, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at http://walrus.wr ...

l881wg.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-8-81-WG in Western Gulf of Alaska from 07/04/1981 to 07/16/1981

Single-beam bathymetry, magnetics, and gravity data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-8-81-WG in Western Gulf of Alaska from 07/04/1981 to 07/16/1981, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at http:/ ...

l882np.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-8-82-NP in Northern Pacific from 06/18/1982 to 07/08/1982

Single-beam bathymetry, magnetics, and gravity data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-8-82-NP in Northern Pacific from 06/18/1982 to 07/08/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at http://walrus.wr ...

l884sp.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-8-84-SP in Southern Pacific from 07/19/1984 to 07/26/1984

Single-beam bathymetry, magnetics, and gravity data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-8-84-SP in Southern Pacific from 07/19/1984 to 07/26/1984, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at http://walrus.wr ...

l977ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-9-77-AR in Arctic from 08/25/1977 to 10/08/1977

Single-beam bathymetry, magnetics, and gravity data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-9-77-AR in Arctic from 08/25/1977 to 10/08/1977, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

l978hw.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-9-78-HW in Hawaii from 10/12/1978 to 10/19/1978

Single-beam bathymetry, magnetics, and gravity data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-9-78-HW in Hawaii from 10/12/1978 to 10/19/1978, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

l980bs.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-9-80-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 09/24/1980 to 10/06/1980

Single-beam bathymetry, magnetics, and gravity data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-9-80-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 09/24/1980 to 10/06/1980, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at http://walrus.wr ...

l981aa.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-9-81-AA in Aleutian Arc, Alaska from 07/19/1981 to 08/13/1981

Single-beam bathymetry, magnetics, and gravity data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-9-81-AA in Aleutian Arc, Alaska from 07/19/1981 to 08/13/1981, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at http://walrus ...

l982bs.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-9-82-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 07/11/1982 to 08/03/1982

Single-beam bathymetry, magnetics, and gravity data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-9-82-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 07/11/1982 to 08/03/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at http://walrus.wr ...

l984cp.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity 84015 (L-9-84-CP) in Majuro to Honolulu, Central Pacific from 07/27/1984 to 08/16/1984

Single-beam bathymetry, magnetics, and gravity data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity 84015 (L-9-84-CP) from Majuro to Honolulu, Central Pacific from 07/27/1984 to 08/16/1984. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files, located in the former Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog, into MGD77T format for NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC). The MGD77T format includes a header (documentation ...

u171gm.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity UGEOLEG_1 (U-1-71-GM) in Bay of Campeche, Gulf of Mexico from 05/27/1971 to 06/21/1971

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity UGEOLEG_1 (U-1-71-GM) in Bay of Campeche, Gulf of Mexico from 05/27/1971 to 06/21/1971, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

u271gm.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity U-2-71-GM in East Margin Yucatan Peninsula from 06/23/1971 to 07/08/1971

Single-beam, bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise U271GM. in East Margin Yucatan Peninsula from 06/23/1971 to 07/08/1971, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

u371cb.m77t - MGD77 data file for geophysical data from field activity UGEOLEG_3 (U-3-71-CB) in Eastern Greater Antilles, Caribbean from 07/17/1971 to 08/04/1971

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity UGEOLEG_3 (U-3-71-CB) in Eastern Greater Antilles, Caribbean from 07/17/1971 to 08/04/1971, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity ...

u471cb.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity UGEOLEG_4 (U-4-71-CB) in Venezuela, Caribbean Sea from 08/18/1971 to 10/01/1971

Single-beam bathymetry,gravity, and magnetic data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity UGEOLEG_4 (U-4-71-CB) in Venezuela, Caribbean Sea from 08/18/1971 to 10/01/1971, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

u571af.m77t: MGD77T data file for Geophysical data from field activity 71005 (U-5-71-AF) in Continental Margin Liberia from 10/30/1971 to 11/20/1971

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity 71005 (U-5-71-AF) in Continental Margin Liberia from 10/30/1971 to 11/20/1971, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

u671at.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity 71006 (U-6-71-AT) in Liberia to Puerto Rico, Atlantic Ocean from 11/24/1971 to 12/09/1971

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity 71006 (U-6-71-AT) in Liberia to Puerto Rico, Atlantic Ocean from 11/24/1971 to 12/09/1971, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

u771pr.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity 71007 (U-7-71-PR) in Puerto Rico from 12/11/1971 to 12/15/1971

Single-beam bathymetry data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity 71007 (U-7-71-PR) in Puerto Rico from 12/11/1971 to 12/15/1971, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by the NOAA ...

b172sc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity B-1-72-SC in Central California from 11/11/1972 to 11/15/1972

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetics data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity B-1-72-SC in Central California from 11/11/1972 to 11/15/1972, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at http://walrus.wr ...

b174ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity B-1-74-AR in Arctic from 07/13/1974 to 08/30/1974

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetics data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity B-1-74-AR in Arctic from 07/13/1974 to 08/30/1974, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

c180nc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity C-1-80-NC in Monterey Bay, Northern California from 05/21/1980 to 05/22/1980

Single-beam bathymetry data along with transit satellite navigation data was collected as part of field activity C-1-80-NC in Monterey Bay, Northern California from 05/21/1980 to 05/22/1980, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

f184sc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity F-1-84-SC in Southern California from 04/26/1984 to 05/21/1984

Single-beam bathymetry and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity F-1-84-SC in Southern California from 04/26/1984 to 05/21/1984, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at field activity F-1-84-SC in Southern ...

f384nc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data for field activity F-3-84-NC in Northern California from 06/15/1984 to 07/08/1984

Single-beam bathymetry and magnetics data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity F-3-84-NC in Northern California from 06/15/1984 to 07/08/1984, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

f484wo.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity F-4-84-WO in Washington, Oregon from 07/11/1984 to 08/15/1984

Single-beam bathymetry and magnetics data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity F-4-84-WO in Washington, Oregon from 07/11/1984 to 08/15/1984, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

g175eg.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity G-1-75-EG in Eastern Gulf of Alaska, Continental Shelf from 06/22/1975 to 08/27/1975

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity G-1-75-EG in Eastern Gulf of Alaska, Continental Shelf from 06/22/1975 to 08/27/1975, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at http://walrus ...

g176ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity G-1-76-AR in Arctic from 09/07/1976 to 10/02/1976

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity G-1-76-AR in Arctic from 09/07/1976 to 10/02/1976. The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files, located in the former Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog, into MGD77T format provided by the NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC). The MGD77T format includes a header (documentation) ...

k176ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-1-76-AR in Arctic from 07/24/1976 to 09/26/1976

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-1-76-AR in Arctic from 07/24/1976 to 09/26/1976, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

k177ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-1-77-AR in Beaufort Sea, Arctic from 07/15/1977 to 08/25/1977

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-1-77-AR in Beaufort Sea, Arctic from 07/15/1977 to 08/25/1977, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

k178ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-1-78-AR in Barrows to Pt. Barrows, Arctic from 08/18/1978 to 09/18/1978

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-1-78-AR in Barrows to Pt. Barrows, Arctic from 08/18/1978 to 09/18/1978, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

k179ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-1-79-AR in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Arctic Ocean from 07/23/1979 to 08/20/1979

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-1-79-AR in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Arctic Ocean from 07/23/1979 to 08/20/1979, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

k180ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-1-80-AR in Arctic from 07/18/1980 to 08/19/1980

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-1-80-AR in Arctic from 07/18/1980 to 08/19/1980, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

k181ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-1-81-AR in Arctic from 07/15/1981 to 08/02/1981

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-1-81-AR in Arctic from 07/15/1981 to 08/02/1981, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

k181hw.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-1-81-HW in Hawaii from 01/26/1981 to 02/05/1981

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-1-81-HW in Hawaii from 01/26/1981 to 02/05/1981, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

k183ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-1-83-AR in Arctic from 07/22/1983 to 08/03/1983

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-1-83-AR in Arctic from 07/22/1983 to 08/03/1983, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

k279ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-2-79-AR in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Arctic from 08/25/1979 to 09/23/1979

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-2-79-AR in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Arctic from 08/25/1979 to 09/23/1979, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

k281ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-2-81-AR in Arctic from 08/04/1981 to 08/07/1981

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-2-81-AR in Arctic from 08/04/1981 to 08/07/1981, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

k283ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-2-83-AR in Arctic and Beaufort Sea, Alaska from 08/05/1983 to 08/22/1983

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-2-83-AR in Arctic and Beaufort Sea, Alaska from 08/05/1983 to 08/22/1983, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

k283np.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-2-83-NP in Gorda Ridge, North Pacific from 10/08/1983 to 10/13/1983

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-2-83-NP in Gorda Ridge, North Pacific from 10/08/1983 to 10/13/1983, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by the NOAA's ...

k382ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-3-82-AR in Arctic from 08/25/1982 to 09/08/1982

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-3-82-AR in Arctic from 08/25/1982 to 09/08/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by the NOAA's National Geophysical ...

k482ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-4-82-AR in Arctic from 09/13/1982 to 10/10/1982

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-4-82-AR in Arctic from 09/13/1982 to 10/10/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by the NOAA's National Geophysical ...

l1080np.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-10-80-NP in Northern Pacific from 10/10/1980 to 10/18/1980

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-10-80-NP in Northern Pacific from 10/10/1980 to 10/18/1980, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by the NOAA's National ...

l1081na.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-10-81-AA in North Aleutians, Alaska from 08/16/1981 to 08/23/1981

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-10-81-AA in North Aleutians, Alaska from 08/16/1981 to 08/23/1981, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by the NOAA's National ...

l1082bs.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-10-82-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 08/06/1982 to 08/24/1982

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-10-82-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 08/06/1982 to 08/24/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format ...

l1182cs.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-11-82-CS in Chukchi Sea, Alaska from 08/27/1982 to 09/16/1982

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-11-82-CS in Chukchi Sea, Alaska from 08/27/1982 to 09/16/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, http://walrus.wr.usgs ...

l1280wf.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-12-80-WF in Juan de Fuca from 10/29/1980 to 11/13/1980

Single-beam bathymetry and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-12-80-WF in Juan de Fuca from 10/29/1980 to 11/13/1980, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at and ...

l1281np.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-12-81-NP in North Pacific Ocean from 09/19/1981 to 10/05/1981

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-12-81-NP in North Pacific Ocean from 09/19/1981 to 10/05/1981, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, http://walrus.wr.usgs ...

l1282wg.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-12-82-WG in Western Gulf of Alaska from 09/22/1982 to 10/05/1982

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-12-82-WG in Western Gulf of Alaska from 09/22/1982 to 10/05/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, http://walrus.wr.usgs ...

l1380np.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-13-80-NP in Northern Pacific from 11/18/1980 to 12/11/1980

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-13-80-NP in Northern Pacific from 11/18/1980 to 12/11/1980, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

l1381nc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-13-81-NC in Northern California from 10/09/1981 to 10/23/1981

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-13-81-NC in Northern California from 10/09/1981 to 10/23/1981, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by the NOAA's ...

l1382wf.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-13-82-WF in Juan de Fuca from 10/17/1982 to 10/29/1982

Single-beam bathymetry and gravity data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-13-82-WF in Juan de Fuca from 10/17/1982 to 10/29/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at and ...

l176mx.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-1-76-MX in Baja California from 01/06/1976 to 02/17/1976

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-1-76-MX in Baja California from 01/06/1976 to 02/17/1976, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by the NOAA's National ...

l182nc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-1-82-NC in Northern California from 02/02/1982 to 02/03/1982

Single-beam bathymetry and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-1-82-NC in Northern California from 02/02/1982 to 02/03/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at and ...

l184an.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-1-84-AN in Antarctica from 01/04/1984 to 02/01/1984

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-1-84-AN in Antarctica from 01/04/1984 to 02/01/1984, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

l275np.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from feld activity L-2-75-NP in Gulf of Alaska from 08/25/1975 to 09/04/1975

Single-beam bathymetry and magnetics data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-2-75-NP in Gulf of Alaska from 08/25/1975 to 09/04/1975, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at and ...

l282nc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-2-82-NC in Off San Mateo, Northern California from 02/07/1982 to 02/12/1982

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-2-82-NC in Off San Mateo, Northern California from 02/07/1982 to 02/12/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, http://walrus ...

l284an.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-2-84-AN in Antarctica from 02/03/1984 to 03/03/1984

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-2-84-AN in Antarctica from 02/03/1984 to 03/03/1984, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

l285nc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-2-85-NC in Northern California from 04/03/1985 to 04/04/1985

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-2-85-NC in Northern California from 04/03/1985 to 04/04/1985, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by the NOAA's National ...

l2b78sc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-2B-78-SC in Southern California from 05/25/1978 to 05/29/1978

Single-beam bathymetry and magnetics data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-2B-78-SC in Southern California from 05/25/1978 to 05/29/1978, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at and ...

l376wo.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-3-76-WO in Washington to Vancouver Island, British Columbia from 06/11/1976 to 06/20/1976

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-3-76-WO in Washington to Vancouver Island, British Columbia from 06/11/1976 to 06/20/1976, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

l378eg.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-3-78-EG in Eastern Gulf of Alaska from 06/22/1978 to 07/04/1978

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-3-78-EG in Eastern Gulf of Alaska from 06/22/1978 to 07/04/1978, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

g178eg.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity G-1-78-EG in Eastern Gulf of Alaska, Glacier Bay from 09/12/1978 to 09/23/1978

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity G-1-78-EG in Eastern Gulf of Alaska, Glacier Bay from 09/12/1978 to 09/23/1978, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by the ...

l380np.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data field activity L-3-80-NP in North Pacific from 05/22/1980 to 06/04/1980

Single-beam bathymetry and magnetics data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-3-80-NP in North Pacific from 05/22/1980 to 06/04/1980, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at and ...

l382nc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-3-82-NC in Off San Mateo County, Northern California from 02/27/1982 to 03/01/1982

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-3-82-NC in Off San Mateo County, Northern California from 02/27/1982 to 03/01/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, http:/ ...

l383wf.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-3-83-WF in Juan de Fuca from 08/19/1983 to 09/01/1983

Single-beam bathymetry and gravity data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-3-83-WF in Juan de Fuca from 08/19/1983 to 09/01/1983, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at and ...

l384sp.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-3-84-SP in Tonga, Southern Pacific from 04/02/1984 to 05/01/1984

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-3-84-SP in Tonga, Southern Pacific from 04/02/1984 to 05/01/1984, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

l385nc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-3-85-NC in Northern California from 07/15/1985 to 07/17/1985

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-3-85-NC in Northern California from 07/15/1985 to 07/17/1985, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by the NOAA's National ...

l3a81nc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-3A-81-NC in Central Coast, Northern California from 04/16/1981 to 04/26/1981

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-3A-81-NC in Central Coast, Northern California from 04/16/1981 to 04/26/1981, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, http:/ ...

l475bs.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-4-75-BS in Bering Sea, Aleutian Basin, Alaska from 09/07/1975 to 09/18/1975

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-4-75-BS in Bering Sea, Aleutian Basin, Alaska from 09/07/1975 to 09/18/1975, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, http://walrus ...

l476wg.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-4-76-WG in Western Gulf of Alaska from 06/26/1976 to 07/25/1976

Single-beam bathymetry, magnetics, gravity data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-4-76-WG in Western Gulf of Alaska from 06/26/1976 to 07/25/1976, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

l477nc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-4-77-NC in Northern California from 05/10/1977 to 05/21/1977

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-4-77-NC in Northern California from 05/10/1977 to 05/21/1977, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

l478bs.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-4-78-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 07/08/1978 to 08/01/1978

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-4-78-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 07/08/1978 to 08/01/1978, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by ...

l482np.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-4-82-NP in Low-energy abyssal hill areas midway between San Franciso and Hawaii from 03/01/1982 to 03/15/1982

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-4-82-NP in Low-energy abyssal hill areas midway between San Franciso and Hawaii from 03/01/1982 to 03/15/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

l483bs.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-4-83-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 09/16/1983 to 10/02/1983

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-4-83-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 09/16/1983 to 10/02/1983, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

l485wf.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-4-85-WF in Juan de Fuca from 07/28/1985 to 08/08/1985

Single-beam bathymetry and magnetics data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-4-85-WF in Juan de Fuca from 07/28/1985 to 08/08/1985, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

l576bs.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-5-76-BS in Southern Bering Sea Shelf from 07/28/1976 to 08/25/1976

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-5-76-BS in Southern Bering Sea Shelf from 07/28/1976 to 08/25/1976, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, http://walrus.wr.usgs ...

l578bs.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-5-78-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 08/05/1978 to 08/09/1978

Single-beam bathymetry and gravity data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-5-78-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 08/05/1978 to 08/09/1978, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at and ...

l580aa.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-5-80-AA in Aleutian Arc, Alaska from 06/23/1980 to 07/05/1980

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-5-80-AA in Aleutian Arc, Alaska from 06/23/1980 to 07/05/1980, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

l582sp.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-5-82-SP in Tonga Ridge, Southern Pacific from 03/28/1982 to 04/25/1982

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-5-82-SP in Tonga Ridge, Southern Pacific from 03/28/1982 to 04/25/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, http://walrus.wr ...

l583hw.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-5-83-HW in Horizon Guyot, Necker Ridge, Hawaii, Johnston, Palmyra, Kingman Island from 10/29/1983 to 11/26/1983

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-5-83-HW in Horizon Guyot, Necker Ridge, Hawaii, Johnston, Palmyra, Kingman Island from 10/29/1983 to 11/26/1983, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

l585nc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-5-85-NC in Northern California from 08/10/1985 to 08/31/1985

Single-beam bathymetry and magnetics data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-5-85-NC in Northern California from 08/10/1985 to 08/31/1985, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at and ...

l676ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-6-76-AR in Arctic from 08/27/1976 to 09/03/1976

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-6-76-AR in Arctic from 08/27/1976 to 09/03/1976, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

l677eg.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-6-77-EG in Eastern Gulf of Alaska from 06/13/1977 to 06/30/1977

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-6-77-EG in Eastern Gulf of Alaska from 06/13/1977 to 06/30/1977, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

l678ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-6-78-AR in Arctic from 08/26/1978 to 09/20/1978

Single-beam bathymetry and gravity data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-6-78-AR in Arctic from 08/26/1978 to 09/20/1978, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at and ...

l680bs.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-6-80-BS in North Bering Sea, Alaska from 07/08/1980 to 07/28/1980

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-6-80-BS in North Bering Sea, Alaska from 07/08/1980 to 07/28/1980, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, http://walrus.wr.usgs ...

l681np.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-6-81-NP in Off British Columbia and Washington, Northern Pacific from 05/31/1981 to 06/07/1981

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-6-81-NP in Off British Columbia and Washington, Northern Pacific from 05/31/1981 to 06/07/1981, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at ...

l682sp.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-6-82-SP in Vanuatu from 04/27/1982 to 05/16/1982

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-6-82-SP in Vanuatu from 04/27/1982 to 05/16/1982, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

l683sp.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-6-83-SP in Southern Pacific from 12/05/1983 to 12/11/1983

Single-beam bathymetry and gravity data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-6-83-SP in Southern Pacific from 12/05/1983 to 12/11/1983, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at and ...

l685nc.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-6-85-NC in Northern California from 09/03/1985 to 09/20/1985

Single-beam bathymetry and magnetics data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-6-85-NC in Northern California from 09/03/1985 to 09/20/1985, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at and ...

l776bs.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-7-76-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 09/03/1976 to 09/10/1976

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-7-76-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 09/03/1976 to 09/10/1976, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

l777wg.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-7-77-WG in Western Gulf of Alaska from 07/03/1977 to 07/22/1977

Single-beam bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-7-77-WG in Western Gulf of Alaska from 07/03/1977 to 07/22/1977, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at, ...

l780bs.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity L-7-80-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 08/01/1980 to 08/26/1980

Single-beam bathymetry and gravity data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity L-7-80-BS in Bering Sea, Alaska from 08/01/1980 to 08/26/1980, These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at and ...

Single-Beam Bathymetric Data Collected in 2008 from the Mississippi River Delta Plain, Louisiana

Data release doi:10.5066/P9RIB5GC associated with this metadata record serves as an archive of single-beam bathymetric (SBB) data collected in July 2004 (Madison Bay) and August 2008 (Bully Camp, Point au Chien, Caminada, Fourchon, and Leeville) at six study areas in the Mississippi River Delta Plain (MRDP), Louisiana. Data were collected from historically formed open-water bodies as part of the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Gulf Coast Subsidence project to provide more extensive spatial coverage than ...

Historical bathymetry soundings between 1916 and 1920 around the Mississippi and Alabama barrier islands

In order to characterize coastal change, historical maps and complementary records were compiled including: topographic sheets (T-sheets), hydrographic sheets (H-sheets, smooth sheets), shorelines, and bathymetric soundings surrounding the Mississippi and Alabama (MSAL) barrier islands. One goal of this work was to create a time-series of bathymetric change maps around the islands between 1916 and 2016.

Single-Beam Bathymetric Data Collected in 2004 from Madison Bay, Louisiana

Data release doi:10.5066/P9RIB5GC associated with this metadata record serves as an archive of single-beam bathymetric (SBB) data collected in July 2004 (Madison Bay) and August 2008 (Bully Camp, Point au Chien, Caminada, Fourchon, and Leeville) at six study areas in the Mississippi River Delta Plain (MRDP), Louisiana. Data were collected from historically formed open-water bodies as part of the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Gulf Coast Subsidence project to provide more extensive spatial coverage than ...

Bathymetric change map of the nearshore around Ship, Horn, and Petit Bois islands, Mississippi: 1916-1920 to 2008-2009

To characterize coastal change, historical maps and complementary records were compiled including: topographic sheets (T-sheets), hydrographic sheets (H-sheets, smooth sheets), shorelines, and bathymetric soundings surrounding the Mississippi (MS) barrier islands over several time periods (1916-1920, 2008-2009 and 2016). One goal of this work was to create a time-series of bathymetric change maps around the islands. Data sets include 1916 through 1920 soundings collected by the United States Coast and ...

Fire Island Shoreface Bathymetric Data collected with Personal Watercraft and Backpack along Fire Island, New York (2014) as a GeoTIFF

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a bathymetric survey of Fire Island, New York, from October 5 to 10, 2014. The U.S. Geological Survey is involved in a post-Hurricane Sandy effort to map and monitor the morphologic evolution of the wilderness breach, which formed in October 2012 during Hurricane Sandy, as part of the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project GS2-2B. During this study, bathymetry data were collected, ...

Bathymetric Data collected with Personal Watercraft within Bellport Bay, New York, (2014) in XYZ ASCII text file format

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a bathymetric survey of Fire Island, New York, from October 5 to 10, 2014. The U.S. Geological Survey is involved in a post-Hurricane Sandy effort to map and monitor the morphologic evolution of the wilderness breach, which formed in October 2012 during Hurricane Sandy, as part of the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project GS2-2B. During this study, bathymetry data were collected, ...

Single-Beam Bathymetric Data collected with Personal Watercraft around Fire Island, New York (2014) in XYZ ASCII text file format

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a bathymetric survey of Fire Island, New York, from October 5 to 10, 2014. The U.S. Geological Survey is involved in a post-Hurricane Sandy effort to map and monitor the morphologic evolution of the wilderness breach, which formed in October 2012 during Hurricane Sandy, as part of the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project GS2-2B. During this study, bathymetry data were collected, ...

Single-Beam Bathymetric Data collected with Personal Watercraft collected within Fire Island Inlet, New York (2014) in XYZ ASCII text file format

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a bathymetric survey of Fire Island, New York, from October 5 to 10, 2014. The U.S. Geological Survey is involved in a post-Hurricane Sandy effort to map and monitor the morphologic evolution of the wilderness breach, which formed in October 2012 during Hurricane Sandy, as part of the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project GS2-2B. During this study, bathymetry data were collected, ...

Single-Beam Bathymetric Data collected with Personal Watercraft collected within Great South Bay, New York (2014) in XYZ ASCII text file format

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a bathymetric survey of Fire Island, New York, from October 5 to 10, 2014. The U.S. Geological Survey is involved in a post-Hurricane Sandy effort to map and monitor the morphologic evolution of the wilderness breach, which formed in October 2012 during Hurricane Sandy, as part of the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project GS2-2B. During this study, bathymetry data were collected, ...

Single-Beam Bathymetric Data collected with Personal Watercraft collected within Narrow Bay, New York (2014) in XYZ ASCII text file format

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a bathymetric survey of Fire Island, New York, from October 5 to 10, 2014. The U.S. Geological Survey is involved in a post-Hurricane Sandy effort to map and monitor the morphologic evolution of the wilderness breach, which formed in October 2012 during Hurricane Sandy, as part of the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project GS2-2B. During this study, bathymetry data were collected, ...

Single-Beam Bathymetric Data collected with Personal Watercraft collected along the Fire Island, New York shoreface (2014) in XYZ ASCII text file format

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a bathymetric survey of Fire Island, New York, from October 5 to 10, 2014. The U.S. Geological Survey is involved in a post-Hurricane Sandy effort to map and monitor the morphologic evolution of the wilderness breach, which formed in October 2012 during Hurricane Sandy, as part of the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project GS2-2B. During this study, bathymetry data were collected, ...

Single-Beam Bathymetric Data collected with Personal Watercraft collected within Wilderness Breach, Fire Island, New York (2014) in XYZ ASCII text file format

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a bathymetric survey of Fire Island, New York, from October 5 to 10, 2014. The U.S. Geological Survey is involved in a post-Hurricane Sandy effort to map and monitor the morphologic evolution of the wilderness breach, which formed in October 2012 during Hurricane Sandy, as part of the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project GS2-2B. During this study, bathymetry data were collected, ...

The Fire Island Wilderness Breach Bathymetric Data collected with Personal Watercraft and Backpack in Fire Island, New York (2014) as a GeoTIFF

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a bathymetric survey of Fire Island, New York, from October 5 to 10, 2014. The U.S. Geological Survey is involved in a post-Hurricane Sandy effort to map and monitor the morphologic evolution of the wilderness breach, which formed in October 2012 during Hurricane Sandy, as part of the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Project GS2-2B. During this study, bathymetry data were collected, ...

Single-Beam Bathymetry XYZ Data Collected in 2015 from Grand Bay, Alabama/Mississippi

As part of the Sea level and Storm Impacts on Estuarine Environments and Shorelines project (SSIEES), scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a single-beam bathymetry survey within the estuarine, open bay and tidal creek environments of Grand Bay Alabama/Mississippi, from May to June 2015. The goal of the SSIEES project is to assess the physical controls of sediment and material exchange between wetlands and estuarine environments along ...

Shapefile of the Single-beam Bathymetry Tracklines Surveyed in June 2015 from The Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

As part of the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring (BICM) Program, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a single-beam bathymetry survey around the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana in June 2015. The goal of the program is to provide long-term data on Louisiana’s barrier islands and use this data to plan, design, evaluate, and maintain current and future barrier island ...

Single Beam Bathymetry XYZ Data Collected in June 2015 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

As part of the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring (BICM) Program, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a single beam bathymetry survey around the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana in June 2015. The goal of the program is to provide long-term data on Louisiana’s barrier islands and use this data to plan, design, evaluate, and maintain current and future barrier island ...

Shapefile of the Single-beam Bathymetry Tracklines Surveyed in July 2015 from Point Au Fer to Raccoon Pint, Louisiana

As part of the Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program (BICM), scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a nearshore single-beam bathymetry survey along the south-central coast of Louisiana, from Raccoon Point to Point Au Fer Island, in July 2015. The goal of the BICM program is to provide long-term data on Louisiana’s coastline and use this data to plan, design, evaluate, and maintain current and future barrier island restoration ...

Single Beam Bathymetry XYZ Data Collected in July 2015 from Point Au Fer to Raccoon Point, Louisiana

As part of the Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program (BICM), scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a nearshore single-beam bathymetry survey along the south-central coast of Louisiana, from Raccoon Point to Point Au Fer Island, in July 2015. The goal of the BICM program is to provide long-term data on Louisiana’s coastline and use this data to plan, design, evaluate, and maintain current and future barrier island restoration ...

Coastal Interferometric Swath Bathymetry Data Collected in 2015 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana: 2015_Chand_IFB_5m_NAD83_NAVD88_GEOID09_DEM

The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC), collected swath bathymetry data offshore of the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana in September 2015. This USGS Data Release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz) and an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM). For further information regarding data collection and/or processing methods, refer to previously published USGS Data Series 847 and 848 ( and https:/ ...

Coastal Interferometric Swath Bathymetry Data Collected in 2015 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana: 2015_Chand_IFB_5m_NAD83_NAVD88_GEOID09_XYZ

The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC), collected swath bathymetry data offshore of the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana in September 2015. This USGS Data Release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz) and an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM). For further information regarding data collection and/or processing methods, refer to previously published USGS Data Series 847 and 848 ( and https:/ ...

Coastal Interferometric Swath Bathymetry Data Collected in 2015 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana: 2015_Chand_IFB_5m_WGS84_XYZ

The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC), collected swath bathymetry data offshore of the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana in September 2015. This USGS Data Release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz) and an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM). For further information regarding data collection and/or processing methods, refer to previously published USGS Data Series 847 and 848 ( and https:/ ...

Bathymetric change map of the nearshore around Ship, Horn, and Petit Bois islands, Mississippi: 1916-1920 to 2016

To characterize coastal change, historical maps and complementary records were compiled including: topographic sheets (T-sheets), hydrographic sheets (H-sheets, smooth sheets), shorelines, and bathymetric soundings surrounding the Mississippi (MS) barrier islands over several time periods (1916-1920, 2008-2009 and 2016). One goal of this work was to create a time-series of bathymetric change maps around the islands. Datasets include 1916 through 1920 soundings collected by the United States Coast and ...

Bathymetric change map of the nearshore around Ship, Horn, and Petit Bois islands, Mississippi: 2008-2009 to 2016

To characterize coastal change, historical maps and complementary records were compiled including: topographic sheets (T-sheets), hydrographic sheets (H-sheets, smooth sheets), shorelines, and bathymetric soundings surrounding the Mississippi (MS) barrier islands over several time periods (1916-1920, 2008-2009 and 2016). One goal of this work was to create a time-series of bathymetric change maps around the islands. Data sets include 1916 through 1920 soundings collected by the United States Coast and ...

Bathymetric Grid for a Wave Exposure Model of Grand Bay, Mississippi

Coastal marshes are highly dynamic and ecologically important ecosystems that are subject to pervasive and often harmful disturbances, including shoreline erosion. Shoreline erosion can result in an overall loss of coastal marsh, particularly in estuaries with moderate- or high-wave energy. Not only can waves be important physical drivers of shoreline change they can also influence shore-proximal vertical accretion through sediment delivery. For these reasons, estimates of wave energy can provide a ...

Cape Canaveral, Florida, backscatter data collected in 2016 by Coastal Carolina University: Processed GeoTIFF Image

A geophysical survey was conducted offshore Cape Canaveral, Florida by Coastal Carolina University offshore of Cape Canaveral, Florida using high-resolution chirp sub-bottom, multibeam bathymetry and side scan sonar (SSS) systems on June 13, 14, 16, and 17 of 2016. This USGS data release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz), an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM), with processed backscatter, side scan sonar, and seismic chirp data.

Cape Canaveral, Florida, multibeam bathymetry collected in 2016 by Coastal Carolina University: Processed GeoTIFF Image

A geophysical survey was conducted offshore Cape Canaveral, Florida by Coastal Carolina University offshore of Cape Canaveral, Florida using high-resolution chirp sub-bottom, multibeam bathymetry and side scan sonar (SSS) systems on June 13, 14, 16, and 17 of 2016. This USGS data release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz), an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM), with processed backscatter, side scan sonar, and seismic chirp data.

Cape Canaveral, Florida side scan sonar data collected in 2016 by Coastal Carolina University: Processed GeoTIFF Image

A geophysical survey was conducted offshore Cape Canaveral, Florida by Coastal Carolina University offshore of Cape Canaveral, Florida using high-resolution chirp sub-bottom, multibeam bathymetry and side scan sonar (SSS) systems on June 13, 14, 16, and 17 of 2016. This USGS data release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz), an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM), with processed backscatter, side scan sonar, and seismic chirp data.

Cape Canaveral tracklines of geophysical data collected in 2016 by Coastal Carolina University

A geophysical survey was conducted offshore Cape Canaveral, Florida by Coastal Carolina University offshore of Cape Canaveral, Florida using high-resolution chirp sub-bottom, multibeam bathymetry and side scan sonar (SSS) systems on June 13, 14, 16, and 17 of 2016. This USGS data release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz), an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM), with processed backscatter, side scan sonar, and seismic chirp data.

CatIsland 2010 single-beam bathymetry tracklines

In September and October of 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted geophysical surveys around Cat Island, Miss. to collect bathymetry, acoustical backscatter, and seismic reflection data (seismic-reflection data have been published separately, Forde and others, 2012). The geophysical data along with sediment vibracore data (yet to be published) will be integrated to analyze and produce a report describing the geomorphology and geologic ...


In September and October of 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted geophysical surveys around Cat Island, Miss. to collect bathymetry, acoustical backscatter, and seismic reflection data (seismic-reflection data have been published separately, Forde and others, 2012). The geophysical data along with sediment vibracore data (yet to be published) will be integrated to analyze and produce a report describing the geomorphology and geologic ...

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in August 2019 from Cedar Island, Virginia

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), covering the nearshore, seaward of Cedar Island, Virginia, from August 14-21, 2019. This dataset, Cedar_, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid. Additionally, the dataset Cedar_Island ...

Coastal Single-beam Bathymetry Data Collected in August 2019 from Cedar Island, Virginia

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS - SPCMSC) in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a single-beam bathymetric survey of Cedar Island, Virginia, August 9-15, 2019. During this study, bathymetry data were collected aboard a towed seismic sled outfitted with a single-beam echosounder.

Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2018 Offshore of Cedar Key, Florida

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) offshore of Cedar Key, Florida (FL) during two legs, November 27-30, and December 10-13, 2018. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid.

Coastal Bathymetry Data Collected in 2016 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana–Interferometric Bathymetry Soundings (XYZ)

The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC), collected single beam and swath bathymetry data from the northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, in June of 2016. This USGS data release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz) and an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM). This USGS data release provides 208-line kilometers (km) of processed interferometric bathymetry (IFB) data collected under Field Activity Number (FAN) 2016-335-FA. This FAN ...

Coastal Bathymetry Data Collected in 2016 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana–Single Beam Bathymetry Soundings (XYZ)

The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC), collected single beam and swath bathymetry data from the northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, in June of 2016. This USGS data release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz) and an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM). This USGS data release provides 229-line kilometers (km) of processed single beam bathymetry (SBB) data collected under Field Activity Number (FAN) 2016-335-FA. This FAN ...

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in August 2017 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) offshore of the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, August 9-12, 2017. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid.

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in August 2018 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) offshore of the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, August 16-21, 2018. This dataset, Chandeleur_, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid.

Coastal Single-beam Bathymetry Data Collected in August 2018 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS - SPCMSC) in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a single-beam bathymetric survey of the northern Chandeleur Islands, August 17-21, 2018. During this study, bathymetry data were collected aboard the research vessel (R/V) Jabba Jaw, a 21-foot (ft) twin hulled vessel outfitted with a single-beam echosounder.

Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in October and December 2017 at Crocker Reef, the Florida Keys

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) at Crocker Reef, the Florida Keys October 10-28, and December 5-8, 2017. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid.

Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in March 2018 at Crocker Reef, the Florida Keys

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) at Crocker Reef, the Florida Keys March 8-15, 2018. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid.

Single-Beam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2015 nearshore Dauphin Island, Alabama, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This metadata file is specific to the International Reference Frame 2000 (ITRF00) xyz point data.

Dauphin Island, Alabama is a barrier island located in the Gulf of Mexico that supports local residence, tourism, commercial infrastructure, and the historical Fort Gaines. During the past decade the island has been impacted by several major hurricanes (Ivan, 2004; Katrina, 2005; Isaac 2012). Storms along with sea level rise, presents a continued threat to island stability. State and federal managers are taking a scientific investigative approach to identify the best options available to formulate and ...

Single-Beam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2015 nearshore Dauphin Island, Alabama, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). These data are in the North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) for horizontal component, and the North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88) with respect to GEOID12A, and Mean Low or Lower Water (MLLW) for the vertical components.

Dauphin Island, Alabama is a barrier island located in the Gulf of Mexico that supports local residence, tourism, commercial infrastructure, and the historical Fort Gaines. During the past decade the island has been impacted by several major hurricanes (Ivan, 2004; Katrina, 2005; Isaac 2012). Storms along with sea level rise, presents a continued threat to island stability. State and federal managers are taking a scientific investigative approach to identify the best options available to formulate and ...

Archive of side scan sonar and bathymetry data collected during USGS cruise 06FSH01 offshore of Siesta Key, Florida, May 2006.

This data set contains swath bathymetric data collected during USGS cruise 06FSH01 aboard the R/V G.K. Gilbert. A side scan sonar, bathymetric, and high-resolution seismic-reflection survey was conducted off Sarasota, FL to describe the relationship between the sediments and morphology of the inner shelf and adjacent shoreface. These data are part of the Florida Shelf Habitat (FLaSH) map project. For more information on the seismic surveys see -fl ...

10cct01_v2rbf_50m.tif: 50-Meter Resolution Grid of Swath Bathymetry Data Collected Offshore of Cat Island, Mississippi in March 2010

In March of 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys east of Cat Island, Mississippi. The efforts were part of the USGS Gulf of Mexico Science Coordination partnership with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to assist the Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program (MsCIP) and the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) Ecosystem Change and Hazards Susceptibility Project by mapping the shallow geological stratigraphic framework of the Mississippi Barrier Island Complex. The data ...

10cct02_sw_v2_50m - 50 meter interpolated bathymetric grid of Petit Bois Pass, Mississippi Barrier Islands, March 2010

In March of 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted geophysical surveys offshore of Petit Bois Island, Mississippi and Dauphin Island, Alabama. These efforts were part of the U.S. Geological Survey Gulf of Mexico Science Coordination partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to assist the Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program (MsCIP) and the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) Ecosystem Change and Hazards Susceptibility Project, by mapping the shallow geologic stratigraphic framework ...

rm10cct03_mb_50m.tif: 50-m interpolated bathymetry grid of the entire survey from USGS Cruise 10cct03

In April of 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a geophysical survey from the east end of West Ship Island, MSiss., extending to the middle of Dauphin Island, Ala. This survey had a dual purpose: (1) to interlink previously conducted nearshore geophysical surveys (shoreline to ~2 kilometers, km) with those of offshore surveys (~2 km to ~9 km) in the ares and (2) to extend the geophysical survey to include a portion of the Dauphin Island nearshore zone. The efforts were part of the USGS Gulf of ...


During the summers of 2008 and 2009 the USGS conducted bathymetric surveys from West Ship Island, Miss., to Dauphin Island, Ala., as part of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) Ecosystem Change and Hazard Susceptibility project. The survey area extended from the shoreline out to approximately 2 kilometers and included the adjacent passes. The bathymetry was primarily used to create a topo-bathymetric map and provide a base-level assessment of the seafloor following the 2005 hurricane season. Additionally, ...


In September and October of 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted geophysical surveys around Cat Island, Miss. to collect bathymetry, acoustical backscatter, and seismic reflection data (seismic-reflection data have been published separately, Forde and others, 2012). The geophysical data along with sediment vibracore data (yet to be published) will be integrated to analyze and produce a report describing the geomorphology and geologic ...

Cat Island Miss. bathymetry collected by the USGS in 2010

In September and October of 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), conducted geophysical surveys around Cat Island, Miss. to collect bathymetry, acoustical backscatter, and seismic reflection data (seismic-reflection data have been published separately, Forde and others, 2012). The geophysical data along with sediment vibracore data (yet to be published) will be integrated to analyze and produce a report describing the geomorphology and geologic ...

a100sc.m77t and a100sc.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity A-1-00-SC in Southern California from Port Hueneme to Mexican Border from 06/05/2000 to 06/29/2000

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise A-1-00-SC. The cruise was conducted from Port Hueneme, California, to the Mexican border from June 5 to June 29, 2000. The chief scientists were Chris Gutmacher, Stephanie Ross, Brian Edwards all from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to identify and map active and potentially active faults, folds, and submarine slide-prone areas ...

a193yb.m77t and a193yb.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity A-1-93-YB in Yakukat Bay, Alaska from 08/21/1993 to 08/27/1993

Single-beam bathymetry data along with GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise A-1-93-YB. The cruise was conducted in Yakukat Bay, Alaska from August 21 to August 27, 1993. The chief scientists were Paul Carlson of the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA and Ellen Cowan of Appalachian State University and Ross Powell of Northern Illinois University. The overall purpose of this study was to characterize seismic facies for interpreting past glacier ...

a194gb.m77t and a194gb.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity A-1-94-GB in Prince William Sound, Yakutat Bay, Glacier Bay and Icy Strait, Alaska from 08/08/1994 to 08/17/1994

Single-beam bathymetry data along with GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise A-1-94-GB. The cruise was conducted in Prince William Sound, Yakutat Bay, Glacier Bay and Icy Strait, Alaska from August 8 to August 17, 1994. The chief scientists were Paul Carlson and Rob Kayen from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA, Ellen Cowan (Appalachian State University), and Ross Powell (Northern Illinois University). The overall purpose of this study was ...

a194yb.m77t and a194yb.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry for field activity A-1-94-YB in Yakutat Bay and Yakutat Sea Valley, Alaska from 08/05/1994 to 08/08/1994

Single-beam bathymetry data along with GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise A-1-94-YB. The cruise was conducted in Yakutat Bay and Yakutat Sea Valley, Alaska from August 5 to August 8, 1994. The chief scientists were Paul Carlson, Rob Kayen from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA and Ellen Cowan (Appalachian State University) and Ross Powell(North Illinois University). The purpose of this cruise was to study Hi-Res seismic facies to ...

a298sc.m77t and a298sc.h77t: MGD77T data and header file for single-beam bathymetry for field activity A-2-98-SC in Santa Monica Bay from 08/23/1998 to 08/31/1998

Single-beam bathymetry data along with GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise A-2-98-SC. The cruise was conducted in Santa Monica Bay from August 23 to August 31, 1998. The chief scientists were Homa Lee and Brian Edwards from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to collect box core, gravity and piston core samples to understand anthropogenic affects on sedimentation. The geophysical source was an ODEC 3.5 ...

c179nc.m77t and c179nc.h77t: MGD77T data and header file for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity C-1-79-NC in Northern California from 05/01/1979 to 05/02/1979

Single-beam bathymetry data along with miniranger navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise C-1-79-NC. The cruise was conducted in Northern California from May 1 to May 2 1979. The chief scientist was John Dingler from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise is unknown. The geophysical source is also unknown. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program ...

d179eg.m77t and d179eg.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity D-1-79-EG in the Eastern Gulf of Alaska from 05/24/1979 to 06/01/1979

Single-beam bathymetry data along with SINS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise D-1-79-EG. The cruise was conducted in the Eastern Gulf of Alaska from May 24 to June 1, 1979. The chief scientists were Bruce Molnia from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA and Mark Wheeler. The purpose of this cruise was to collect sediment samples and cores for a microfossil study. The geophysical source was a 3.5 kilohertz (kHz) bathymetry system. These data ...

f389sc.m77t and f389sc.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity F-3-89-SC in Monterey Bay, California from 02/02/1989 to 02/15/1989

Single-beam bathymetry data along with Loran-C RHO-RHO and GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise F-3-89-SC. The cruise was conducted in Monterey Bay, California from February 2 to February 15, 1989. The chief scientists were Mike Field and Jim Gardner from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise is ground truthing of the Southern Monterey Fan. The geophysical sources are 10 kilohertz (kHz) and 3.5 kHz systems. These ...

f392sc.m77t and f392sc.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity F-3-92-SC in in Southern California from 04/22/1992 to 05/15/1992

Single-beam bathymetry data along with GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise F-3-92-SC. The cruise was conducted in Southern California from April 22 to May 15, 1992. The chief scientists were Herman Karl and Monty Hampton from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The geophysical source was 10 kilohertz (kHz) and 3.5 kHz systems. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program ...

f690sc.m77t and f690sc.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity F-6-90-SC in Southern California, Monterey Canyon from 06/19/1990 to 07/12/1990

Single-beam bathymetry data along with Loran-C RHO-RHO and GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise F-6-90-SC. The cruise was conducted in Southern California, Monterey Canyon from June 19 to July 12, 1990. The chief scientists were Jim Gardner from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA and Doug Masson. The purpose of this cruise was to survey with midrange sidescan sonar (TOBI: towed ocean bottom instrument).The geophysical source was 12 ...

f786hw.m77t and f786hw.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity F-7-86-HW in in Hawaii from 11/28/1986 to 12/20/1986

Single-beam bathymetry data along with GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise F-7-86-HW. The cruise was conducted in Hawaii from November 28 to December 20, 1986. The chief scientists were Jim Hein from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA and Bill Schwab from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Woods Hole, Mass. This cruise had many purposes, the bathymetric data is a survey of a small area of the south Johnston Island ridge. The ...

f790nc.m77t and f790nc.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity F-7-90-NC in the Gulf of Farallones, Northern California from 07/19/1990 to 08/03/1990

Single-beam bathymetry data along with Loran-C RHO-RHO and GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise F-7-90-NC. The cruise was conducted in the Gulf of Farallones, Northern California from July 19 to August 3, 1990. The chief scientists were Herman Karl and Dave Drake from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA and Bill Schwab from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Woods Hole, Mass. The purpose of this cruise was a slope stability survey ...

f890nc.m77t and f890nc.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity F-8-90-NC in Gulf of Farallones, Northern California from 08/05/1990 to 08/17/1990

Single-beam bathymetry data along with Loran-C RHO-RHO and GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise F-8-90-NC. The cruise was conducted in the Gulf of Farallones, Northern California from August 5 to August 17, 1990. The chief scientists were Herman Karl and Dave Drake from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA and Bill Schwab from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Woods Hole, Mass. The purpose of this cruise was a slope stability ...

f991cp.m77t and f991cp.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity F-9-91-CP in Central Pacific from 09/24/1991 to 09/25/1991

Single-beam bathymetry data along with GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise F-9-91-CP. The cruise was conducted in the Central Pacific from September 24 to September 25, 1991. The chief scientists was Jim Gardner from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The geophysical source was a 10 kilohertz (kHz) and 3.5 kHz system. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) ...

g177eg.m77t and g177eg.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity G-1-77-EG in Yakutat Bay, Eastern Gulf of Alaska from 04/27/1977 to 05/22/1977

Single-beam bathymetry data along with dead reckoning navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise G-1-77-EG. The cruise was conducted in Yakutat Bay, Eastern Gulf of Alaska from April 27 to May 22, 1977. The chief scientist was Paul Carlson from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The geophysical source was a 3.5 kilohertz (kHz) system. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program ...

g295sf.m77t and g295sf.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity G-2-95-SF in San Francisco Bay, Golden Gate from 05/30/1995 to 06/10/1995

Single-beam bathymetry data along with GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise G-2-95-SF. The cruise was conducted in San Francisco Bay, Golden Gate area from May 30 to June 10, 1995. The chief scientists were Terry Bruns, Paul Carlson, and Dennis Mann all from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity ...

j100sf.m77t and j100sf.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity J-1-00-SF in Grizzly Bay and Suisun Bay from 03/13/2000 to 03/14/2000

Single-beam bathymetry data along with GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise J-1-00-SF. The cruise was conducted in Grizzly Bay and Suisun Bay in the San Francisco Bay area, California from March 13 to March 14, 2000. The chief scientist was John Chin from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to study San Francisco Bay's response of bed morphology and surficial sediment texture to flow events. These data are ...

j200sf.m77t and j200sf.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity J-2-00-SF in Grizzly Bay, San Pablo Bay from 03/22/2000 to 03/27/2000

Single-beam bathymetry data along with GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise J-2-00-SF. The cruise was conducted in Grizzly Bay and San Pablo Bay in the San Francisco Bay area, California from March 22 to March 27, 2000. The chief scientist was Bruce Jaffe from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was for ground truthing, and to collect box cores and gravity cores. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ...

j281nc.m77t and j281nc.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity J-2-81-NC in Carmel Bay, Monterey Bay, Northern California from 06/23/1981 to 06/30/1981

Single-beam bathymetry data along with miniranger navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise J-2-81-NC. The cruise was conducted in Carmel Bay, Monterey Bay, Northern California from June 23 to June 30, 1981. The chief scientist was John Dingler from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The geophysical source was a 12 kilohertz (kHz) system. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology ...

j295mb.m77t and j295mb.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity J-2-95-MB in Monterey Bay from 03/06/1995 to 04/15/1995

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise J-2-95-MB. The cruise was conducted from in Monterey Bay, California from March 6 to April 15, 1995. The chief scientists were Roberto Anima, Andy Stevenson, and Steve Eittreim all from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to compile a side-scan sonar mosaic of the offshore area of Monterey Bay Marine Santuary. The geophysical source ...

j299sf.m77t and j299sf.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity J-2-99-SF in Grizzly Bay, San Francisco Bay from 02/24/1999 to 03/08/1999

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise J-2-99-SF. The cruise was conducted in Grizzly Bay and San Francisco Bay, California from February 24 to March 8, 1999. The chief scientist was John Chin from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to survey Grizzly Bay and adjacent areas for seasonal changes in bottom morphology and sediment texture. The geophysical source was a 200 ...

j399sf.m77t and j399sf.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity J-3-99-SF in Grizzly Bay, San Francisco Bay from 11/08/1999 to 11/18/1999

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise J-3-99-SF. The cruise was conducted in Grizzly Bay and San Francisco Bay, California from November 8 to November 18, 1999. The chief scientist was John Chin from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to survey Grizzly Bay and adjacent areas for seasonal changes in bottom morphology and sediment texture. The geophysical source was a 200 ...

j483hb.m77t and j483hb.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity J-4-83-HB in Humboldt Bay, California from 08/16/1983 to 08/19/1983

Single-beam bathymetry data along with miniranger navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise J-4-83-HB. The cruise was conducted in Humboldt Bay, California from August 16 to August 19, 1983. The chief scientist was John Dingler from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of the cruise was to conduct a survey of the underwater exterior and related features of both Humboldt Bay jetties and the Crescent City Outer Breakwater. The geophysical ...

j695mb.m77t and j695mb.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity J-6-95-MB in Monterey Bay from 10/16/1995 to 11/30/1995

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise J-6-95-MB. The cruise was conducted from in Monterey Bay, California from October 16 to November 30, 1995. The chief scientists were Roberto Anima, Andy Stevenson, and Steve Eittreim all from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to produce a mosaic of the northern Monterey Bay Santuary continental shelf area from as near shore out to ...

k185ar.m77t and k185ar.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity K-1-85-AR in the Arctic from 09/04/1985 to 09/04/1985

Single-beam bathymetry data along with SINS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise K-1-85-AR. The cruise was conducted in the Arctic on September 4, 1993. The chief scientists were Erk Reimnitz and Peter Barnes from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The overall purpose of this study and the geophysical source are unknown. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) ...

k190gb.m77t and k190gb.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity K-1-90-GB in Glacier Bay, Alaska from 06/14/1990 to 06/24/1990

Single-beam bathymetry data along with SINS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise K-1-90-GB. The cruise was conducted in Glacier Bay, Alaska from June 14 to June 24, 1990. The chief scientist was Paul Carlson from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The overall purpose of this study was to look at glacial discharge streams and morainal banks of tidewater glaciers and imaging of gulleys and chutes on a pro-delta face in Queen Inlet and ice gouges ...

k191yb.m77t and k191yb.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity K-1-91-YB in Yakutat Bay, Alaska from 06/22/1991 to 06/28/1991

Single-beam bathymetry data along with radar and GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise K-1-91-YB. The cruise was conducted in Yakutat Bay, Alaska from June 22 to June 28, 1991. The chief scientists were Paul Carlson from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA, and Ross Powell from Northern Illinois University. The overall purpose of this study is a continuation of previous studies of morainal bank and proximal environments of tidewater glaciers ...

k193hw.m77t and k193hw.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity K-1-93-HW in Oahu, Hawaii from 02/20/1993 to 02/26/1993

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise K-1-93-HW. The cruise was conducted in Oahu, Hawaii from February 20 to February 26, 1993. The chief scientist was Mike Torresan from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to create a detailed bathymetric map of the Mamala Bay seafloor that delimits the general extent of the acoustically-resolvable dredged material deposits. The ...

k194hw.m77t and k194hw.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity K-1-94-HW in Mamala Bay, Offshore Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii from 05/10/1994 to 05/16/1994

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise K-1-94-HW. The cruise was conducted in Oahu, Hawaii from May 10 to May 16, 1994. The chief scientists were Mike Torresan and Monty Hampton from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to create a detailed bathymetric map of the Mamala Bay seafloor that delimits the general extent of the acoustically-resolvable dredged material deposits. ...

k195hw.m77t and k195hw.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity K-1-95-HW in in Hawaii from 06/14/1995 to 06/18/1995

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise K-1-95-HW. The cruise was conducted in Oahu, Hawaii from June 14 to June 18, 1995. The chief scientist was Mike Torresan from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to conduct an integrated study on the distribution and character of dredged materials as well as the effects of dredged material on the marine environment. A three phase ...

k291bg.m77t and k291bg.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity K-2-91-BG in Bering Glacier, Alaska from 07/02/1991 to 07/06/1991

Single-beam bathymetry data along with radar and GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise K-2-91-BG. The cruise was conducted in Bering Glacier, Alaska from July 2 to July 6, 1991. The chief scientists were Paul Carlson from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The overall purpose of this study is to collect bathymetry, sidescan and samples from Icy Bay to Vitus Lake, Alaska. The geophysical source is 7 kilohertz (kHz) and 3.5 kHz systems. These ...

k293hw.m77t and k293hw.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity K-2-93-HW in Kauai, Hawaii from 02/27/1993 to 03/02/1993

Single-beam bathymetry data along with GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise K-2-93-HW. The cruise was conducted in Kauai, Hawaii from February 27 to March 2, 1993. The chief scientist was Monty Hampton from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to create a detailed bathymetric map of the Mamala Bay seafloor that delimits the general extent of the acoustically-resolvable dredged material deposits. The geophysical ...

k294hw.m77t and k294hw.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity K-2-94-HW in Mamala Bay, Offshore Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii from 05/16/1994 to 05/23/1994

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise K-2-94-HW. The cruise was conducted in Mamala Bay, Offshore Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii from May 16 to May 23, 1994. The chief scientists were Mike Torresan and Monty Hampton from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to sample and groundtruth the 1993 Acoustic data of the seafloor of Mamala Bay over the US Corps of Engineers Deep Ocean ...

l486nc.m77t and l486nc.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity L-4-86-NC in Northern California from 08/21/1986 to 09/05/1986

Single-beam bathymetry data along with Loran-C RHO-RHO and GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise L-4-86-NC. The cruise was conducted in Northern California from August 21 to September 5, 1986. The chief scientists were Dave Cacchione and Dave Drake from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise is unknown. The geophysical sources were 12 kilohertz (kHz) and 3.5 kHz systems. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ...

m197wo.m77t and m197wo.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity M-1-97-WO in Southwest Washington Inner Shelf from 07/07/1997 to 07/15/1997

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS and GPS navigation data were collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise M-1-97-WO. The cruise was conducted in Southwest Washington Inner Shelf from July 7 to July 15, 1997. The chief scientists were Pat McCrory and Dave Twitchell from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to collect geophysical data to aid in characterizing seismic hazard of nearshore faults & coastal erosion hazards. The ...

o100sc.m77t and o100sc.h77t: MGD77T data and header file for single-beam bathymetry for field activity O-1-00-SC in San Pedro Bay, Santa Monica, California from 04/09/2000 to 04/14/2000

Single-beam bathymetry data along with GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise O-1-00-SC. The cruise was conducted in San Pedro Bay, Santa Monica, California from April 9 to April 14, 2000. The chief scientists were Brian Edwards and Homa Lee from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to study pollution transport and accumulation in Santa Monica Bay. The geophysical source is unknown. These data are reformatted ...

o199sc.m77t and o199sc.h77t: MGD77T data and header file for single-beam bathymetry for field activity O-1-99-SC in Southern California from 06/05/1999 to 06/17/1999

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise O-1-99-SC. The cruise was conducted in Southern California from June 5 to June 17, 1999. The chief scientist was Bill Normark from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The purpose of this cruise was to study pollution transport and accumulation in Santa Monica Bay. The geophysical source was an ODEC 12 kilohertz (kHz) echosounder. These data are reformatted from ...

o399mb.m77t and o399mb.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity O-3-99-MB in Point Sur, Monterey Canyon, California from 06/25/1999 to 06/29/1999

Single-beam bathymetry data along with GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise O-3-99-MB. The cruise was conducted in Point Sur, Monterey Canyon, California from June 25 to June 29, 1999. The chief scientists were Homa Lee from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA and Charlie Paull from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. The overall purpose of this study was to provide samples to use in collaborative studies of sedimentology and ...

p192mb.m77t and p192mb.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity P-1-92-MB in Monterey Bay from 03/20/1992 to 03/22/1992

Single-beam bathymetry data along with SINS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise P-1-92-MB. The cruise was conducted in Monterey Bay from March 20 to March 22, 1992. The chief scientist was Gary Greene from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The overall purpose of this study and the geophysical source are unknown. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank ...

p192sc.m77t and p192sc.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity P-1-92-SC in Santa Monica Basin, Southern California from 01/30/1992 to 02/04/1992

Single-beam bathymetry data along with Loran-C and GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise P-1-92-SC. The cruise was conducted in Santa Monica Basin, Southern California from January 30 to February 4, 1992. The chief scientist was Bill Normark from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA and Dave Piper from the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC). The purpose of this cruise was to define the growth pattern of Navy Fan (offshore from San Diego in the ...

p194ar.m77t and p194ar.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity P-1-94-AR in Arctic Ocean from 07/25/1994 to 08/30/1994

Single-beam bathymetry data along with SINS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise P-1-94-AR. The cruise was conducted in Monterey Bay from July 25 to August 30, 1994. The chief scientist was Art Grantz from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The overall purpose of this study was to study climatic history of the western Arctic Ocean basin. The geophysical source is unknown. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located ...

s196wo.m77t and s196wo.h77t: MGD77T data and header file for single-beam bathymetry for field activity S-1-96-WO in Cascadia, Washington from 04/14/1996 to 06/06/1996

Single-beam bathymetry data along with GPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise S-1-96-WO. The cruise was conducted in Cascadia, Washington from April 14 to June 6, 1996. The chief scientists were Mike Fisher from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA and Ernest Flueh from GEOMAR in Germany. The purpose of this cruise was for seismic studies of earthquake hazards posed by the subduction zone off Washington and Oregon. These data are reformatted ...

s378sc.m77t and s378sc.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity S-3-78-SC in Southern California from 05/24/1978 to 06/01/1978

Single-beam bathymetry data along with radar and Loran-C navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise G-1-77-EG. The cruise was conducted in Southern California from May 24 to June 1, 1978. The chief scientists were Bill Normark and Gordon Hess from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The geophysical source was a 12 kilohertz (kHz) and 3.5 kHz system. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine ...

t198gb.m77t and t198gb.h77t: MGD77T data and header files for single-beam bathymetry data for field activity T-1-98-GB in Glacier Bay, Alaska from 08/21/1998 to 09/01/1998

Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey cruise T-1-98-GB. The cruise was conducted in Glacier Bay, Alaska from August 21 to September 1, 1998. The chief scientists were Paul Carlson, Guy Cochrane, and Philip Hooge all from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology office in Menlo Park, CA. The overall purpose of this study was to add the geophysical surveying done in this and previous studies with existing population and sonic-tracking data ...

Coastal Bathymetry Data Collected in June 2018 from Fire Island, New York: Wilderness Breach and Shoreface

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a bathymetric survey of Fire Island, New York, June 2?17, 2018. The U.S. Geological Survey is involved in a post-Hurricane Sandy effort to map and monitor the morphologic evolution of the wilderness breach and the adjacent shoreface environment. During this study, bathymetry data were collected aboard two personal watercraft (PWC) outfitted with single-beam echosounders, as well ...

Single-Beam Bathymetry Data 10-meter DEM Collected in 2015 from Grand Bay, Alabama/Mississippi

As part of the Sea level and Storm Impacts on Estuarine Environments and Shorelines project (SSIEES), scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a single-beam bathymetry survey within the estuarine, open bay and tidal creek environments of Grand Bay Alabama/Mississippi, in May-June 2015. The goal of the SSIEES project is to assess the physical controls of sediment and material exchange between wetlands and estuarine environments along the ...

Single-Beam Bathymetry Data 30-meter DEM Collected in 2015 from Grand Bay, Alabama/Mississippi

As part of the Sea level and Storm Impacts on Estuarine Environments and Shorelines project (SSIEES), scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a single-beam bathymetry survey within the estuarine, open bay and tidal creek environments of Grand Bay Alabama/Mississippi, in May-June 2015. The goal of the SSIEES project is to assess the physical controls of sediment and material exchange between wetlands and estuarine environments along the ...

Shapefile of the Single-beam Bathymetry Tracklines Surveyed in May-June, 2015 from Grand Bay Alabama/Mississippi

As part of the Sea level and Storm Impacts on Estuarine Environments and Shorelines project (SSIEES), scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a single-beam bathymetry survey within the estuarine, open bay and tidal creek environments of Grand Bay Alabama/Mississippi, in May-June 2015. The goal of the SSIEES project is to assess the physical controls of sediment and material exchange between wetlands and estuarine environments along the ...

Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2016 from Grand Bay Alabama/Mississippi: Trackline navigation

A reconnaissance multibeam bathymetry survey was conducted by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) in Grand Bay Alabama/Mississippi on May 12, 2016 as an assessment of the shallow water capabilities of the Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounder, and as an attempt to map the eroding marsh edges at locations of interest around the bay. This dataset,, includes the trackline vector file derived from the ...

Single-Beam Bathymetry Data Collected in March 2021 from Grand Bay and Point Aux Chenes Bay, Mississippi/Alabama

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a bathymetric survey of Point Aux Chenes Bay and a small portion of Grand Bay, Mississippi/Alabama, from March 3-6, 2021. Efforts were supported by the Estuarine and MaRsh Geology project (EMRG), and the data described will provide baseline bathymetric information for future research investigating wetland/marsh evolution, sediment transport, and recent and long-term ...

Lake Okeechobee Bathymetry data

The data from the bathymetric mapping of Lake Okeechobee are provided in two forms: as raw data files and as elevation contour maps

Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in December 2017, February and March 2018 at Looe Key, the Florida Keys

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) at Looe Key, the Florida Keys, during three separate survey legs: December 14-16, 2017, February 2-9, 2018 and March 9-11, 2018. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric ...

Modeled and Observed Weekly Mean Wave Height for Validation of a Wave Exposure Model of Grand Bay, Mississippi

Coastal marshes are highly dynamic and ecologically important ecosystems that are subject to pervasive and often harmful disturbances, including shoreline erosion. Shoreline erosion can result in an overall loss of coastal marsh, particularly in estuaries with moderate- or high-wave energy. Not only can waves be important physical drivers of shoreline change, they can also influence shore-proximal vertical accretion through sediment delivery. For these reason, estimates of wave energy can provide a ...

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collected in October 2019 from Rockaway Peninsula, New York: Leg 1

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) covering the nearshore, seaward side of Rockaway Peninsula, New York (NY), from October 4-6, 2019. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid from the first leg of the ...

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collected in October 2019 from Rockaway Peninsula, New York: Leg 2

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) covering the nearshore, seaward side of Rockaway Peninsula, New York (NY), from October 24-29, 2019. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid from the second leg of ...

Coastal Single-beam Bathymetry Data Collected in September and October 2019 from Rockaway Peninsula, New York

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS - SPCMSC) in St. Petersburg, Florida, conducted a single-beam bathymetric survey of Rockaway Peninsula, New York September 27 - October 6, 2019. During this study, bathymetry data were collected aboard two personal watercraft (PWC) outfitted with single-beam echosounders, as well as a towed seismic sled with similar instrumentation.

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data Collected in June 2021 from Rockaway Peninsula, New York

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) covering the nearshore, seaward side of Rockaway Peninsula, New York (NY), June 18-25, 2021. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (x,y,z), as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid and the dataset Rockaway_2021_MBES ...

Weekly Wind Speed and Frequency for a Wave Exposure Model of Grand Bay, Mississippi

Coastal marshes are highly dynamic and ecologically important ecosystems that are subject to pervasive and often harmful disturbances, including shoreline erosion. Shoreline erosion can result in an overall loss of coastal marsh, particularly in estuaries with moderate- or high-wave energy. Not only can waves be important physical drivers of shoreline change, they can also influence shore-proximal vertical accretion through sediment delivery. For these reason, estimates of wave energy can provide a ...

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2019 off of Santa Rosa Island, Florida

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) offshore of Santa Rosa Island, Florida (FL), June 15-29, 2019. This dataset,, includes the processed elevation point data (XYZ) as derived from a 1-meter (m) bathymetric grid.

Santa_Rosa_Island_2021_SBES_xyz: Single-Beam Bathymetry Data Collected During USGS Field Activity Number 2021-322-FA Offshore of Santa Rosa Island, Florida

From June 2 through 9, 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted geophysical surveys to investigate the geologic controls on barrier island evolution and determine Holocene stratigraphy near Santa Rosa Island, Florida (FL). is a xyz point file dataset of field activity number (FAN) 2021-322-FA single-beam bathymetry (SBB) data collected concurrently with subbottom data to provide a current seafloor ...

Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2018 Offshore of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey

An Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS) using two Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P multibeam echosounders, in dual-head configuration, was conducted by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) offshore of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey, September 6-8, 2018 and September 21-23, 2018. This dataset, presented as and, includes the processed elevation point data ...

Coastal Bathymetry Data Collected in 2016 nearshore from West Ship Island to Horn Island, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

The United States Geological Survey Saint Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC), in cooperation with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) conducted bathymetric surveys of the nearshore waters surrounding Ship and Horn Islands, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi (GUIS). Camille Cut separates Ship Island into East Ship Island and West Ship Island. The objective of this study was to establish base-level elevation conditions around West Ship Island, East Ship Island, ...

Contoured Bathymetry for Lake Maurepas, Louisiana (MAURCONT)

This is the contoured bathymetry for Lake Maurepas created for USGS Professional Paper 1634 by Laura Hayes using Vertical Mapper.

Contoured Bathymetry for Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana (PONTCONT)

This is the contoured bathymetry for Lake Pontchartrain created for USGS Professional Paper 1634 by Laura Hayes using Vertical Mapper.

5-m interval contours of smoothed multibeam bathymetry in western Massachusetts Bay map Quadrangles 1-3 (WMB_5MCTR.SHP)

The U.S. Geological Survey has conducted geologic mapping to characterize the sea floor offshore of Massachusetts. The mapping was carried out using a Simrad Subsea EM 1000 Multibeam Echo Sounder on the Frederick G. Creed on four cruises conducted between 1994 and 1998. The mapping was conducted in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and with support from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the University of New Brunswick. The long-term goal of this mapping ...

5-meter interferometric bathymetry data collected in 2015 by the U.S. Geological Survey along the Delmarva Peninsula, MD and VA (32-bit GeoTIFF, UTM Zone 18N, WGS 84)

The Delmarva Peninsula is a 220-kilometer-long headland, spit, and barrier island complex that was significantly affected by Hurricane Sandy in the fall of 2012. The U.S. Geological Survey conducted cruises during the summers of 2014 and 2015 to map the inner continental shelf of the Delmarva Peninsula using geophysical and sampling techniques to define the geologic framework that governs coastal system evolution at storm-event and longer timescales. Geophysical data collected during the cruises include ...

New York Bight and Gulf of Maine bathymetric contours (NY_GOME_CONTOURS)

This bathymetric shapefile contains 10 m contours for the continental shelf and 100 m beyond the 200 m shelf edge. The contours have been derived from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), Coastal Relief Models volume 1 and 2.

Composite sidescan sonar mosaic in UTM zone 18 projection of NOAA survey H11043 off Branford, Connecticut (H11043_UTM18_WGS84.TIF)

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, has produced detailed geologic maps of the sea floor in Long Island Sound, a major East Coast estuary surrounded by the most densely populated region of the United States. These studies have built upon cooperative research with the State of Connecticut that was initiated in 1982. The current phase of this research program is directed toward studies ...

1 m digital bathymetric contours from NOAA charts as organized for the Long Island Sound Study Geographic Information System (LISSGIS) library (LISBATHY.SHP)

The Long Island Sound Study (LISS) compiled data from a number of different sources, integrated new data, and assembled a comprehensive spatial database for areas of the States of Connecticut, New York, and portions of Rhode Island which border Long Island Sound.

10 meter bathymetric contours of the Gulf of the Farallones region (10mCONTOUR)

In 1989, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began a major geologic and oceanographic investigation of the Gulf of the Farallones continental shelf system, designed to evaluate and monitor human impacts on the marine environment (Karl and others, 2002). The study region is located off the central California coast, adjacent to San Francisco Bay and encompasses the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. Geologic mapping of this area included the use of various remote sensing and sampling techniques ...

500 meter bathymetric contours of the Gulf of the Farallones region (500mCONTOUR)

In 1989, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began a major geologic and oceanographic investigation of the Gulf of the Farallones continental shelf system, designed to evaluate and monitor human impacts on the marine environment (Karl and others, 2002). The study region is located off the central California coast, adjacent to San Francisco Bay and encompasses the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. Geologic mapping of this area included the use of various remote sensing and sampling techniques ...

ASCII formatted file of the 4-m bathymetry from the northern half of USGS survey 98015 of the Sea Floor off Eastern Cape Cod (CAPENORTH_GEO4M_XYZ.TXT, Geographic, NAD83)

This data set includes bathymetry of the sea floor offshore of eastern Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The data were collected with a multibeam sea floor mapping system during USGS survey 98015, conducted November 9 - 25, 1998. The surveys were conducted using a Simrad EM 1000 multibeam echosounder mounted aboard the Canadian Coast Guard vessel Frederick G. Creed. This multibeam system utilizes 60 electronically aimed receive beams spaced at intervals of 2.5 degrees that insonify a strip of sea floor up to 7.5 ...

ASCII formatted file of the 4-m bathymetry from the southern half of USGS Survey 98015 of the Sea Floor off Eastern Cape Cod (CAPESOUTH_GEO4M_XYZ.TXT, Geographic, NAD83)

This data set includes bathymetry of the sea floor offshore of eastern Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The data were collected with a multibeam sea floor mapping system during USGS survey 98015, conducted November 9 - 25, 1998. The surveys were conducted using a Simrad EM 1000 multibeam echosounder mounted aboard the Canadian Coast Guard vessel Frederick G. Creed. This multibeam system utilizes 60 electronically aimed receive beams spaced at intervals of 2.5 degrees that insonify a strip of sea floor up to 7.5 ...

1995 National Assessment of Oil and Gas Resources of the United States: Bathymetry (ATMX_BAT.SHP)

This GIS overlay is a component of the U.S Geological Survey, Woods Hole Science Center's, Gulf of Mexico GIS database. The Gulf of Mexico GIS database is intended to organize and display USGS held data and provide on-line (WWW) access to the data and/or metadata related to hydrate studies in this region.

Interpolated 3-m bathymetric grid of NOAA survey H11043 off Branford, Connecticut (H11043_BATHY3)

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, has produced detailed geologic maps of the sea floor in Long Island Sound, a major East Coast estuary surrounded by the most densely populated region of the United States. These studies have built upon cooperative research with the State of Connecticut that was initiated in 1982. The current phase of this research program is directed toward studies ...

Interpolated 5-m bathymetric grid of NOAA survey H11044 off Milford, Connecticut (H11044_BATHY5)

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, has produced detailed geologic maps of the sea floor in Long Island Sound, a major East Coast estuary surrounded by the most densely populated region of the United States. These studies have built upon cooperative research with the State of Connecticut that was initiated in 1982. The current phase of this research program is directed toward studies ...

Interpolated 5-m bathymetric grid of NOAA survey H11045 off Bridgeport, Connecticut (H11045_BATHY5)

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, has produced detailed geologic maps of the sea floor in Long Island Sound, a major East Coast estuary surrounded by the most densely populated region of the United States. These studies have built upon cooperative research with the State of Connecticut that was initiated in 1982. The current phase of this research program is directed toward studies ...

Bathymetry within the inner shelf of Long Bay, South Carolina collected by the USGS, 1999-2003 (BATHY, Grid)

In 1999, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in partnership with the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium, began a study to investigate processes affecting shoreline change along the northern coast of South Carolina, focusing on the Grand Strand region. Previous work along the U.S. Atlantic coast shows that the structure and composition of older geologic strata located seaward of the coast heavily influences the coastal behavior of areas with limited sediment supply, such as the Grand Strand. By defining this ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of NOAA Survey H11255 in Long Island Sound (BATHY2M_UTM18, UTM Zone 18)

Digital terrain models (DTMs) produced from multibeam bathymetric data provide valuable base maps for marine geological interpretations. These maps help define the geological variability of the seafloor (one of the primary controls of benthic habitat diversity); improve our understanding of the processes that control the distribution and transport of bottom sediments, and the distribution of benthic habitats and associated infaunal community structures; and provide a detailed framework for future research, ...

2-m Bathymetry from the NOAA Survey H11255 of the Sea Floor in Southeastern Long Island Sound (H11255_2MUTM18_XYZ.TXT, UTM Zone 18)

Digital terrain models (DTMs) produced from multibeam bathymetric data provide valuable base maps for marine geological interpretations. These maps help define the geological variability of the seafloor (one of the primary controls of benthic habitat diversity); improve our understanding of the processes that control the distribution and transport of bottom sediments, and the distribution of benthic habitats and associated infaunal community structures; and provide a detailed framework for future research, ...

ASCII text file of the Original 1-m Gridded Bathymetry from NOAA Survey H11310 in Central Narragansett Bay (H11310_1M_UTM19NAD83.TXT)

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is working cooperatively with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) to interpret the surficial geology in estuaries along the coast of the northeastern United States. The purpose of our present study is to interpret the distributions of surficial sediments and sedimentary environments in an area of Narragansett Bay using sidescan sonar imagery, high-resolution bathymetry, and sediment data. The bathymetry presented herein covers an area of the sea ...

1-m Bathymetric ArcRaster Grid of NOAA Survey H11310 in Central Narragansett Bay (H11310_UTM19, UTM Zone 19)

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is working cooperatively with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) to interpret the surficial geology in estuaries along the coast of the northeastern United States. The purpose of our present study is to interpret the distributions of surficial sediments and sedimentary environments in an area of Narragansett Bay using sidescan sonar imagery, high-resolution bathymetry, and sediment data. The mosaic and bathymetry presented herein covers an area ...

Fledermaus Scene combining three 150-meter bathymetry grids from U.S. Geological Survey cruises 02051, 03008 and 03032 surveyed in 2002 and 2003 in the region of the Puerto Rico Trench

In 2002 and 2003, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), conducted three exploration cruises (USGS Cruise 02051, NOAA RB0208, September 24 to 30, 2002; USGS Cruise 03008, NOAA RB0303, February 18 to March 7, 2003 and USGS Cruise 03032, NOAA RB0305, August 28 to September 4, 2003). These cruises mapped for the first time the morphology of this entire tectonic plate boundary ...

150-meter bathymetry grid acquired in September 2002 aboard the Ronald H. Brown on U.S. Geological Survey Cruise 2002-051-FA from the Puerto Rico Trench region (RB2002, Esri binary and ASCII grid, UTM zone 19, WGS84)

In 2002 and 2003, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), conducted three exploration cruises (USGS Cruise 02051, NOAA RB0208, September 24 to 30, 2002; USGS Cruise 03008, NOAA RB0303, February 18 to March 7, 2003 and USGS Cruise 03032, NOAA RB0305, August 28 to September 4, 2003). These cruises mapped for the first time the morphology of this entire tectonic plate boundary ...

150-meter Fledermaus bathymetry grid from U.S. Geological Survey Cruise 02051, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration RB0208, September 24 to 30, 2002 aboard the Ronald H. Brown in the Puerto Rico Trench region (

In 2002 and 2003, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), conducted three exploration cruises (USGS Cruise 02051, NOAA RB0208, September 24 to 30, 2002; USGS Cruise 03008, NOAA RB0303, February 18 to March 7, 2003 and USGS Cruise 03032, NOAA RB0305, August 28 to September 4, 2003). These cruises mapped for the first time the morphology of this entire tectonic plate boundary ...

150-meter bathymetry grid acquired in August and September 2003 aboard the Ronald H. Brown on U.S. Geological Survey Cruise 2003-032-FA from the Puerto Rico Trench region (RB2003august, Esri binary and ASCII grid, UTM zone 19, WGS84)

In 2002 and 2003, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), conducted three exploration cruises (USGS Cruise 02051, NOAA RB0208, September 24 to 30, 2002; USGS Cruise 03008, NOAA RB0303, February 18 to March 7, 2003 and USGS Cruise 03032, NOAA RB0305, August 28 to September 4, 2003). These cruises mapped for the first time the morphology of this entire tectonic plate boundary ...

150-meter Fledermaus bathymetry grid from U.S. Geological Survey Cruise 03032, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration RB0305, 28 August to 4 September 2003 (

In 2002 and 2003, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), conducted three exploration cruises (USGS Cruise 02051, NOAA RB0208, September 24 to 30, 2002; USGS Cruise 03008, NOAA RB0303, February 18 to March 7, 2003 and USGS Cruise 03032, NOAA RB0305, August 28 to September 4, 2003). These cruises mapped for the first time the morphology of this entire tectonic plate boundary ...

150-meter bathymetry grid acquired in February and March of 2003 aboard the Ronald H. Brown on U.S. Geological Survey Cruise 2003-008-FA from the Puerto Rico Trench region (RB2003, Esri binary and ASCII grid, UTM zone 19, WGS84)

In 2002 and 2003, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), conducted three exploration cruises (USGS Cruise 02051, NOAA RB0208, September 24 to 30, 2002; USGS Cruise 03008, NOAA RB0303, February 18 to March 7, 2003 and USGS Cruise 03032, NOAA RB0305, August 28 to September 4, 2003). These cruises mapped for the first time the morphology of this entire tectonic plate boundary ...

150-meter Fledermaus bathymetry grid from U.S. Geological Survey Cruise 03008, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration RB0303, February 18 to March 7, 2003 aboard the Ronald H. Brown in the Puerto Rico Trench region (

In 2002 and 2003, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), conducted three exploration cruises (USGS Cruise 02051, NOAA RB0208, September 24 to 30, 2002; USGS Cruise 03008, NOAA RB0303, February 18 to March 7, 2003 and USGS Cruise 03032, NOAA RB0305, August 28 to September 4, 2003). These cruises mapped for the first time the morphology of this entire tectonic plate boundary ...

1-m Bathymetric ArcRaster Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11076 of Quicks Hole, Massachusetts (H11076_UTM_B, UTM Zone 19)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provide a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of the Massachusetts coastline, show the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provide information on sediment ...

2-m Bathymetric ArcRaster Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11250 of Eastern Long Island Sound (H11250U, UTM, Zone 18)

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, has produced detailed geologic maps of the sea floor in Long Island Sound, a major East Coast estuary surrounded by the most densely populated region of the United States. These studies have built upon cooperative research with the State of Connecticut that was initiated in 1982. The current phase of this research program is directed toward studies ...

Image showing bathymetry data for the coastal region of Rincon, Puerto Rico (rincon_lidar.tif)

These data were collected by the SHOALS (Scanning Hydrographic Operational Airborne Lidar Survey) system which consists of an airborne laser transmitter/receiver capable of measuring 400 soundings per second. The system operates from a deHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter flying at altitudes between 200 and 400 meters with a ground speed of about 100 knots. The SHOALS system also includes a ground-based data processing system for calculating acurate horizontal position and water depth. Lidar is an acronym for ...

3-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11079 of Great Round Shoal Channel, Offshore Massachusetts (H11079_UTM_B, UTM Zone 19)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provide a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of the Massachusetts coastline, show the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provide information on sediment ...

ASCII Text File of the Original 1-m Bathymetry from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11320 in Rhode Island Sound (H11320_1M_UTM19NAD83.TXT)

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is working cooperatively with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to interpret the surficial geology in estuaries along the coast of the northeastern United States. The purpose of our present study is to define the sea floor morphology and sedimentary environments in an area of Rhode Island Sound using sidescan sonar imagery, multibeam bathymetry, and seismic records. The mosaic, bathymetry, and their interpretations serve many purposes, ...

4-m Bathymetric ArcRaster Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11320 in UTM Zone 19 (H11320_UTM_4M)

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is working cooperatively with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to interpret the surficial geology in estuaries along the coast of the northeastern United States. The purpose of our present study is to define the sea floor morphology and sedimentary environments in an area of Rhode Island Sound using sidescan sonar imagery, multibeam bathymetry, and seismic records. The mosaic, bathymetry, and their interpretations serve many purposes, ...

Composite 2-m Bathymetric ArcRaster Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Surveys H11252 and H11361 from Eastern Long Island Sound (COMP2M_UTM, UTM Zone 18)

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, has produced detailed geologic maps of the sea floor in Long Island Sound, a major East Coast estuary surrounded by the most densely populated region of the United States. These studies have built upon cooperative research with the State of Connecticut that was initiated in 1982. The current phase of this research program is directed toward studies ...

2-m Bathymetric ArcRaster Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11252 from Eastern Long Island Sound (H11252U_2M, UTM Zone 18)

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, has produced detailed geologic maps of the sea floor in Long Island Sound, a major East Coast estuary surrounded by the most densely populated region of the United States. These studies have built upon cooperative research with the State of Connecticut that was initiated in 1982. The current phase of this research program is directed toward studies ...

2-m ASCII Bathymetric Grid from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11361 of the Sea Floor in Eastern Long Island Sound (H11361_2MUTM18_XYZ.TXT, UTM Zone18)

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, has produced detailed geologic maps of the sea floor in Long Island Sound, a major East Coast estuary surrounded by the most densely populated region of the United States. These studies have built upon cooperative research with the State of Connecticut that was initiated in 1982. The current phase of this research program is directed toward studies ...

2-m Bathymetric ArcRaster Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11361 from Eastern Long Island Sound (H11361U_2M, UTM Zone 18)

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, has produced detailed geologic maps of the sea floor in Long Island Sound, a major East Coast estuary surrounded by the most densely populated region of the United States. These studies have built upon cooperative research with the State of Connecticut that was initiated in 1982. The current phase of this research program is directed toward studies ...

Composite 2-m ASCII Bathymetric grid from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Surveys H11252 and h11361 of the Sea Floor in Eastern Long Island Sound (SMR_COMP_2MUTM_XYZ.TXT, UTM Zone18)

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, has produced detailed geologic maps of the sea floor in Long Island Sound, a major East Coast estuary surrounded by the most densely populated region of the United States. These studies have built upon cooperative research with the State of Connecticut that was initiated in 1982. The current phase of this research program is directed toward studies ...

ASCII Text File of the Original 1-m Bathymetry from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11321 in Central Rhode Island Sound (H11321_1M_UTM19NAD83.TXT)

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is working cooperatively with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to interpret the surficial geology in estuaries along the coast of the northeastern United States. The purpose of our present study is to define the sea floor morphology and sedimentary environments in an area of central Rhode Island Sound using sidescan-sonar imagery, bathymetry data, and seismic records. The mosaic, bathymetry, and their interpretations serve many purposes, ...

45-m Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11321 in Central Rhode Island Sound (H11321_GEO45M, Geographic)

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is working cooperatively with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to interpret the surficial geology in estuaries along the coast of the northeastern United States. The purpose of our present study is to define the sea floor morphology and sedimentary environments in an area of central Rhode Island Sound using sidescan-sonar imagery, multibeam bathymetry and seismic records. The mosaic, bathymetry, and their interpretations serve many ...

45-m ArcRaster Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11321 in Central Rhode Island Sound (H11321_UTM45M, UTM Zone 19)

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is working cooperatively with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to interpret the surficial geology in estuaries along the coast of the northeastern United States. The purpose of our present study is to define the sea floor morphology and sedimentary environments in an area of central Rhode Island Sound using sidescan-sonar imagery, bathymetry data, and seismic records. The mosaic, bathymetry, and their interpretations serve many purposes, ...

0.5-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11077 in the Vicinity of Woods Hole, Massachusetts (H11077_05GEO, Geographic)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of the Massachusetts coastline, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment ...

0.5-m Bathymetry from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11077 of the Sea Floor in the Vicinity of Woods Hole, Massachusetts (H11077_0.5MUTM19_XYZ.TXT, UTM Zone 19)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of the Massachusetts coastline, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment ...

0.5-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11077 in the Vicinity of Woods Hole, Massachusetts (H11077_05UTM, UTM Zone 19)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of the Massachusetts coastline, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment ...

1.5-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11077 in the Vicinity of Woods Hole, Massachusetts (H11077_1-5GEO, Geographic)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of the Massachusetts coastline, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment ...

1.5-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11077 in the Vicinity of Woods Hole, Massachusetts (H11077_1-5UTM, UTM Zone 19)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of the Massachusetts coastline, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment ...

10-m Interpolated Bathymetric Grid of the Northern Part of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11044 off Milford, Connecticut (H11044N_10UTM, UTM Zone 18, WGS84)

During 2001 the NOAA Ship RUDE completed charting survey H11044 that covered a roughly 293 km2 area of the sea floor in north-central Long Island Sound, off Milford Connecticut. Although 100 percent coverage was achieved with sidescan sonar for charting purposes, only reconnaissance (spaced line) bathymetry was acquired with shallow-water multibeam and single-beam systems. Therefore, further processing was conducted at the USGS's Woods Hole Science Center to provide bathymetric datasets with more continuous ...

ASCII Text File of the Original 1-m Bathymetry (Partial Coverage) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11322 in Western Rhode Island Sound (H11322_1M_UTM19NAD83.TXT)

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is working cooperatively with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to interpret the surficial geology in estuaries along the coast of the northeastern United States. The purpose of our present study is to define the sea floor morphology and sedimentary environments in an area of western Rhode Island Sound using sidescan-sonar imagery and bathymetry data collected aboard the NOAA Ship RUDE, as well as historic seismic records. The mosaic, ...

45-m ArcRaster Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11322 in Western Rhode Island Sound (H11322_UTM45M, UTM19)

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is working cooperatively with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to interpret the surficial geology in estuaries along the coast of the northeastern United States. The purpose of our present study is to define the sea floor morphology and sedimentary environments in an area of western Rhode Island Sound using sidescan-sonar imagery and bathymetry data collected aboard the NOAA Ship RUDE, as well as historic seismic records. The mosaic, ...

25-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11346 in the Vicinity of Edgartown Harbor, Massachusetts (H11346_GEO25, Geographic, WGS84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of the Massachusetts coastline, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment ...

25-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11346 in the Vicinity of Edgartown Harbor, Massachusetts (H11346_UTM25, UTM Zone 19, WGS84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of the Massachusetts coastline, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11445 in Long Island Sound, North of Plum Island, New York (H11445_2M_GEO, Geographic, WGS84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Long Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11445 in Long Island Sound, North of Plum Island, New York (H11445_2M_UTM, UTM Zone 18, NAD83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Long Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11251 Offshore of Rocky Point, New York (H11251_2M_GEO, Geographic, WGS84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry and sidescan-sonar imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities in Long Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During October 2008 NOAA ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11251 Offshore of Rocky Point, New York (H11251_2M_UTM, UTM Zone 18, NAD83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry and sidescan-sonar imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities in Long Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During October 2008 NOAA ...

Esri Binary floating point GRID containing bathymetry from interferometric sonar data collected by the USGS within Red Brook Harbor, MA, 2009 (rb_bathy_1m, 1-meter cell size)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine resources, and ...

Esri Binary floating point GRID containing bathymetry from interferometric sonar data collected by the USGS within Red Brook Harbor, MA, 2009 (rb_bathy_5m, 5-meter cell size)

These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine resources, and ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11446 in Long Island Sound, North of Orient Point, New York (H11446_2M_GEO, Geographic, WGS84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Long Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11446 in Long Island Sound, North of Orient Point, New York (H11446_2M_UTM, UTM Zone 18, NAD83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Long Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11997 Offshore in Eastern Long Island Sound (H11997_2M_GEO, Geographic, WGS84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry and sidescan-sonar imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities in Long Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During October 2008 NOAA ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11997 Offshore in Eastern Long Island Sound (H11997_2M_UTM, UTM Zone 18, NAD83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry and sidescan-sonar imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities in Long Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During October 2008 NOAA ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11922 in Rhode Island Sound West of Gay Head, Massachusetts (H11922_2M_GEO, Geographic, WGS84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities off southern New England, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During July-August 2008 NOAA completed hydrographic ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11922 in Rhode Island Sound West of Gay Head, Massachusetts (H11922_2M_UTM, UTM Zone 19, NAD83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities off southern New England, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During July-August 2008 NOAA completed hydrographic ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11996 in Rhode Island Sound (H11996_2M_GEO, Geographic, WGS84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Rhode Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. Interpretations were derived from the ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11996 in Rhode Island Sound (H11996_2M_UTM, UTM Zone 19, NAD83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Rhode Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. Interpretations were derived from the ...

10 meter ESRI binary grid of nearshore bathymetry data collected at Duck, NC (vims_2002, UTM Zone 18N, WGS 84)

The northeastern North Carolina coastal system, from False Cape, Virginia, to Cape Lookout, North Carolina, has been studied by a cooperative research program that mapped the Quaternary geologic framework of the estuaries, barrier islands, and inner continental shelf. This information provides a basis to understand the linkage between geologic framework, physical processes, and coastal evolution at time scales from storm events to millennia. The study area attracts significant tourism to its parks and ...

4 meter ESRI binary grid of nearshore bathymetry data collected south of Oregon Inlet (vims_2005, UTM Zone18N, WGS 84)

The northeastern North Carolina coastal system, from False Cape, Virginia, to Cape Lookout, North Carolina, has been studied by a cooperative research program that mapped the Quaternary geologic framework of the estuaries, barrier islands, and inner continental shelf. This information provides a basis to understand the linkage between geologic framework, physical processes, and coastal evolution at time scales from storm events to millennia. The study area attracts significant tourism to its parks and ...

ESRI Binary 2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11999 in Long Island Sound, North of Duck Pond Point, New York (H11999_2M_GEO, Geographic, WGS84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Long Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic ...

ESRI Binary 2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11999 in Long Island Sound, North of Duck Pond Point, New York (H11999_2M_UTM, UTM Zone 18, NAD83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Long Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic ...

1-m Bathymetric Grid Generated from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H12007 in the Vicinity of Cross Rip Channel, Nantucket Sound (H12007_GEO, Geographic, WGS84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities off southern New England, shows the character and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During April-May 2009 NOAA completed hydrographic survey ...

1-m Bathymetric Grid Generated from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H12007 in the Vicinity of Cross Rip Channel, Nantucket Sound (H12007_UTM, UTM Zone 19, NAD83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities off southern New England, shows the character and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During April-May 2009 NOAA completed hydrographic survey ...

ESRI Binary 2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11995 in Rhode Island Sound (H11995_2M_GEO, Geographic, WGS84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Rhode Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. Interpretations were derived from the ...

ESRI Binary 2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H11995 in Rhode Island Sound (H11995_2M_UTM, UTM Xone 19, NAD83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Rhode Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. Interpretations were derived from the ...

4-m Grid of the Combined Multibeam Bathymetry Generated from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Surveys H12009, H12010, H12011, H12015, H12033, H12137, and H12139 Offshore in Block Island Sound (BISOUND_4MGEO, Geographic, WGS84)

The USGS, in cooperation with NOAA, is producing detailed maps of the seafloor off southern New England. The current phase of this cooperative research program is directed toward analyzing how bathymetric relief relates to the distribution of sedimentary environments and benthic communities. As part of this program, digital terrain models (DTMs) from bathymetry collected as part of NOAA's hydrographic charting activities are converted into ESRI raster grids and imagery, verified with bottom sampling and ...

4-m Grid of the Combined Multibeam Bathymetry Generated from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Surveys H12009, H12010, H12011, H12015, H12033, H12137, and H12139 Offshore in Block Island Sound (BISOUND_4MUTM, UTM Zone 19, NAD83)

The USGS, in cooperation with NOAA, is producing detailed maps of the seafloor off southern New England. The current phase of this cooperative research program is directed toward analyzing how bathymetric relief relates to the distribution of sedimentary environments and benthic communities. As part of this program, digital terrain models (DTMs) from bathymetry collected as part of NOAA's hydrographic charting activities are converted into ESRI raster grids and imagery, verified with bottom sampling and ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H12013 Off the Entrance to the Connecticut River in Northeastern Long Island Sound (H12013_2MUTM, UTM Zone 18, NAD83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry and sidescan-sonar imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provide a fundamental framework for research and management activities in Long Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides ...

Combined 2-m and Interpolated 10-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H12013 Off the Entrance to the Connecticut River in Northeastern Long Island Sound (H12013_INTGEO, Geographic, WGS-84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry and sidescan-sonar imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provide a fundamental framework for research and management activities in Long Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides ...

Combined 2-m and Interpolated 10-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H12013 Off the Entrance to the Connecticut River in Northeastern Long Island Sound (H12013_INTUTM, UTM Zone 18, NAD83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry and sidescan-sonar imagery, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provide a fundamental framework for research and management activities in Long Island Sound, shows the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provides ...

Esri Binary 2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H12023 in Block Island Sound (H12023_2M_GEO, Geographic, WGS84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetric and sidescan-sonar data, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provide a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Block Island Sound, show the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provide information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During June 2012, ...

Esri Binary 2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H12023 in Block Island Sound (H12023_2M_UTM, UTM Zone 19, NAD83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetric and sidescan-sonar data, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provide a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Block Island Sound, show the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provide information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During June 2012, ...

2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H12012 Offshore in Northeastern Long Island Sound (UTM Zone 18, NAD83, H12012_2M_UTM)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP), has produced detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetry, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provides a fundamental framework for research and management activities in Long Island Sound, shows the terrain of the seabed, and provides information on sediment transport and benthic ...

4-m Grid of the Combined Multibeam Bathymetry Generated from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Surveys H11922, H11995, H11996, H12009, H12010, H12011, H12015, H12023, H12033, H12137, H12139, H12296, H12298, and H12299 Offshore in Rhode Island and Block Island Sounds (RICOMB_4MGEO, Geographic, WGS 84)

Detailed bathymetric maps of the sea floor in Block Island and Rhode Island Sounds are of great interest to the New York, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts research and management communities because of this area's ecological, recreational, and commercial importance. Geologically interpreted digital terrain models (DTMs) from individual surveys provide important benthic environmental information, yet many applications require a geographically broader perspective. For example, individual surveys are of limited ...

4-m Grid of the Combined Multibeam Bathymetry Generated from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Surveys H11922, H11995, H11996, H12009, H12010, H12011, H12015, H12023, H12033, H12137, H12139, H12296, H12298, H12299 Offshore in Rhode island and Block Island Sound (RICOMB_4MUTM, UTM Zone 19, NAD 83)

Detailed bathymetric maps of the sea floor in Block Island and Rhode Island Sounds are of great interest to the New York, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts research and management communities because of this area's ecological, recreational, and commercial importance. Geologically interpreted digital terrain models (DTMs) from individual surveys provide important benthic environmental information, yet many applications require a geographically broader perspective. For example, individual surveys are of limited ...

Esri Binary 2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H12296 in Block Island Sound (H12296_2M_GEO, Geographic, WGS 84)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetric and sidescan-sonar data, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provide a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Block Island Sound, show the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provide information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During June 2012, ...

Esri Binary 2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H12296 in Block Island Sound (H12296_2M_UTM, UTM Zone 19, NAD 83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetric and sidescan-sonar data, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provide a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Block Island Sound, show the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provide information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During June 2012, ...

Esri Binary 2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H12299 in Block Island Sound (UTM Zone 19, NAD 83, H12299_2M_UTM)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetric data, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provide a fundamental framework for research and management activities along this part of Block Island Sound, show the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provide information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During June 2013, bottom photographs and ...

Esri Binary 2-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H12298 in Block Island Sound (UTM Zone 19, NAD 83, H12298_2M_UTM)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetric and sidescan-sonar data, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provide a framework for research and management activities along western Block Island Sound, show the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provide information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During June 2013, bottom photographs ...

Esri Binary 1-m Bathymetric Grid of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Survey H12324 in Narragansett Bay (UTM Zone 19, NAD 83)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is producing detailed geologic maps of the coastal sea floor. Bathymetric data, originally collected by NOAA for charting purposes, provide a framework for research and management activities along southern Narragansett Bay, show the composition and terrain of the seabed, and provide information on sediment transport and benthic habitat. During September 2014, bottom photographs and surficial ...

Bathymetry of the Hudson Shelf Valley (12-m resolution Esri binary grid and 32-bit GeoTIFF, Mercator, WGS 84)

The Hudson Shelf Valley is the submerged seaward extension of the ancestral Hudson River drainage system and is the largest physiographic feature on the Middle Atlantic continental shelf. The valley begins offshore of New York and New Jersey at about 30-meter (m) water depth, runs southerly and then southeasterly across the Continental Shelf, and terminates on the outer shelf at about 85-m water depth landward of the head of the Hudson Canyon. Portions of the 150-kilometer-long valley were surveyed in 1996, ...

Sidescan sonar bathymetry products at the Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge DUNEX Site, North Carolina in October 2021

The data in this section of the release characterizes the nearshore bathymetry collected in October 2021 by USGS and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) scientists using a self-righting electric uncrewed surface vehicle with a sidescan sonar attached. Data collection occured at the USGS DUring Nearshore Event eXperiment (DUNEX) site on Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge (PINWR). DUNEX is a multi-agency, academic, and non-governmental organization collaborative community experiment designed to study ...

Topographic survey transect data along the Carmel River, central California, 2013 to 2021 (ver. 2.0, March 2022)

Topographic surveys were completed during eight summer surveys (in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021) at 10 sites along the Carmel River, CA: Berwick (BW), Control Reach (CR), Crossroads (CRO), DeDampierre Lower (DDL), DeDampierre Upper (DDU), Dam Reach (DM), Reservoir Reach (RS), San Carlos (SC), Sleepy Hollow (SH), and Schulte Road (SR)). Topographic measurements were made at multiple locations along four to six cross-section transects per site using a total station (at sites CR, RS, DM ...

Single-beam bathymetric data in Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina in November 2020 and April, September, and October 2021

The data in this part of the release are bathymetry data collected in the nearshore using single-beam echosounders mounted on surf capable self-righting electric autonomous survey vehicles at the USGS DUring Nearshore Event eXperiment (DUNEX) site on Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge (PINWR) and at the Basnight Bridge (BB), NC. In November 2020, April, September, and October 2021, USGS and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) scientists conducted multiple field surveys to collect the bathymetry as ...

Aerial imagery from UAS survey of the intertidal zone at Post Point, Bellingham Bay, WA, 2019-06-06

This portion of the data release presents the raw aerial imagery collected during an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) survey of the intertidal zone at Post Point, Bellingham Bay, WA, on 2019-06-06. The imagery was acquired using a Department of Interior-owned 3DR Solo quadcopter fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The camera was mounted using a fixed mount on the bottom of the UAS and oriented in an approximately nadir orientation. The UAS was flown on pre-programmed autonomous ...

10 m depth contours-Santa Barbara Channel

This Data Release contains GIS data generated by USGS for use in a BOEM funded project to compare natural rockfish nursery habitat to habitat created by manmade structures in the eastern Santa Barbara Channel. The contours were created from published Data Elevation Models of Carignan and others (2009) and Dartnell and others (2012). Contours were generated using the ESRI Contour tool in spatial analyst. The contour interval is 10 meters. The contours were clipped to exclude areas outside the BOEM rockfish ...

Backscatter-Oregon OCS Floating Wind Farm Site

This Data Release contains data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) survey of the Oregon outer Continental shelf (OCS) Floating Wind Farm Site in 2014. The backscatter intensity data was collected along with bathymetry data by USGS during the period from August 20 to September 1, 2014, using a Reson 7111 multibeam echosounder. The mapping mission collected bathymetry data from about 163 m to 566 m depths on the Oregon outer continental shelf. The acquisition was funded by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy ...

Bathymetry-Oregon OCS Floating Wind Farm Site

This Data Release contains data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) survey of the Oregon outer continental shelf (OCS) Floating Wind Farm Site in 2014. The bathymetry raster was generated from bathymetry data collected by USGS during the period from August 20 to September 1, 2014, using a Reson 7111 multibeam echosounder. The mapping mission collected bathymetry data from about 163 m to 566 m depths on the Oregon outer continental shelf. The acquisition was funded by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy ...

Contours-Oregon OCS Floating Wind Farm Site

This data release contains data from the USGS field activity 2014-607-FA, a survey of the Oregon Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Floating Wind Farm Site in 2014. The bathymetry raster was generated from bathymetry data collected by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) during the period from August 20 to September 1, 2014 using a Reson 7111 multibeam echosounder. The mapping mission collected bathymetry data from about 163 m to 566 m depths on the Oregon outer continental shelf. The acquisition was funded by the U.S. ...

Bathymetry Hillshade-Oregon OCS Floating Wind Farm Site

This Data Release contains data from the USGS survey of the Oregon OCS Floating Wind Farm Site in 2014. The shaded-relief raster was generated from bathymetry data collected by USGS during the period from August 20 to September 1, 2014. using a Reson 7111 multibeam echosounder. The mapping mission collected bathymetry data from about 163 m to 566 m depths on the Oregon outer continental shelf. The acquisition was funded by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.

Topobathy grid representing the backshore to the nearshore at Head of the Meadow Beach, Truro from data collected on March 10 and 18, 2022

These data map the beach and nearshore environment at Head of the Meadow Beach in Truro, MA, providing updated regional context for the 2019 CoastCam installation. CoastCam CACO-01 are two video cameras aimed at the beach that view the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. These data were collected as part of field activity 2022-015-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region. In March 2022, U.S. Geological Survey and Woods ...

Topobathy grid representing the backshore to the nearshore at Marconi Beach, Wellfleet from data collected on March 11 and 16, 2022

The data in this release map the beach and nearshore environment at Marconi Beach in Wellfleet, MA and provide updated environmental context for the 2021 CoastCam installation that looks out at the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. This is related to the field activity 2022-014-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region that falls within the field of view of CoastCam CACO-02, which are two video cameras aimed at the ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (January 25, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (April 21, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (May 25, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (August 21, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (August 31, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (October 2, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Ground control point locations for the UAS survey of the Los Padres Reservoir delta, Carmel River valley, CA, 2017-11-01

This portion of the data release presents the locations of the temporary ground control points (GCPs) used for the structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of the imagery collected during the unoccupied aerial system (UAS) survey of the Los Padres Reservoir delta, Carmel River valley, CA, 2017-11-01. Twenty temporary ground control points (GCPs) consisting of small square tarps with black-and-white cross patterns were distributed throughout the area to establish survey control. The GCP positions were measured ...

Aerial imagery from the UAS survey of the Los Padres Reservoir delta, Carmel River valley, CA, 2017-11-01

This portion of the data release presents the raw aerial imagery collected during the unoccupied aerial system (UAS) survey of the Los Padres Reservoir delta, Carmel River valley, CA, 2017-11-01. The imagery was acquired using a Department of Interior-owned 3DR Solo quadcopter fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The camera was mounted using a fixed mount on the bottom of the UAS and oriented in an approximately nadir orientation. A total of six flights were conducted for the ...

Orthomosaic imagery of the Los Padres Reservoir delta, Carmel River valley, CA, 2017-11-01

This portion of the data release presents a high-resolution orthomosaic image of the exposed Los Padres Reservoir delta where the Carmel River enters the reservoir. The orthomosaic has a resolution of 2.5 centimeters per pixel and was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unoccupied aerial system (UAS) on 2017-11-01. The raw imagery used to create the orthomosaic was acquired using a UAS fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. ...

Topographic point cloud of the Los Padres Reservoir delta, Carmel River valley, CA, 2017-11-01

This portion of the data release presents a topographic point cloud of the exposed Los Padres Reservoir delta where the Carmel River enters the reservoir. The point cloud was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unoccupied aerial system (UAS) on 2017-11-01. The point cloud has 115,819,907 points with an average point density of 611 points per-square meter. Each point in the point cloud contains an explicit horizontal and vertical coordinate, color, ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (November 2, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (December 1, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (July 6, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Digital surface models (DSMs) for the intertidal zone at Post Point, Bellingham Bay, WA, 2019-06-06

This portion of the data release presents digital surface models (DSMs) and hillshade images of the intertidal zone at Post Point, Bellingham Bay, WA. The DSMs were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-06. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), the DSMs represent the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell. Vegetation, buildings and other objects have not been removed from the data. In addition, ...

Topographic data from Whale's Tail marshes, South San Francisco Bay, California, 2021-2022

Topographic data were collected in the Whale's Tail marsh in southern San Francisco Bay between December 2021 and January 2022. The topographic data were acquired using global satellite navigation system receivers mounted on backpacks and hiked over the marsh surface.

Digital Surface Models (DSMs) of the Whale's Tail Marsh region, South San Francisco Bay, CA

This portion of the data release presents digital surface models (DSM) of the Whale's Tail Marsh region of South San Francisco Bay, CA. The DSMs have resolutions of 5 centimeters per pixel and were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of repeat aerial imagery collected from fixed-wing aircraft. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), a DSM represents the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell. Vegetation, structures, and other objects have not been removed from the data. ...

Salinity_GBI_frontal_SLR: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Salinity_GBI_frontal: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Salinity_GBI_tropical_SLR: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Salinity_GBI_tropical: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Salinity_all_frontal_SLR: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Salinity_all_frontal: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Salinity_all_tropical_SLR: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Salinity_all_tropical: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Salinity_na_frontal_SLR: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Salinity_na_frontal: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Salinity_na_tropical_SLR: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Salinity_na_tropical: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Velocity_GBI_SLR: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Velocity_GBI: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Velocity_all_SLR: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Velocity_all: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Velocity_na_SLR: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Velocity_na: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Water_Level_GBI_SLR: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Water_Level_GBI: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Water_Level_all_SLR: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Water_Level_all: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Water_Level_na_SLR: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Water_Level_na: Modeling the effects of large-scale interior headland restoration on tidal hydrodynamics and salinity transport in an open coast, marine-dominant estuary: model input and results

Using version 20.1_19 of the Discontinuous-Galerkin Shallow Water Equations Model (DG-SWEM) (Kubatko and others, 2006), astronomic tides and salinity transport were simulated at Grand Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of interior headland restoration and sea level rise, as described in Passeri and others (2023). The two-dimensional DG-SWEM model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent hydrodynamic circulation and salinity transport. The DG-SWEM model uses the ADCIRC ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (February 4, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (March 7, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (April 8, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (May 23, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (July 6, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (September 15, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (October 5, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (November 14, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (January 21, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Digital Surface Models (DSM) from UAS surveys of the beaches at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Cape Disappointment State Park, WA, August 2017

This portion of the data release presents digital surface models (DSM) of the ocean beach at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Benson Beach at Cape Disappointment State Park, WA. The DSMs have resolutions of 10 centimeters per pixel and were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) during low tides on 7 and 8 August 2017. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), the DSMs represent the elevation of the highest object within the bounds ...

Ground control point locations for UAS surveys of the beaches at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Cape Disappointment State Park, WA, August 2017

This portion of the data release presents the locations of the temporary ground control points (GCPs) used for the structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of the imagery collected during the August 2017 unoccupied aerial system (UAS) surveys of the ocean beach at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Benson Beach at Cape Disappointment State Park, WA. Eighteen temporary ground control points (GCPs) were distributed throughout the survey area to establish survey control. The GCPs consisted of a combination of ...

Aerial imagery from UAS surveys of beaches at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Cape Disappointment State Park, WA, August 2017

This portion of the data release presents the raw aerial imagery collected during the uncrewed aerial system (UAS) survey conducted on the ocean beaches adjacent to the Columbia River Mouth at the Oregon-Washington border in August 2017. The imagery was acquired using a Department of Interior-owned 3DR Solo quadcopter fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The camera was mounted using a fixed mount on the bottom of the UAS and oriented in an approximately nadir orientation. The ...

Topographic point clouds from UAS surveys of the beaches at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Cape Disappointment State Park, WA, August 2017

This portion of the data release presents topographic point clouds of the ocean beach at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Benson Beach at Cape Disappointment State Park, WA. The point clouds were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) on during low tide surveys on 7 and 8 August 2017. The point clouds from each survey are tiled into 1000 by 1000 meter tiles to reduce individual file sizes. The Fort Stevens point clouds have a ...

Ground control point locations for UAS surveys of the beaches at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Cape Disappointment State Park, WA, July 2021

This portion of the data release presents the locations of the temporary ground control points (GCPs) used for the structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of the imagery collected during the July 2021 unoccupied aerial system (UAS) surveys of the ocean beach at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Benson Beach at Cape Disappointment State Park, WA. Eighteen temporary ground control points (GCPs) were distributed throughout the survey area to establish survey control. The GCPs consisted of a combination of small ...

Aerial imagery from UAS surveys of beaches at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Cape Disappointment State Park, WA, July 2021

This portion of the data release presents the raw aerial imagery collected during the uncrewed aerial system (UAS) survey conducted on the ocean beaches adjacent to the Columbia River Mouth at the Oregon-Washington border in July 2021. The imagery was acquired using a Department of Interior-owned 3DR Solo quadcopter fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The camera was mounted using a fixed mount on the bottom of the UAS and oriented in an approximately nadir orientation. The ...

Topographic point clouds from UAS surveys of the beaches at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Cape Disappointment State Park, WA, July 2021

This portion of the data release presents topographic point clouds of the ocean beach at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Benson Beach at Cape Disappointment State Park, WA. The point clouds were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) on 2017-11-01 during low tide surveys on 22 and 23 July 2021. The point clouds from each survey are tiled into 500 by 500 meter tiles to reduce individual file sizes. The Fort Stevens point clouds ...

Footprints of Lidar Datasets Published at the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center Since 2001

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) staff created geographic information system (GIS) footprints to show the extent of light detection and ranging (lidar) datasets published by the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), since 2001. These lidar datasets were published as LAS, XYZ, or Digital Elevation Model (DEM) outputs of coastal, submerged and/or terrestrial topography in USGS Data Series (DS), Open-File Reports (OFR), and data releases (DR). Please see the publications listed in the ...

Topobathy grid representing the backshore to the nearshore at Head of the Meadow Beach, Truro from data taken during field activity 2020-015-FA on March 6 and 10, 2020

The data in this release map the beach and nearshore environment at Head of the Meadow Beach in Truro, MA and provide environmental context for the camera calibration information for the 2019 CoastCam installation that looks out at the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. This is related to the field activity 2020-015-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region that falls within the field of view of the CoastCam, which are ...

Topobathy grid representing the backshore to the nearshore environment at Head of the Meadow Beach, Truro from data collected during field activity 2021-014-FA on February 4 and 11, 2021

These data map the beach and nearshore environment at Head of the Meadow Beach in Truro, MA, providing updated regional context for the 2019 CoastCam installation. CoastCam CACO-01 are two video cameras aimed at the beach that view the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. These data were collected as part of field activity 2021-014-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region. In February 2021, U.S. Geological Survey and ...

Topobathy grid representing the backshore to the nearshore environment at Marconi Beach, Wellfleet from data taken during field activity 2021-022-FA on March 10 and 17, 2021

The data in this publication map the beach and nearshore environment at Marconi Beach in Wellfleet, MA and provide regional context for the 2021 CoastCam installation that looks out at the coast shared by beachgoers, shorebirds, seals, and sharks. These data were collected as part of field activity 2021-022-FA and a collaboration with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore to monitor the region that falls within the field of view of CoastCam CACO-02, which are two video cameras aimed at the ...

Topographic survey data of Oxbow Reservoir, Placer County, California, October 2022

This portion of the data release presents topographic survey data of portions of Oxbow Reservoir in Placer County, California. These data were collected on 26 October 2022, when the reservoir was partially de-watered to allow repairs to the dam infrastructure following the Mosquito Fire. Although the gates of the dam were open during this time, significant portions of the reservoir site remained inaccessible to surveyors due to the continued flow of the Middle Fork American River. Consequently, these data ...

Orthomosaic images from UAS surveys of the beaches at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Cape Disappointment State Park, WA, August 2017

This portion of the data release presents high-resolution orthomosaic images of the ocean beach at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Benson Beach at Cape Disappointment State Park, WA. The orthomosaics have resolutions of 5 centimeters per pixel and were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) during low tide surveys on 7 and 8 August 2017. The raw imagery used to create the orthomosaics was acquired with a UAS fitted with a Ricoh ...

Digital Surface Models (DSM) from UAS surveys of the beaches at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Cape Disappointment State Park, WA, July 2021

This portion of the data release presents digital surface models (DSM) of the ocean beach at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Benson Beach at Cape Disappointment State Park, WA. The DSMs have resolutions of 10 centimeters per pixel and were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) during low tides on 22 and 23 July 2021. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), the DSMs represent the elevation of the highest object within the bounds ...

Orthomosaic images from UAS surveys of the beaches at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Cape Disappointment State Park, WA, July 2021

This portion of the data release presents high-resolution orthomosaic images of the ocean beach at Fort Stevens State Park, OR, and Benson Beach at Cape Disappointment State Park, WA. The orthomosaics have resolutions of 5 centimeters per pixel and were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) during low tide surveys on 22 and 23 July 2021. The raw imagery used to create the orthomosaics was acquired with a UAS fitted with a Ricoh ...

Topographic digital surface model (DSM) for Whiskeytown Lake and surrounding area, 2019-11-12

This portion of the data release presents a digital surface model (DSM) and hillshade of Whiskeytown Lake and the surrounding area derived from Structure from Motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery acquired on 2019-11-12. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), the DSM represents the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell. Vegetation, buildings and other objects have not been removed from the data. In addition, data artifacts resulting from noise and vegetation in the original ...

Orthomosaic imagery for Whiskeytown Lake and surrounding area, northern California, 2019-11-12

This portion of the data release presents an RGB orthomosaic image of Whiskeytown Lake and the surrounding area derived from Structure from Motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery acquired on 2019-11-12. The orthomosaic is available in a high-resolution 6-centimeter (cm) version, as well as a medium-resolution 25 cm version. The high-resolution version is divided into two tiles (east and west) to reduce file download sizes. All imagery is provided in a three-band cloud optimized GeoTIFF format, with 8-bit ...

Orthomosaic imagery for Whiskeytown Lake and surrounding area, northern California, 2020-11-10

This portion of the data release presents an RGB orthomosaic image of Whiskeytown Lake and the surrounding area derived from Structure from Motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery acquired on 2020-11-10. The orthomosaic is available in a high-resolution 5-centimeter (cm) version, as well as a medium-resolution 25 cm version. The high-resolution version is divided into two tiles (east and west) to reduce file download sizes. All imagery is provided in a three-band cloud optimized GeoTIFF format, with 8-bit ...

Digital surface models (DSM) for the intertidal zone at Puget Creek and Dickman Mill Park, Tacoma, WA, 2019-06-03

This portion of the data release presents digital surface models (DSM) and hillshade images of the intertidal zones at Puget Creek and Dickman Mill Park, Tacoma, WA. The DSMs have a resolution of 2.5 centimeters per pixel and were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-03. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), the DSM represents the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell. Vegetation, buildings and ...

Orthomosaic imagery for the intertidal zone at Puget Creek and Dickman Mill Park, Tacoma, WA, 2019-06-03

This portion of the data release presents a high-resolution orthomosaic images of the intertidal zones at Puget Creek and Dickman Mill Park, Tacoma, WA. The orthomosaics have a resolution of 1.3 centimeters per pixel and were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-03. The raw imagery used to create the orthomosaics was acquired using a UAS fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The UAS was ...

Digital surface model (DSM) for the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA, 2019-06-05

This portion of the data release presents a digital surface model (DSM) and hillshade image of the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA. The DSM has a resolution of 4 centimeters per pixel and was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-05. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), the DSM represents the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell. Vegetation, buildings and other objects have ...

Orthomosaic imagery for the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA, 2019-06-05

This portion of the data release presents a high-resolution orthomosaic image of the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA. The orthomosaic has a resolution of 2 centimeters per pixel and was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-05. The raw imagery used to create the orthomosaic was acquired using a UAS fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The UAS was flown on pre-programmed ...

Orthomosaic imagery from the UAS survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, 24 June 2018

This portion of the data release presents a high-resolution orthomosaic image of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii. The orthomosaic has a resolution of 2.5 centimeters (cm) per pixel and was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unoccupied aerial system (UAS) on 24 June 2018. The raw imagery used to create the orthomosaic was acquired using a UAS fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The UAS was flown on pre ...

Refraction-corrected bathymetric digital surface model (DSM) from the UAS survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, 24 June 2018

This portion of the data release presents a bathymetric digital surface model (DSM) from an unoccupied aerial system (UAS) survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, on 24 June 2018. The DSM has a horizontal resolution of 10 centimeters per pixel and has been corrected for the effects of refraction using the techniques described in Dietrich (2017a). The DSM was created from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected using a UAS with a Ricoh GR II digital camera fitted ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (October 17, 2018)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (September 19, 2019)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (August 7, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (October 7, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (December 7, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (February 3, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (April 1, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (May 19, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (July 28, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (September 9, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (October 8, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (February 22, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (June 7, 2022)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (January 27, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (July 21, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (September 8, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida (September 11, 2023)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate ...

Grid Representing the Landward DEM and the Present Day Bathymetry of the Columbia River within the SWCES Study Area

Two 21-day field operations were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in the estuaries and on the inner continental shelf off the northern Oregon and southern Washington coast. These cruises aboard the R/V Corliss were run in order to generate reconnaissance maps of the seafloor geology and the shallow subsurface stratigraphy using sidescan sonar and seismic-reflection mapping techniques. The 1998 cruise also collected sediment grab samples, bottom photographs, and video images to verify the sidescan-sonar imagery ...

Surface Representing the Floor of Lake Mead and the surrounding area: UTM Projection 10m cellsize

Lake Mead is a large interstate reservoir located in the Mojave Desert of southeastern Nevada and northwestern Arizona. It was impounded in 1935 by the construction of Hoover Dam and is one of a series of multi-purpose reservoirs on the Colorado River. The lake extends 183 km from the mouth of the Grand Canyon to Black Canyon, the site of Hoover Dam, and provides water for residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and other non-agricultural users in communities across the southwestern United ...

Braddock East point cloud from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Braddock Bay, New York in July 2017 (LAZ file).

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), in three locations along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinities of Braddock Bay, Sodus Bay, and Chimney Bluffs State Park, New York. This data release includes images tagged ...

Braddock West point cloud from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Braddock Bay, New York in July 2017 (LAZ file).

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), in three locations along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinities of Braddock Bay, Sodus Bay, and Chimney Bluffs State Park, New York. This data release includes images tagged ...

Point cloud from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial system (UAS) flights over Coast Guard Beach, Nauset Spit, Nauset Inlet, and Nauset Marsh, Cape Cod National Seashore, Eastham, Massachusetts on 1 March 2016 (LAZ file)

This point cloud was derived from low-altitude aerial images collected from an unmanned aerial system (UAS) flown in the Cape Cod National Seashore on 1 March, 2016. The objective of the project was to evaluate the quality and cost of mapping from UAS images. The point cloud contains 434,096,824 unclassifed and unedited geolocated points. The points have horizontal coordinates in NAD83(2011) UTM Zone 19 North meters, vertical coordinates in NAVD88 meters, and colors in the red-green-blue (RGB) schema. The ...

Coastal Change Likelihood in the U.S. Northeast Region: Maine to Virginia - Event Hazards

Coastal resources are increasingly impacted by erosion, extreme weather events, sea-level rise, tidal flooding, and other potential hazards related to climate change. These hazards have varying impacts on coastal landscapes due to the numerous geologic, oceanographic, ecological, and socioeconomic factors that exist at a given location. Here, an assessment framework is introduced that synthesizes existing datasets describing the variability of the landscape and hazards that may act on it to evaluate the ...

Coastal Change Likelihood in the U.S. Northeast Region: Maine to Virginia - Fabric Dataset

Coastal resources are increasingly impacted by erosion, extreme weather events, sea-level rise, tidal flooding, and other potential hazards related to climate change. These hazards have varying impacts on coastal landscapes due to the numerous geologic, oceanographic, ecological, and socioeconomic factors that exist at a given location. Here, an assessment framework is introduced that synthesizes existing datasets describing the variability of the landscape and hazards that may act on it to evaluate the ...

Coastal Change Likelihood in the U.S. Northeast Region: Maine to Virginia - Hazard Impact Type

Coastal resources are increasingly impacted by erosion, extreme weather events, sea-level rise, tidal flooding, and other potential hazards related to climate change. These hazards have varying impacts on coastal landscapes due to the numerous geologic, oceanographic, ecological, and socioeconomic factors that exist at a given location. Here, an assessment framework is introduced that synthesizes existing datasets describing the variability of the landscape and hazards that may act on it to evaluate the ...

Coastal Change Likelihood in the U.S. Northeast Region: Maine to Virginia - Maximum Change Likelihood

Coastal resources are increasingly impacted by erosion, extreme weather events, sea-level rise, tidal flooding, and other potential hazards related to climate change. These hazards have varying impacts on coastal landscapes due to the numerous geologic, oceanographic, ecological, and socioeconomic factors that exist at a given location. Here, an assessment framework is introduced that synthesizes existing datasets describing the variability of the landscape and hazards that may act on it to evaluate the ...

Coastal Change Likelihood in the U.S. Northeast Region: Maine to Virginia - Perpetual Hazards

Coastal resources are increasingly impacted by erosion, extreme weather events, sea-level rise, tidal flooding, and other potential hazards related to climate change. These hazards have varying impacts on coastal landscapes due to the numerous geologic, oceanographic, ecological, and socioeconomic factors that exist at a given location. Here, an assessment framework is introduced that synthesizes existing datasets describing the variability of the landscape and hazards that may act on it to evaluate the ...

Chimney Bluffs point cloud from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Chimney Bluffs, New York in July 2017

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), in three locations along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinity of Chimney Bluffs State Park, New York. This data release includes images tagged with locations determined from ...

Charles Point point cloud from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York in July 2017 (LAZ file)

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York. This data release includes images tagged with locations determined from the UAS GPS; tables with updated ...

Greig Street point cloud from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York in July 2017 (LAZ file)

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York. This data release includes images tagged with locations determined from the UAS GPS; tables with updated ...

Lake Bluffs point cloud from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York in July 2017 (LAZ file)

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York. This data release includes images tagged with locations determined from the UAS GPS; tables with updated ...

Sodus North point cloud from low-altitude aerial imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flights over of the Lake Ontario shoreline in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York in July 2017 (LAZ file)

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) digital images were obtained from a camera mounted on a 3DR Solo quadcopter, a small unmanned aerial system (UAS), along the Lake Ontario shoreline in New York during July 2017. These data were collected to document and monitor effects of high lake levels, including shoreline erosion, inundation, and property damage in the vicinity of Sodus Bay, New York. This data release includes images tagged with locations determined from the UAS GPS; tables with updated ...

2-meter bathymetric data collected in 2016 by the U.S. Geological Survey off Town Neck Beach in Sandwich, Massachusetts, during field activity 2016-017-FA (GeoTIFF image)

Geophysical and geological survey data were collected off Town Neck Beach in Sandwich, Massachusetts, in May and July 2016. Approximately 130 linear kilometers of subbottom (seismic-reflection) and 234-kilohertz interferometric sonar (bathymetric and backscatter) data were collected along with sediment samples, sea floor photographs, and (or) video at 26 sites within the geophysical survey area. Sediment grab samples were collected at 19 of the 26 sampling sites and video and (or) photographic imagery of ...

Bathymetric change of Central San Francisco Bay, California: 1971 to 2020

This 25-m-resolution surface presents bathymetric change of Central San Francisco Bay, California (hereafter referred to as Central Bay). This surface compares a 1-m-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of the central portion of San Francisco Bay (Fregoso and others, 2020), comprised of bathymetry data in the Central Bay region from the time period referred to as the 2010s because the majority of the surveys were in that decade, to a 25-m-resolution DEM of Central Bay comprised of historic surveys from ...

Bathymetric change of San Pablo Bay, California: 1983 to 2015

This 25-m-resolution surface presents bathymetric change of San Pablo Bay, California, from 1983 to 2015. This surface compares a 1-m-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of the northern portion of San Francisco Bay (Fregoso and others, 2020), comprised of bathymetry data in the San Pablo Bay region from the time period referred to as the 2010s because the majority of the surveys were in that decade, to a 25-m-resolution bathymetric DEM of San Pablo Bay comprised of historic surveys from 1983 to 1986 ...

Bathymetric change of South San Francisco Bay, California: 1979 to 2020

This 50-m-resolution surface presents bathymetric change of South San Francisco Bay, California (hereafter referred to as South Bay). This surface compares a 1-m-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of the southern portion of San Francisco Bay (Fregoso and others, 2020), comprised of bathymetry data in the South Bay region from the time period referred to as the 2010s because the majority of the surveys were in that decade, to a 50-m-resolution DEM of South Bay comprised of historic surveys from 1979 to ...

Bathymetric change of Suisun Bay, California: 1988 to 2016

This 25-m-resolution surface presents bathymetric change of Suisun Bay, California, from 1988 to 2016. This surface compares a 1-m-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of the northern portion of San Francisco Bay (Fregoso and others, 2020), comprised of bathymetry data in the Suisun region from the time period referred to as the 2010s because the majority of the surveys were in that decade, to a 25-m-resolution bathymetric DEM of Suisun Bay comprised of historic surveys from 1988 to 1990 (referred to as ...

Digital Surface Models (DSM) from UAS surveys of the upper reservoir delta at Jenkinson Lake, El Dorado County, California

This portion of the data release presents high-resolution Digital Surface Models (DSM) of the Jenkinson Lake upper reservoir delta in El Dorado County, California. The DSMs have resolutions of 10 centimeters per pixel and were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected during surveys with unoccupied aerial systems (UAS). The surveys were on 2021-10-13, 2021-11-04, 2022-10-25, and 2023-11-13, and were generally timed to coincide with low water level in the reservoir to ...

Orthomosaic images from UAS surveys of the upper reservoir delta at Jenkinson Lake, El Dorado County, California

This portion of the data release presents high-resolution orthomosaic images of the Jenkinson Lake upper reservoir delta in El Dorado County, California. The orthomosaics have resolutions of 2.5 centimeters per pixel and were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected during surveys with unoccupied aerial systems (UAS). The surveys were on 2021-10-13, 2021-11-04, 2022-10-25, and 2023-11-13, and were generally timed to coincide with low water level in the reservoir to ...

Portion of the 1-meter (m) contours in quadrangle 5 of the Stellwagen Bank Survey Area offshore of Boston, Massachusetts based on bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey from 1994-1996

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Marine Sanctuary Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has conducted seabed mapping and related research in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS) region since 1993. The interpretive datasets and source information presented here are for quadrangle 5, which is one of 18 similarly sized segments of the 3,700 square kilometer (km2) SBNMS region. The seabed of the SBNMS region is a glaciated ...

Topographic data from two marshes and adjacent shallows in Northern San Francisco Bay, California, 2022-2023

Topographic data were collected in the Corte Madera Marsh, San Pablo National Wildlife Refuge Marsh, and at the time-series stations in the shallows adjacent to each marsh in Northern San Francisco Bay between April 2022 and September 2023. The topographic data were acquired using global satellite navigation system receivers that were either mounted on backpacks and hiked over the marsh surface or mounted on a survey rod held shipside against a deployed platform or on the water surface. Sometimes an ...

SWASH Model Water Level Time Series at Wrightsville Beach, NC, USA for ILM site

This data release contains model output of water level elevations resulting from deterministic simulations at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina (NC), USA. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Birchler and others (2024).

SWASH Model Water Level Time Series at Wrightsville Beach, NC, USA for MHX site

This data release contains model output of water level elevations resulting from deterministic simulations at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina (NC), USA. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Birchler and others (2024).

SWASH Model Water Level Time Series at Wrightsville Beach, NC, USA for PIER site

This data release contains model output of water level elevations resulting from deterministic simulations at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina (NC), USA. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Birchler and others (2024).

Topobathymetric Lidar Survey of Breton and Gosier Islands, Louisiana, January 16 and 18, 2014 - Point-cloud Data

This dataset contains binary point-cloud data, produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced topobathymetric measurements collected by Photo Science, Inc., encompassing the Breton and Gosier Island, LA study areas. The original area of interest was buffered by 100 meters to ensure complete coverage, resulting in approximately 75 square miles of lidar data. The Breton Island Lidar project called for the planning, acquisition, processing, and derivative products of topobathymetric lidar data, ...

Time Series of Structure-from-Motion Products - Point Clouds: Little Dauphin Island and Pelican Island, Alabama, September 2018 to April 2019

Aerial imagery acquired with a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS), in conjunction with surveyed ground control points (GCP) visible in the imagery, can be processed with structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques to produce high-resolution orthomosaics, three-dimensional (3D) point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs). This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides UAS survey data products consisting of ...

Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results - With-Project Condition 2010 Simulation With 0.5-meter of Sea Level Rise

The numerical model Delft3D (developed by Deltares) was developed to evaluate the potential effects of proposed navigation channel deepening and widening in Mobile Harbor, Alabama (AL). The Delft3D model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric elevations, a wave climate based on significant wave heights, peak wave period and mean wave direction, and a tidal-time series. The model was validated by comparing model outputs from deterministic runs with observations of water levels and ...

ST1_Final_DEM_metadata: Dauphin Island Decadal Forecast Evolution Model Inputs and Results: Final DEMs without restoration alternative for storminess bins (ST1-ST4) and sea level rise scenarios (SL1-SL3).

The model input and output of topography and bathymetry values resulting from forecast simulations of coupled modeling scenarios occurring between 2015 and 2025 at Dauphin Island, Alabama, and described in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Report 2020–1001 (, are provided here. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Mickey and others (2020).

ST2_Final_DEM_metadata: Dauphin Island Decadal Forecast Evolution Model Inputs and Results: Final DEMs without restoration measures for storminess bins (ST1-ST4) and sea level rise scenarios (SL1-SL3).

The model input and output of topography and bathymetry values resulting from forecast simulations of coupled modeling scenarios occurring between 2015 and 2025 at Dauphin Island, Alabama, and described in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Report 2020–1001 (, are provided here. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Mickey and others (2020).

ST3_Final_DEM_metadata: Dauphin Island Decadal Forecast Evolution Model Inputs and Results: Final DEMs without restoration alternative for storminess bins (ST1-ST4) and sea level rise scenarios (SL1-SL3).

The model input and output of topography and bathymetry values resulting from forecast simulations of coupled modeling scenarios occurring between 2015 and 2025 at Dauphin Island, Alabama, and described in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Report 2020–1001 (, are provided here. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Mickey and others (2020).

ST4_Final_DEM_metadata: Dauphin Island Decadal Forecast Evolution Model Inputs and Results: Final DEMs without restoration alternative for storminess bins (ST1-ST4) and sea level rise scenarios (SL1-SL3).

The model input and output of topography and bathymetry values resulting from forecast simulations of coupled modeling scenarios occurring between 2015 and 2025 at Dauphin Island, Alabama, and described in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Report 2020–1001 (, are provided here. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Mickey and others (2020).

Central San Francisco Bay bathymetric change: 1855 to 1979

This data release provides a series of four bathymetric change grids generated from historical bathymetric surveys collected in central San Francisco Bay, CA from the 1855 to 1979. The National Ocean Service (NOS) and its predecessor, the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, collected hydrographic surveys in 1855, 1895, 1920, 1947, and 1979. Surface modeling software was used to generate bathymetric DEMs of each of these surveys. The bathymetric DEMs were then adjusted to account for gridding ...

Central San Francisco Bay bathymetry: 1855 to 1979

This data release provides a series of five bathymetric digital elevation models (DEMs) of central San Francisco Bay, CA generated from single-beam hydrographic surveys collected from 1855 to 1979. The DEMs were constructed based upon historical United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and National Ocean Service (NOS) surveys collected in 1855, 1895, 1920, 1947, and 1979. Depth soundings from the pre-1930s surveys were manually digitized and georeferenced while the later surveys were obtained in digital ...

San Pablo Bay bathymetric change: 1856 to 1983

This data release provides a series of five bathymetric change grids generated from historical bathymetric surveys collected in San Pablo Bay, CA from the 1856 to 1983. The National Ocean Service (NOS) and its predecessor, the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, collected hydrographic surveys in 1856, 1887, 1898, 1922, 1951, and 1983. Surface modeling software was used to generate bathymetric DEMs of each of these surveys. The bathymetric DEMs were then adjusted to account for gridding interpolation ...

San Pablo Bay bathymetry: 1856 to 1983

This data release provides a series of six bathymetric digital elevation models (DEMs) of San Pablo Bay, CA generated from single-beam hydrographic surveys collected from 1856 to 1983. The DEMs were constructed based upon historical United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and National Ocean Service (NOS) surveys collected in 1856, 1887, 1898, 1922, 1951, and 1983. Depth soundings from the pre-1930s surveys were manually digitized and georeferenced while the later surveys were obtained in digital format, and ...

South San Francisco Bay bathymetric change: 1858 to 2005

This data release provides a series of five bathymetric change grids generated from historical bathymetric surveys collected in south San Francisco Bay, CA from the 1858 to 2005. The National Ocean Service (NOS) and its predecessor, the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, collected hydrographic surveys in 1858, 1898, 1931, 1956, and 1983 plus Sea Surveyor, Inc. collected a survey in 2005. Surface modeling software was used to generate bathymetric DEMs of each of these surveys. The bathymetric DEMs were ...

South San Francisco Bay bathymetry: 1858 to 2005

This data release provides a series of six bathymetric digital elevation models (DEMs) of south San Francisco Bay, CA generated from single-beam hydrographic surveys collected from 1858 to 2005. The DEMs were constructed based upon historical United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and National Ocean Service (NOS) surveys collected in 1858, 1898, 1931, 1956, and 1983 as well as a survey collected by Sea Surveyor, Inc. in 2005. Depth soundings from the pre-1930s surveys were manually digitized and ...

Suisun Bay bathymetric change: 1866 to 1990

This data release provides a series of four bathymetric change grids generated from historical bathymetric surveys collected in Suisun Bay, CA from the 1866 to 1990. The National Ocean Service (NOS) and its predecessor, the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, collected hydrographic surveys in 1866, 1886, 1923, 1941, and 1990. Surface modeling software was used to generate bathymetric DEMs of each of these surveys. The bathymetric DEMs were then adjusted to account for gridding interpolation bias and ...

Suisun Bay bathymetry: 1866 to 1990

This data release provides a series of five bathymetric digital elevation models (DEMs) of Suisun Bay, CA generated from single-beam hydrographic surveys collected from 1866 to 1990. The DEMs were constructed based upon historical United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and National Ocean Service (NOS) surveys collected in 1866, 1886, 1923, 1941, and 1990. Depth soundings from the pre-1930s surveys were manually digitized and georeferenced while the later surveys were obtained in digital format, and all ...

Portion of the 1-meter (m) contours in quadrangle 2 of the Stellwagen Bank Survey Area offshore of Boston, Massachusetts based on bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey from 1994-1996

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Marine Sanctuary Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has conducted seabed mapping and related research in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS) region since 1993. The interpretive datasets and source information presented here are for quadrangle 2, which is one of 18 similarly-sized quadrangles that comprise the 3,700 square kilometer (km2) SBNMS region. The seabed of the SBNMS region is a ...

Aerial images from a UAS survey of the debris flow at South Fork Campground, Sequoia National Park, CA

This portion of the data release presents aerial images of the debris flow at South Fork Campground in Sequoia National Park. The images were acquired during an uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) survey on 30 April 2024, conducted under authorization from the National Park Service. The imagery was acquired with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The camera was mounted to the UAS using a fixed mount, in an approximately nadir orientation. The camera was set to acquire images at 1 hertz, ...

Digital Surface Model (DSM) from UAS survey of the debris flow at South Fork Campground, Sequoia National Park, CA

This portion of the data release presents a high-resolution Digital Surface Models (DSM) of the debris flow at South Fork Campground in Sequoia National Park. The DSM has a resolution of 10 centimeters per pixel and was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry using aerial imagery acquired during an uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) survey on 30 April 2024, conducted under authorization from the National Park Service. The raw imagery was acquired with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a ...

Orthomosaic imagery from the UAS survey of the debris flow at South Fork Campground, Sequoia National Park, CA

This portion of the data release presents a high-resolution orthomosaic image of the debris flow at South Fork Campground in Sequoia National Park. The orthomosaic has a resolution of 3 centimeters per pixel and was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry using aerial imagery acquired during an uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) survey on 30 April 2024, conducted under authorization from the National Park Service. The raw imagery was acquired with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global ...

Topographic point cloud from UAS survey of the debris flow at South Fork Campground, Sequoia National Park, CA

This portion of the data release presents a topographic point cloud of the debris flow at South Fork Campground in Sequoia National Park. The point cloud was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry using aerial imagery acquired during an uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) survey on 30 April 2024, conducted under authorization from the National Park Service. The raw imagery was acquired with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The UAS was flown on pre-programmed autonomous ...

Aerial video acquired during the UAS survey of the debris flow at South Fork Campground, Sequoia National Park, CA

This portion of the data release presents aerial video acquired during the uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) survey of the debris flow at South Fork Campground in Sequoia National Park, conducted under authorization from the National Park Service. The video shows low-altitude oblique and nadir perspectives of the lower 1.3 kilometers of the debris flow. The video is being included as part of the data release to provide additional context for the geohazards assessment of the area.

Ground control point locations and topographic GNSS measurements collected during the UAS survey of the debris flow at South Fork Campground, Sequoia National Park, CA

This portion of the data release presents topographic Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements acquired during the UAS survey of the debris flow at South Fork Campground in Sequoia National Park. The data contain the locations of the temporary ground control points (GCPs) used for the structure-from-motion (SfM) processing, as well as topographic measurements collected using a backpack-mounted GNSS rover. For the GCPs, 23 temporary points consisting of a combination of small square tarps with ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 17, 2018, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On July 17, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 07, 2018, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On August 07, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 22, 2019, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On May 22, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 23, 2019, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On May 23, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 27, 2019, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On June 27, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 28, 2019, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On June 28, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 25, 2019, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On July 25, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 26, 2019, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On July 26, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 20, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On May 20, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 21, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On May 21, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 24, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On June 24, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 25, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On June 25, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 15, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On July 15, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 16, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On July 16, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 05, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On August 05, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 06, 2021, from Juno Beach, Florida

On August 06, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 26, 2022, from Juno Beach, Florida

On May 26, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 27, 2022, from Juno Beach, Florida

On May 27, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 16, 2022, from Juno Beach, Florida

On June 16, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 17, 2022, from Juno Beach, Florida

On June 17, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 21, 2022, from Juno Beach, Florida

On July 21, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 22, 2022, from Juno Beach, Florida

On July 22, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Juno Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 20, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On May 20, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 21, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On May 21, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 25, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 25, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 26, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 26, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 23, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On July 23, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 24, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On July 24, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 27, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On August 27, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 28, 2019, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On August 28, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 16, 2020, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 16, 2020, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 17, 2020, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 17, 2020, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 18, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On May 18, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 19, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On May 19, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 22, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 22, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 23, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 23, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 13, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On July 13, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 14, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On July 14, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 03, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On August 03, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 04, 2021, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On August 04, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 24, 2022, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On May 24, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 25, 2022, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On May 25, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 14, 2022, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 14, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 15, 2022, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On June 15, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 19, 2022, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On July 19, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 20, 2022, from Jupiter Island, Florida

On July 20, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jupiter Island, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 09, 2018, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On May 09, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 13, 2018, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On June 13, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 18, 2018, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On July 18, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 08, 2018, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On August 08, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 30, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On May 30, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 31, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On May 31, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 18, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On June 18, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 19, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On June 19, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 16, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On July 16, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 17, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On July 17, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 20, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On August 20, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 21, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On August 21, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on September 10, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On September 10, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on September 11, 2019, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On September 11, 2019, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 25, 2020, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On June 25, 2020, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 26, 2020, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On June 26, 2020, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 25, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On May 25, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 26, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On May 26, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 15, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On June 15, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 16, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On June 16, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 20, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On July 20, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 21, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On July 21, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 10, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On August 10, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 11, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On August 11, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on September 08, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On September 08, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on September 09, 2021, from Melbourne Beach, Florida

On September 09, 2021, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Melbourne Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 19, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On May 19, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 20, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On May 20, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 22, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On June 22, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 23, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On June 23, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 24, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On June 24, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 12, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On July 12, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on July 13, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On July 13, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 02, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On August 02, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on August 03, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On August 03, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on September 01, 2022, from South Hutchinson Beach, Florida

On September 01, 2022, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on South Hutchinson Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on May 08, 2018, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On May 08, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown and ...

Sea Turtle Nesting Decision Points and Cross-Shore Beach Profile Data Collected on June 12, 2018, from Jensen Beach, Florida

On June 12, 2018, surveys were conducted on ‘high-density’ sea turtle nesting areas located on Jensen Beach, Florida. This dataset,, was collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and includes sea turtle nesting decision point locations (.csv) and cross-shore beach profiles (.xyz) at those locations. Utilizing previously published methods for collecting beach profile data (Henderson and others, 2016; Brown ...

Documentation of the U.S. Geological Survey Oceanographic Time-Series Measurement Database

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Oceanographic Time-Series Measurements Database contains oceanographic observations made as part of studies designed to increase understanding of sediment transport processes and associated ocean dynamics. This report describes the instrumentation and platforms used to make the measurements; the methods used to process and apply quality-control criteria and archive the data; and the data storage format. The report also includes instructions on how to access the data from ...

Terrestrial lidar data from northern Monterey Bay, California, March 2015

This part of the data release presents topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in March 2015 with a terrestrial lidar scanner.

Terrestrial lidar data from northern Monterey Bay, California, September 2015

This part of the data release presents topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in September 2015 with a terrestrial lidar scanner.

Terrestrial lidar data from northern Monterey Bay, California, March 2016

This part of the data release presents topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in March 2016 with a terrestrial lidar scanner.

Terrestrial lidar data from northern Monterey Bay, California, October 2016

This part of the data release presents topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in October 2016 with a terrestrial lidar scanner.

Terrestrial lidar data from northern Monterey Bay, California, March 2017

This part of the data release presents topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in March 2017 with a terrestrial lidar scanner.

Terrestrial lidar data from northern Monterey Bay, California, September 2017

This part of the data release presents topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California collected in September 2017 with a terrestrial lidar scanner.

Ground control point locations for UAS survey of the intertidal zone at Post Point, Bellingham Bay, WA, 2019-06-06

This portion of the data release presents the locations of the temporary ground control points (GCPs) used for the structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of the imagery collected during an unmanned aerial system (UAS) survey of the intertidal zone at Post Point, Bellingham Bay, WA on 2019-06-06. Nineteen temporary ground control points (GCPs) were distributed throughout each survey area to establish survey control. The GCPs consisted of a combination of small square tarps with black-and-white cross patterns ...

Orthomosaic imagery for the intertidal zone at Post Point, Bellingham Bay, WA, 2019-06-06

This portion of the data release presents a high-resolution orthomosaic images of the intertidal zone at Post Point, Bellingham Bay, WA. The orthomosaics were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-06. The orthomosaics are presented with two resolutions: one image, covering the entire survey area, has a resolution of 2 centimeters per pixel; the other image which was derived from a lower-altitude flight, covers an inset ...

Topographic point cloud for the intertidal zone at Post Point, Bellingham Bay, WA, 2019-06-06

This portion of the data release presents topographic point clouds of the intertidal zone at Post Point, Bellingham Bay, WA. The point clouds were derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-06. Two point clouds are presented with different resolutions: one point cloud ( covers the entire survey area and has 145,653,2221 points with an average point density of 1,057 points per-square meter ...

Structure-from-motion point cloud of Mud Creek, Big Sur, California, 1967-10-18

Presented here is a point cloud produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from historical U.S. Air Force vertical aerial imagery, covering the area of the Mud Creek landslide on California State Route 1 (SR1), Mud Creek, Big Sur, California. The point cloud is referenced to previously published lidar data and contains RGB information as well as XYZ. Point cloud coordinates are in NAD83 UTM Zone 10 meters. Imagery was downloaded from USGS Eros Data Center and processed using structure-from-motion ...

Structure-from-motion point cloud of Mud Creek, Big Sur, California, 2017-03-08

Presented here is a point cloud collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) using an oblique plane-mounted camera system, covering the area of the Mud Creek landslide on California State Route 1 (SR1), Mud Creek, Big Sur, California. The point cloud is referenced to previously published lidar data and contains RGB information as well as XYZ. Point cloud coordinates are in NAD83 UTM Zone 10 meters. Imagery was collected with a Nikon D800 camera in RAW format and processed using structure-from-motion ...

Structure-from-motion point cloud of Mud Creek, Big Sur, California, 2017-05-19

Presented here is a point cloud collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) using an oblique plane-mounted camera system, covering the area of the Mud Creek landslide on California State Route 1 (SR1), Mud Creek, Big Sur, California. The point cloud is referenced to previously published lidar data and contains RGB information as well as XYZ. Point Cloud Coordinates are in NAD83 UTM Zone 10 meters. Imagery was collected with a Nikon D800 camera in RAW format and processed using structure-from-motion ...

Structure-from-motion point cloud of Mud Creek, Big Sur, California, 2017-05-27

Presented here is a point cloud collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) using an oblique plane-mounted camera system, covering the area of the Mud Creek landslide on California State Route 1 (SR1), Mud Creek, Big Sur, California. The point cloud is referenced to previously published lidar data and contains RGB information as well as XYZ. Point cloud coordinates are in NAD83 UTM Zone 10 meters. Imagery was collected with a Nikon D800 camera in RAW format and processed using structure-from-motion ...

Structure-from-motion point cloud of Mud Creek, Big Sur, California, 2017-06-13

Presented here is a point cloud collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) using an oblique plane-mounted camera system, covering the area of the Mud Creek landslide on California State Route 1 (SR1), Mud Creek, Big Sur, California. The point cloud is referenced to previously published lidar data and contains RGB information as well as XYZ. Point cloud coordinates are in NAD83 UTM Zone 10 meters. Imagery was collected with a Nikon D800 camera in RAW format and processed using structure-from-motion ...

Structure-from-motion point cloud of Mud Creek, Big Sur, California, 2017-06-26

Presented here is a point cloud collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) using an oblique plane-mounted camera system, covering the area of the Mud Creek landslide on California State Route 1 (SR1), Mud Creek, Big Sur, California. The point cloud is referenced to previously published lidar data and contains RGB information as well as XYZ. Point cloud coordinates are in NAD83 UTM Zone 10 meters. Imagery was collected with a Nikon D800 camera in RAW format and processed using structure-from-motion ...

Structure-from-motion point cloud of Mud Creek, Big Sur, California, 2017-10-12

Presented here is a point cloud collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) using a UAS-mounted camera system, covering the area of the Mud Creek landslide on California State Route 1 (SR1), Mud Creek, Big Sur, California. The point cloud is referenced to previously published lidar data and contains RGB information as well as XYZ. Point cloud coordinates are in NAD83 UTM Zone 10 meters. Imagery was collected with a Ricoh GR camera in DNG format and processed using structure-from-motion photogrammetry ...

Structure-from-motion point cloud of Mud Creek, Big Sur, California, 2017-12-07

Presented here is a point cloud collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) using a UAS-mounted camera system, covering the area of the Mud Creek landslide on California State Route 1 (SR1), Mud Creek, Big Sur, California. Point cloud is referenced to previously published lidar data and contains RGB information as well as XYZ. Point cloud coordinates are in NAD83 UTM Zone 10 meters. Imagery was collected with a Ricoh GR camera in DNG format and processed using structure-from-motion photogrammetry with ...

Structure-from-motion point cloud of Mud Creek, Big Sur, California, 2017-12-21

Presented here is a point cloud collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) using an oblique plane-mounted camera system, covering the area of the Mud Creek landslide on California State Route 1 (SR1), Mud Creek, Big Sur, California. Point cloud is referenced to previously published lidar data and contains RGB information as well as XYZ. Point cloud coordinates are in NAD83 UTM Zone 10 meters. Imagery was collected with a Nikon D800 camera in RAW format and processed using structure-from-motion ...

Structure-from-motion point cloud of Mud Creek, Big Sur, California, 2018-01-29

Presented here is a point cloud collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) using an oblique plane-mounted camera system, covering the area of the Mud Creek landslide on California State Route 1 (SR1), Mud Creek, Big Sur, California. Point cloud is referenced to previously published lidar data and contains RGB information as well as XYZ. Point cloud coordinates are in NAD83 UTM Zone 10 meters. Imagery was collected with a Nikon D800 camera in RAW format and processed using structure-from-motion ...

Digital surface models of the north coast of Barter Island, Alaska acquired on July 01 2014, September 07 2014, and July 05 2015 (GeoTIFF image)

Digital surface elevation models (DSMs) of the coastline of Barter Island, Alaska derived from aerial photographs collected on July 01 2014, September 07 2014, and July 05 2015. Aerial photographs and coincident elevation data were processed using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetric techniques. These files are single-band, 32-bit floating point DSMs (digital surface models) that represent surface elevations of buildings, vegetation, and uncovered ground surfaces in meters with 23 cm ground sample ...

Aerial imagery from UAS survey of the Liberty Island Conservation Bank Wildlands restoration site, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2018-10-23

This portion of the data release presents the raw aerial imagery collected during the Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) survey of the Liberty Island Conservation Bank Wildlands restoration site in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta on 2018-10-23. The imagery was acquired using two Department of Interior owned 3DR Solo quadcopters fitted with Ricoh GR II digital cameras featuring global shutters. The cameras were mounted using a fixed mount on the bottom of the UAS and oriented in a roughly nadir orientation. The ...

Digital surface model (DSM) for the Liberty Island Conservation Bank Wildlands restoration site, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2018-10-23

This portion of the data release presents a digital surface model (DSM) and hillshade of the Liberty Island Conservation Bank Wildlands restoration site in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The DSM has a resolution of 10 centimeters per-pixel and was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) on 2018-10-23. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), the DSM represents the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell. ...

Ground control point locations for UAS survey of the Liberty Island Conservation Bank Wildlands restoration site, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2018-10-23

This portion of the data release presents the locations of the temporary ground control points (GCPs) used for the structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of the imagery collected during the Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) survey on of the Liberty Island Conservation Bank Wildlands restoration site in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta on 2018-10-23. The GCPs were used to establish ground control for the survey and consisted of 24 small (80 x 80 centimeter) square tarps with black-and-white cross patterns placed ...

Orthomosaic imagery for the Liberty Island Conservation Bank Wildlands restoration site, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2018-10-23

This portion of the data release presents a high-resolution orthomosaic image of the Liberty Island Conservation Bank Wildlands restoration site in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The orthomosaic has a resolution of 3 centimeters per-pixel and was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) on 2018-10-23. The raw imagery used to create the orthomosaic image was acquired using two UAS fitted with Ricoh GR II digital cameras with ...

Topographic point cloud for the Liberty Island Conservation Bank Wildlands restoration site, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2018-10-23

This portion of the data release presents a topographic point cloud of the Liberty Island Conservation Bank Wildlands restoration site in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) on 2018-10-23. The point cloud contains 380,296,568 points at an approximate point density of 323 point per square-meter. Each point contains an explicit horizontal and vertical coordinate, color, intensity, and ...

Topographic digital surface model (DSM) for Whiskeytown Lake and surrounding area, 2018-12-02

This portion of the data release presents a digital surface model (DSM) and hillshade of Whiskeytown Lake and the surrounding area derived from Structure from Motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery acquired on 2018-12-02. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), the DSM represents the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell. Vegetation, buildings and other objects have not been removed from the data. In addition, data artifacts resulting from noise and vegetation in the original ...

Orthomosaic imagery for Whiskeytown Lake and surrounding area, northern California, 2018-12-02

This portion of the data release presents an RGB orthomosaic image of Whiskeytown Lake and the surrounding area derived from Structure from Motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery acquired on 2018-12-02. The orthomosaic is available in a high-resolution 6-centimeter (cm) version, as well as a medium-resolution 25 cm version. The high-resolution version is divided into two tiles (east and west) to reduce file download sizes. All imagery is provided in a three-band cloud optimized GeoTIFF format, with 8-bit ...

Topographic digital surface model (DSM) for Whiskeytown Lake and surrounding area, 2019-06-03

This portion of the data release presents a digital surface model (DSM) and hillshade of Whiskeytown Lake and the surrounding area derived from Structure from Motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery acquired on 2019-06-03. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), the DSM represents the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell. Vegetation, buildings and other objects have not been removed from the data. In addition, data artifacts resulting from noise and vegetation in the original ...

Orthomosaic imagery for Whiskeytown Lake and surrounding area, expanded AOI, 2019-06-03

This portion of the data release presents an RGB orthomosaic image of an expanded area surrounding Whiskeytown Lake derived from Structure from Motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery acquired on 2019-06-03. The orthomosaic is available in a high-resolution 14-centimeter (cm) version, as well as a medium-resolution 25 cm version. The high-resolution version is divided into two tiles (east and west) to reduce file download sizes. All imagery is provided in a three-band cloud-optimized GeoTIFF format, with ...

Orthomosaic imagery for Whiskeytown Lake and surrounding area, 2019-06-03

This portion of the data release presents an RGB orthomosaic image of Whiskeytown Lake and the surrounding area derived from Structure from Motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery acquired on 2019-06-03. The orthomosaic is available in a high-resolution 6-centimeter (cm) version, as well as a medium-resolution 25 cm version. The high-resolution version is divided into two tiles (east and west) to reduce file download sizes. All imagery is provided in a three-band cloud-optimized GeoTIFF format, with 8-bit ...

Topographic digital surface model (DSM) for Whiskeytown Lake and surrounding area, 2020-11-10

This portion of the data release presents a digital surface model (DSM) and hillshade of Whiskeytown Lake and the surrounding area derived from Structure from Motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery acquired on 2020-11-10. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), the DSM represents the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell. Vegetation, buildings and other objects have not been removed from the data. In addition, data artifacts resulting from noise and vegetation in the original ...

Topographic survey transect endpoint coordinates along the Carmel River, central California, 2013 to 2021 (ver. 2.0, March 2022)

This dataset contains the easting, northing, and elevation values of the river-right and river-left transect endpoint reference benchmarks (RBM and LBM) from survey transects at 10 survey reaches along the Carmel River, central California. Topographic surveys were completed on these transects during eight summer surveys (in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021). See accompanying file within this data release for elevation measurements. All data were collected in NAD83 UTM10N horizontal ...

Beach profile data collected in 2010 and 2011 in the vicinity of Arey Lagoon and Barter Island, Alaska

Beach elevation profiles were measured along 29 shore-normal transects on and around Arey and Barter Islands, Alaska in August 2010 and July 2011. Profile data are available in a single comma-delimited file and a zip file including multiple .jpg images that show a visual representation of the individual profiles.

Aerial imagery from UAS survey of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, 2019-06-04

This portion of the data release presents the raw aerial imagery collected during the unmanned aerial system (UAS) survey of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, on 2019-06-04. The imagery was acquired using a Department of Interior-owned 3DR Solo quadcopter fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. Flights using both a nadir camera orientation and an oblique camera orientation were conducted. For the nadir flights (F04, F05, F06, F07, and F08), the camera was mounted ...

Digital surface model (DSM) for the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, 2019-06-04

This portion of the data release presents a digital surface model (DSM) and hillshade image of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA. The DSM has a resolution of 4 centimeters per pixel and was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-04. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), the DSM represents the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell. Vegetation, buildings and other objects have not been ...

Ground control point locations for UAS survey of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, 2019-06-04

This portion of the data release presents the locations of the temporary ground control points (GCPs) used for the structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of the imagery collected during an unmanned aerial system (UAS) survey of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA on 2019-06-04. Twenty-five temporary ground control points (GCPs) were distributed throughout the survey area to establish survey control. The GCPs consisted of a combination of small square tarps with black-and-white cross patterns and ...

Orthomosaic imagery for the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, 2019-06-04

This portion of the data release presents a high-resolution orthomosaic image of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA. The orthomosaic has a resolution of 2 centimeters per pixel and was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-04. The raw imagery used to create the orthomosaic was acquired using a UAS fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The UAS was flown on pre-programmed ...

Topographic point cloud for the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, 2019-06-04

This portion of the data release presents a topographic point cloud of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA. The point cloud was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-04. The point cloud has 293,261,002 points with an average point density of 1,063 points per-square meter. The point cloud is tiled to reduce individual file sizes and is grouped within a zip file for downloading. Each point in the point cloud ...

Aerial imagery from UAS survey of the intertidal zone at Puget Creek and Dickman Mill Park, Tacoma, WA, 2019-06-03

This portion of the data release presents the raw aerial imagery collected during an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) survey of the intertidal zone at Puget Creek and Dickman Mill Park, Tacoma, WA, on 2019-06-03. The imagery was acquired using a Department of Interior-owned 3DR Solo quadcopter fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The camera was mounted using a fixed mount on the bottom of the UAS and oriented in an approximately nadir orientation. The UAS was flown on pre ...

Ground control point locations for UAS survey of the intertidal zones at Puget Creek and Dickman Mill Park, Tacoma, WA, 2019-06-03

This portion of the data release presents the locations of the temporary ground control points (GCPs) used for the structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of the imagery collected during an unmanned aerial system (UAS) survey of the intertidal zones at Puget Creek and Dickman Mill Park, Tacoma, WA, on 2019-06-03. Twelve temporary ground control points (GCPs) were distributed throughout each survey area to establish survey control. The GCPs consisted of a combination of small square tarps with black-and-white ...

Topographic point cloud for the intertidal zone at Puget Creek and Dickman Mill Park, Tacoma, WA, 2019-06-03

This portion of the data release presents topographic point clouds of the intertidal zone at Puget Creek and Dickman Mill Park, Tacoma, WA, derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-03. The point clouds for Puget Creek and Dickman Mill Park contain 74,565,548 and 122,791,637 points, respectively, at an approximate point spacing of 1 point every 2 centimeters. Each point contains an explicit horizontal and vertical ...

Aerial imagery from UAS survey of the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA, 2019-06-05

This portion of the data release presents the raw aerial imagery collected during the Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) survey of the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA, on 2019-06-05. The imagery was acquired using a Department of Interior-owned 3DR Solo quadcopter fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The camera was mounted using a fixed mount on the bottom of the UAS and oriented in an approximately nadir orientation. For flights F01, F02, F03, F04, and F05 the ...

Ground control point locations for UAS survey of the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA, 2019-06-05

This portion of the data release presents the locations of the temporary ground control points (GCPs) used for the structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of the imagery collected during an unmanned aerial system (UAS) survey of the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA on 2019-06-05. Eighteen temporary ground control points (GCPs) were distributed throughout the survey area to establish survey control. The GCPs consisted of a combination of small square tarps with black-and-white cross patterns ...

Topographic point cloud for the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA, 2019-06-05

This portion of the data release presents a topographic point cloud of the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA. The point cloud was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-05. The point cloud has 206,323,353 points with an average point density of 929 points per-square meter. The point cloud is tiled to reduce individual file sizes and is grouped within a zip file for downloading. Each point in the point ...

Aerial imagery from the UAS survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, 24 June 2018

This portion of the data release presents raw aerial imagery collected during an unoccupied aerial system (UAS) survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, on 24 June 2018. The imagery was acquired using a Department of Interior-owned 3DR Solo quadcopter fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. The camera was mounted in a nadir orientation using a fixed mount. Before each flight, the camera’s digital ISO, aperture, and shutter speed were adjusted for ambient light ...

Ground control point locations for the UAS survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, 24 June 2018

This portion of the data release presents the locations of the temporary ground control points (GCPs) used for the structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of the imagery collected during an unoccupied aerial system (UAS) survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, on 24 June 2018. Twenty temporary ground control points (GCPs) were distributed throughout the survey area to establish survey control. The GCPs consisted of: nine submerged targets consisting of small (80 centimeter X 80 centimeter) ...

Refraction-corrected bathymetric point cloud from the UAS survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, 24 June 2018

This portion of the data release presents a bathymetric point cloud from an unoccupied aerial system (UAS) survey of the coral reef off Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaii, on 24 June 2018. The point cloud has been corrected for the effects of refraction using the techniques described in Dietrich (2017a). The point cloud was created from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected using a UAS with a Ricoh GR II digital camera fitted with a circular polarizing filter. During the survey, a ...

ArcInfo GRID format of the 2004 Multibeam Bathymetry Data in the Northeastern Channel Islands Region, Southern California []

ArcInfo GRID format data generated from the 2004 multibeam sonar survey of the Northeastern Channel Islands, CA Region. The data include high-resolution bathymetry.

Lidar Bathymetry Data of Cape Canaveral, Florida, (2014) in XYZ ASCII text file format

The Cape Canaveral Coastal System (CCCS) is a prominent feature along the Southeast U.S. coastline and is the only large cape south of Cape Fear, North Carolina. Most of the CCCS lies within the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge and included in its boundaries are the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC), and a large portion of Canaveral National Seashore. The actual promontory of the modern cape falls within the jurisdictional boundaries of the CCAFS. These ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (September 9, 2016)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (November 30, 2016)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected From Madeira Beach, Florida (February 17, 2017)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (May 9, 2017)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (September 14, 2017)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (November, 9 2017)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Time Series of Aerial Imagery from Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Associated Ground Control Points: Madeira Beach, Florida, July 2017 to June 2018 (Surveyed GCPs)

Aerial imagery acquired with a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS), in conjunction with surveyed ground control points (GCPs) visible in the imagery, can be processed with structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques to produce high-resolution orthomosaics, three-dimensional (3D) point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs). This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides UAS survey data consisting of aerial ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (January 24, 2018)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (October 15, 2018)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (September 18, 2019)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Ground Control Point Data from the Outer Banks, North Carolina, post-Hurricane Dorian, September 2019

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Remote Sensing Coastal Change (RSCC) project surveyed 34 features visible from the air to be used as ground control points (GCP) on the Outer Banks, North Carolina, on September 24 and 25, 2019, after the passing of Hurricane Dorian (U.S. landfall on September 6, 2019). Global Positioning System (GPS) data were collected in support of aerial imagery surveys documenting the storm impacts and subsequent recovery along the coast and will be used as control and check points in ...

Ground Control Point Locations and Photographs From North Topsail Beach and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, June 2019

Scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) collected xyz locations for 53 Ground Control Points (GCP) in North Topsail Beach and within the Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base, North Carolina, June 12-14, 2019. During this study, Global Positing System (GPS) data were collected using a single Spectra SP80 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver affixed to a 2-meter (m) survey pole. Additional attributes pertaining to each survey point ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (June 10, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (July 10, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (September 8, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (September 21, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (November 6, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (November 16, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (December 18, 2020)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (January 15, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (March 3, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (April 21, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (June 16, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (July 9, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (August 26, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (September 24, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (November 10, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Beach Profile Data Collected from Madeira Beach, Florida (December 8, 2021)

This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides beach profile data collected at Madeira Beach, Florida. Data were collected on foot by a person equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna affixed to a backpack outfitted for surveying location and elevation data (XYZ) along pre-determined transects. The horizontal position data are given in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projected coordinate system, Zone 17 ...

Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results - 2005/06/19 through 2005/11/20 Deterministic Scenario

The numerical model Delft3D (developed by Deltares) was developed to evaluate the potential effects of proposed navigation channel deepening and widening in Mobile Harbor, Alabama (AL). The Delft3D model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric elevations, a wave climate based on significant wave heights, peak wave period and mean wave direction, and a tidal-time series. The model was validated by comparing model outputs from deterministic runs with observations of water levels and ...

Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results - 2015/08/27 through 2015/08/29 Deterministic Scenario

The numerical model Delft3D (developed by Deltares) was developed to evaluate the potential effects of proposed navigation channel deepening and widening in Mobile Harbor, Alabama (AL). The Delft3D model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric elevations, a wave climate based on significant wave heights, peak wave period and mean wave direction, and a tidal-time series. The model was validated by comparing model outputs from deterministic runs with observations of water levels and ...

Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results - 2015/12/09 through 2015/12/11 Deterministic Scenario

The numerical model Delft3D (developed by Deltares) was developed to evaluate the potential effects of proposed navigation channel deepening and widening in Mobile Harbor, Alabama (AL). The Delft3D model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric elevations, a wave climate based on significant wave heights, peak wave period and mean wave direction, and a tidal-time series. The model was validated by comparing model outputs from deterministic runs with observations of water levels and ...

Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results - Existing Condition 10-Year Simulation with 0.5-meter of Sea Level Rise

The numerical model Delft3D (developed by Deltares) was developed to evaluate the potential effects of proposed navigation channel deepening and widening in Mobile Harbor, Alabama (AL). The Delft3D model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric elevations, a wave climate based on significant wave heights, peak wave period and mean wave direction, and a tidal-time series. The model was validated by comparing model outputs from deterministic runs with observations of water levels and ...

Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results - Existing Condition 10-Year Simulation Without Sea Level Rise

The numerical model Delft3D (developed by Deltares) was developed to evaluate the potential effects of proposed navigation channel deepening and widening in Mobile Harbor, Alabama (AL). The Delft3D model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric elevations, a wave climate based on significant wave heights, peak wave period and mean wave direction, and a tidal-time series. The model was validated by comparing model outputs from deterministic runs with observations of water levels and ...

Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results - Existing Condition 2010 Simulation With 0.5-meter of Sea Level Rise

The numerical model Delft3D (developed by Deltares) was developed to evaluate the potential effects of proposed navigation channel deepening and widening in Mobile Harbor, Alabama (AL). The Delft3D model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric elevations, a wave climate based on significant wave heights, peak wave period and mean wave direction, and a tidal-time series. The model was validated by comparing model outputs from deterministic runs with observations of water levels and ...

Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results - Existing Condition 2010 Simulation Without Sea Level Rise

The numerical model Delft3D (developed by Deltares) was developed to evaluate the potential effects of proposed navigation channel deepening and widening in Mobile Harbor, Alabama (AL). The Delft3D model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric elevations, a wave climate based on significant wave heights, peak wave period and mean wave direction, and a tidal-time series. The model was validated by comparing model outputs from deterministic runs with observations of water levels and ...

Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results - Initial Existing Conditions Grid

The numerical model Delft3D (developed by Deltares) was developed to evaluate the potential effects of proposed navigation channel deepening and widening in Mobile Harbor, Alabama (AL). The Delft3D model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric elevations, a wave climate based on significant wave heights, peak wave period and mean wave direction, and a tidal-time series. The model was validated by comparing model outputs from deterministic runs with observations of water levels and ...

Dauphin Island Decadal Hindcast Model Inputs and Results: Final DEM

The model output of bathymetry and topography values resulting from a deterministic simulation at Dauphin Island, Alabama, as described in USGS Open-File Report 2019–1139 (, are provided here. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry refer to Mickey and others (2020).

Shapefile of Historical shorelines for Fire Island and Great South Bay, New York, derived from previously unpublished National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 1834-1875 topographic sheets

Topographic sheets (t-sheets) produced by the National Ocean Service (NOS) during the 1800s provide the position of past shorelines. The shoreline data can be vectorized into a geographic information system (GIS) and compared to modern shoreline data to calculate estimates of long-term shoreline rates of change. Many t-sheets were scanned and digitized by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and are available on the NOAA Shoreline website ( ...

Georeferenced scans of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) topographic sheets (T-Sheets) Collected Along the Fire Island and Great South Bay, New York, Coastline from 1834-1875

Topographic sheets (t-sheets) produced by the National Ocean Service (NOS) during the 1800s provide the position of past shorelines. The shoreline data can be vectorized into a geographic information system (GIS) and compared to modern shoreline data to calculate estimates of long-term shoreline rates of change. Many t-sheets were scanned and digitized by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and are available on the NOAA Shoreline web site ( ...

Wave Scenario Grid with Proposed Sediment Borrow Pit 3 of Breton Island, Louisiana: Model Input Grid 4 with Pit 3 Configuration

The Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) wave model input grid 4 bathymetry with pit 3 configuration (G4_P3_grid.shp) and output of significant wave height, dominant wave period, and mean wave direction resulting from simulation of wave scenarios at Breton Island, LA, as described in USGS Open-File Report 20151055 are provided here.

National Assessment of Hurricane-Induced Coastal Erosion Hazards: Gulf of Mexico Bradenton Beach to Clearwater Beach, Florida Mean (interpolated) Beach Slope Point Data

The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project derives beach morphology features from lidar elevation data for the purpose of understanding and predicting storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This dataset defines mean beach slopes along the United States Southeast Gulf of Mexico from Bradenton Beach to Clearwater Beach, Florida for data collected at various times between 1998 and 2010.

National Assessment of Hurricane-Induced Coastal Erosion Hazards: Gulf of Mexico Bradenton Beach to Clearwater Beach, Florida Raw (non-interpolated) Beach Slope Point Data

The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project derives beach morphology features from lidar elevation data for the purpose of understanding and predicting storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This dataset defines beach slopes along the United States Southeast Gulf of Mexico from Bradenton Beach to Clearwater Beach, Florida for data collected at various times between 1998 and 2010.

Dauphin Island Decadal Hindcast Model Inputs and Results: Initial DEM

The model input for the bathymetry and topography values resulting from a deterministic simulation at Dauphin Island, Alabama, as described in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Report 2019-1139 (, are provided here. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry refer to Mickey and others (2020).

Dauphin Island Decadal Forecast Evolution Model Inputs and Results: Initial DEMs with and without restoration alternatives R2-R7

The model input and output of topography and bathymetry values resulting from forecast simulations of coupled modeling scenarios occurring between 2015 and 2025 at Dauphin Island, Alabama, and described in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Report 2020–1001 (, are provided here. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Mickey and others (2020).

Dauphin Island Storms and Sea Level Rise Assessment: XBeach Model Input and Results

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) were simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama, under present-day conditions and future sea level rise scenarios as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) ...

XBeach Bottom Friction Scenarios: Model Inputs and Results for Hurricane Ivan Constant Land Friction Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), various bottom friction scenarios were simulated for hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) at Dauphin Island, Alabama as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) time series. Model inputs ...

XBeach Bottom Friction Scenarios: Model Inputs and Results for Hurricane Ivan Default Friction Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), various bottom friction scenarios were simulated for hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) at Dauphin Island, Alabama as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) time series. Model inputs ...

Dauphin Island Storms and Sea Level Rise Assessment: XBeach Model Input and Results for the Hurricane Ivan Intermediate-Low Sea Level Rise (SLR) Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) were simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama, under present-day conditions and future sea level rise scenarios as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) ...

Dauphin Island Storms and Sea Level Rise Assessment: XBeach Model Input and Results for the Hurricane Ivan Low Sea Level Rise (SLR) Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) were simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama, under present-day conditions and future sea level rise scenarios as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) ...

Dauphin Island Storms and Sea Level Rise Assessment: XBeach Model Input and Results for the Hurricane Ivan Present-Day Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) were simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama, under present-day conditions and future sea level rise scenarios as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) ...

XBeach Bottom Friction Scenarios: Model Inputs and Results for Hurricane Ivan Spatially Varying Friction Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), various bottom friction scenarios were simulated for hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) at Dauphin Island, Alabama as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) time series. Model inputs ...

Dauphin Island Storms and Sea Level Rise Assessment: XBeach Model Input and Results for the Hurricane Ivan Static Intermediate-Low Sea Level Rise Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) were simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama, under present-day conditions and future sea level rise scenarios as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) ...

Dauphin Island Storms and Sea Level Rise Assessment: XBeach Model Input and Results for the Hurricane Ivan Static Low Sea Level Rise Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) were simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama, under present-day conditions and future sea level rise scenarios as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) ...

XBeach Bottom Friction Scenarios: Model Inputs and Results for Hurricane Katrina before Hurricane Ivan Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), various bottom friction scenarios were simulated for hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) at Dauphin Island, Alabama as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) time series. Model inputs ...

XBeach Bottom Friction Scenarios: Model Inputs and Results for Hurricane Katrina Constant Land Friction Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), various bottom friction scenarios were simulated for hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) at Dauphin Island, Alabama as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) time series. Model inputs ...

XBeach Bottom Friction Scenarios: Model Inputs and Results for Hurricane Katrina Default Friction Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), various bottom friction scenarios were simulated for hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) at Dauphin Island, Alabama as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) time series. Model inputs ...

Dauphin Island Storms and Sea Level Rise Assessment: XBeach Model Input and Results for the Hurricane Katrina Intermediate-Low Sea Level Rise Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) were simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama, under present-day conditions and future sea level rise scenarios as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) ...

Dauphin Island Storms and Sea Level Rise Assessment: XBeach Model Input and Results for the Hurricane Katrina Low Sea Level Rise Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) were simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama, under present-day conditions and future sea level rise scenarios as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) ...

Dauphin Island Storms and Sea Level Rise Assessment: XBeach Model Input and Results for the Hurricane Katrina Present-Day Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) were simulated at Dauphin Island, Alabama, under present-day conditions and future sea level rise scenarios as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) ...

XBeach Bottom Friction Scenarios: Model Inputs and Results for Hurricane Katrina Spatially Varying Friction Scenario

Using the numerical model XBeach version 4926 (Roelvink and others, 2009), various bottom friction scenarios were simulated for hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) at Dauphin Island, Alabama as described in Passeri and others, 2018. The XBeach model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM), and inputs of wave spectra (based on significant wave height, peak wave period and wave direction) and water level (tide and surge) time series. Model inputs ...

Time Series of Structure-from-Motion Products - Point Clouds: Madeira Beach, Florida, July 2017 to June 2018

Aerial imagery acquired with a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS), in conjunction with surveyed ground control points (GCP) visible in the imagery, can be processed with structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques to produce high-resolution orthomosaics, three-dimensional (3D) point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs). This dataset, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC), provides UAS survey data products consisting of ...

Massachusetts Mean (interpolated) Beach Slope Point Data

The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project derives beach morphology features from lidar elevation data for the purpose of understanding and predicting storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This dataset defines mean beach slopes for Massachusetts for data collected at various times between 2000 and 2013.

Massachusetts raw (non-interpolated) Beach Slope Point Data

The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project derives beach morphology features from lidar elevation data for the purpose of understanding and predicting storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This dataset defines beach slopes along the United States Northeast Atlantic Ocean for Massachusetts for data collected at various times between 2000 and 2013

Topographic Lidar Survey of Dauphin Island, Alabama and Chandeleur, Stake, Grand Gosier and Breton Islands, Louisiana, July 12-14, 2013 -- Classified Point Data

A topographic lidar survey was conducted July 12-14, 2013 over Dauphin Island, Alabama and Chandeleur, Stake, Grand Gosier and Breton Islands, Louisiana. Lidar data exchange format (LAS) 1.2 formatted classified point data files were generated based on these data. Photo Science, Inc. was contracted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to collect and process the lidar data. The lidar data were collected at a nominal pulse spacing (NPS) of 1.0 meter (m). The horizontal projection and datum of the data are ...

Topographic Lidar Survey of the Alabama, Mississippi, and Southeast Louisiana Barrier Islands, from September 5 to October 11, 2012 -- Classified Point Data

This Data Series Report contains lidar elevation data collected September 5 to October 11, 2012, for the barrier islands of Alabama, Mississippi and southeast Louisiana, including the coast near Port Fourchon. Most of the data were collected September 5-10, 2012, with a reflight conducted on October 11, 2012, to increase point density in some areas. Lidar data exchange format (LAS) 1.2 formatted point data files were generated based on these data. The point cloud data were processed to extract bare earth ...

Topographic Lidar Survey of the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, February 6, 2012 -- Bare Earth DEMs

A topographic Lidar survey was conducted on February 6, 2012, over the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana. The data were collected at a nominal pulse space of 0.5-meter (m) and processed to identify bare earth elevations. Bare earth digital elevation models (DEMs) were generated based on these data. Digital Aerial Solutions, LLC, was contracted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to collect and process the lidar data. The bare earth DEMs are 32-bit floating point ERDAS Imagine (IMG) files with a horizontal ...

Topographic Lidar Survey of the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, February 6, 2012 -- Classified Point Data

This Data Series Report contains lidar elevation data collected February 6, 2012, over the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana. LAS 1.2 formatted point data files were generated based on these data. The point cloud data were processed to extract bare earth data; therefore, the point cloud data are classified into only these classes: 1 and 17-unclassified, 2-ground, 9-water, and 10-breakline proximity. Digital Aerial Solutions, LLC, was contracted by the USGS to collect and process these data. The lidar data were ...

National Assessment of Hurricane-Induced Coastal Erosion Hazards: Southeast Atlantic Salvo to Duck, North Carolina Mean (interpolated) Beach Slope Point Data

The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project derives features of beach morphology from lidar elevation data for the purpose of understanding and predicting storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This dataset defines mean beach slopes along the United States Southeast Atlantic Ocean from Salvo to Duck, North Carolina for data collected at various times between 1996 and 2012.

National Assessment of Hurricane-Induced Coastal Erosion Hazards: Southeast Atlantic Salvo to Duck, North Carolina Raw (non-interpolated) Beach Slope Point Data

The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project derives features of beach morphology from lidar elevation data for the purpose of understanding and predicting storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This dataset defines beach slopes along the United States Southeast Atlantic Ocean from Salvo to Duck, North Carolina for data collected at various times between 1996 and 2012.

Georeferenced Scans of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) T-Sheets Collected Along the New Jersey Coastline from 1839-1875

Historical shoreline surveys were conducted by the National Ocean Service (NOS), dating back to the early 1800s. The maps resulting from these surveys, often called t-sheets, provide a reference of historical shoreline position that can be compared to modern data to identify shoreline change. The t-sheets are stored at the National Archives and many have been scanned by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and are available on the NOAA Shoreline Web site ( ...

New Jersey Mean (interpolated) Beach Slope Point Data

The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project derives beach morphology features from lidar elevation data for the purpose of understanding and predicting storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This dataset defines mean beach slopes for New Jersey for data collected at various times between 2007 and 2014.

New Jersey raw (non-interpolated) Beach Slope Point Data

The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project derives beach morphology features from lidar elevation data for the purpose of understanding and predicting storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This dataset defines beach slopes along the United States Northeast Atlantic Ocean for New Jersey for data collected at various times between 2007 and 2014

Biscayne National Park LIDAR GeoTIFF

Lidar is a remote sensing technique that uses laser light to detect, range, or identify remote objects based on light reflected by the object or emitted through it subsequent fluorescence. Airborne ranging lidar is now being applied in coastal environments to produce accurate, cost-efficient elevation datasets with high data density. The USGS in cooperation with NASA and NPS is using airborne lidar to measure the submerged topography of the north Florida reef tract; secondarily, the data will be assessed ...

Atlantic and Gulf coast sandy coastline topo-bathy profile and characteristic database

Seamless topographic-bathymetric (topo-bathy) profiles and their derived morphologic characteristics were developed for sandy coastlines along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. As such, the rocky coasts of Maine, the coral reefs in southern Florida and the Keys, and the marsh coasts in the Mississippi Delta and the Florida Big Bend region and are not included in this dataset. Topographic light detection and ranging (lidar) data (dune crest, dune toe, and shorelines) from Doran and others ...

Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results - With-Project Condition 10-Year Simulation With 0.5-meter of Sea Level Rise

The numerical model Delft3D (developed by Deltares) was developed to evaluate the potential effects of proposed navigation channel deepening and widening in Mobile Harbor, Alabama (AL). The Delft3D model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric elevations, a wave climate based on significant wave heights, peak wave period and mean wave direction, and a tidal-time series. The model was validated by comparing model outputs from deterministic runs with observations of water levels and ...

Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results - With-Project Condition 10-Year Simulation Without Sea Level Rise

The numerical model Delft3D (developed by Deltares) was developed to evaluate the potential effects of proposed navigation channel deepening and widening in Mobile Harbor, Alabama (AL). The Delft3D model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric elevations, a wave climate based on significant wave heights, peak wave period and mean wave direction, and a tidal-time series. The model was validated by comparing model outputs from deterministic runs with observations of water levels and ...

Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results - With-Project Condition 2010 Simulation Without Sea Level Rise

The numerical model Delft3D (developed by Deltares) was developed to evaluate the potential effects of proposed navigation channel deepening and widening in Mobile Harbor, Alabama (AL). The Delft3D model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric elevations, a wave climate based on significant wave heights, peak wave period and mean wave direction, and a tidal-time series. The model was validated by comparing model outputs from deterministic runs with observations of water levels and ...

Mobile Harbor Navigation Channel Delft3D Model Inputs and Results - Initial Project Conditions Grid

The numerical model Delft3D (developed by Deltares) was developed to evaluate the potential effects of proposed navigation channel deepening and widening in Mobile Harbor, Alabama (AL). The Delft3D model setup requires the input of a merged topographic and bathymetric elevations, a wave climate based on significant wave heights, peak wave period and mean wave direction, and a tidal-time series. The model was validated by comparing model outputs from deterministic runs with observations of water levels and ...

Dauphin Island Decadal Forecast Evolution Model Inputs and Results: Final DEMs with restoration alternative 2 that extends Pelican Island simulated with ST2_SL1 and ST3_SL3 scenarios

The model input and output of topography and bathymetry values resulting from forecast simulations of coupled modeling scenarios occurring between 2015 and 2025 at Dauphin Island, Alabama, and described in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Report 2020–1001 (, are provided here. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Mickey and others (2020).

Dauphin Island Decadal Forecast Evolution Model Inputs and Results: Final DEMs with restoration alternative 3 that extends Pelican Island simulated with ST2_SL1 and ST3_SL3 scenarios

The model input and output of topography and bathymetry values resulting from forecast simulations of coupled modeling scenarios occurring between 2015 and 2025 at Dauphin Island, Alabama, and described in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Report 2020–1001 (, are provided here. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Mickey and others (2020).

Dauphin Island Decadal Forecast Evolution Model Inputs and Results: Final DEMs with restoration alternative 4 that extends Pelican Island simulated with ST2_SL1 and ST3_SL3 scenarios

The model input and output of topography and bathymetry values resulting from forecast simulations of coupled modeling scenarios occurring between 2015 and 2025 at Dauphin Island, Alabama, and described in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Report 2020–1001 (, are provided here. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Mickey and others (2020).

Dauphin Island Decadal Forecast Evolution Model Inputs and Results: Final DEMs with restoration alternative 5 that extends Pelican Island simulated with ST2_SL1 and ST3_SL3 scenarios

The model input and output of topography and bathymetry values resulting from forecast simulations of coupled modeling scenarios occurring between 2015 and 2025 at Dauphin Island, Alabama, and described in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Report 2020–1001 (, are provided here. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Mickey and others (2020).

Dauphin Island Decadal Forecast Evolution Model Inputs and Results: Final DEMs with restoration alternative 6 that extends Pelican Island simulated with ST2_SL1 and ST3_SL3 scenarios

The model input and output of topography and bathymetry values resulting from forecast simulations of coupled modeling scenarios occurring between 2015 and 2025 at Dauphin Island, Alabama, and described in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Report 2020–1001 (, are provided here. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Mickey and others (2020).

Dauphin Island Decadal Forecast Evolution Model Inputs and Results: Final DEMs with restoration alternative 7 that extends Pelican Island simulated with ST2_SL1 and ST3_SL3 scenarios

The model input and output of topography and bathymetry values resulting from forecast simulations of coupled modeling scenarios occurring between 2015 and 2025 at Dauphin Island, Alabama, and described in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Report 2020–1001 (, are provided here. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Mickey and others (2020).

National Assessment of Hurricane-Induced Coastal Erosion Hazards: Southeast Atlantic Miami to Jupiter, Florida Mean (interpolated) Beach Slope Point Data

The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project derives beach morphology features from lidar elevation data for the purpose of understanding and predicting storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This dataset defines mean beach slopes along the United States Southeast Atlantic Ocean from Miami to Jupiter, Florida for data collected at various times between 1999 and 2009.

National Assessment of Hurricane-Induced Coastal Erosion Hazards: Southeast Atlantic Miami to Jupiter, Florida Raw (non-interpolated) Beach Slope Point Data

The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project derives beach morphology features from lidar elevation data for the purpose of understanding and predicting storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This dataset defines beach slopes along the United States Southeast Atlantic Ocean from Miami to Jupiter, Florida for data collected at various times between 1999 and 2009.

Effects of Late Holocene Climate and Coastal Change in Mobile Bay, Alabama: ADCIRC Model Input and Results (Velocity_Residual_RS)

Using version 52.30 of the ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) numerical model (Luettich and others, 1992), astronomic tides were simulated at Mobile Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of Holocene geomorphic configurations representing the period of 3500 to 2300 years before present including a breach in the Morgan Peninsula and a land bridge at Pass aux Herons, as described in Smith and others (2020). The two-dimensional ADCIRC model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent ...

Effects of Late Holocene Climate and Coastal Change in Mobile Bay, Alabama: ADCIRC Model Input and Results (Velocity_Residual_RS_MP)

Using version 52.30 of the ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) numerical model (Luettich and others, 1992), astronomic tides were simulated at Mobile Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of Holocene geomorphic configurations representing the period of 3500 to 2300 years before present including a breach in the Morgan Peninsula and a land bridge at Pass aux Herons, as described in Smith and others (2020). The two-dimensional ADCIRC model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent ...

Effects of Late Holocene Climate and Coastal Change in Mobile Bay, Alabama: ADCIRC Model Input and Results (Velocity_Residual_RS_MP_PH)

Using version 52.30 of the ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) numerical model (Luettich and others, 1992), astronomic tides were simulated at Mobile Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of Holocene geomorphic configurations representing the period of 3500 to 2300 years before present including a breach in the Morgan Peninsula and a land bridge at Pass aux Herons, as described in Smith and others (2020). The two-dimensional ADCIRC model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent ...

Effects of Late Holocene Climate and Coastal Change in Mobile Bay, Alabama: ADCIRC Model Input and Results (Velocity_Residual_RS_PH)

Using version 52.30 of the ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) numerical model (Luettich and others, 1992), astronomic tides were simulated at Mobile Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of Holocene geomorphic configurations representing the period of 3500 to 2300 years before present including a breach in the Morgan Peninsula and a land bridge at Pass aux Herons, as described in Smith and others (2020). The two-dimensional ADCIRC model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent ...

Effects of Late Holocene Climate and Coastal Change in Mobile Bay, Alabama: ADCIRC Model Input and Results (Water_Level_RS)

Using version 52.30 of the ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) numerical model (Luettich and others, 1992), astronomic tides were simulated at Mobile Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of Holocene geomorphic configurations representing the period of 3500 to 2300 years before present including a breach in the Morgan Peninsula and a land bridge at Pass aux Herons, as described in Smith and others (2020). The two-dimensional ADCIRC model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent ...

Effects of Late Holocene Climate and Coastal Change in Mobile Bay, Alabama: ADCIRC Model Input and Results (Water_Level_RS_MP)

Using version 52.30 of the ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) numerical model (Luettich and others, 1992), astronomic tides were simulated at Mobile Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of Holocene geomorphic configurations representing the period of 3500 to 2300 years before present including a breach in the Morgan Peninsula and a land bridge at Pass aux Herons, as described in Smith and others (2020). The two-dimensional ADCIRC model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent ...

Effects of Late Holocene Climate and Coastal Change in Mobile Bay, Alabama: ADCIRC Model Input and Results (Water_Level_RS_MP_PH)

Using version 52.30 of the ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) numerical model (Luettich and others, 1992), astronomic tides were simulated at Mobile Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of Holocene geomorphic configurations representing the period of 3500 to 2300 years before present including a breach in the Morgan Peninsula and a land bridge at Pass aux Herons, as described in Smith and others (2020). The two-dimensional ADCIRC model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent ...

Effects of Late Holocene Climate and Coastal Change in Mobile Bay, Alabama: ADCIRC Model Input and Results (Water_Level_RS_PH)

Using version 52.30 of the ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) numerical model (Luettich and others, 1992), astronomic tides were simulated at Mobile Bay, Alabama (AL), under scenarios of Holocene geomorphic configurations representing the period of 3500 to 2300 years before present including a breach in the Morgan Peninsula and a land bridge at Pass aux Herons, as described in Smith and others (2020). The two-dimensional ADCIRC model can be applied to coastal and estuarine systems to solve for time-dependent ...

XYZ point data - Post Hurricane Sandy Beach Profile Survey Fire Island Inlet to Moriches Inlet 2013

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers(USACE) contracted a beach survey of Fire Island, New York from September 17–October 6, 2013, for the purpose of planning a beach reconstruction project following Hurricane Sandy. This dataset contains elevation data of subaerial morphology and nearshore bathymetry collected using real time kinematic global positioning system (RTK-GPS) and hydrography techniques. The data were provided to the U.S. Geological Survey(USGS) to contribute to an existing monitoring dataset of ...

Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) image of U.S. Geological Survey standard series topographic map of Rincon, Puerto Rico (rincon_drg.tif)

The Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) is a raster image of a scanned USGS topographic map including the collar information, georeferenced to the UTM grid. This version of the Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) has been clipped to remove the collar (white border of the map) and has been reprojected to geographic coordinates.

4-m Grid of Combined Multibeam and LIDAR Bathymetry from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Surveys H11442 and H11225 offshore of Niantic, Connecticut (NIANTIC_GEO, Geographic, WGS84)

Nearshore areas within Long Island Sound are of great interest to the Connecticut and New York research and management communities because of their ecological, recreational, and commercial importance. However, although advances in multibeam echosounder technology permit the construction of detailed digital terrain models of seafloor topography within deeper waters, limitations inherent with collecting multibeam data make using this technology in shallower waters (<10-m deep) more difficult and expensive. ...

4-m Grid of Combined Multibeam and LIDAR Bathymetry from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Surveys H11441, H11442, H11224, and H11225 offshore of New London and Niantic, Connecticut (NLNB_GEO, Geographic, WGS84)

Nearshore areas within Long Island Sound are of great interest to the Connecticut and New York research and management communities because of their ecological, recreational, and commercial importance. However, although advances in multibeam echosounder technology permit the construction of detailed digital terrain models of seafloor topography within deeper waters, limitations inherent with collecting multibeam data make using this technology in shallower waters (<10-m deep) more difficult and expensive. ...

4-m Grid of Combined Multibeam and LIDAR Bathymetry from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Surveys H11441, H11442, H11224, and H11225 offshore of New London and Niantic, Connecticut (NLNB_UTM, UTM Zone 18, NAD83)

Nearshore areas within Long Island Sound are of great interest to the Connecticut and New York research and management communities because of their ecological, recreational, and commercial importance. However, although advances in multibeam echosounder technology permit the construction of detailed digital terrain models of seafloor topography within deeper waters, limitations inherent with collecting multibeam data make using this technology in shallower waters (<10-m deep) more difficult and expensive. ...

4-m Grid of Combined Multibeam and LIDAR Bathymetry from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Surveys H11441 and H11224 offshore of New London, Connecticut (NLONDON_GEO, Geographic, WGS84)

Nearshore areas within Long Island Sound are of great interest to the Connecticut and New York research and management communities because of their ecological, recreational, and commercial importance. However, although advances in multibeam echosounder technology permit the construction of detailed digital terrain models of seafloor topography within deeper waters, limitations inherent with collecting multibeam data make using this technology in shallower waters (<10-m deep) more difficult and expensive. ...

4-m Grid of the Combined Multibeam and LIDAR Bathymetry Generated from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Surveys H11224, H11225, H11250, H11251, H11252, H11361, H11441, H11442, H11445, H11446, H11997, H11999, H12012, and H12013 Offshore in Eastern Long Island Sound and Westernmost Block Island Sound (ELISCOMB_GEO, Geographic, WGS84)

The USGS, in cooperation with NOAA and the Connecticut DEP, is producing detailed maps of the seafloor in Long Island Sound. The current phase of this cooperative research program is directed toward analyzing how bathymetric relief relates to the distribution of sedimentary environments and benthic communities. As part of this program, digital terrain models (DTMs) from bathymetry collected as part of NOAA's hydrographic charting activities are converted into ESRI raster grids and imagery (primarily of 2-m ...

4-m Grid of the Combined Multibeam and LIDAR Bathymetry Generated from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Surveys H11224, H11225, H11250, H11251, H11252, H11361, H11441, H11442, H11445, H11446, H11997, H11999, H12012, and H12013 Offshore in Eastern Long Island Sound and Westernmost Block Island Sound (ELISCOMB_UTM, UTM Zone 18, NAD83)

The USGS, in cooperation with NOAA and the Connecticut DEP, is producing detailed maps of the seafloor in Long Island Sound. The current phase of this cooperative research program is directed toward analyzing how bathymetric relief relates to the distribution of sedimentary environments and benthic communities. As part of this program, digital terrain models (DTMs) from bathymetry collected as part of NOAA's hydrographic charting activities are converted into ESRI raster grids and imagery (primarily of 2-m ...

Digital surface models of Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge DUNEX Site, North Carolina in September and October 2021

The data in this part of the release are digital surface models (DSMs) that characterize the beach at the USGS DUring Nearshore Event eXperiment (DUNEX) site on Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, NC. DUNEX is a multi-agency, academic, and non-governmental organization collaborative community experiment designed to study nearshore coastal processes during storm events. USGS participation in DUNEX will contribute new measurements and models that will increase our understanding of storm impacts to coastal ...

Topobathy Products in Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina in November 2020 and April, September, and October 2021

The data in this part of the release characterize the beach and nearshore environment at the USGS DUring Nearshore Event eXperiment (DUNEX) site on Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge (PINWR) and at the Basnight Bridge (BB), NC. In November 2020, April, September, and October 2021, USGS and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) scientists conducted multiple field surveys to collect a topobathy elevation time series. Bathymetry for topobathy products was collected in the nearshore using a single-beam ...

April 2009 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in April 2009 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. Portions of the main channel and western shallows/intertidal mudflats were surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 ...

April 2013 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in April 2013 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. A portion of the main channel was surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), subtract a static offset of 0.37 ...

April 2016 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in April 2016 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. A portion of the main channel was surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), subtract a static offset of 0.37 ...

April 2018 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in April 2018 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. A portion of the main channel was surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), subtract a static offset of 0.37 ...

December 2008 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in December 2008 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. Portions of the main channel and western shallows/intertidal mudflats were surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 ...

February 2009 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in February 2009 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. Portions of the main channel and western shallows/intertidal mudflats were surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011 . The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of ...

January 2010 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in January 2010 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. Portions of the main channel and western shallows/intertidal mudflats were surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 ...

January 2011 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in January 2011 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. Portions of the main channel and western shallows/intertidal mudflats were surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 ...

March 2010 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in March 2010 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. Portions of the main channel and western shallows/intertidal mudflats were surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 ...

March 2019 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in March 2019 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. A portion of the main channel was surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), subtract a static offset of 0.37 ...

November 2013 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in November 2013 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. Portions of the main channel and western shallows/intertidal mudflats were surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 ...

October 2009 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in October 2009 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. Portions of the main channel and western shallows/intertidal mudflats were surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 ...

October 2014 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in October 2014 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. A portion of the main channel was surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), subtract a static offset of 0 ...

October 2015 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in October 2015 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. Portions of the main channel and western shallows/intertidal mudflats were surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 ...

October 2016 bathymetry collected near Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California

Bathymetric survey data were collected in October 2016 just south of Dumbarton Bridge in south San Francisco Bay, California. A portion of the main channel was surveyed using an interferometric sidescan sonar system following procedures detailed in Foxgrover and others, 2011. The bathymetry is provided as a 1-m resolution raster in geoTIFF format, referenced to the vertical datum of mean lower low water (MLLW). To convert to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), subtract a static offset of 0 ...
